How can I publish an article on

Publishing on IslamicMarkets Insights

A central part of IslamicMarkets' ecosystem is the sharing of ideas and market insights across the global Islamic economy. 

IslamicMarkets' articles cover a wide range of topics that relate to various markets and countries. They focus on such areas as Islamic finance/markets, ethical finance, economics, business strategy, company operations, marketing, and talent development.

On Home page : 

1. Enter the title of the article.

2. Click on Send icon.

You will be redirected to Write an Article Page.

3. Enter an appropriate title, cover photo, and description.

4. Click on "Publish". 

Once our editorial team reviews your article and approves it, the article will be published.

For more clarity please refer to the following steps:


The Guidelines

When submitting an article to IslamicMarkets, please keep in mind the following guidelines:

  • High-quality: Articles should contain high-quality research-based opinion and analysis and must deliver on three separate metrics: Informative, Well-Presented and Actionable.
  • Finance-oriented: Write about Islamic finance, ethical finance, economics, business strategy, company operations, marketing, managing resources, trade and commerce. Include relevant data and sources to ensure the article is well-substantiated and detailed.
  • Company fundamental analysis: For articles relating to companies in Islamic markets (i.e. Muslim-majority countries), aim to address the company’s competitive environment, management, products, corporate strategy, earnings outlook, valuation and/or balance sheet. We look for well-presented and informed opinions based on rigorous fundamental analysis. We do not publish pure technical analysis.
  • Word count: You can either submit a short article, with word count of up to 750 words, or you can submit a long article with word count of up to 2,000 words.
  • Originality: If you are writing about well-covered issues, bring a new perspective that others may have missed. Articles generated by scripts, or articles that could have been generated by scripts, will not be accepted.
  • Compelling title: Your title should reflect the content of the article and tell readers why they must read the article. Bombastic titles, and articles that don’t deliver on the title’s promise will be declined.
  • Clean: All submissions must be proofread already, and be free of any grammatical or spelling mistakes.
  • No promotional content: We do not allow promotional content within articles. What we do allow is for the author to provide maximum of three links within an article to contextually relevant information (to be verified by our editors). Note: A user can click on author name to see full profile, which can contain contact details and job description. 
  • Editorial Review: All submitted articles will be reviewed by our editors. We work to consistently select the best articles submitted for consideration and we strive to maintain an open and constructive dialogue with our contributors during the submission process.
  • Other points: We are currently not publishing articles related to political opinion. We encourage authors to publish research-based policy and finance content.