Unwillingness to Share Profits

Many a time, it is mentioned that the clients are not willing to share with the Banks the actual profits of their business. The reluctance is based on two reasons:

1. They think that the bank has no right to share in the actual profit, which may be substantial, because the bank has nothing to do with the management or running of the business and why should they (the clients) share the fruit of their labour with the Bank who merely provides funds. The Clients also argue that conventional banks are content with a meagre rate of interest and so should be the Islamic Banks.

2. Even if the above was not a factor, the Clients are afraid to reveal their true profits to the Banks, lest the information is also passed on to the tax authorities and Clients’ tax liability increases.

The solution to the first part, though not easy, is not difficult or impossible either. Such Clients need to be convinced and persuaded that borrowing on interest is a cardinal sin, unless there is a dire necessity for such borrowing. Mere expansion of business is not a dire need, by any stretch of imagination. By making a legitimate arrangement for obtaining funds for their business, by way of musharakah, not only do they earn Allah’s pleasure but also a legitimate return for themselves, as well as for the Islamic Banks.

In respect of the second factor, all that can be said is that in some muslim countries, rate of taxation are indeed prohibitive and unjust. Islamic Banks as well as their Clients must lobby with the governments and struggle to change the laws which hamper the progress towards Islamic banking. The governments should also try to appreciate the fact that if rates of taxation are reasonable and if the tax-payers are convinced that they will benefit by honestly paying their taxes, this would increase, and not decrease, government revenues.


Source: Republished with the kind permission of Sheikh Muhammad Taqi Usmani.


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