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Jurnal Nahdlatul Fikr Vol 2 No 1 Periode Januari-Juli 2020

Hisam Ahyani
By Hisam Ahyani
3 years ago

Islam, Salah, Zakat, Daya, Masih

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  2. Jurnal Nahdlatul Fikr Vol . 2, No.1 Januari-Juli 2020 P-ISSN : 2623-2189 http://www.staima-banjar.ac.id/category/lppm/ DOI: ........................ Jurnal Ilmiah (Pendidikan Islam, Hukum Islam, Ekonomi Syari’ah dan Sosial Budaya) LEARNING METHODS ISLAMIC EDUCATION IN FOR MADRASAH IBTIDAIYAH IN ERA 4.0 METODE PEMBELAJARAN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM UNTUK MADRASAH IBTIDAIYAH DI ERA 4.0 Sugeng Sugiharto1, Malihatul ‘Azizah2, Sartono3, Mahdi Zuhri4 1,2,3,4STAI Miftahul Huda Al Azhar Banjar, Indonesia Email : sugengsugiharto86@gmail.com1, maliha.azizah19@gmail.com2 Abstract: Era 4.0 (disruption as it is today requires unique and interesting learning methods, especially in schools (private schools in Indonesia) where the digital era like today requires schools to be effective and superior schools. Other things also need methods The learning method used by educators is also the same. The method used in this research is the library research method, with a quantitative approach. The results show that the Effectiveness of Organizational Management, HR in Islamic educational institutions, especially at the SD/Madrasah Ibtidaiyah level The private sector in Era 4.0 is still far from what is expected, this is evidenced by the demands of the times that are so fast that it makes school principals need to make extra efforts in meeting the needs of effective schools in the 4.0 era as it is today.The results show that the methods that can be used in the 4.0 era, namely with n Islamic Education Learning Methods for Madrasah Ibtidaiyah by means of Technology-Based Learning Innovations. Keywords: Islamic learning method, HR, Era 4.0, Private School Abstrak : Era 4.0 (disrupsi seperti sekarang ini perlu adanya metode pembelajaran yang unik dan menarik, khususnya dalam Persekolahan (sekolah-sekolah swasta yang ada di Indonesia) dimana era digital seperti sekarang ini persekolahan dituntut menjadi sekolah yang efektif dan unggul. Hal lainnya juga perlu adanya metode pembelajaran yang digunakan oleh para tenaga Pendidik juga demikian. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kepustakaan (Library Research), dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Efektivitas Manajemen Organisasi, SDM yang ada di lembaga pendidikan islam khususnya di tingkat SD/Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Swasta di Era 4.0 masih jauh dari apa yang diharapkan, hal ini dibuktikan adanya tuntutan zaman yang begitu cepat sehingga menjadikan kepala sekolah perlu melakukan upaya yang ekstra dalam memenuhi kebutuhan sekolah yang efektif di era 4.0 seperti sekarang ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode yang dapat digunakan di era 4.0 yakni dengan Metode Pembelajaran Pendidikan Islam Untuk Madrasah Ibtidaiyah dengan cara ber-Inovasi Pembelajaran yang Berbasis Teknologi. Kata Kunci : Metode pembelajaran Islam, SDM, Era 4.0, Sekolah Swasta Introduction The concept of Islamic Education in Era 4.0 In general, Islamic education has the meaning of education based on the teachings of Islam, which is carried out in order to form a Muslim person who fears Allah SWT, can respect and love both parents and all humans, loves the nation and The state as a gift given by Allah SWT, has the belief, ability and ability to utilize the basic potential that exists within itself and the natural surroundings, so that it is expected to become human beings who can provide benefits for themselves and the people around them. Era 4.0 (disruptions like today need Organizational Management, HR and Leadership in Schools) especially private schools in Indonesia where the digital era like today is required to be an effective and Nahdlatul Fikr Journal, Jurnal Ilmiah (Pendidikan Islam, Hukum Islam, Ekonomi Syari’ah dan Sosial Budaya) 1 Copyright © 2020, Nahdlatul Fikr Journal
  3. Sugeng Sugiharto , Malihatul ‘Azizah, Sartono, Mahdi Zuhri Studi Efektivitas Manajemen Organisasi, Sdm Dan Kepemimpinan Dalam Persekolahan Swasta Di Era 4.0 superior school. The fundamentals of the three things (Organizational Management, HR and Leadership) are the demands of the times where in the 4.0 era the competitors of schools in Indonesia (State and Private) are incessantly. For this reason, the purpose of this research is to find out how far the Effectiveness of Organizational Management, HR and Leadership carried out by school principals in Private Schools in Indonesia is towards this sophisticated era (Era 4.0). Based on the above background, the researcher wants to reveal and explore how to apply Islamic education learning methods for elementary school/madrasah Ibtidaiyah level children and their relevance in this era of disruption. On the other hand, Islamic education can also be interpreted as an effort to foster and develop the basic potential of humans based on the teachings of Islam through the wasilah of the Prophet Muhammad with the aim that humans can carry out the mandate properly as servants of Allah or servants of Allah. With this understanding, Islamic education has the consequence that education is designed so that humans can live well, can create safe, prosperous conditions, by obtaining guarantees of a prosperous life in the community. Results and Discussions Education in this case learning in order to facilitate learning can use ladder theory (Azizah 2018) as the answer. This is as research by (Malihatul 'azizah et al. 2020) that Path Theory in Providing Mathematical Multiplication Reasoning Understanding for students / I Madrasah / Elementary School level. (Sartono and Ahyani 2020, 0) that the current covid pandemic can affect the learning process, which in this case needs a separate method in providing subject matter by teachers to students. This is as research conducted by (Sartono 2019) that Implementation of Curriculum Management In improving the quality of learning it is necessary to have certain tricks, one of which is a learning method without disturbing the psyche of students by using the method of paying attention to the situation (Ahyani 2021a; 2021b). The essence of education is the process of transferring values, knowledge and skills from the older generation to the younger generation so that the younger generation is able to live. Therefore, when we mention Islamic education it will include two things: educating students to behave in accordance with Islamic values or morals. and educate students to study the subject matter of Islamic teachings in the form of knowledge of Islamic teachings.1 In Islamic teachings it is emphasized that education should be all-encompassing. , morals and behavior that are in accordance with Islamic teachings, move and awaken people to always do good deeds in the context of worshiping Allah. The digital revolution is based on the development of digital electronic computers, namely personal computers, and in particular the ever-increasing performance of microprocessors, which are enabling computer technology to be embedded into a wide variety of objects from cameras to personal music players. Equally important is the development of transmission technologies including computer networks, the Internet and digital broadcasting. 3G and 4G mobile phones, which grew rapidly in social penetration in 2000, also played a huge role in the digital revolution as they simultaneously provided ubiquitous entertainment, communication, and online connectivity. In the context of enjoyable learning conditions, or commonly known as edutainment, Davies (2011) asserts that a learning activity does not always guarantee that students will be able to learn. This shows that no matter how good a teacher is in designing and designing a learning program, it will not be able to optimally realize the expected competency achievement if it is not supported by the selection and use of appropriate methods. For this reason, the role of the digital community in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 is a challenge to build information technology-based education that is able to answer the challenges of the community needs of this 4.0 industrial revolution era. Digital Era and Technology-Based Learning Innovation at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah The Industrial Revolution 4.0 has the potential to increase the level of global income and improve the quality of life for the world community, will result in low and competitive prices, increase efficiency and productivity, lower transportation and communication costs, increase the effectiveness of global logistics and supply chains, reduce trade costs, will open new markets and encourage economic growth. The Jurnal Nahdlatul Fikr Jurnal Ilmiah (Pendidikan Islam, Hukum Islam, Ekonomi Syari’ah dan Sosial Budaya) 2 Vol. 2, No.1 Januari-Juli 2020 P-ISSN : 2623-2189
  4. Sugeng Sugiharto , Malihatul ‘Azizah, Sartono, Mahdi Zuhri Studi Efektivitas Manajemen Organisasi, Sdm Dan Kepemimpinan Dalam Persekolahan Swasta Di Era 4.0 Digital Age is a term for a time where everything is turned on by technology. Starting from televisions, air conditioners, refrigerators, computers, smartphones, to the massive use of the internet, the internet is the biggest energy of life in this era. The internet makes all the information in this world very easy to get, even in a matter of seconds. If you want to compete in this digital era, Indonesia needs to immediately improve the capabilities and skills of human resources through education, become a reliable operator and analyst as a driving force for the industry to achieve competitiveness and high productivity. By doing this, it is not impossible that Indonesia will jump into a developed country in this Fourth Volume Industrial Revolution, through the use of the implementation of digital and computing technology into the industry. Challenges in educating elementary school/madrasah level children in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0 The challenge in the world of education in facing industry 4 is the cultivation of educational values that need to be developed. 4 According to Guilford (1985) the application of the developed values education is: 1) children are educated and trained by working while learning. Children's thinking intelligence is developed as widely as possible; 2) fostering children's personalities with Indonesian personalities so that they become dynamic, confident, brave, responsible and independent individuals; 3) lessons are not only given during class hours, but also on every occasion outside school hours; and 4) examples of good deeds are applied because they are more successful in fostering good character. This is what distinguishes humans from machines in the 4th era of industrial globalization. Kirschenbaum (1992) states that value education is basically more aimed at improving the nation's morals. Value education teaches young people about values and morals that they should have. Value education is aimed at preventing, among others, increasing crime cases, moral degradation and the use of illegal drugs by the younger generation. Through value-based learning, it is hoped that students can determine good and bad values in life so that they can choose good values to improve their quality of life in society. But in fact, the more rapid the flow of technology, students are increasingly complacent and have an attitude that is reluctant to take responsibility, moral degradation and increasing crime cases among students. This is due to the lack of value education and challenges for educators to strengthen the moral character of students so that they do not fall into and be complacent with the rapid industrial technology 4.0. One of the substances of Islamic education is moral education, which is an effort to assist students in getting to a stage of development according to their readiness. Moral dilemmas are enough to drive moral development to assist students in addressing the content of values. To increase the success of moral education programs, these educational efforts must be carried out in a just school environment. The values that are starting to erode as a result of the transformation of Industry 4 are as follows: 1). Cultural Values. Cultural values are values related to culture, characteristics of the social environment and society (Djhiri, 2002). Education can help students to see social cultural values systematically by developing a healthy balance between openness and skepticism. Formal Juridical Values Formal juridical values are values related to political, legal and ideological aspects. The socio-political value of a teaching material is a value content that can provide instructions for humans to behave and behave in a good social or political life.3). Religious Values Maintaining these values is the toughest challenge in facing the industrial revolution 4.0. The development of the era requires humans to be more creative because basically time cannot be resisted. Industrial revolution 4.0. use the services of machines more than humans. But there is an important thing that distinguishes machines from humans, namely in terms of human values that machines do not have. Value planting This is what needs to be strengthened to raise the dignity of the nation, especially in the world of education. Kesimpulan The results of the study indicate that the method that can be used in the 4.0 era is the Islamic Education Learning Method for Madrasah Ibtidaiyah by means of Technology-Based Learning Innovation. Digital Era and Technology-Based Learning Innovation at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah This is very suitable, this is Jurnal Nahdlatul Fikr Jurnal Ilmiah (Pendidikan Islam, Hukum Islam, Ekonomi Syari’ah dan Sosial Budaya) 3 Vol. 2, No.1 Januari-Juli 2020 P-ISSN : 2623-2189
  5. Sugeng Sugiharto , Malihatul ‘Azizah, Sartono, Mahdi Zuhri Studi Efektivitas Manajemen Organisasi, Sdm Dan Kepemimpinan Dalam Persekolahan Swasta Di Era 4.0 evidenced by the many achievements of the children of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah both at the local and national levels. DAFTAR PUSTAKA Mustajab. Reorientasi Pendidikan Islam Dalam Konstelasi Global. Prosiding Seminarnasional Inovasi Pendidikan Inovasi Pembelajaran Berbasis Karakter Dalam Menghadapi Masyarakatekonomi Asean. Lihat Juga Akhmad Syahri. Spirit Islam Dalam Teknologi Pendidikan Di Era Revolusiindustri 4.0. Attarbiyah, Volume 28, 2018. Hlm. 62-80 Ahyani, Hisam. 2021a. “Situation Method In Learning Arabic In The Era Of Industrial Revolution 4.0.” AlFashahah: Journal Of Arabic Education, Linguistics, And Literature 1 (1): 1–15. ———. 2021b. “Situation Method Dalam Pembelajaran Sharaf Di Era Revolusi Industri 4.0.” `A Jamiy : Jurnal Bahasa Dan Sastra Arab 10 (1): 167–88. Https://Doi.Org/10.31314/Ajamiy.10.1.167-188.2021. Azizah, Malihatul. 2018. “Application Of All In One System Method In Arabiclearning At Mi Al-Falahiyah Mlangi, Nogotirtogamping Sleman Yogyakarta.” Thoriqotuna: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam 1 (1): 163–75. Https://Doi.Org/10.47971/Tjpi.V1i1.100. Malihatul ’Azizah, Muhamad Fatih Lutfan, Laely Fauziah, Dan Arinal Farihah. 2020. “Implementasi Teori Tangga Dan Teori Jalan Dalam Memberikan Paham Penalaran Perkalian Matematika Kelas Ii Mi AlHasan Cipari.” Madrosatuna : Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah 3 (1): 1–12. Https://Doi.Org/10.47971/Mjpgmi.V3i1.205. Sartono, Dan Hisam Ahyani. 2020. “Upaya Pemusnahan Umat Manusia Melalui Peretasan Dan Phishing Wabah Covid-19 Di Era Revolusi Industri 4.0,” Maret. Sartono, Sartono. 2019. “Implementasi Manajemen Kurikulum Dalam Menigkatkan Mutu Pembelejaran Di Sma Yabakii 2 Gandrungmangu Cilacap.” 2019. Https://Www.Researchgate.Net/Publication/350410023_Ahyani_Hisam_Situation_Method_Dalam_Pe mbelajaran_Mata_Kuliah_Bahasa_Arab_Pada_Program_Studi_Pendidikan_Agama_Islam_Nahdlatul _Fikr_Jurnal_Ilmiah_Pendidikan_Islam_Hukum_Islam_Ekonomi_Syariah_Dan_Sosial_. Jurnal Nahdlatul Fikr Jurnal Ilmiah (Pendidikan Islam, Hukum Islam, Ekonomi Syari’ah dan Sosial Budaya) 4 Vol. 2, No.1 Januari-Juli 2020 P-ISSN : 2623-2189
  6. Jurnal Nahdlatul Fikr Vol . 2, No.1 Januari-Juli 2020 P-ISSN : 2623-2189 http://www.staima-banjar.ac.id/category/lppm/ DOI: ........................ Jurnal Ilmiah (Pendidikan Islam, Hukum Islam, Ekonomi Syari’ah dan Sosial Budaya) APPLICATION CIVIL ADMINISTRATION WITH ELECTRONIC COURT IN RELIGIOUS COURTS BANJAR CITY 1Sekolah Muhamad Ghofir Makturidi1, Muharir2 Tinggi Agama Islam Miftahul Huda Al Azhar (STAIMA) Kota Banjar Email : muhamadghofir126@gmail.com, 2Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Miftahul Huda Al Azhar (STAIMA) Kota Banjar Email : hisamahyani@gmail.com 3Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Miftahul Huda Al Azhar (STAIMA) Kota Banjar Email : muharirstima1@gmail.comm Abstract The application and suitability of civil administration by e-court at the Banjar City Religious Court based on Perma No.1 / 2019 need to be disclosed, because of course in the e-court system there are obstacles in its implementation. The purpose of this research is to explore related administrative suitability in e-court PA Banjar City and revealed several obstacles in the application of civil case administration by e-court. This research is included in the field research category, with data sources obtained from primary data and secondary data in the form of official documents, books, and journals. Data collection techniques obtained through observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis using inductive data analysis. Checking the validity of data is carried out through Trust and Data Triangulation. The findings of this study are E-court as a solution in supporting a credible and accountable judicial system in the Banjar City Religious Court to be better and faster and more efficient, still experiencing several obstacles including frequent errors and servers. also Human Resources (HR) not everyone used to use technology. However, in implementing the use of E-court in enforcing the principle of fast, simple, low cost at the Religious Court of the City of Banjar, it is in accordance with the procedure of Perma No.1 of 2019. This is evidenced by the e-litigation system in PA Banjar City which can be supported by the basis data. Besides having the advantage of saving time, e-litigation also has the disadvantage of not being able to explore the information that must be conveyed by both the plaintiff, and the defendant, and the witnesses due to the limited time available in the trial. Keywords: Judicial administration, civil, E-Court, Banjar City Religious Court Absktrak Penerapan serta kesesuaian administrasi perdata secara e-court di Pengadilan Agama Kota Banjar berdasarkan Perma No 1 Tahun 2019 perlu diungkap, karena tentunya dalam system e-court terdapat kendala-kendala dalam pengimplementasiannya.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menggali terkait kesesuaian administrasi secara e-court di PA Kota Banjar serta mengungkap beberapa kendala dalam penerapan administrasi perkara perdata secara e-court. Riset ini masuk kategori penelitian lapangan, dengan Sumber data yang diperoleh dari Data Primer dan data Sekunder berupa dokumen resmi, buku-buku, dan jurnal. Teknik pengumpulan data diperoleh melalui observasi, wawancara serta Dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan analisis data induktif. Pengecekan Keabsahan Data dilakukan melalui Kepercayaan dan Triangulasi Data. Alhasil E-court sebagai solusi dalam menunjang system peradilan yang kredibilitas dan akuntabilas di Pengadilan Agama Kota banjar menuju lebih baik dan lebih cepat serta Efisien, masih mengalami beberapa kendala meliputi Server sering Error dan juga Sumber Daya Manusianya (SDM) tidak semua orang biasa menggunakan teknologi. Namun dalam pelaksanaan Penggunaan E-court dalam menegakkan asas cepat, sederhana, biaya ringan di Pengadilan Agama Kota Banjar sudah sesuai dengan prosedur Perma No 1 Tahun 2019. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan sistem e-litigasi yang ada di PA Kota Banjar dapat di dukung oleh basis data. Selain memiliki kelebihan hemat waktu, e-litigasi juga memiliki kekurangan tidak bisa mengeksplore terkait keterangan yang harus di sampaikan baik oleh pihak penggugat, dan yang tergugat, maupun Saksi-saksi karena keterbatasan waktu yang tersedia dalam persidangan. Kata kunci : Administrasi peradilan, perdata, E-Court, Pengadilan Agama Kota Banjar Nahdlatul Fikr Journal, Jurnal Ilmiah (Pendidikan Islam, Hukum Islam, Ekonomi Syari’ah dan Sosial Budaya) 5 Copyright © 2020, Nahdlatul Fikr Journal
  7. Muhamad Ghofir Makturidi , Hisam Ahyani, Muharir Application civil administration with electronic court In religious courts banjar city INTRODUCTION E-Court is used in Indonesia as a new breakthrough in Overcoming the Pile of Problematic Legal Problems, meaning that the Banjar City of West Java Religious Court is trying to provide attractive offers in terms of resolving legal problems related to the use of this e-court. For this reason, the Supreme Court confidently issued the Supreme Court Regulation of 2019 No. 1 concerning electronic civil administration, which means that the issuance of the Perma is expected to be of assistance to everyone who wants to seek justice in court, and does not have to go every time he has a trial in court by no longer being off line, but using an online or e-court system at the Banjar City Religious Court, so that in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 like now where the majority of people use electronics, the government, in this case the Supreme Court, took the initiative to use this tool (e-Court). to be accessible in terms of civil administration in court. Regionally, perhaps there are still many districts that lack this electronic access. However, it does not rule out the possibility that after this Perma is running, in this case the government will meet the needs of the community, including by means of electronic network access that can be used everywhere, not only in the city of Banjar, West Java Province. The practice in the implementation of justice that is expected in Indonesia, especially in the city of banjar, West Java Province, is an efficient judicial system with simple and fast principles and low cost. In this case, the Banjar City Religious Court is in an effort to implement justice by e-court which is a practice based on principles that are based on universal traits. The demand for implementation of the principles of justice which is carried out simply, quickly and in low cost is solely in order to create an efficient court administration system in Banjar City, especially in order to direct justice in good bureaucratic services. Research by Hamnach Burhanuddin et al. It was found that the implementation of case services carried out electronically or e-court at the Religious Courts during the Covid-19 pandemic was not running optimally.1 This is due to the lack of information and socialization and the party's obligation to come directly to the court to activate an account. Then in structure, substance and legal culture are factors of obstacles in electronic case services at the Religious Courts, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, whose ending does not provide legal certainty to people who are or will be litigating. As for research by Aidi regarding e-court, that the regulations related to esummons deviate from the provisions in the HIR and RBG regarding the summoning of the parties, but this condition is understandable considering that in the process of formation in the new civil procedural law, this requires a very process. long, so that improvements in the effectiveness and efficiency of the judiciary are urgently needed.2 Research by Ika Atikah with the birth of the e-court application, is inseparable from the Supreme Court Regulation Number 3 of 2018. The result of the e-court application is a manifestation of the implementation of the Supreme Court Regulation Number 3 of 2018 concerning Case Administration in the Court Electronically. Thus the Supreme Court Regulation Number 03 of 2018 is a method that is highly innovative as well as a commitment to the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia in terms of realizing reform in the world of justice in Indonesia (Justice reform), which in this case the Supreme Court synergizes its role in information technology ( IT) with procedural law (IT for Judiciary). It cannot be denied that the implementation of case administration in court electronically or by e-court has a very direct impact on lawyers in Indonesia. Article 4 paragraph 3 of Perma No.3 of 2018 regulates the requirements for registering advocates in cases through ecourt. The Supreme Court also reserves the right to and or reject registration of registered users who cannot be verified by the Supreme Court.3 Furthermore, Ahmad Tholabi Kharlie and Achmad Cholil related to civil courts in Indonesia in responding to demands for the 4.0 industrial revolution, as well as in examining the role of the Supreme Court 1 Hamnach Burhanuddin et al., “Layanan Perkara Secara Elektronik (e-Court) Saat Pandemi Covid-19 Hubungannya Dengan Asas Kepastian Hukum” (other, KTI 2020, UIN SGD Bandung, May 11, 2020), http://digilib.uinsgd.ac.id/30922/. 2 Zil Aidi, “Implementasi E-Court Dalam Mewujudkan Penyelesaian Perkara Perdata Yang Efektif Dan Efisien,”Masalah-Masalah Hukum 49, no.1 (January 31, 2020), https://doi.org/10.14710/mmh.49.1.2020.80-89. 3 Atikah, Ika. "Implementasi E-Court dan Dampaknya Terhadap Advokat Dalam Proses Penyelesaian P rkara di Indonesia." In Open Society Conference, pp. 107-127. 2018. Jurnal Nahdlatul Fikr Jurnal Ilmiah (Pendidikan Islam, Hukum Islam, Ekonomi Syari’ah dan Sosial Budaya) 6 Vol. 2, No.1 Januari-Juli 2020 P-ISSN : 2623-2189
  8. Muhamad Ghofir Makturidi , Hisam Ahyani, Muharir Application civil administration with electronic court In religious courts banjar city in the formation of civil procedural law which shows a similar tendency to the courts in several courts that highlight the existing e-litigation. in Indonesia today.4 Research launched by Opik Rozikin found that Contempt of court is often the subject of unique and interesting conversations, one of which is in the national law development program in Indonesia, this is inseparable from the rampant phenomenon of actions that are deemed injurious to the authority of institutions within the judiciary in Indonesia. . The provisions in the Contempt of Court have indeed been contained in the explanation of Law No. 14 of 1985 concerning the Supreme Court in point 4 paragraph 4 is not in accordance with the expectations of the Indonesian people, this is because there is no follow-up and more concrete arrangements related to the Contempt of Court. Even though the idea of forming a law on Contempt of court has become part of the legal policy in 2002 as mandated by Law of 2000 No. 25 on the National Law Development Program. We all know that the Indonesian criminal justice system is included in the NonAdversary Model system. This means that in this case a judge has an explicit responsibility in carrying out the trial process in the judiciary arena in Indonesia. Regulations related to Contempt of court are scattered both in the Criminal Code, Criminal Procedure Code, and several laws and regulations in Indonesia.5 In addition, in Opik Rozikin's thesis regarding the limitations in regulating Contempt of court in Indonesia, especially those based on the non-adversary model of criminal justice system by giving wide powers to judges in relation to the judicial process in order to maintain dignity and dignity in the judiciary environment in Indonesia. 6 As is the case with Susanto's research that the use of the E-court system in both the state and religious courts in West Java, especially in the Greater Tangerang area in the present era, is so sophisticated that it seeks to create efficiency in the case administration service process in court which in this case has been able to show at the top level. satisfaction from the efficient segmentation at the time and costs that are to be incurred by justice seekers, related to this, namely the ease of payment of cases and the ability of the system to collect data can be used to help justice seekers in collecting important case files, this makes an advantage which is real for the justice system in Indonesia.7 One of the births of the creation of Jurisprudence was made on the basis of cassation, which was a reform of Islamic law proclaimed by the Supreme Court through jurisprudence. Apart from that, legal reforms that have taken place in Indonesia use several instruments, including an agreement from the judges in the religious court room, the issuance of Perma / SEMA. 8 This means that innovations in the reform of Islamic law in Indonesia are carried out with an innovation process such as the presence of the Supreme Court Regulation 2019 No. 1 concerning electronic civil administration. The same thing was found by Lisfer Berutu in his journal that this will become a new paradigm for Indonesia regarding this Regulation No.1 of 2019, including the paradigm that enters law enforcement officials related to civil cases, which in practice will make it easier for users who will do so. filing the case.9 Retnaningsih et al, in their research related to the process of solving cases in court which is not always carried out in a conventional way, namely that the parties come directly to the trial. In this case the e-court or electronic judicial system was present on Friday, July 13 2018.With the presentation of the e-court application, the government, in this case the Supreme Court, has shown the principles of electronic justice which will fundamentally change the practice of court services. in the court. The e-court application is expected to bring improvements in terms of services whose function is to accept registration by means of online cases, so that the public will save time and money. In terms of online Judiciary conducted through the E Court application, it 4 Ahmad Tholabi Kharlie and Achmad Cholil, “E-Court and E-Litigation: The New Face of Civil Court Practices in Indonesia,” International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 29, no. 2 (January 13, 2020): 2206–13. 5 Opik Rozikin, “Contempt Of Court In Indonesian Regulation:,” JCIC: Jurnal CIC Lembaga Riset Dan Konsultan Sosial 1, no. 1 (March 1, 2019): 1–14. 6 Opik Rozikin, “Batasan Pengaturan Contempt of Court dalam Peraturan Perundang-Undangan dan Pelaksanaannya di Indonesia” (Masters, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, 2018), http://digilib.uinsgd.ac.id/19486/. 7 Susanto Susanto, Muhamad Iqbal, and Wawan Supriyatna, “Menciptakan Sistem Peradilan Efisien Dengan Sistem E-Court Pada Pengadilan Negeri Dan Pengadilan Agama Se-Tangerang Raya,” JCH (Jurnal Cendekia Hukum) 6, no. 1 (September 30, 2020): 104–16, https://doi.org/10.33760/jch.v6i1.287. 8 Amran Suadi, “The Role Of Religious Court In Islamic Law Reform In Indonesia,” Asy-Syari’ah 21, no. 2 (2019): 125–34, https://doi.org/10.15575/as.v21i2.5821. 9 Lisfer Berutu, “Mewujudkan Peradilan Sederhana, Cepat dan Biaya Ringan Dengan e- Court,” Jurnal Ilmiah Dunia Hukum 5, no. 1 (November 16, 2020): 41–53, https://doi.org/10.35973/jidh.v5i1.1552. Jurnal Nahdlatul Fikr Jurnal Ilmiah (Pendidikan Islam, Hukum Islam, Ekonomi Syari’ah dan Sosial Budaya) 7 Vol. 2, No.1 Januari-Juli 2020 P-ISSN : 2623-2189
  9. Muhamad Ghofir Makturidi , Hisam Ahyani, Muharir Application civil administration with electronic court In religious courts banjar city is in accordance with the implementation of good judicial principles, namely simple, fast, and low cost judicial principles. E-Court is an instrument of the Court as a form of service to the public in terms of online case registration, online payment, sending trial documents (Replik, Duplicate, Conclusion, Answers) and online summons. The scope of this e-court application is based on Perma 2018 Number 3 concerning Case Administration in Courts which is carried out electronically including online case registration or commonly known as e-filling, online payment of down-payment or e-SKUM, related documents. trial, and also contains electronic summons or e-Summons.10 This Sonyendah Retnaningsih study only focuses on the E-Court program as a form of elaboration of the advantages of e-court in Indonesia. However, researchers focus on the application and constraints in the implementation of the e-court system in the Banjar City Religious Court. Meanwhile, Susanto's study only discusses the advantages of using E-court as a means of facilitating civil litigation. This is of course different from the research that will be explored by the researcher. Then the research launched by Hamnach Burhanuddin et al, only focuses on the study of the lack of information and socialization in the use of e-court and the principle of legal certainty in cases using e-court where the application of civil case settlement carried out during the Covid-19 pandemic is still not optimal. to the people who are and or will be litigating. As for Aidi's research related to e-court, it only discusses regulations related to e-summons that deviate from the provisions in the HIR and RBG regarding the summoning of the parties, but this condition is understandable considering that the process of formation in the new civil procedural law requires a process. length, so that improvements in the effectiveness and efficiency of the judiciary are urgently needed. Thus the research that the researcher will carry out is in terms of application and the obstacles faced in the implementation of the e-court system in the Religious Court of Banjar City. Based on the background explanation above, the researcher wants to reveal the problem of how to implement and suit the civil administration by e-court in the Religious Court of the City of Banjar based on Perma No.1 of 2019? and what are the obstacles faced in the application of civil administration by e-court at the Banjar City Religious Court ? METHODOLOGY This research, when viewed from the location of the data source, is categorized as field research, as stated by Talizuduhu Ndraha, quoted by Ahmad Tanzeh.11 While the approach used is according to the type of data, this research is qualitative research. This can be seen from the procedures applied, where the resulting research procedures are from descriptive data, speech or writing and observed behavior from people or research subjects themselves.12 The research location was conducted at the Religious Court of Banjar City, which is located at Jl. Peta, Balokang, Kec. Banjar, Banjar City, West Java, Indonesia Postal code 46312. The duration of the study was conducted from Tuesday, October 6, 2020 to Tuesday, October 13, 2020. Primary data sources that the researchers obtained were directly from the first source or people through interviews with the Chairperson PA Banjar City Mr. (Muhammad Iqbal, S.Hi, MA), and Mr. H. Achmad Fausi, SHI (Judge of the Banjar City Religious Court). In addition, interviews with (Clerk Drs. Ecep Hermawan) and Advocates at the Religious Court of Banjar City, Mrs. Lela Siti Nur Aladin, S.H. Meanwhile, Secondary Data Researchers obtained from official documents, books, research results in the form of reports, diaries, and various evidence related to research related to electronic civil administration in the religious court of Banjar City. Data collection techniques researchers do by making observations, interviews and documentation. While the data analysis technique, researchers used inductive data analysis. Namely departing from concrete 10 Sonyendah Retnaningsih et al., “Pelaksanaan E-Court Menurut Perma Nomor 3 Tahun 2018 Tentang Administrasi Perkara Di Pengadilan Secara Elektronik Dan E-Litigation Menurut Perma Nomor 1 Tahun 2019 Tentang Administrasi Perkara Dan Persidangan Di Pengadilan Secara Elektronik (Studi Di Pengadilan Negeri Di Indonesia),” Jurnal Hukum & Pembangunan 50, no. 1 (July 13, 2020): 124–44, https://doi.org/10.21143/jhp.vol50.no1.2486. 11 Ahmad Tanzeh, Pengantar Metode Penelitian (Yogyakarta: Teras, 2009), 180. 12 Arif Fuchan, Metode Penelitian Kualitatif (Surabaya: Usaha Nasional, 1992), 21–23. Jurnal Nahdlatul Fikr Jurnal Ilmiah (Pendidikan Islam, Hukum Islam, Ekonomi Syari’ah dan Sosial Budaya) 8 Vol. 2, No.1 Januari-Juli 2020 P-ISSN : 2623-2189
  10. Muhamad Ghofir Makturidi , Hisam Ahyani, Muharir Application civil administration with electronic court In religious courts banjar city facts and events, then drawing generalizations of a general nature. Checking the validity of the data, researchers do with trust or credibility, where the data that is intended to prove the data obtained is collected in accordance with the actual, there are several techniques to achieve credibility, which include extending time and data triangulation.. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Application of Civil Administration by E-Court in the Religious Courts of Banjar City In this research, that is related to the application of Perma No. 1 of 2019 regarding civil administration carried out by E-cort at the Banjar City Religious Court, the author conducted interviews with Judges, Registrars, Advocates or Lawyers, and litigants. As with the interview that the researcher conducted with the Judge at the Banjar City Religious Court, namely Mr. H. Achmad Fausi, S.H.I. (Banjar City Religious Court Judge) on Tuesday, October 13, 2020.13 He explained that the manifestation of the implementation contained in Perma No.1 of 2019 concerning E-court civil administration issued by the Supreme Court, the Banjar City Religious Court also uses E-court civil administration which has been proclaimed by the Supreme Court. The Banjar City Religious Court has opened an E-court civil administration process since the beginning of January 2019. The Supreme Court issued Perma No. 1 of 2019 is very good, the benefits are very much felt, especially people who want to file a lawsuit electronically, which is adjusted to the current era, making it easier for people who file cases not to come in droves to come directly to the Banjar City Religious Court office anymore, just from the homes of the people. the plaintiff can register his case "quoted from the results of an interview with (Head of the Banjar City Religious Court, 2020). With the presence of Perma No. 1 of 2019 is to support the principle of simple fast justice, and also the low cost that the court has regulated the summoning fee in accordance with the radius that must be paid by the public who wants to file a lawsuit, with the intention that the Supreme Court requires courts throughout Indonesia more advanced and innovative. However, by looking at the insufficient human resources, it creates obstacles in this good program so that it is not maximized in its implementation. Head of the Religious Court of the City of Banjar Iqbal explained that regarding the considerations with the issuance of this 2019 Perma, it is necessary to further deepen the main substances and important concepts of Perma No. 1 of 2019. The main substances of this Perma include the legal basis or umbrella, not removing / annulling existing norms, but adding and at the same time improving, giving authority to the court to accept case registration and payment of down-payment of fees electronically, giving authority to bailiffs. which is in the Banjar City religious court to convey summons electronically as well as regulate registered users who can register cases electronically.14 Concepts that are no less important in Perma No. 1 of 2019, which discusses Case Administration in the Electronic Court, which was explained by the Head of the Banjar City Religious Court, including the court information system, registered users, electronic domicile and electronic case administration. In addition, the PA (religious court) Banjar City also explained the instructions for implementing Perma No. 1 of 2019 concerning the Administration of Cases in Courts Electronically as outlined in the Decree of the Director General of the General Courts No. 271 / DJU / SK / PS01 / 4/2018 concerning Guidelines for Implementing Perma No. 1 of 2019 concerning Electronic Case Administration in Courts. In this connection, presenting the points in the Decree of the Director General of General Courts Number: 271 / DJU / SK / PS01 / 4/2018 concerning Guidelines for Implementing Perma No. 1 of 2019 concerning Electronic Case Administration in Courts, namely the procedures for electronic court services in court and electronic case administration management. The same thing as research by Retnaningsih et al, in the process of solving cases at court which is not always carried out in a conventional way, namely the parties come directly to the trial. In this case the e-court or electronic judicial system was present on Friday, July 13 2018.With the presentation of the e-court application, the government, in this case the Supreme Court, has shown the principles of electronic justice 13 Interview with Mr. H. Achmad Fausi, S.H.I. (Banjar City Religious Court Judge) on Tuesday, October 13, 2020 Interview with Muhammad by Muhamad Ghofir Makturidi. Results of Interview with Muhammad Iqbal (Head of PA Kota Banjar) (October 6, 2020). 14 Jurnal Nahdlatul Fikr Jurnal Ilmiah (Pendidikan Islam, Hukum Islam, Ekonomi Syari’ah dan Sosial Budaya) 9 Vol. 2, No.1 Januari-Juli 2020 P-ISSN : 2623-2189
  11. Muhamad Ghofir Makturidi , Hisam Ahyani, Muharir Application civil administration with electronic court In religious courts banjar city which will fundamentally change the practice of court services. in the court. The e-court application is expected to bring improvements in terms of services whose function is to accept registration by means of online cases, so that the public will save time and money. In terms of online Judiciary conducted through the E Court application, it is in accordance with the implementation of good judicial principles, namely simple, fast, and low cost judicial principles. E-Court is an instrument of the Court as a form of service to the public in terms of online case registration, online payment, sending trial documents (Replik, Duplicate, Conclusion, Answers) and online summons. The scope of this e-court application is based on Perma 2018 Number 3 concerning Case Administration in Courts which is carried out electronically including online case registration or commonly known as e-filling, online payment of down-payment or e-SKUM, related documents. trial, and also contains electronic summons or e-Summons.15 E-Court application which is an implementation and translation of Perma No. 1 of 2019 concerning Electronic Case Administration in Courts. In this case the simple definition of e-Court as explained by the Head of the Banjar City Religious Court (Iqbal 2020) is online registration of cases, then getting e-SKUM online, paying online, confirming online payments and getting notifications or notifications via online. In this case the Banjar City Religious Court related to the application of Perma No.1 of 2019, since the beginning of the E-court administration, so far no one has registered through the e-court, thus in terms of quality and quantity the Banjar City Religious Court is qualified to accept cases by E-court. Since the beginning of the opening of the E-court, up to now there have been approximately 135 cases that have used the E-court. There are still 10 more cases, and even then the defendant has not agreed to continue the case conducted by the E-court. One of the implementation of the simple, fast and low cost court principle, in this case using E-court, then the Banjar City Religious Court took the initiative to realize the principle of light justice by monitoring to avoid extortion and brokering perpetrators. quotation of fees outside the provisions that apply to people who are looking for justice. Regarding this simple and fast trial, the court has implemented it, because the court has followed the legal provisions, both in proceedings and in circuit court cases in sub-districts in the city of Banjar, West Java. All of this is of course done so that the implementation of a simple, fast, and low cost judicial principle. Actually the litigant parties must also help in the application of this principle because the application of the principle of justice is simple, fast, and low cost will experience obstacles that are realized if only the court tries to carry it out, so in this case there needs to be support from the litigant too. To fulfill a simple, fast and inexpensive judicial principle, the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia launched the e-Court (electronic court) application on July 13 2018 after previously issuing Regulation Number 3 of 2018 concerning the Implementation of Electronic Cases in Courts. As the basis of the implementation law. This E-Court application aims to facilitate justice seekers in resolving civil cases in general courts through online, both within the scope of religious courts and state administrative courts. After a year, ECourt has now been refined into E-Litigation or commonly known as electronic litigation with the issuance of Supreme Court Regulation No.1 of 2019 on August 8, 2019. Previously, E-Court only facilitated three types of electronic based. Namely, case services through e-filing and e-payment, as well as e-summon. Meanwhile, ELitigation will allow the sending of answers and replies, as well as responses as well as evidence and assessments conducted electronically. The application of E-Litigation will not only significantly change the face of justice in Indonesia towards modern justice based on information technology, but also radically contradicts the provisions of civil procedural law regulated in the HIR and RBg. In the new face of the practice of civil courts in Indonesia, in order to answer the demands of the 4.0 industrial revolution era, and at the same time the role of the Supreme Court in the formation of civil procedural law, which shows a similar tendency to courts in several courts. countries that adopt the common law system. In relation to the pandemic that hit the Banjar City of West Java, it is recommended that the use of ecourt is also one of the solutions in implementing civil cases at the Banjar City Religious Court. It was senta by 15 Sonyendah Retnaningsih et al., “Pelaksanaan E-Court Menurut Perma Nomor 3 Tahun 2018 Tentang Administrasi Perkara Di Pengadilan Secara Elektronik Dan E-Litigation Menurut Perma Nomor 1 Tahun 2019 Tentang Administrasi Perkara Dan Persidangan Di Pengadilan Secara Elektronik (Studi Di Pengadilan Negeri Di Indonesia),” Jurnal Hukum & Pembangunan 50, no. 1 (July 13, 2020): 124–44, https://doi.org/10.21143/jhp.vol50.no1.2486. Jurnal Nahdlatul Fikr Jurnal Ilmiah (Pendidikan Islam, Hukum Islam, Ekonomi Syari’ah dan Sosial Budaya) 10 Vol. 2, No.1 Januari-Juli 2020 P-ISSN : 2623-2189
  12. Muhamad Ghofir Makturidi , Hisam Ahyani, Muharir Application civil administration with electronic court In religious courts banjar city Dewi Anggraeni16 that the Covid-19 Pandemic Outbreak in 2020 also affects the justice system in Indonesian courts. Usually the trial is carried out directly or manually off line by presenting the parties involved, but in current conditions (the Covid-19 pandemic) which requires social distancing, other alternatives are sought, namely electronic justice. This needs to be done, because if the trial is carried out in a face-to-face (off line) pattern as usual, the risk of contracting the Covid-19 virus will occur, whereas if the trial is postponed it will result in losses for the defendants where the status of the defendant in connection with the trial has not yet been decided. that's for sure from the judge. Suitability of Case Administration at the Banjar City Religious Court Based on Perma No.1 of 2019 Regarding the suitability of case administration electronically carried out at the Banjar City Religious Court based on Perma No.1 of 2019, in this case the Clerk of the Banjar City Religious Court Ecep Hermawan provides information through interviews conducted by the author with the Registrar. The clerk explained that the efforts made by the Banjar City Religious Court in the context of Implementing Perma No.1 / 201 have communicated with the ITE field of the Banjar City Religious Court to analyze the ability of the existing facilities at the Banjar City Religious Court if it uses E-court civil administration. Prior to that, the PA of Banjar City had disseminated information to the employees who handled cases electronically, both at table 1 and table 2 when someone later used the e-court. The clerk explained that in Perma No.1 of 2019, it is actually in the context of realizing simple, fast, and low cost judicial principles. Services in accordance with the applicable SOP at the Banjar City Religious Court. Then related to the down payment costs of the case that have been determined so far in accordance with the radius of the area of each citizen who wants to litigate, both the area where the Plaintiff lives and the area where the Defendant lives.17 Furthermore, the clerk of the Banjar City Religious Court, Ecep Hermawan, explained that in connection with the Decree on this radius determination was issued by the chairman of the Banjar City Religious Court and in this Decree, the minimum cost (light) has been stipulated. If the justice seekers are also unable to pay the court fee electronically, then in this case the Banajr City Religious Court directs the justice seeker to file a court case for free or (prodeo) proven by the incapacity certificate issued by the Head. Village or local village head. Regarding the speed with which a case is resolved, it has been regulated in a circular issued by the Supreme Court, in the circular letter it is explained that the settlement of a case at the first stage has a period of no more than 5 months. Whereas at the Banjar City Religious Court, the settlement of cases was mostly under the provisions of the Supreme Court Circular, however, there were still cases that lasted more than 5 months, it was due to problems in the case. Meanwhile, related to the suitability of case administration electronically carried out at the Banjar City Religious Court based on Perma No.1 of 2019, in this case Advocates or Lawyers as the results of interviews conducted by researchers with Ms. Lela Siti Nur Aladin, S.H as advocates and lawyers explained that with the existence of Perma No.1 of 2019, for advocates it is very good, this makes it easier for advocates not to have to go to the Banjar city religious court office, besides this it saves time and is more efficient and also relates to faster handling in trials as well. If the community knows and understands the benefits of e-court administration, the benefits of which greatly facilitate the community concerned or people who seek justice at the Banjar City Religious Court, by coming directly to the religious court only a few times. The Banjar City Religious Court in terms of cases that are carried out using e-court has also implemented the principles of simple, fast, and low cost justice properly and in accordance with existing laws and regulations, the benefits are also almost the same as the administration of justice by e-court, In this case, the employees in PA Banjar City, starting from judges and all related agencies in the Banjar City Religious Court, provide the maximum possible service, and are carried out very transparently, which is clear about the cost of civil cases against litigants. Even the Banjar City Religious Court itself should be used as a pilot material for other religious courts in the West Java region 16 Dewi Anggraeni, RR. “Wabah Pandemi Covid-19, Urgensi Pelaksanaan Sidang Secara Elektronik,” ’ADALAH 4, no. 1 (January 10, 2020), https://doi.org/10.15408/adalah.v4i1.15264. 17 Hermawan, Ecep, interview by Muhammad Ghofir Makturidi. Hasil Wawancara dengan Ecep Hermawan (Panitera PA Kota Banjar) (Oktober 8, 2020). Jurnal Nahdlatul Fikr Jurnal Ilmiah (Pendidikan Islam, Hukum Islam, Ekonomi Syari’ah dan Sosial Budaya) 11 Vol. 2, No.1 Januari-Juli 2020 P-ISSN : 2623-2189
  13. Muhamad Ghofir Makturidi , Hisam Ahyani, Muharir Application civil administration with electronic court In religious courts banjar city in particular, by providing good service, and with clear transparency regarding the cost of case examination, so that justice seekers do not feel reluctant to settle their case in court. The destination religion.18 In this case, Santiadi in his journal stated that the Indonesian Supreme Court (MA) had started a new initiative by applying modern technology to the justice system through e-court. This new step is the initiation of a response to the development of information technology by the government in Indonesia as well as improving the quality of legal administration, which has been considered complicated by justice seekers. Thus, problems related to the application of the e-court system and its implementation have an impact on the efficiency of the implementation of the legal process as well as increasing transparency in the justice-seeking process and encouraging the implementation of a professional, transparent, accountable, effective and efficient judiciary. So in terms of the effectiveness of using E-Court to eradicate corrupt judicial activities, this e-court application is needed.19 Regarding actions or policies that are permitted by law, in this case the government needs to be reliable, so that in Indonesian law there are laws that are permitted and some are not. Corruption in the administrative sector, for example, is closely related to the relationship between justice seekers and administration by individuals. Then in relation to E-Court Systematics in Suppressing Judicial Corruption in Management of Case Administration in Courts at JABODETABEK, Susanto in his research discusses how to improve governance in judicial administration in the future.20 In order to describe the facts about the effectiveness of the E-Court System in the Corruption Eradication Sector, which focuses on the management of judicial administration and the factors faced, so that in the end it can describe the concept of implementing a justice management system that is clean with technology and efforts to improve it in the future. The concept of service in the public must be well understood by the judiciary, because until now there are still many complaints about legal services that come from people who seek justice. The function of the E-Court in the JABODETABEK area is not optimal because there are still many justice seekers who still do not know what is in this system, so the existence and use of the system is still minimal. It is hoped that the E-Court system can support the realization of the principles of a fast, simple and inexpensive judiciary in case administration management, as well as the Banjar City of West Java Religious Courts also need a deeper understanding. Meanwhile, in the area of Banjar City, especially in the area of the Religious Court of the City of Banjar, it is still in the process of implementing it which has quite a lot of obstacles. In this matter, Kurniati discusses which in the last five years many judicial officers have had direct contact with legal issues. Ironically, the judicial apparatus who are supposed to enforce the law in our beloved Indonesia are actually playing games with the law. Most of the problem is that judicial officers accept bribes or commonly known as gratuities related to the settlement of cases, both civil and criminal. 21 Therefore, it is not surprising that in the community, especially the young generation, the millennial era is anticipating legal processes in Indonesia with various moves from the government. The Supreme Court, as the highest state institution in Indonesia in the field of law, took very strategic steps to prevent this. In addition to taking action against related persons, the Supreme Court created a new system for solving cases in courts in Indonesia that uses the basis of information technology, the Supreme Court launched the E-Court service in June 2018. This was done to improve the image of the judiciary in society. . This is also a step by the Supreme Court in getting closer to the younger generation in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia. It is not only about legal knowledge, but what is more important is related to its application where the Supreme Court has the principles of being fast, simple, and also low cost. This is where the PR of the Supreme Court plays a role in disseminating information regarding this e-court, which faces many challenges and by conveying information to the public in order to retract public 18 Lela Siti Nur Aladin, interview by Muhammad Ghofir Makturidi. Hasil Wawancara dengan Pengacara (Oktober 12, 2020). 19 Kukuh Santiadi, “Expanding Access To Justice Through E-Court In Indonesia,” Prophetic Law Review 1, no. 1 (September 19, 2019): 75–89, https://doi.org/10.20885/PLR.vol1.iss1.art5. 20 Susanto, “E-Court As The Prevention Efforts Against The Indonesia Judicial Corruption,” Yustisia Jurnal Hukum 9, no. 1 (May 1, 2020): 116–38, https://doi.org/10.20961/yustisia.v9i1.41127. 21 Ifah Atur Kurniati, “Mengembalikan Citra Peradilan Melalui E-Court,” Conference On Communication and News Media Studies 1 (March 14, 2019), https://proceeding.umn.ac.id/index.php/comnews/article/view/1093. Jurnal Nahdlatul Fikr Jurnal Ilmiah (Pendidikan Islam, Hukum Islam, Ekonomi Syari’ah dan Sosial Budaya) 12 Vol. 2, No.1 Januari-Juli 2020 P-ISSN : 2623-2189
  14. Muhamad Ghofir Makturidi , Hisam Ahyani, Muharir Application civil administration with electronic court In religious courts banjar city trust in the highest judicial institution in Indonesia. So that the judicial process can run according to the vision and mission of the Supreme Court, one of which is to build a court that is regal and trustworthy and humanist. As for the opinion of Jayani et al, in his research it proved that the existence of this e-court system had many positive impacts in the process of resolving cases in courts in Indonesia, as well as in accordance with the principles of administering judicial power, namely simple, fast and low cost. By running an e-Court in the judiciary, it is hoped that it can advance and improve the justice system in Indonesia and provide justice for the people of Indonesia.22 Whereas the existence of an electronic court or (e-Court) can provide a principle of benefit to the parties including transparency of processes, costs, and time efficiency for justice seekers who are able to access IT (Information Technology) with their presence and the existence of dualism is still needed for the parties. justice seekers who are still in need in terms of conventionally proceeding this is due to limitations in accessing IT (Information Technology), which means that the main obstacle here is that IT often experiences disruption.23 Therefore, the presence of this e-court will change the paradigm of the judicial apparatus towards a new one, especially in case administration, besides that it will change the image or image of the court which is now increasingly sophisticated and developing with the role of information technology that is present. This application is a contribution from the Supreme Court for the World of Justice in Indonesia. Meanwhile, the case administration process in court becomes more concise, for example the trial agenda will be more effective and more efficient, because the case files can be submitted directly online or summarize several trial processes that are only document exchange in nature. The e-Court application can be accessed from anywhere, by anyone as long as they have a registered account armed with a connection from the internet and other devices that have a web browser that makes Justice in Indonesia very simple, fast and low cost can be realized properly. Constraints faced in the Application of Civil Administration by E-Court in the Religious Courts of Banjar City Regarding the e-litigation process, mediation and verification efforts are still being carried out manually, not online, because the evidence for written evidence is matched with the original data so that there is no data falsification. In accordance with article 1888 KUHPedata which states that "The power of proof of written evidence is in the original deed". Apart from having written evidence there are witnesses, witnesses can be online. Perma No.1 of 2019 explains the agility and speed of the trial process through administration with the existence of this Supreme Court Regulation that can speed up the trial process. The application of E-court Civil Administration in the Religious Courts of Banjar City, although it is in accordance with the provisions of procedural law, however, in practice in the field there are still many obstacles. The obstacles faced in the Application of Civil Administration by E-Court in the Religious Courts of Banjar City include Servers often having errors and also Human Resources (HR), not all people usually use technology. Constraints in using Ecourt in enforcing the principle of fast, simple, low cost in the Religious Court of Banjar City are in accordance with the procedures of Perma No.1 of 2019. To measure the success rate of e-litigation, it can be supported by a database. But in its use it has not run optimally because in terms of Human Resources (HR) not everyone used to use technology and from the server it often has errors. Besides having the advantage of saving time, e-litigation also has the disadvantage of not being able to explore the information that must be conveyed by both the plaintiff, and the defendant, and the witnesses due to the limited time available in the trial. Application of Perma No.1 of 2019 at the Banjar City Religious Court, which is where registration of a lawsuit to be carried out by e-court can be done by visiting the website address ecourt.mahkamahagung.go.id/. Furthermore, in this case the user must be registered first and have registered and have been in court in all courts and get an account, after that it must go through the advocate validation mechanism by the high court where the relevant advocate is sworn in. The registered account must be active when registering a case, then 22 Desi Indah Jayani et al., “Urgensi Pembentukan E-Court Sebagai Wujud Peradilan Yang Berkembang,” Lontar Merah 3, no. 1 (June 28, 2020): 281–90. 23 Khotib Iqbal Hidayat, Aris Priyadi, and Elly Kristiani Purwendah, “Kajian Kritis Terhadap Dualisme Pengadilan Elektronik (E-Court) Dan Konvensional,” Batulis Civil Law Review 1, no. 1 (October 30, 2020): 14-23–23, https://doi.org/10.47268/ballrev.v1i1.421. Jurnal Nahdlatul Fikr Jurnal Ilmiah (Pendidikan Islam, Hukum Islam, Ekonomi Syari’ah dan Sosial Budaya) 13 Vol. 2, No.1 Januari-Juli 2020 P-ISSN : 2623-2189
  15. Muhamad Ghofir Makturidi , Hisam Ahyani, Muharir Application civil administration with electronic court In religious courts banjar city the case registration file is sent electronically via the e-court application of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia, the registered account automatically gets an estimated down payment or (e-SKUM) and an advocate payment number or something like ( virtual account) which can be paid through the available electronic channels, after the registrant has made a payment according to the estimated down payment, the court provides the case number on working days and hours, then the e-court application will automatically notify you that the case has been registered in court. Furthermore, after the case has been registered, the court summons and notification of the verdict are submitted to the parties via electronic channels to the parties' email addresses and information on the summons can be seen on the e-court application Regarding Civil Administration by E-court. It can be seen clearly, namely from the spontaneous and thorough process of solving the case. This is also contained in the principles of simple, fast, and low cost which basically aims for the benefit of the community or the ummat. If the simple, fast, and costly principles can be implemented in the judicial process, it will be easier for people to seek justice without having to be burdened by expensive and time-consuming case fees. Barriers to implementing Perma No.1 / 2019 at the Banjar City Religious Court are lack of socialization with the existence of civil administration by e-court so that the public does not know about it. For example, in this era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 like today, Pratiwi et al, explained in his research that the presence of e-Court is expected to be able to overcome various problems in the judicial process in Indonesia, such as slow dispute resolution, less responsive courts, and unresponsive court fees. expensive. Juridically, Law Number 48 Year 2009 contains judicial principles. As stipulated in the law, cases submitted to court must be resolved quickly, simply and at low cost. This means that the entire judicial process must be carried out with due regard to effectiveness and efficiency in order to overcome obstacles in judicial administration. 24 Thus, the presence of e-Court is expected to be able to overcome various problems in the administration of justice with technologybased services. These services include online case registrations, online court fee advances, online party calls, and electronic trials. Therefore, this paper intends to describe the problems and challenges of implementing eCourt in an effort to face the 4.0 industrial revolution in Indonesia. Likewise the existing design on e-court in the continuous development of information and technology or (IT), demands adoption in courts around the world. Thus e-court in Indonesia began after the issuance of Supreme Court Regulation number 3 of 2018. Regarding the use of information technology, in an effort to improve its performance, and also related to the implications of accessing its application among justice seekers, it is a reformative initiative, through innovation and efficiency and structure. and systems. This progress will also assist judges in examining, assessing, and declaring a case. Socially, it is increasingly helping those seeking justice to simplify costs effectively and speed up the process, therefore marking a new era.25 Meanwhile, Dadan Herdiana et al, explained that the Superior LBH will be able to maximize its role and function as a facilitator by justice seekers quickly, economically and efficiently through the E-Court application apart from that paralegals who work at Superior LBH will gain additional knowledge in the field of technology. Information especially in the field of law through the use of E-Court applications and this is in accordance with the demands of the times.26 As for the form of one of the innovations that have been carried out by the government, in this case the Supreme Court, to create a modern judiciary is to stipulate Supreme Court Regulation Number 3 of 2018 concerning Case Administration in Courts Electronically. In this case the obstacles faced by the Supreme Court Regulation in overcoming Electronic Courts, the benefit is that it makes it easier for the people of justice seekers to submit every case without having to come face to face to a certain court office. With the presence of an easy application in the case of an electronic court or E-Court, it has become a demand of the global community in Indonesia. E-Court or electronic court and its relationship with the principle of simple, fast and 24 Sahira Jati Pratiwi, Steven Steven, and Adinda Destaloka Putri Permatasari, “The Application of E-Court as an Effort to Modernize the Justice Administration in Indonesia: Challenges & Problems,” Indonesian Journal of Advocacy and Legal Services 2, no. 1 (March 31, 2020): 39–56, https://doi.org/10.15294/ijals.v2i1.37718. 25 Hary Djatmiko, “Implementasi Peradilan Elektronik (E-Court) Pasca Diundangkannya Perma Nomor 3 Tahun 2018 Tentang Administrasi Perkara Di Pengadilan Secara Elektronik,” Legalita 1, no. 1 (August 22, 2019): 22–32. 26 Dadan Herdiana et al., “Pelatihan Penggunaan Aplikasi E-Court Untuk Paralegal Di Lembaga Bantuan Hukum ‘Unggul,’” Abdi Laksana : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2, no. 1 (January 5, 2021): 110–15. Jurnal Nahdlatul Fikr Jurnal Ilmiah (Pendidikan Islam, Hukum Islam, Ekonomi Syari’ah dan Sosial Budaya) 14 Vol. 2, No.1 Januari-Juli 2020 P-ISSN : 2623-2189
  16. Muhamad Ghofir Makturidi , Hisam Ahyani, Muharir Application civil administration with electronic court In religious courts banjar city low cost, is something unique and something that is good to discuss and interesting. In judicial bodies in Indonesia, especially in relation to summons and the implementation of an E-Court or electronic court, it is related to the principle of simplicity, speed and low cost. So that related to the validity of the E-Court or electronic court in judicial bodies in Indonesia, especially in the case of court summons, which is legal and therefore the electronic trial summons are still carried out by the bailiff or substitute bailiff according to the regulations that have been determined as a person or as an officer who has the authority to make summons for a particular trial, even though the summons for the hearing are carried out electronically. The implementation of the E-Court or electronic court should be obliged by individuals who wish to litigate so that the principles of simple, fast and low / low cost can be carried out well in Indonesia. 27 CONCLUSION Based on the explanation and data analysis that has been stated above, with the problem of "The application of civil administration by e-court at the Banjar City Religious Court and the suitability of case administration at the Banjar City Religious Court based on Perma No. 1 of 2019", several conclusions can be drawn as described in the description. following: 1. One of the implementation of a simple, fast and low cost court principle, in this case using E-court, then the Banjar City Religious Court took the initiative to realize the principle of light justice by conducting supervision to avoid extortion and brokering actors. those who charge fees outside the provisions applicable to people who are seeking justice. 2. Regarding the suitability of case administration electronically carried out at the Banjar City Religious Court based on Perma No.1 of 2019, it can be said that it is appropriate, in this case the Banjar City Religious Court communicates with the ITE sector of the Banjar City Religious Court and socializes it to employees who are handle cases electronically, besides that services related to e-court in PA Banjar City are adjusted to the applicable SOPs in the Religious Courts of Banjar City. Then related to the down payment costs of the case that have been determined so far in accordance with the radius of the area of each citizen who wants to make a case, both the area where the Plaintiff lives and the area where the Defendant lives. 3. Constraints in using E-court in enforcing the principle of fast, simple, low cost in the Religious Court of Banjar City are in accordance with the procedures of Perma No.1 of 2019. To measure the success rate of e-litigation, it can be supported by a database. However, its use is not yet optimal because from the aspect of Human Resources (HR) not everyone used to use technology and from Server Errors. Besides having the advantage of saving time, e-litigation also has the disadvantage of not being able to explore information that must be conveyed by both the plaintiff, defendant, and witnesses due to the limited time available in the trial. REFERENCES Perma Tahun 2019 No 1 tentang Administrasi Perkara dan Persidangan di Pengadilan Secara Elektronik. Peraturan Mahkamah Agung nomor 3 tahun 2018 Administrasi Perkara Secara Elektronik. Aidi, Zil. “Implementasi E-Court Dalam Mewujudkan Penyelesaian Perkara Perdata Yang Efektif Dan Efisien.” Masalah-Masalah Hukum 49, no. 1 (January 31, 2020): 80-89–89. https://doi.org/10.14710/mmh.49.1.2020.80-89. Anggraeni, RR Dewi. “Wabah Pandemi Covid-19, Urgensi Pelaksanaan Sidang Secara Elektronik.” ’ADALAH 4, no. 1 (January 10, 2020). https://doi.org/10.15408/adalah.v4i1.15264. 27 Raden Raffi Septiar and Sholahuddin Harahap, “Implementasi Pengadilan Elektronik (E-Court) Pada Badan Peradilan di Indonesia dihubungkan dengan Asas Sederhana Cepat dan Biaya Ringan,” Prosiding Ilmu Hukum (July 25, 2019): 902–7, https://doi.org/10.29313/.v0i0.16368. Jurnal Nahdlatul Fikr Jurnal Ilmiah (Pendidikan Islam, Hukum Islam, Ekonomi Syari’ah dan Sosial Budaya) 15 Vol. 2, No.1 Januari-Juli 2020 P-ISSN : 2623-2189
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  19. Jurnal Nahdlatul Fikr Vol . 2, No.1 Januari-Juli 2020 P-ISSN : 2623-2189 http://www.staima-banjar.ac.id/category/lppm/ DOI: ........................ Jurnal Ilmiah (Pendidikan Islam, Hukum Islam, Ekonomi Syari’ah dan Sosial Budaya) STUDY ON THE EFFECTIVENESS OF ORGANIZATIONAL MANAGEMENT, HUMAN RESOURCES AND LEADERSHIP IN PRIVATE SCHOOLS IN ERA 4.0 STUDI EFEKTIVITAS MANAJEMEN ORGANISASI, SDM DAN KEPEMIMPINAN DALAM PERSEKOLAHAN SWASTA DI ERA 4.0 Ristiani1, Diah Permasih2 1,2 STAI Miftahul Huda Al Azhar Banjar, Indonesia ristiani@gmail.com Abstract: Era 4.0 (current disruption requires Organizational Management, Human Resources and Leadership in Schools), especially private schools in Indonesia where in the digital era like now, schools are required to be effective and superior schools. The fundamental thing of the three things (Organizational Management, Human Resources and Leadership) are the demands of the era in which in the era of 4.0 competitor schools in Indonesia (State and Private) are being incessant. For this reason, the purpose of this research is to determine the extent to which the effectiveness of organizational management, human resources and leadership carried out by school principals in private schools in Indonesia towards this sophisticated era (Era 4.0). The method used in this research is the library research method, with a quantitative approach. The results show that the effectiveness of Organizational Management, Human Resources and Leadership in Private Schools in the Era 4.0 is still far from what was expected, this is evidenced by the demands of the times that are so fast that it makes school principals need to make extra efforts in meeting the needs of effective schools in the era. 4.0 as it is today. Keywords: Management, human Resources, Era 4.0, Private Schools. Abstrak : Era 4.0 (disrupsi seperti sekarang ini perlu adanya Manajemen Organisasi, SDM dan Kepemimpinan dalam Persekolahan) khusunya sekolah-sekolah swasta yang ada di Indonesia dimana era digital seperti sekaran ini persekolahan dituntut menjadi sekolah yang efektif dan unggul. Hal yang mendasar dari ketiga hal (Manajemen Organisasi, SDM dan Kepemimpinan) tersebut adalah tuntutan zaman yang mana di era 4.0 pesaing sekolah-sekolah di Indonesia (Negeri dan Swasta) sedang gencargencarnya. Untuk itu tujuan riset ini adalah untuk mengetahui sejauh mana Efektifitas Manajemen Organisasi, SDM dan Kepemimpinan yang dilakukan oleh kepala sekolah dalam Persekolahan Swasta di Indonesia menuju zaman yang serba canggih ini (Era 4.0). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kepustakaan (Library Research), dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Efektivitas Manajemen Organisasi, SDM dan Kepemimpinan dalam Persekolahan Swasta Di Era 4.0 masih jauh dari apa yang diharapkan, hal ini dibuktikan adanya tuntutan zaman yang begitu cepat sehingga menjadikan kepala sekolah perlu melakukan upaya yang ekstra dalam memenuhi kebutuhan sekolah yang efektif di era 4.0 seperti sekarang ini. Kata Kunci : Manajemen, SDM, Era 4.0, Sekolah Swasta Pendahuluan Era 4.0 (disrupsi seperti sekarang ini perlu adanya Manajemen Organisasi, SDM dan Kepemimpinan dalam Persekolahan) khusunya sekolah-sekolah swasta yang ada di Indonesia dimana era digital seperti sekaran ini persekolahan dituntut menjadi sekolah yang efektif dan unggul. Hal yang mendasar dari ketiga hal (Manajemen Organisasi, SDM dan Kepemimpinan) tersebut adalah tuntutan zaman yang mana di era 4.0 pesaing sekolah-sekolah di Indonesia (Negeri dan Swasta) sedang gencar- Nahdlatul Fikr Journal, Jurnal Ilmiah (Pendidikan Islam, Hukum Islam, Ekonomi Syari’ah dan Sosial Budaya) 18 Copyright © 2020, Nahdlatul Fikr Journal
  20. Ristiani , Diah Permasih Study On The Effectiveness Of Organizational Management, Human Resources And Leadership In Private Schools In Era 4.0 gencarnya. Untuk itu tujuan riset ini adalah untuk mengetahui sejauh mana Efektifitas Manajemen Organisasi, SDM dan Kepemimpinan yang dilakukan oleh kepala sekolah dalam Persekolahan Swasta di Indonesia menuju zaman yang serba canggih ini (Era 4.0). Pembahasan Manajemen dan Organisasi Manajemen menurut (Hasibuan 2003:2) adalah sebuah ilmu dan seni yang mengatur proses pemanfaatan sumber daya manusia dan sumber-sumber lainnya secara efektif dan efesien untuk mencapai suatu tujuan tertentu. Adapun menurut pendapat (Sari and Marlini 2012; Wijayanto 2012) manajemen merupakan suatu ilmu juga seni untuk membuat orang lain mau dan bersedia berkerja untuk mencapai tujuan yang telah dirumuskan bersama oleh sebab itu manajemen memerlukan konsep dasar pengetahuan, kemampuan untuk menganalisis situasi, kondisi, sumber daya manusia yang ada dan memikirkan cara yang tepat untuk melaksanakan kegiatan yang saling berkaitan untuk mencapai tujuan. Pada hakekatnya kegiatan manusia pada umumnya adalah mengatur (managing) untuk mengatur disini diperlukan suatu seni, bagaimana orang lain memerlukan pekerjaan untuk mencapai tujuan bersama. Lebih lanjut (Schein 2010; Hasibuan 2003:13) memberi definisi manajemen sebagai profesi. Menurut (Schein 2010) manajemen merupakan suatu profesi yang dituntut untuk bekerja secara profesional, karakteristiknya adalah para profesional membuat keputusan berdsarkan prinsip-prinsip umum, para profesional mendapatkan status mereka karena mereka mencapai standar prestasi kerja tertentu, dan para profesional harus ditentukan suatu kode etik yang kuat. Manajemen menurut (Handoko 2016:11) dibutuhkan oleh individu atau kelompok individu, organisasi bisnis, organisasi sosial atau pun organisasi pemerintah untuk mengatur, merencanakan segala hal untuk memperoleh hasil yang optimal pada waktu yang akan datang. Sedangkan Organisasi dapat diartikan sebagai suatu kumpulan orang yang bekerja sama untuk mencapai tujuan yang telah ditetapkan. Di dalam organisasi dirasakan perlunya bekerja sama atau bantuan orang lain. Keberhasilan suatu organisasi antara lain ditentukan oleh kemampuan pemimpin/manajer untuk mengatur kerja sama tersebut. Kegiatan memimpin, mengatur, mengelola, mengendalikan, mengembangkan kegiatan organisasi merupakan kegiatan organisasi merupakan kegiatan manajemen. Organisasi yaitu kesatuan sosial yang dikoordinasikan secara sadar, dengan sebuah batasan yang relatif dapat diidentifikasi, yang bekerja atas dasar yang relatif terus menerus untuk mencapai suatu tujuan bersama atau sekelompok tujuan (Robbins 1994:4). Adapun pandangan (Hasibuan 2003:130) mendefinisikan Organisasi adalah suatu sistem perserikatan formal, berstruktur, dan terkoordinasi dari sekelompok orang yang bekerja sama dalam mencapai tujuan tertentu. Organisasi dan pengorganisasian merupakan dua hal yang saling berhubungan, kalau organisasi diibaratkan wadah, maka pengorganisasianadalah organisme yang membuatnya hidup secara dinamis. Pengorganisasian (organizing) merupakan langkah kedua dalam manajemen organisasi setelahperencanaan (planning). Perencanaan yang matang tidak akan mampu berjalan dengan sempurna, tanpa ada yang menjalankan dan menggerakkan, tanpa diperjelas pekerjaan dan siapa yang akan mengerjakannya. Itulah esensi pengorganisasian. Pengorganisasian yang baik menghasilkan bentukorganisasi yang baik, mulaidari sistem kerja, struktur, sumberdaya hingga aspek lainnya (Rachman 2015). Komparasi Manajerial (Kepengelolaan) dan Leadership (Kepemimpinan) Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa Manajemen terkait dengan perencanaan dan anggaran, sementara kepemimpinan terkait dengan memberikan arah. Manajemen terkait dengan pengorganisasian dan staffing, sedangkan kepemimpinan terkait dengan menselaraskan orang. Manajemen dan kepemimpinan adalah hal yang paling krusial dalam menjalankan sebuah organisasi. Tanpa keduanya, para anggota organisasi akan kehilangan arah dan tujuan, bagaikan anak ayam yang kehilangan induknya. Begitu pula dengan perusahaan, jika ingin mengoptimalkan kinerja tim untuk mencapai tujuan bersama, dibutuhkan manajemen dan kepemimpinan yang baik. Menurut (Kotter 1999), dalam bukunya “What Leaders Really Do” dejelaskan ada 3 hal yang mendasari perbedaan antara manajemen dan kepemimpinan. Manajemen terkait dengan perencanaan dan anggaran, sementara Jurnal Nahdlatul Fikr Jurnal Ilmiah (Pendidikan Islam, Hukum Islam, Ekonomi Syari’ah dan Sosial Budaya) 19 Vol. 2, No.1 Januari-Juli 2020 P-ISSN : 2623-2189
  21. Ristiani , Diah Permasih Study On The Effectiveness Of Organizational Management, Human Resources And Leadership In Private Schools In Era 4.0 kepemimpinan terkait dengan memberikan arah. Manajemen terkait dengan pengorganisasian dan staffing, sedangkan kepemimpinan terkait dengan menselaraskan orang. Yang terakhir, manajemen menghadirkan kontrol dan pemecahan masalah, sementara kepemimpinan menghadirkan motivasi. Kepemimpinan (Leadership) dan Manajemen (Management) pada dasarnya merupakan dua konsep yang berbeda, namun kedua istilah tersebut sering digunakan seolah-olah mereka memiliki arti yang sama. Pandangan (Jones and George 2008:440) yang dimaksud dengan Kepemimpinan adalah proses dimana seorang individu mempunyai pengaruh terhadap orang lain dan mengilhami, memberi semangat, memotivasi dan mengarahkan kegiatan-kegiatan mereka guna membantu tercapai tujuan kelompok atau organisasai. Sedangkan Manajemen menurut (Griffin 2002:5–6) adalah serangkaian kegiatan (termasuk perencanaan dan pembuatan keputusan, pengorganisasian, pimpinan dan pengendalian) yang diarahkan pada sumber daya organisasi (tenaga kerja, keuangan, fisik dan informasi) yang bertujuan untuk mencapai sasaran organisasi dengan cara yang efisien dan efektif. Dari kedua definisi tersebut, dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa inti perbedaan antara Kepemimpinan dan Manajemen adalah bagaimana mereka memotivasi orang lain ataupun tim dalam mencapai sasarannya. Seorang Pemimpin yang menjalankan fungsi kepemimpinan ini menetapkan Tujuan dan arah baru, kemudian memotivasi dan mempengaruhi anggota timnya untuk mencapai Tujuan yang ditetapkan tersebut. Seorang Pemimpin juga harus meninjau perkembangan timnya dan memastikan bahwa semua anggota Tim berada di jalur yang diinginkannya hingga mencapai tujuan yang ditetapkan. Presiden merupakan salah satu contoh yang baik dalam memerankan kepemimpinan. Sedangkan seorang Manajer yang menjalankan fungsi Manajemen ini bertugas untuk merencanakan, mengorganisasikan, mengarahkan dan mengatur bagaimana timnya mencapai tujuan yang ditetapkan. Mereka akan bertugas untuk mengatasi setiap permasalahan yang timbul dalam tim dan memutuskan solusi terbaik untuknya. Contohnya seperti orang yang menjadi Manajer dalam Sepakbola yang mengatur bagaimana timnya dapat mencapai tujuan yaitu meraih kemenangan pada setiap permainan sepakbola. Seorang Manajer yang mahir dalam mengelola Sepakbola bukanlah pemimpin karena mereka tidak menetapkan tujuan. Yang menetapkan Tujuan adalah Pemilik atau Direksi Klub sepakbola yang bersangkutan (ipqi.org 2016). Kepemimpinan sebagaimana dikatakan Stogdill yang dikutip K. Permadi adalah suatu proses mempengaruhi aktivitas kelompok dalam rangka perumusan dan pencapaian tujuan. Sedang Stephen P. Robbins mengemukakan bahwa “Leadership is ability to influence group a certain to purpose the the goal achievement” kepemimpinan adalah kemampuan mempengaruhi suatu kelompok ke arah pencapaian tujuan (Robbins 1991:354). Pendapat ini memandang semua anggota kelompok atau organisasi sebagai satu kesatuan, sehingga kepemimpinan diberi makna sebagai kemampuan mempengaruhi semua anggota atau kelompok agar bersedia melakukan kegiatan untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi (Wahab 2008:82; Ruchanah 2015:124–25). Tujuan Adanya Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (Human Resources, Management) Manajemen sumber daya manusia merupakan salah satu bidang dari manajemen umum yang meliputi segi-segi perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan dan pengendalian. Sumber daya manusia dianggap semakin penting peranannya dalam pencapaian tujuan, maka berbagai pengalaman dan hasil penelitian dalam bidang sumber daya manusia di kumpulkan secara sisitematis dalam apa yang disebut dengan manajemen sumber daya manusia. Pemanfaatan sumber daya manusia, adalah proses kegiatan pemimpin yang bermaksud mempekerjakan pegawai yang memberi prestasi cukup dan tidak mempekerjakan pegawai yang tidak bermanfaat. Beberapa usaha dalam meningkatkan sumber daya manusia dalam pendidikan : (a) Meningkatkan pembinaaan perguruan agama dengan perguruan umum dari tingkat dasar sampai perguruan tinggi, (b) Memantapkan pembinaan peserta didik agar menjadi manusia yang beriman dan bertaqwa kepada Tuhan YME, serta pendidikan agama berperan aktif bagi perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, dan (c) Pendidikan tinggi agama mengembangkan pikiran-pikiran ilmiah dalam rangka memahami dan menghayati serta mampu menterjemahkan ajaran-ajaran agama sesuai dan selaras dengan kehidupanmasyarakat (Almasri 2016). Jurnal Nahdlatul Fikr Jurnal Ilmiah (Pendidikan Islam, Hukum Islam, Ekonomi Syari’ah dan Sosial Budaya) 20 Vol. 2, No.1 Januari-Juli 2020 P-ISSN : 2623-2189
  22. Ristiani , Diah Permasih Study On The Effectiveness Of Organizational Management, Human Resources And Leadership In Private Schools In Era 4.0 Makna Besar dari Produktivitas, Efektivitas dan Efisiensi Organisasi Produktivitas merupakan kegiatan yang menghasilkan produksi. Produktivitas berhubungan dengan efisiensi penggunaan sumber untuk menghasilkan produk atau jasa. Produktivitas secara pengertian merupakan suatu kumpulan hasil-hasil dan berhubungan dengan penggunaan sumber daya untuk menunjukkan suatu efisiensi dalam menggunakan sumber-sumber daya yang digunakan. Efektivitas adalah cara mengukur keberhasilan dalam mencapai tujuan dan efisiensi adalah cara mengukur kehematan penggunaan sumber. Produktivitas adalah perbandingan dari beberapa keluaran dengan beberapa masukan. Menurut (Schermerhorn, Jr. 1998:404; Muslimah 2013:740) productivity is the quantity and qualityof work performance, with resource utilization considered, yaitu kuantitas dan kualitas kerja dengan pemanfaatan sumber daya yang ada. Dari konsep tersebutdapat dipahami bahwa kuantitas dan kualitas kerja tersebut mengacu kepadaproduktivitas individu. Produktivitas individu dapat dinilai dari apa yang dilakukanoleh individu tersebut dalam kerjanya. Margaret A. dkk (2002:309) mengemukakan penyebab rendahnya produktivitas adalah “low productivity because individuals are notmotivated to be productive”. Produktivitas rendah karena individu tidak termotivasiuntuk menjadi produktif.Menurut Klinger dan Nanbaldian dalam tulisan Faustino Cardoso (2003:160) menyatakan produktivitas merupakan fungsi perkalian dari usaha pegawai (effort)yang didukung dengan motivasi yang tinggi, dengan kemampuan pegawai (ability), yang diperoleh melalui latihan-latihan. Produktivitas yang meningkat berartiperformansi yang baik, akan menjadi feedback bagi usaha, atau memotivasi pekerja padatahap berikutnya. Berdasarkan konsep tersebut dapat dilihat bahwa produktivitasbukan hanya mengukur jumlah keluaran yang dihasilkan sebanyak-banyaknya, akantetapi lebih dari itu adalah memperhatikan kualitas keluarannya. Dengan kata lainproduktivitas adalah bagaimana seseorang dapat melakukan pekerjaannya denganbaik sehingga menghasilkan produk yang baik. Dengan adanya masukan dan keluaran yang mempengaruhi produktivitas, rasio produktivitas bisa diperbesar dengan melakukan beberapa cara berikut ini: a. Pengurangan penggunaan sumber daya untuk memperoleh jumlah hasil produksi. Hal ini dilakukan agar sumber yang digunakan lebih irit dan terhindar pemborosan. b. Penggunaan sumber daya yang sama untuk meraih jumlah hasil produksi yang lebih besar dengan memanfaatkan faktor produksi secara lebih maksimal. c. Penggunaan sumber daya yang besar untuk jumlah hasil produksi yang lebih besar lagi. Hal ini biasanya dilakukan oleh perusahaan yang sedang bertumbuh dan berkembang. d. Pengurangan jumlah produksi yang dibarengi pengurangan jumlah sumber daya akibat adanya penurunan penjualan atau produksi. e. Penggunaan sumber daya untuk bisa memperoleh jumlah produksi yang lebih besar dengan kemampuan bekerja lebih efektif dan menekan biaya atau keluaran sementara serendah mungkin. Dengan melakukan salah satu atau beberapa cara di atas, rasio produktivitas perusahaan akan meningkat. Agar produktivitas perusahaan meningkat, maka perusahaan secara garis besar perlu untuk memperhatikan tiga yakni: a) Menaikkan jumlah output; b) Mengurangi tenaga kerja; c) Menambahkan tenaga kerja dan menaikkan jumlah output. Dalam faktor ini, sebenarnya ada cara lain yang bisa Anda lakukan yaitu memberikan reward kepada karyawan berprestasi. Salah satunya dengan voucher Sodexo Gift Pass, dari penyedia layanan voucher Sodexo. Dengan voucher hadiah ekonomis yang satu ini, karyawan bisa memenuhi kebutuhan mereka dengan berbagai pilihan. Kinerja di kantor pun juga lebih baik lagi karena sudah mendapatkan reward tersebut. Selain itu, karyawan lain juga terpacu untuk mendapatkannya juga (www.sodexo.co.id 2020). Bagi organisasi, suatu pembahasan tentang kepuasan kerja akan menyangkut usaha-usaha untuk meningkatkan efektivitas organisasi dengan cara membuat efektif perilaku karyawan dalam kerja. Perilaku karyawan yang menompang pencapaian tujuan organisasi adalah merupakan sisi lain yang harus diperhatikan, di samping penggunaan mesin-mesin modern sebagai hasil kemajuan bidang Jurnal Nahdlatul Fikr Jurnal Ilmiah (Pendidikan Islam, Hukum Islam, Ekonomi Syari’ah dan Sosial Budaya) 21 Vol. 2, No.1 Januari-Juli 2020 P-ISSN : 2623-2189
  23. Ristiani , Diah Permasih Study On The Effectiveness Of Organizational Management, Human Resources And Leadership In Private Schools In Era 4.0 teknologi. Ketidakpuasan karyawan dalam kerja akan mengakibatkan suatu situasi yang tidakmenguntungkan baik secara organisasi maupun secara individual. Ketidakpuasandalam kerja akan dapat menimbulkan perilaku agresif, atau sebaliknya akanmenunjukkan sikap menarik diri dari kontak dengan lingkungan sosialnya. Misalnya,dengan mengambil sikap berhenti dari perusahaan, suka bolos dan perilaku lain yangcenderung bersifat menghindari dari aktifitas organisasi. Bentuk perilaku agresifmisalnya melakukan sabotase, sengaja membuat kesalahan dalam kerja, menentangatasan atau sampai pada aktivitas pemogokan. Dari beberapa definisi di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa kepuasan kerja karyawan adalah merupakan masalah penting yang di perhatikan dalam hubungannya dengan produktivitas kerja karyawan danketidakpuasan sering dikaitkan dengan tingkat tuntutan dan keluhan pekerjaan yangtinggi. Pekerja dengan tingkat ketidak puasan yang tinggi lebih mungkin untuk melakukan sabotase dan agresi yang pasif. Banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi kepuasan kerja karyawan. Faktor-faktor itusendiri dalam peranannya memberikan kepuasan kepada karyawan bergantung padapribadi masing-masing karyawan. Menurut Brown & Ghiselli (Hamsinah 2018:33) mengemukakan adanya empat faktor yang menimbulkan kepuasan kerja, yaitu: a. Kedudukan, umumnya manusia beranggapan bahwa seseorang yang bekerja padapekerjaan yang lebih tinggi akan merasa lebih puas daripada mereka yang bekerjapada pekerjaan yang lebih rendah. Pada beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa haltersebut tidak selalu benar, tetapi justru perubahan dalam tingkat pekerjaanlah yangmempengaruhi kepuasan kerja. b. Pangkat, pada pekerjaan yang mendasarkanperbedaan tingkat atau golongan, sehingga pekerjaan tersebut memberikan kedudukanmemberikan kedudukan tertentu pada orang yang melakukannya. Apabila adakenaikan pangkat, dan kebanggaan terhadap kedudukan yang baru itu akan mengubah perilaku dan perasaannya. c. Jaminan finansial dan jaminan sosial, berpengaruhterhadap kepuasan kerja. d. Mutu pengawasan, hubungan antara karyawan denganpihak pimpinan sangat penting artinya dalam menaikkan produktivitas kerja. Produktivitas mempunyai kaitan yang erat dengan keinginan atau kemauan seseorang untuk mencapai sesuatu yang lebih baik. Menurut (Siagian 2003:154) Produktivitas adalah kemampuan memperoleh manfaat sebesar-besarnya dari sarana dan prasarana yang tersedia dengan menghasilkan keluaran (output) yang optimal bahkan kalau mungkin yang maksimal. Produktivitas kerja merupakan suatu masalah yang harus mendapat perhatian serius dari pihak perusahaan, karena peningkatan produktivitas kerja karyawan tidak akan terjadi dengan sendirinya, tetapi harus ada usaha dan peran serta baik dari pihak perusahaan maupun dari pihak karyawan itu sendiri. Efisiensi kerja merupakan suatu prinsip dasar untuk melakukan setiap kegiatan suatu perusahaan dengan tujuan untuk dapat memperoleh hasil yang dikehendaki dengan usaha yang seminimal mungkin seusai dengan standar yang ada. Menurut (Sedarmayanti 2001:112) Efisiensi kerja yakni perbandingan terbaik antara suatu pekerjaan yang dilakukan dengan hasil yang dicapai oleh pekerjaan tersebut sesuai dengan yang ditargetkan baik dalam hal mutu maupun hasilnya yang meliputi pemakaian waktu yang optimal dan kualitas cara kerja yang maksimal. Bekerja dengan efisiensi adalah bekerja dengan gerakan, usaha, waktu dan kelelahan yang sedikit mungkin. Dengan menggunakan cara kerja yang sederhana, penggunaan alat yang dapat membantu mempercepat penyelesaian tugas serta menghemat gerak dan tenaga, maka seseorang dapat dikatakan bekerja dengan efisien dan memperoleh hasil yang memuaskan. Salah satu sasaran manajemen sumber daya manusia dalam suatu perusahaan adalah terciptanya kepuasan kerja anggota organisasinya. Kepuasan kerja karyawan yang tinggi cenderung akan meningkatkan produktivitas kerja karyawan yang juga akan berdampak positif pada pencapaian tujuan perusahaan. Menurut (Siagian 2003:295) berpendapat bahwa kepuasan kerja merupakan suatu cara pandang seseorang, baik yang bersifat positif maupun bersifat negatif tentang pekerjaannya. Karakter Umum Organisasi Klasik (Goal Orientation, Hierarchical Structure, Organizational Structure, dan Interpersonal Interaction). Jurnal Nahdlatul Fikr Jurnal Ilmiah (Pendidikan Islam, Hukum Islam, Ekonomi Syari’ah dan Sosial Budaya) 22 Vol. 2, No.1 Januari-Juli 2020 P-ISSN : 2623-2189
  24. Ristiani , Diah Permasih Study On The Effectiveness Of Organizational Management, Human Resources And Leadership In Private Schools In Era 4.0 Salah satu teori motivasi yang memiliki relevansi khusus dengan studi pembelajaran organisasi adalah teori Goal Orientation (GO) atau tujuan pencapaian (Dweck, 1986; Dweck & Leggett, 1988). Teori tujuan pencapaian mengusulkan bahwa individu memiliki kecenderungan motivasi untuk mengejar tujuan yang berbeda berdasarkan keyakinan yang mendasari mereka, dan orientasi tujuan (GOs) ini pada gilirannya memengaruhi cara mereka mendekati, menafsirkan, dan menanggapi situasi dan tantangan (Chen & Mathieu, 2008; Dweck, 2000). Konstruksi GO mencakup orientasi penguasaan yang bertujuan mengejar pertumbuhan dan orientasi kinerja yang ditujukan untuk menunjukkan kompetensi (yaitu, pendekatan kinerja) atau menghindari menunjukkan ketidakmampuan (yaitu, menghindari kinerja). Prestasi teori tujuan telah menerima dukungan luas dalam bidang sosial, organisasi, pendidikan, dan psikologi olahraga karena kemampuannya untuk memprediksi perilaku dalam situasi pencapaian (mis., Covington, 2000; Duda & Hall, 2001; Payne, Youngcourt, & Beaubien, 2007; Pintrich, Conley, & Kempler, 2003; Utman, 1997; VandeWalle, 2003). Ahli teori organisasi memiliki juga mulai menggambarkan bahwa GO beroperasi sebagai konstruksi kolektif (misalnya, di unit kerja) dengan pengaruh penting pada hasil tingkat tim dan organisasi (Bunderson & Sutcliffe, 2003; Dragoni, 2005; Porter, 2008). Terlepas dari temuan yang menjanjikan ini, GO telah dipelajari terutama dalam kaitannya dengan kinerja tim dan hanya dikaitkan secara periferal dengan pembelajaran proses. Mempertimbangkan bagaimana GO memainkan peran sentral dalam bagaimana individu, kelompok, dan organisasi berperilaku ketika dihadapkan pada peluang pertumbuhan (Porter, 2008), GO tidak bisa dipahami dengan benar dalam konteks organisasi tanpa integrasi organisasi beasiswa belajar. Kami mengusulkan bahwa waktu yang tepat untuk menempatkan GO dalam kerangka pembelajaran organisasi untuk menjelaskan bagaimana kecenderungan motivasi individu dapat muncul dan mempengaruhi proses pembelajaran pada tingkat analisis yang lebih tinggi dalam organisasi (Chadwick and Raver 2015). Karakteristik individu dari setiap karyawan ini dilakukan karena pada dasarnya setiap manusia mempunyai karakteristik individu yang pasti ada perbedaannya antara yang satu dengan yang lainnya. Seperti yang dikemukakan oleh (Rivai, 2011; Dewi, Suardhika, and Hendrawan 2021:163) dijelaskan bahwa karakteristik individu pada dasarnya dibentuk oleh kepribadian dan pengalaman yang dimiliki seseorang yang membedakannya dengan orang lain dan Rahman (2013) juga menyatakan hal yang sama, bahwa karakteristik individu adalaj ciri khas seseorang dalam menunjukkan perbedaan seseorang tentang motivasi, inisiatif, kemampuan untuk tetap tegar menghadapi tugas sampai tuntas atau memecahkan masalah atau bagaimana menyesuaikan perubahan yang terkait erat dengan lingkungan yang mempengaruhi kinerja individu. Berdasarkan uraian tersebut, maka karakteristik individu adalah karakter seorang individu dan cara pandang dalam menafsirkan apa yang dilihatnya sesuai dengan perwatakannya. Hal tersebut nantinya akan berpengaruh terhadap bagaimana cara seorang karyawan dalam menyikapi dan menilai suatu pekerjaan serta menyelesaikan pekerjaannya (Dewi, Suardhika, and Hendrawan 2021). Perkembangan dalam berbagai bidang pada beberapa tahun terakhir menjadikan organisasiorganisasi mengadakan perubahan ataupun pembaruan terhadap bentuk struktur organisasinya. Berbagai desain struktur organisasi dimaksudkan untuk memberikan solusi yang paling mendukung dan mempermudah secara efektif dan efisien bagi anggotanya untuk melakukan kegiatan organisasinya dalam mencapai sasaran organisasi. Berkaitan dengan hal di atas maka yang dimaksud struktur adalah “Structure is the arrangement or interrelation of all the parts of a whole; manner of organization or construction.”, struktur organisasi adalah bagaimana tugas pekerjaan dibagi, dikelompokkan dan di koordinasi secara formal, dan lebih lanjud dapat pula dikatakan bahwa “Organization structure defines how taks are to be allocated, who reports to whom, and the formal cordinating mechanisms and interaction patters that will be followed. Namun demikian, perlu diberikan batasan yang dimaksud dengan struktur, struktur adalah pola interaksi yang ditetapkan dalam suatu organisasi dan yang mengoordinasikan teknologi dan manusia dalam organisasi. Sedangkan struktur dalam konteks group adalah: standar perilaku yang diterapkan oleh kelompok, sistem komunikas, dan imbalan serta mekanisme sanksi kelompok. Sehingga dapat disimpulakan bahwa struktur organisasi adalah pola formal untuk mengelompokkan orang-orang dan pekerjaan, pola formal aktivitas dan hubungan antara berbagai Jurnal Nahdlatul Fikr Jurnal Ilmiah (Pendidikan Islam, Hukum Islam, Ekonomi Syari’ah dan Sosial Budaya) 23 Vol. 2, No.1 Januari-Juli 2020 P-ISSN : 2623-2189
  25. Ristiani , Diah Permasih Study On The Effectiveness Of Organizational Management, Human Resources And Leadership In Private Schools In Era 4.0 subunit organisasi, yang sering digambarkan melalui bagan (Rivai and Mulyadi 2010:357; Rohmah 2019). . (Ilustrasi Teori Umum Hierarchical Structure) Teori Aksiomatik (The Axiomatic Theory) dalam Organisasi Organik dan Mekanik Menurut teori organisasi, terdapat dua kontinum desain organisasi, yaitu organisasi mekanistik(birokrasi) dan organisasi organik. Organisasi mekanistik ditandai dengan adanya spesialisasi yangtinggi, departementalisasi yang rigid, rantai komando yang jelas, rentang kendali yang sempit,sentralisasi yang tinggi, dan formalisasi yang tinggi. Sedangkan organisasi organik ditandai denganciri-ciri tim lintas fungsional, tim, lintas hierarki, arus informasi yang bebas, rentang kendali yanglebar, desentralisasi, dan formalisasi yang rendah (Robbins, 2012:274). Dalam mencapai tujuan bersama, maka penentuan struktur organisasi menjadi hal yang krusial. Banyak definisi dan pendapat yang berbeda mengenai struktur organisasi. Struktur adalah serangkaian kewajiban yang perlu dilakukan dalam mencapai tujuan organisasi yangtergambarkan dalam tabel organisasi (Jackson dan Morgan, 1982:81) dalam (Setiawan and Puspitasari 2018). Dalam terminologi laindisebutkan bahwa struktur adalah arsitektur dari kompetensi bisnis, kepemimpinan, talenta,dan pengaturan hubungan fungsional (Wolf, 2002). Walton (1985:238), mengidentifikasi struktursebagai dasar dari organisasi, termasuk tingkatan hierarki, rentang kendali, jabatan dan peran, mekanisme kerja, dan cara pemecahan masalah. Berdasarkan kamus perilaku organisasi (“Dictionary-Organizational Behavioral,” 2012), struktur organisasi didefinisikan sebagaipola hubungan antar komponen dan bagian dari organisasi.Dalam menyusun struktur organisasi, terdapat enam hal yang perlu dipertimbangkan, yaitusebagai berikut : a. Spesialisasi Kerja Hakikat spesialisasi kerja adalah bahwa seluruh pekerjaan dipecah-pecah menjadi sejumlahlangkah dan tiap langkah diselesaikan oleh individu yang berlainan, bukannya keseluruhan pekerjaan dilakukan oleh satu individu. b. Departementalisasi Setelah pekerjaan dibagi-bagi melalui spesialisasi kerja, perlu dilakukan pengelompokan pekerjaan tersebut sehingga tugas yang sama/mirip dapat dikoordinasikan. Dasar yang digunakan untuk pengelompokan ini, disebut departementalisasi. Departementalisasipekerjaan dapat dilakukan menurut fungsinya (akuntansi, personalia, manufaktur, riset & pengembangan), pelanggan, jenis produk, geografis/teritori, dan prosesnya. c. Rantai Komando Rantai komando merupakan garis wewenang yang tidak terputus-putus, yang terentangdari puncak organisasi ke eselon terbawah dan memperjelas siapa melapor kepada siapa. Ada dua konsep komplementer yang perlu dipahami tentang rantai komando tersebut, yakni:1) Wewenang (hak-hak yang melekat dalam posisi manajerial untuk memberi perintahdan mengharapkan perintah itu dipatuhi); dan 2) Kesatuan Komando (bawahan seharusnya memiliki satu atasan kepada siapa bawahantersebut bertanggung jawab langsung). d. Rentang Kendali Jurnal Nahdlatul Fikr Jurnal Ilmiah (Pendidikan Islam, Hukum Islam, Ekonomi Syari’ah dan Sosial Budaya) 24 Vol. 2, No.1 Januari-Juli 2020 P-ISSN : 2623-2189
  26. Ristiani , Diah Permasih Study On The Effectiveness Of Organizational Management, Human Resources And Leadership In Private Schools In Era 4.0 Rentang kendali berkaitan dengan jumlah bawahan yang dapat dikendalikan oleh seorangmanajer secara efisien dan efektif. e. Sentralisasi dan Desentralisasi Sentralisasi/desentralisasi mengacu pada tingkat pengambilan keputusan dipusatkan padasatu titik tunggal dalam organisasi. Jika manajemen mengambil keputusan utama organisasidengan sedikit atau tanpa masukan dari personil di tingkat lebih bawah, keputusan organisasitersebut dinamakan tersentralisasikan. Sebaliknya, jika makin banyak personil pada tingkatlebih bawah diberi keleluasaan untuk mengambil keputusan, keputusan tersebut disebutpengambilan keputusan dalam organisasi tersebut didesentralisasikan. f. Formalisasi Formalisasi mengacu pada tingkat pekerjaan di dalam suatu organisasi itu dibakukan. Jika pekerjaan sangat diformalkan, pelaksana pekerjaan itu mempunyai kuantitas keleluasaanyang minimum mengenai; apa yang harus dikerjakan, kapan harus dikerjakan, dan bagaimana seharusnya ia mengerjakannya. Pada organisasi dengan formalisasi yang tinggi, terdapat uraian jabatan dalam bentuk tertulis,banyak aturan organisasi dan prosedur yang terdefinisikan dengan jelas mengenai proseskerja dalam organisasi. Sementara pada organisasi dengan formalisasi rendah, perilaku kerjarelatif tidak terprogram dan para karyawan mempunyai banyak keleluasaan dalammenjalankan pekerjaannya. Proses Sekolah sebagai System Sosial (Pendekatan Idiografik dan Nomotetik guna Mencapai Perilaku Sosial dalam Mencapai Sekolah Yang Efektif) Sebagai sistem sosial, sekolah merupakan akumulasi dari komponen- komponen sosial integral yang saling berinteraksi dan memiliki kiprah yang bergantung antara satu sama lain. Sekolah mempunyai dua aspek penting yaitu aspek individu dan aspek sosial. Di satu pihak, pendidikan sekolah bertugas mempengaruhi dan menciptakan kondisi yang memungkinkan perkembangan secara optimal. Sekolah sebagai pendidikan formal dituntut untuk dapat merekam segala fenomena yang terjadi di masyarakat. Selanjutnya sekolah memberikan informasi dan penjelasan kepada peserta didik terhadap ontologis suatu peristiwa. Gunawan dalam Muhyi Batubara mengatakan, manusia sebagai pribadi tidak dapat hidup dan menghayati eksistensinya secara wajar kecuali hidup bersama dengan sesamanya. Mereka satu sama lain saling membutuhkan, sebab pada hakekatnya manusia adalah mahluk sosial (Gunawan, 2004: 78). Pendekatan interpretif berangkat dariupaya untuk mencari penjelasan tentangperistiwa-peristiwa sosial atau budaya yangdidasarkan pada perspektif dan pengalamanorang yang diteliti. Pendekatan interpretatifdiadopsi dari orientasi praktis. Secara umumpendekatan interpretatif merupakan sebuahsistem sosial yang memaknai perilaku secaradetail langsung mengobservasi (Newman,1997: 68) dalam (Muslim 2018:78). Interpretif melihat fakta sebagaisesuatu yang unik dan memiliki konteks danmakna yang khusus sebagai esensi dalam me-mahami makna sosial. Interpretif melihat fak-ta sebagai hal yang cair (tidak kaku) yang me-lekat pada sistem makna dalam pendekatan interpretatif. Pendidikan dan masyarakat memiliki hubungan resiprokal yang sangat kuat.Hubungan resiprokal ini dapat dijelaskan secara filosofis maupun sosiologisdengan melihat peran masing-masing, dan juga dapat pula dijelaskan secarapaedagogies. Stratifikasi masyarakat mempunyai peran yang mempengaruhiproses pendidikan, selanjutnya pendidikan sendiri mempunyai peran dan pengaruhterhadap sistem stratifikasi masyarakat. Sehingga pada dasarnya, pendidikan dansistem stratifikasi masyarakat mempunyai hubungan integral satu sama lain,masyarakat merupakan kesatuan sistem yang saling bergantung danberhubungan—pendidikan dituntut melakukan penyesuaian terus menerus denganperkembangan masyarakat. Sesuai dengan ciri masyarakat tersebut, makapendidikan yang akan dipilih oleh masyarakat adalah pendidikan yang dapatmemberikan kemampuan secara teknologis, fungsional, individual, informatif danterbuka. Serta kemampuan secara etik dan moral yang dapat dikembangkanmelalui agama (Ashoumi 2014). Jurnal Nahdlatul Fikr Jurnal Ilmiah (Pendidikan Islam, Hukum Islam, Ekonomi Syari’ah dan Sosial Budaya) 25 Vol. 2, No.1 Januari-Juli 2020 P-ISSN : 2623-2189
  27. Ristiani , Diah Permasih Study On The Effectiveness Of Organizational Management, Human Resources And Leadership In Private Schools In Era 4.0 Pentingnya pemahaman terhadap keefektifan sekolah tidak saja dalamkaitan dengan meningkatkan mutu pendidikan tetapi juga sejalan dengankebijakan nasional yaitu desentralisasi pendidikan dalam rangka pelaksanaanotonomi daerah. Berkenaan dengan desentralisasi pendidikan tersebut, di bidang pendidikan dasar, Depdiknas telah menyiapkan konsep otonomi sekolah yaitumanajemen berbasis sekolah. Dengan konsep ini, pemerintah tidak hanya berharappada meningkatnya mutu pendidikan melainkan juga tercapainya pemerataan,relevansi, dan efisiensi penyelenggaraan pendidikan (Huda 2019). Variabel School Effectiveness Framework Variabel School Effectiveness Framework menurut N Hatton Dan D. Smith dimana Era globalisasi saat ini pola pikir masyarakat masih tergolong klasik yang beranggapan bahwa sekolah tinggi tidak menjamin akan mendapatkan pekerjaan. Sebagai contoh, masih banyaknya lulusan sarjana yang menganggur. Selain itu,masyarakat berfikir bahwa sekolah sangatmenjenuhkan karena lamanya prosespembelajaran dimulai dari Sekolah Dasarsampai Sekolah Menengah Atas terhitunglamanya proses pembelajaran selama 12tahun. Pemikiran masyarakat saat ini daripada untuk melanjutkan ke PerguruanTinggi dan membuang waktu untukbelajar lebih baik di gunakan untukbekerja. Menurut Natton and D. Smith dalam (Ridwan, 2009:335) dimensi dari efektivitas sekolah antara lain. (1) kebermaknaan proses belajar mengajar, (2) manajemen sekolah/pengelolaansekolah, (3) efektivitas budaya sekolah, (4) kepemimpinan kepala sekolah yangkuat, (5) out put sekolah (hasil danprestasi), dan (6) out come (benefit). Menurut Taylor dalam (Ridwan, 2009 : 334) ciri-ciri efektivitas sekolah antara lain. (1) tujuan sekolah dinyatakansecara jelas dan spesifik, (2) pelaksanaankepemimpinan pendidikan yang kuat olehkepala sekolah, (3) ekspektasi guru danstaf tinggi, (4) ada kerja sama kemitraanantara sekolah, orangtua dan masyarakat,(5) adanya iklim yang kondusif bagisiswa untuk belajar, (6) kemajuan siswasering dimonitor, dan (7) menekankanpada keberhasilan siswa dalam mencapaiketerampilan aktivitas yang esensial.Kualitas kepemimpinan sangat mempengaruhi tercapainya sekolah efektif. Kepalah sekolah dalam hal inisebagai pemimpin formal dan faktual sebuah sekolah harus mampu untuk mengkolaborasi dan men-sinergikan komponen-komponen sekolah seperti guru, murid, dan karyawan sekolah yang lain. Selain itu, kepala sekolah juga harus mampu memaksimalkan sarana prasarana yang sudah ada di sekolah yang dipimpinnya. Kepala sekolah sudah semestinya mampu menjadi contoh integritas yang patut dicontoh oleh gurudan murid yang ada di sekolah. Integritas seorang pemimpin sangat mempengaruhi kualitas kepemimpinan seseorang,dengan integritas yang baik, seorang pemimpin dalam hal ini kepala sekolah akan ditaati dan dihormati oleh guru dansiswa yang dipimpinnya, sehingga dapattercipta lingkungan organisasi sekolahyang tertib dan kondusif (Fikri and Nasution 2018). Kedudukan Sekolah sangat penting dalam kehidupan masyarakat pada dasarnya tidak terlepas dari fungsi madrasah sebagai lembaga pendidikan bagi masyarakat memiliki peran penting dan menentukan dalam perkembangan masyarakat. Sebagai suatu sistem, madrasah terdiri dari bagianbagian yang berinteraksi dan bersinergi dalam menjalankan peran dan fungsinya guna mencapai tujuantujuan pendidikan sehingga dapat meningkatkan efektivitas pencapaiannya. Untuk itu madrasah harus menjadi organisasi yang efektif (effective school) yang menurut N. Hatton dan D. Smith dalam tulisannya Perspective on Effective school menyatakan bahwa “Effective school are characterized by strong instructional leadership, clear focus for learning outcomes, high expectation of the students, a safe and orderly environment and the frequent monitoring of achievement levels”. Artinya bahwa Sekolah yang efektif perlu kepemimpinan instruksional yang kuat, perhatian yang jelas pada hasil belajar, pengharapan murid yang tinggi, lingkungan yang baik serta pengawasan tingkat prestasi, semua ini akan terwujud apabila seluruh unsur yang terlibat dalam proses pendidikan di madrasah berjalan optimal sesuai dengan fungsi dan tugasnya, untuk itulah kepala madrasah harus berusaha mewujudkannya melalui berbagai kebijakannya dalam mengelola pendidikan di sekolah (Turney et al. 1992). Korelasi Moral (Semangat), Satisfaction (Kepuasan) serta Lingkungan Persekolahan Jurnal Nahdlatul Fikr Jurnal Ilmiah (Pendidikan Islam, Hukum Islam, Ekonomi Syari’ah dan Sosial Budaya) 26 Stress (tekanan psikologis) di Vol. 2, No.1 Januari-Juli 2020 P-ISSN : 2623-2189
  28. Ristiani , Diah Permasih Study On The Effectiveness Of Organizational Management, Human Resources And Leadership In Private Schools In Era 4.0 Bahagia diukur dengan Authentic Happiness Inventory (AHI)) dari Seligman, Kepuasan Kerja guru diukur dengan Teacher Job satisfaction Questionnaire dari Lester dan Stres Guru diukur dengan Angket Stres Guru yang dikem-bangkan oleh Kyriacou (Toisuta 2017). Kerja merupakan sesuatu yang di butuhkan oleh manusia. Manusia bekerja karena adasesuatu yang hendak dicapainya dan manusia berharap bahwa aktivitas kerja yang dilakukannya akan membawa kepada suatu keadaan yang lebih memuaskan dari pada keadaan sebelumnya. Manusia memiliki kebutuhan yang harus dipenuhi dalam kehidupannya dan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut salah satunya adalah dengan bekerja. Guru menjadi pelaku yang menunjang tercapainya tujuan pendidikan, mempunyai pikiran, perasaan dan keinginan yang dapat mempengaruhi sikap-sikap terhadap pekerjaannya. Sikap guruakan menentukan kinerja, dedikasi, dan kecintaan terhadap pekerjaan yang dibebankan di pundaknya. Menurut Lester (dalam Hughes, 2006) kepuasan kerja guru didefenisikan sebagai lingkup dari persepsi pegawai dan nilai dari karakteristik lingkungan pekerjaan seperti kompensasi, otonomi, rekan kerja, dan produktivitas. Kepuasan kerja guru sebagai sejauhmana penerimaan dan nilainilai yang dirasakan oleh guru terhadap banyaknya faktor seperti evaluasi, hubungan rekan kerja, tanggungjawab, dan penghargaan. Guru merupakan kunci keberhasilanpendidikan, sebab inti dari kegiatanpendidikan adalah belajar mengajar yangmemerlukan peran dari guru di dalamnya, berdasarkan hasil study di negara-negara berkembang, guru memberikan sumbangan dalam pretasi belajar siswa. Dengan demikian jelaslah bahwa keberhasilan pendidikan yang terutama adalah faktor guru sebagai tenaga pendidikan yang professional. Salah satu halyang patut dipertimbangkan adalah bagaimana upaya untuk meningkatkan kinerja guru dengan tetap berupaya memperhatikan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi terbentuknya kinerja tersebut. Situasi yang kondusif dan membuat guru manjadi semangat dalam melaksanakan tugas-tugasnya perlu diciptakan diantaranya terpenuhinya sarana penunjang pembelajaran, gaji yang cukup, manajemen yang transparan, iklim kerja yang nyaman (Rahmah 2016). Variabel Effective Teaching Behaviours Variabel Effective Teaching Behaviours N. Hatton dan D. Smith dimana Keberhasilan sekolah merupakan ukuran bersifat mikro yang didasarkan pada tujuan dan sasaran pendidikan pada tingkat sekolah yang sejalan dengan pendidikan nasional serta sejauh mana tujuan ini dapat dicapai pada periode tertentu sesuai dengan lamanya pendidikan yang berlangsung disekolah. Berdasarkan sudut pandang keberhasilan sekolah tersebut, kemudian dikenal sekolah efektif dan efisien yang mengacu pada sejauh mana sekolah dapat mencapai tujuan dan sasaran pendidikan yang telah ditentukan. Sekolah dikatakan efektif jika sekolah tersebut dapat mencapai apa yang telah direncanakan. Keefektifan sekolah merupakan kunci keberhasilan sekolah. Karena keefektifan sekolah penting dan diperlukan agar proses pembelajaran berjalan baik dan mutu pendidikan dapat ditingkatkan sehingga apa yang menjadi tujuan sekolah dan pendidikan dapat tercapai. Sebaliknya akan men Sebaliknya akan menjadi kurang optimalnya pelaksanaan pembelajaran disekolah bila komponen-komponen yang berada dilingkungan sekolah tidak mengerti peran pentingnya sekolah efektif. Salah satunya adalah peran kepala sekolah yang memiliki visi kedepan dan memiliki peran yang kuat dalam mengkoordinasikan, menggerakkan dan memotivasi serta menjalankan sumber daya sekolah sangat dibutuhkan demi terwujudnya sekolah efektif. Keefektifan sekolah menuntut perubahan sikap dan tingkah laku dari seluruh komponen sekolah, baik kepala sekolah, guru maupun staf tata usaha, termasuk orang tua siswa dan masyarakat dalam memandang, memahami dan membantu sekaligus memonitoring dan mengevaluasi dalam pelaksanaan sekolah. Perubahan sikap dan tingkah laku tersebut akan dapat terjadi bila sumber daya sekolah yang ada dimanfaatkan dan dikelola secara optimal dan efektif oleh kepala sekolah selaku orang yang bertanggungjawab dalam pelaksanaan pendidikan di sekolah. Menyadari betapa penting peningkatan mutu sekolah yang dapat dilihat dari indikator: mutu masukan, mutu proses, mutu lulusan, dan biaya, maka sangat perlu didukung oleh kemampuan manajerial kepala sekolah guna peningkatan mutu pendidikan di sekolah tersebut. Dengan demikian kepala sekolah dapat menjalankan tugas dan fungsi dengan sebaik-baiknya serta memainkan peran yaitu sebagai pemimpin sekaligus manajer agar sekolah Jurnal Nahdlatul Fikr Jurnal Ilmiah (Pendidikan Islam, Hukum Islam, Ekonomi Syari’ah dan Sosial Budaya) 27 Vol. 2, No.1 Januari-Juli 2020 P-ISSN : 2623-2189
  29. Ristiani , Diah Permasih Study On The Effectiveness Of Organizational Management, Human Resources And Leadership In Private Schools In Era 4.0 yang dipimpin menjadi lebih efektif. Sekolah efektif adalah sekolah yang mengorganisasikan dan memanfaatkan semua sumber daya yang dimiliki untuk menjamin semua siswa bisa mempelajari materi kurikulum yang esensial tanpa memandang ras, jenis kelamin, dan status sosial ekonomi (Komariyah, 2004:33; (Harso 2012). Model Kepemimpinan yang Efektif Menurut pendapat (Tamimy 2019) model kepemimpinan yang efektif dapat dilakukan dengan Model Gaya Kepemimpinan MSDT. MSDT merupakan alat tes yang didisain dengan sandaran teori dari J.W. Reddin tentang teori 3 D yaitu theory of managerial effectivnes, atau yang dapat di sebut dengan dimensi gaya manajemen yang efektif. Dari dasar teori tersebut mengacu pada hal yang situasional atau leadership theory dari Blanchard dan juga Harsey. Selanjutnya Reddin dalam teorinya membagi model gaya kepemimpinan manajemen MSDT menjadi 8 kategori yang spesifik yaitu; Deserter, Missionary, Autocratic, Compromiser, Bureaucratic, Developer, Benevolent Autocratic, Executive. Hal tersebut dapat kita jabarkan sebagai berikut tentang Model Gaya Kepemimpinan MSDT. a. Executive Gaya ini dianggap efektif dikarenakan dapat mengolah dengan baik dalam bertugas dan juga berhubungan. Model ini memiliki sisi efektif daripada gaya kompromis. Polanya pun dilakukan dengan mengintegrasikan antara tugas dan juga hubungan dengan baik, memanfaatkan kedua aspek dengan sinergi yang sangat optimal dalam mengelola manajemen. Pendekatan ini merupakan pendekatan dan gaya kepemimpinan paling baik di antara gaya kepemimpinan lain. Karena sifat dari gaya kepemimpinan executive adalah melibatkan semua unsur keunggulan daripada semua pendekatan gaya yang ada. Ia pun seringkali dianggap sebagai motivator dalam manajemen. Anda juga dapat memahami tipe gaya kepemimpinan dalam psikologi dahulu, agar lebih menambah wawasan keilmuan. b. Developer Model gaya kepemimpinan manajerial sisi efektif dari tipe gaya kepemimpinan manajerial missionary. Tujuan dari gaya ini adalah untuk bertindak secara professional tanpa sedikitpun mengesampingkan suatu aspek emosi dari bawahan. Bawahan akan diberikan kesempaan dalam memberikan ide, pandangan maupun peran lebih daripada kebijakan yang ada untuk mengembangkan sebuah potensi. Kontribusi dari bawahan yang diberikan padanya pun sangat diperhatikan. Skor tinggi memiliki keyakinan yang optimis tentang para individu untuk bekerja dan menghasilkan. Sifat pendekatannya berupa kolegial, yang mana bawahan sebagai patner bukan cuma sebagai pembantu dalam mengerjakan segala sesuatu. Tipe gaya ini merupakan orang-orang manajer yang senang untuk berbagi pengetahuan dan juga keahlian dan potensi bawahan pun akan dioptimalkannya. c. Benevolent autocrat Tipe gaya benevolent autocratic memiliki sisi pengendalian dan juga pengarahan yang komunikatif dalam melakukan gaya otokratik. Tipe ini efektif karena memberi unsur komunikatif tadi. Namun gaya ini masih mengandalakan suatu instruksi dan intervensi. Skor tinggi yang dimiliki dilihat sebagai seorang guru dalam memberikan tugas pada bawahan, dimana ia dapat memberikan suatu instruksi dengan baik tanpa mengesampingkan komunikasi pada bawahan secara lebih fleksibel. Pola ini dilakukan dengan tidak meninggalkan bawahan dengan memberikan kesediaan bertanya, membantu ia apabila ada yang ia anggap kurang atau menyimpang. Mereka tidak ragu untuk memberikan perintah, dan tak ragu pula dalam memberikan hukuman namun tetap adil dalam bersikap. Gaya ini mungkin baik dalam sisi kerjasama namun mereka yang memiliki kecendrungan gaya ini menghindari hubungan yang bersifat personal. d. Bureaucrat Bureaucratic Tipe gaya manajemen ini adalah tipe procedural, dan berdasr pada aturan atau tata laksana dengan tulus untuk menerima hirarki kewenangan. Gaya ini merupakan simbol dari hubungan manajemen yang formal dalam bersikap. Skor tinggi memiliki arti sistematik. Fungsi dan Jurnal Nahdlatul Fikr Jurnal Ilmiah (Pendidikan Islam, Hukum Islam, Ekonomi Syari’ah dan Sosial Budaya) 28 Vol. 2, No.1 Januari-Juli 2020 P-ISSN : 2623-2189
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  34. Jurnal Nahdlatul Fikr Vol . 2, No.1 Januari-Juli 2020 P-ISSN : 2623-2189 http://www.staima-banjar.ac.id/category/lppm/ DOI: ........................ Jurnal Ilmiah (Pendidikan Islam, Hukum Islam, Ekonomi Syari’ah dan Sosial Budaya) BUILDING JUDGE'S DECISION WHICH CAN REALIZE LEGAL GOALS MEMBANGUN PUTUSAN HAKIM YANG DAPAT MEWUJUDKAN TUJUAN HUKUM 1 Student Fajar Hernawan1, Farhatun Sa’diyah2, Dien Kalpika Kasih3 of Doctoral program in Islamic Law, Consestration of Sharia Economic Law, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, Bandung, Indonesia and Judge at the Religious Court Cianjur Regency Email: hernawanfajar027@gmail.com 2,3STAI Miftahul Huda Al Azhar Banjar, Indonesia sadiyahfarhatun@gmail.com Abstract: Abstrak Putusan hakim adalah sesuatu yang sangat diharapkan oleh pihak-pihak beperkara untuk menyelesaikan sengketa diantara mereka dengan sebaik-baiknya. Putusan merupakan mahkota hakim dan profesionalitas seorang hakim diantaranya dapat terlihat dari putusannya. Suatu putusan dapat dinilai baik jika dapat mewujudkan apa yang menjadi tujuan hukum. Pembahasan dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif, dengan menekankan pada library research (penelitian pustaka). Sehingga kajiannya difokuskan pada bahan-bahan kepustakaan dengan cara menelusuri dan menela’ah literatur-literatur yang berhubungan dengan judul penelitian ini yang berstandar akademik. Perwujudan dari peningkatan kualitas putusan hakim serta profesionalisme lembaga peradilan yakni ketika hakim mampu menjatuhkan putusan dengan memperhatikan tiga hal yang sangat esensial dalam tujuan hukum, yaitu keadilan (gerechtigheit), kepastian (rechsecherheit) dan kemanfaatan (zwachmatigheit). Kata Kunci: Peradilan, Putusan Hakim, Tujuan Hukum Abstrak : Die regter se beslissing is iets wat van die litigante verwag word om die dispuut tussen hulle so goed moontlik op te los. Besluite is die kroon van regters en die professionaliteit van 'n regter kan uit hul besluite gesien word. ’n Besluit kan as goed beskou word as dit kan besef wat die doel van die wet is. Die bespreking word met behulp van kwalitatiewe metodes gevoer, met die klem op biblioteeknavorsing (biblioteeknavorsing). Sodat die studie op biblioteekmateriaal gefokus word deur die literatuur wat verband hou met die titel van hierdie navorsing wat akademiese standaarde het, op te spoor en te ondersoek. Die beliggaming van die verbetering van die kwaliteit van regterbeslissings en die professionaliteit van die regbank is wanneer regters in staat is om besluite te neem deur drie dinge in ag te neem wat noodsaaklik is in die doel van die reg, naamlik geregtigheid (gerechtigheit), sekerheid (rechsecherheit) en doelmatigheid (zwachmatigheit). Sleutelwoorde: Regbank, Regter se besluit, Regsdoel Introduction To realize the Blue Print for Renewal and the Vision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia, namely to create a great judiciary, the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia and the four judicial bodies under it have carried out various efforts in order to reform the bureaucracy. The Supreme Court has taken systematic, comprehensive and basic strategic steps, so that the targets and objectives that have been set can be achieved effectively and efficiently. One form of bureaucratic reform that gets special attention is in terms of improving the quality of judges' decisions. A judge's decision or commonly known as a court decision is something that is expected by the litigants to resolve the dispute Nahdlatul Fikr Journal, Jurnal Ilmiah (Pendidikan Islam, Hukum Islam, Ekonomi Syari’ah dan Sosial Budaya) 33 Copyright © 2020, Nahdlatul Fikr Journal
  35. Fajar Hernawan , Farhatun Sa’diyah, Dien Kalpika Kasih Building Judge's Decision Which Can Realize Legal Goals between them as well as possible. Because with the judge's decision, the disputing parties expect legal certainty and justice in the cases they face.1 The principle in enforcing the law there are three elements that must be considered, namely justice, expediency and legal certainty. These three principles are the embodiment of the purpose of the law. Decisions are the crown of judges and the professionalism of a judge can be seen from their decisions. A decision can be considered good if it can realize what is the purpose of the law. Therefore, it is important to know and understand together how to build a judge's decision that can realize the legal objectives. Method In this study, the author uses and emphasizes library research (library research). So that the study is focused on library materials by tracing and examining the literature related to the title of this research which has academic standards. The data collected in this study are theoretical data, namely data related to this research obtained from theories contained in the literature. Considering that the data source for writing this article uses a literature study, the data collection technique used to discuss the problem is to use a book survey technique by reading and studying the sections related to the topic of discussion, namely by transferring, reviewing, and applying various reference sources in the study. literature study. Results and Discussion Judges and Judges' Decisions Judge is the oldest position in the world, it can be said that the position of Judge is as old as human civilization. Humans as social beings instinctively need interaction which then develops into community groups and eventually becomes a state. It is in this interaction that allows the emergence of various conflicts of interest, so that the group then agrees on the rules for living together. At this stage, humans have created a law between them, and to enforce it, it is necessary to have a mediating party that they acknowledge together, and that is the Judge. 2 Ansyahrul, Glorification of Justice from the Dimension of Judges is a profession related to the process in court. In Article 31 of Law Number 4 of 2004 as lastly amended by Law Number 48 of 2009 concerning Judicial Power it is stated that.3 Judges who work in the legal field who are functionally the main actors in the administration of judicial power, judges are required to have a special expertise as well as to understand in depth the scope of their duties and obligations. One element that distinguishes the judge profession from other professions is the existence of a special recruitment and education process that is applied to everyone who will carry out this profession.4 Legal Purpose The purpose of the law is to protect the rights and interests of each individual so that they are not disturbed or interfered with by others, so as to create a harmonious social life. According to the ethical theory (ethische theory), the law is solely aimed at realizing justice. This theory was first put forward by the Greek philosopher Aristotle in his "Ethica Nicomachea" and "Rhetorika", which stated that the law has a sacred duty, namely giving to everyone what he is entitled to receive. 5 Moh. Taufik Makarao, Pokok-pokok Hukum Acara Perdata, cet.1, (Jakarta: PT.Rineka Cipta, 2004), hal. 124. Ansyahrul, Pemuliaan Peradilan dari Dimensi Integritas Hakim, Pengawasan dan Hukum Acara, (Jakarta: Mahkamah Agung, 2008), h.1 3 Article 31 of Law Number 4 of 2004 concerning Judicial Power. 4 Junior B. Gregorius, Gelora Tarigan, Fungsi Hakim Dalam Mewujudkan Keadilan Dalam Putusan Diluar Dakwaan, Jurnal Staatrechts Vol. 1 No. 1 2017, hal 103. 1 2 5 Junior B. Gregorius, Gelora Tarigan, 2017, Fungsi Hakim Dalam Mewujudkan Keadilan Dalam Putusan Diluar Dakwaan, Jurnal Staatrechts Vol. 1 No. 1 Jurnal Nahdlatul Fikr Jurnal Ilmiah (Pendidikan Islam, Hukum Islam, Ekonomi Syari’ah dan Sosial Budaya) 34 Vol. 2, No.1 Januari-Juli 2020 P-ISSN : 2623-2189
  36. Fajar Hernawan , Farhatun Sa’diyah, Dien Kalpika Kasih Building Judge's Decision Which Can Realize Legal Goals Realizing Legal Objectives Through Judges' Decisions To realize the Blue Print for Renewal and its Vision, the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia and the four lower judiciary bodies have made various efforts to reform the bureaucracy. One form of bureaucratic reform that gets special attention is in terms of improving the quality of judges' decisions. From various opinions of legal experts, we can conclude that the purpose of law is justice (gerechtigheit), certainty (rechsecherheit) and expediency (zwachmatigheit). There are three schools among them, namely: First, the ethical school, which assumes that in principle the purpose of law is solely to achieve justice; Second, the utilitarian school, which assumes that in principle the purpose of the law is only to create the benefit or happiness of the community; Third, the juridical normative school, which assumes that in principle the purpose of law is to create legal certainty. Argumentative decisions that can realize legal objectives will be born from professional, independent, competent and high-integrity judges. The concept of modern justice in the blueprint of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia, will lead to an authoritative judicial institution and one of them is through argumentative judge decisions. Bibliography Abdul Manan, 2012, Penerapan Hukum Acara Perdata di Peradilan Agama, Jakarta: KencanaPrenadaMedia Group Achmad Ali, 1993, Menguak Tabir Hukum (Suatu Kajian Filosofis dan Sosiologis, Jakarta: Chandra Pratama Ahmad Rifai, 2010, Penemuan Hukum oleh Hakim Dalam Perspektif Hukum Progresif, Jakarta: Sinar Grafika Ahmad, Sifat, Fungsi dan Tujuan Hukum, https://www.yuksinu.id/, diakses tanggal 10 September 2021 Ansyahrul, 2008, Pemuliaan Peradilan dari Dimensi Integritas Hakim, Pengawasan dan Hukum Acara, Jakarta: Mahkamah Agung Bagir Manan, Menjadi Hakim Yang Baik, Majalah Varia Peradilan Tahun XXII No. 255, Februari 2007, Jakarta Busyro Muqoddas, 2002, Mengkritik Asas-Asas Hukum Acara Perdata, Jurnal Hukum Ius Quia Lustum, Yogyakarta Dominikus Rato, 2010, Filsafat Hukum Mencari dan Memahami Hukum, Yogyakarta: Laksbang Pressindo Gemala Dewi, 2005, Hukum Acara Peradilan Agama di Indonesia, Jakarta: Kencana, 2005 Junior B. Gregorius, Gelora Tarigan, 2017, Fungsi Hakim Dalam Mewujudkan Keadilan Dalam Putusan Diluar Dakwaan, Jurnal Staatrechts Vol. 1 No. 1 Manullang E. Fernando M, 2007, Menggapai Hukum Berkeadilan, Jakarta: Buku Kompas Mardi Chandra, 2021, Pembaruan Hukum Dispensasi Kawin Dalam Sistem Hukum Indonesia, Jakarta: Kencana-PrenadaMedia Group Margono, 2012, Asas Keadilan, Kemanfaatan dan Kepastian Hukum dalam Putusan Hakim, Jakarta: Kencana Moh. Taufik Makarao, 2004, Pokok-pokok Hukum Acara Perdata, cet.1, Jakarta: PT.Rineka Cipta Sudikno Mertokusumo,1988, Hukum Acara Perdata Indonesia, Yogyakarta: Liberty Syarif Mappiasse, 2021, Logika Hukum Pertimbangan Putusan Hakim, Jakarta: Kencana-PrenadaMedia Group Undang-Undang Nomor 4 Tahun 2004 tentang Kekuasaan Kehakiman sebagaimana telah diubah terakhir dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 48 Tahun 2009 Jurnal Nahdlatul Fikr Jurnal Ilmiah (Pendidikan Islam, Hukum Islam, Ekonomi Syari’ah dan Sosial Budaya) 35 Vol. 2, No.1 Januari-Juli 2020 P-ISSN : 2623-2189