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Amman Stock Exchange Daily Report - 13 December

IM Research
By IM Research
8 years ago
Amman Stock Exchange Daily Report - 13 December

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  1. Amman Stock Exchange 13-Dec-16 Close AMMAN SE GENERAL INDEX 2 ,175.24 % Change Year-to-Date (YTD) -0.02% 1.82% Daily Volume (shares) 2,973,733 6 MONTHS INDEX PERFORMANCE 2,200 2,180 2,160 2,140 2,120 2,100 2,080 2,060 2,040 2,020 Best/Worst Performing Companies Best Performers ARABIAN STEEL PIPES AL SANABEL INTERNATIONAL CO AD-DULAYL INDUSTRIAL PARK CO NATL PORTFOLIO SECURITIES CONTEMPORARY FOR HOUSING PRO % Change 4.63 3.61 2.13 2.04 2.00 Top Traded Companies by Value METHAQ REAL ESTATE INVESTMEN ARAB BANK PLC SPECIALIZED INVESTMENT COMPO AD-DULAYL INDUSTRIAL PARK CO AL EQBAL CO FOR INVESTMENT P * Source: Bloomberg Worst Performers AL-TAJAMOUAT FOR CATERING HS ZARA INVESTMENTS BARTER CO FOR INVESTMENT & T SALAM INTL TRANSPORT & TRAD REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT % Change (2.22) (2.22) (2.38) (2.56) (2.63) Top Traded Companies by Volume Value traded (JOD) 386,559.30 337,025.80 254,182.40 253,971.00 243,996.90 Volume traded (Shares) AD-DULAYL INDUSTRIAL PARK CO 529,229 METHAQ REAL ESTATE INVESTMEN 262,353 AL SANABEL INTERNATIONAL CO 259,933 ARAB EAST INVESTMENT 243,705 UNITED FINANCIAL INVESTMENTS 224,714
  2. Macroeconomic & Corporate News Jordan showcases investment opportunities worth $1.36b to Qatari business leaders The Jordanian-Qatari business forum opened in Doha on Monday, hosting businesspeople, investors and representatives of the private sector from both countries, the Jordan News Agency, Petra, reported. During the forum, Jordan showcased investment opportunities worth around $1.36 billion. The Jordanian delegation was chaired by Jordan Chamber of Commerce President Nael Kabariti, who said that the Kingdom exerts all efforts to improve policies and legislation regulating business, showcasing investment opportunities to Arab and Gulf investors, especially the Qataris. Qatar Chamber of Commerce Chairman Sheikh Khalifa Bin Jassim Al Thani welcomed the Jordanian delegates and said that international economic conditions are witnessing accelerating political changes, which he said require Arab countries to focus on economic and trade cooperation among each other. Despite decline, Jordan remains among most economically free nations Despite Jordanian businesses having good access to sound money, the performance of the legal structure and the security of property rights remain modest, according to a recently released international report. Jordan ranked 14th worldwide among 159 countries, with an overall rating of 7.82 out of 10 points in the 2016 Economic Freedoms report compiled by Canada-based Fraser Institute and based on 2014 data. In the report, the Kingdom came in third among Arab countries, following the United Arab Emirates (7.98) and Qatar (7.91). The index measures the degree to which the policies and institutions of countries are supportive of economic freedom through five parameters. The parameters are: size of government, legal system and security of property rights, access to sound money, freedom to trade internationally and regulation of credit, labour and business. Jordan scored highest in the access to sound money (9.5), followed by the size of government and the freedom to trade internationally (8 points for each), 7.5 points for regulations, to finish with the lowest score for the legal system and security of property rights parameter (6.1). Jordan secures WB soft loan to optimise water, energy management Jordan on Sunday signed a $250 million soft loan with the World Bank to enhance reforms in the energy and water sectors. The loan's payback period is 35 years with an interest rate of around 1.25 per cent and a five-year grace period, Minister of Planning and International Cooperation Imad Fakhoury said at the signing ceremony Sunday. The minister said the Second Programmatic Energy and Water Sector Reforms Development Policy Loan will be provided on concessional terms through an International Bank of Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) loan of $225 million and support from the Concessional Financing Facility (CFF) in the amount of $25 million. * Source: Bloomberg, Jordan Times, Zawya Disclaimer Awraq Investments and its affiliates obtain information from sources they believe to be reliable, but do not warrant its accuracy or fitness for a particular purpose, and disclaim for themselves and their information providers all liability arising from the use. The Information in this publication is provided in good faith for informational purposes only. The information provided is not offered as tax, legal, or investment advice, or an offer to buy or sell securities or otherwise. The information provided in this publication may be displayed and printed for your personal, non-commercial use only. You may not reproduce, re-transmit, distribute, disseminate, sell, publish, broadcast, or circulate the information in any form or media to anyone, without the expressed written consent of Awraq Investments. Awraq Investments is not liable for any loss resulting from any action taken or reliance made by any person on any information or material posted by it. You should make your own inquiries and seek independent advice from relevant industry professionals before acting or relying on any information or material made available to you in this publication. You rely on this information at your own risk. Awraq Investments, its subsidiaries, parent, and/or any connected parties, may act or trade and/or enter into any transaction that maybe inconsistent or disregard any information contained herein.