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Export Price Index in Iran, October - November 2016

IM Research
By IM Research
7 years ago
Export Price Index in Iran, October - November 2016

Ard, Mal, Rub

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  1. Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran General Directorate of Economic Statistics Export Price Index in Iran Aban 1395 (October 22- November 20, 2016) (1390=100) "Quoting permitted just via source refrence." ©Economic Statistics Department www.cbi.ir Dey 1395 (December 2016)
  2. IN THE NAME OF GOD Summary Results of the Export Price Index in Iran Aban 1395 (1390=100)  increase no change or virtually unchanged decrease   Percent change compared to Groups General Index previous month 1.9  similar month of the previous year 2.0  Major Groups: 9.0  1.3   13.1  3- Animal or Vegetable Fats and Oils 3.9  4.1 4- Prepared Foodstuffs, Beverages and Tobacco 0.9  4.8 5- Mineral Products 1.7  1.1 6- Products of the Chemical or Allied Industries 7.5 7-Plastics and Articles Thereof, Rubber and Articles Thereof 1.9 8- Skins and Leather and Articles Thereof 1.3 9- Wood and Articles of Wood 5.4 10- Textiles and Textile Articles 0.7 11- Footwear 1.4 12- Articles of Stone 3.2 13- Base Metals and Articles of Base Metal 3.2 14- Machinery and Mechanical Appliances, Electrical Equipment 2.0 15- Vehicles and Associated Transport Equipment 0.8           2.6  1- Animal Products 1.6 2- Vegetable Products 2.5 4.1 5.5       6.0       1.6  0.6  6.3 2.5 1.1 1.5 0.8 Special Group: Petrochemical Products
  3. Export Price Index in Iran Aban 1395 (1390 = 100) The Export Price Index (XPI) increased 1.9 percent in Aban 1395 following a 0.2 percent decline in Mehr 1395. The index level of 218.2 was 2.0 percent lower than that in Aban 1394. During the first eight months of the current Iranian year, the XPI declined 8.7 percent compared to the similar period in 1394. The XPI has fallen 12.0 percent over the past twelve months. In Aban, the animal products group index moved up 1.6 percent, which was attributed to the advance in the price for frozen fish. The 1.3 percent increase in the vegetable products group index was mainly due to the rise in the price for pistachio. In this group the price for raisin went down. The animal or vegetable fats and oils group index turned down 3.9 percent over this month. The prepared foodstuffs, beverages and tobacco group index rose 0.9 percent. The mineral products group index decreased 1.7 percent. Lower prices for butane, propane, and paraffin wax were the major reasons for this decline. In contrast, the prices for industrial oil, cement, copper concentrate, and bitumen advanced. The products of the chemical or allied industries group index rose 7.5 percent. The mentioned advance was led by increases in the prices for methanol, ammonia,  The index is computed on the Iranian Rial basis. In this month, the exchange rate of Dollar increased 1.3 percent but the exchange rate of Euro decreased 0.8 percent. 1
  4. caustic soda , dodecyl benzene, and styrene. The price for urea fertilizer moved down slightly in Aban. Rises in the prices for low density polyethylene and high density polyethylene caused 1.9 percent increase in the plastics and articles thereof, rubber and articles thereof group index. During Aban, the group indexes for "skins and leather and articles thereof", "wood and articles of wood" and "textiles and textile articles" each rose, increasing 1.3 percent, 5.4 percent, and 0.7 percent, respectively. The group index for footwear moved up 1.4 percent over this month. The articles of stone group index went up 3.2 percent which was principally due to the increase in the price for "tile and ceramic". The group index for base metals and articles of base metal went up 3.2 percent, largely due to the advances in the prices for aluminium ingot, zinc ingot, hot coil iron, cathode copper and lead ingot. The machinery and mechanical appliances, electrical equipment group index increased 2.0 percent in Aban. The rise was driven by advancing prices for cable and air cooler. In the mentioned month, the vehicles and associated transport equipment group index increased 0.8 percent. 2
  5. Export Price Index in Iran (1390=100) 330 Index Number 290 250 210 170 130 90 1392 1394 1393 Period General Index Vegetable Products Mineral Products Products of the Chemical or Allied Industries Plastics & Articles Thereof,Rubber & Articles Thereof 3 1395
  6. Table 1 Export Price Index in Iran Index Numbers and Their Percent Changes Aban 1395 (1390 = 100) Description General Index Base Year Weight Index Number in Aban 1395 Percent Change Aban 1395 Compared to Aban 1394 Compared to Previous Similar month of Previous Similar month of month the previous year month the previous year 100.00 218.2 1.9 -2.0 -2.4 -16.7 1-Animal Products 2.41 320.0 1.6 9.0 1.7 5.2 2-Vegetable Products 10.43 254.3 1.3 -13.1 -1.9 7.5 Edible Fruit and Nuts 6.90 260.8 0.4 -13.6 0.7 4.4 Coffee, Tea and Spices 1.31 360.4 0.2 -4.5 -12.5 27.4 Lac, Gums, Resins 0.18 319.8 0.4 5.9 0.3 -4.9 3-Animal or Vegetable Fats & Oils 0.36 329.8 -3.9 4.1 0.8 7.5 4-Prepared Foodstuffs, Beverages & Tobacco 3.72 324.2 0.9 4.8 1.5 4.1 5-Mineral Products 31.80 164.8 -1.7 -1.1 -10.8 -36.7 Mineral Materials 2.85 259.5 1.1 -14.6 -0.8 -8.8 Metals Stone 3.15 157.9 1.3 3.1 -14.6 -21.5 Mineral Fuels & Related Oils 25.80 155.0 -2.5 1.5 -12.4 -41.8 20.11 204.2 7.5 -2.5 3.7 -19.8 Inorganic Chemicals 2.70 226.6 4.4 -6.7 6.5 -20.1 Organic Chemicals 12.69 202.8 12.2 6.1 0.9 -27.2 Fertilisers 3.58 174.6 -0.9 -20.9 10.0 -2.1 Tanning or Dyeing Extracts 0.38 209.6 1.4 3.1 2.1 8.8 Soap, Organic Surface-Active Agents 0.56 271.1 0.4 -6.4 2.0 5.7 10.51 265.5 1.9 -4.1 -0.2 -12.5 10.28 267.4 1.9 -4.0 -0.3 -12.8 8-Skins & Leather & Articles Thereof 0.59 131.1 1.3 -5.5 0.8 -34.1 9-Wood & Articles of Wood 0.05 280.1 5.4 6.3 2.0 1.2 10-Textiles & Textile Articles 3.61 274.7 0.7 2.5 2.1 9.1 Carpets & Other Textile Floor Coverings 11-Footwear 12-Articles of Stone 13-Base Metals & Articles of Base Metal Articles of Iron or Steel Copper Aluminium 2.78 0.46 2.13 9.71 3.01 2.37 1.50 2.96 280.7 394.6 242.1 209.9 177.2 193.3 242.7 251.4 1.9 1.4 3.2 3.2 2.3 1.4 9.1 2.0 7.6 1.1 1.5 0.8 -5.0 3.1 14.9 6.0 2.0 0.9 -4.4 -2.3 -2.3 -2.7 -2.1 -0.4 8.8 9.2 -3.6 -14.5 -18.7 -17.1 -21.3 -3.8 1.15 272.8 0.8 -1.6 4.1 19.9 46.33 192.6 2.6 -0.6 -3.7 -29.7 Major Groups and Selected Sub Groups: 6-Products of the Chemical or Allied Industries 7-Plastics & Articles Thereof, Rubber & Articles Thereof Plastics & Articles Thereof 14-Machinery & Mechanical Appliances, Electrical Equipment 15-Vehicles & Associated Transport Equipment Special Group: Petrochemical Products 4
  7. Table 2 Export Price Index in Iran General and Major Groups Index Numbers ( 1390 = 100 ) General Index Animal Products Vegetable Products Animal or Vegetable Fats& Oils Prepared Foodstuffs, Beverages & Tobacco 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 12.1 14.8 23.6 27.8 28.1 29.7 33.2 42.6 48.1 56.2 69.3 84.6 78.9 87.6 100.0 224.1 273.0 271.7 228.3 10.8 13.6 24.2 31.3 35.3 40.8 52.5 59.8 58.5 65.8 73.6 78.5 79.5 84.8 100.0 229.0 274.2 285.5 287.4 14.8 15.4 31.0 33.3 31.9 31.4 30.7 40.0 43.2 49.7 68.3 97.9 115.2 99.5 100.0 223.6 268.4 274.1 292.5 13.1 18.1 26.9 23.8 21.7 25.5 29.1 32.1 33.5 36.4 52.6 71.9 58.8 76.6 100.0 240.4 297.1 298.5 308.4 14.3 19.7 29.0 32.9 33.6 34.9 38.3 42.8 50.1 53.1 58.2 77.3 81.9 86.7 100.0 226.7 301.1 299.4 306.4 4.2 6.9 15.8 20.8 20.6 22.2 23.8 31.1 40.8 48.5 63.8 68.1 66.1 82.6 100.0 224.8 276.9 286.2 183.7 12.6 15.8 21.3 24.7 26.8 30.7 36.2 52.2 55.1 63.2 77.0 98.3 69.1 79.8 100.0 232.0 278.5 249.9 211.1 Plastics & Articles Thereof, Rubber & Articles Thereof 19.9 23.8 38.7 41.2 41.4 42.4 43.2 63.8 65.7 74.0 79.1 89.5 81.4 86.5 100.0 215.5 301.5 304.0 276.6 Aban Azar Dey Bahman Esfand 222.7 225.9 224.5 216.5 206.8 293.7 305.1 305.7 297.5 284.6 292.5 290.9 307.5 305.4 286.6 316.7 321.2 331.9 346.0 244.1 309.3 325.4 327.9 323.5 314.3 166.6 167.5 158.3 158.5 152.1 209.4 213.2 214.4 185.5 185.8 276.8 285.1 276.9 273.4 252.5 138.8 142.9 137.1 134.1 129.6 Farvardin Ordibehesht Khordad Tir Mordad Shahrivar Mehr Aban 211.4 208.9 209.7 211.0 215.2 214.5 214.1 218.2 290.8 278.3 295.0 296.1 309.8 313.8 315.1 320.0 289.8 286.5 286.0 288.0 281.2 275.3 251.1 254.3 359.4 360.6 325.8 321.7 325.6 329.7 343.2 329.8 316.3 316.2 317.0 319.7 324.4 324.6 321.3 324.2 157.1 152.4 153.7 159.9 169.5 167.2 167.6 164.8 191.7 195.6 195.4 190.2 187.6 185.5 189.9 204.2 263.1 252.3 248.4 246.5 257.0 259.4 260.6 265.5 123.8 123.0 126.6 124.4 127.4 128.2 129.4 131.1 Period Mineral Products Products of the Chemical or Allied Industries Skins& Leather & Articles Thereof 8.9 9.4 16.3 25.1 32.9 32.6 34.9 36.9 33.3 31.7 41.3 45.3 43.7 67.1 100.0 198.0 234.5 212.5 139.4 1394 1395 5 Description
  8. Description Footwear Articles of Stone Base Metals & Articles of Base Metal Machinery & Mechanical Appliances , Electrical Equipment Vehicles & Associated Transport Equipment 20.1 21.8 27.4 31.7 31.1 32.2 36.8 40.2 48.6 58.5 65.4 80.9 86.6 89.8 100.0 214.4 212.0 233.5 260.2 14.9 18.6 30.3 32.5 29.6 33.5 38.7 43.3 43.6 46.1 49.0 54.5 56.5 73.3 100.0 206.6 281.7 366.6 380.8 26.0 38.6 65.6 65.0 60.7 61.8 63.1 67.3 68.2 72.9 77.5 86.9 90.1 92.5 100.0 238.9 261.0 249.0 243.5 10.2 12.0 20.0 22.1 21.1 22.0 28.0 47.9 50.9 62.6 75.2 94.5 61.6 87.4 100.0 215.1 242.0 247.5 212.7 22.0 28.9 46.5 48.9 48.6 48.4 52.4 59.7 72.3 80.4 100.8 107.7 95.1 94.7 100.0 229.9 264.9 243.8 239.5 35.3 44.3 61.4 64.0 63.2 64.7 66.6 71.1 68.4 73.1 86.1 90.7 93.5 98.7 100.0 207.5 251.8 247.0 271.5 263.4 288.0 281.3 291.6 279.7 268.1 273.8 277.8 268.2 258.2 390.4 399.9 404.7 395.8 379.9 238.5 247.6 249.8 239.3 228.8 208.3 207.4 202.5 198.6 183.6 237.1 245.4 249.6 246.5 238.0 277.2 257.2 300.1 291.7 273.2 268.1 265.9 266.3 277.9 297.9 274.0 265.7 280.1 259.8 255.9 256.2 256.0 259.0 259.4 272.9 274.7 382.3 373.6 374.8 379.1 383.5 385.6 389.3 394.6 226.1 225.3 229.2 229.0 231.1 231.8 234.6 242.1 180.1 183.0 186.5 191.1 195.5 200.3 203.4 209.9 237.6 236.1 239.4 242.4 242.9 244.8 246.4 251.4 276.9 274.9 276.2 257.5 259.9 268.7 270.7 272.8 General Index Wood & Articles of Wood Textiles & Textile Articles 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 12.1 14.8 23.6 27.8 28.1 29.7 33.2 42.6 48.1 56.2 69.3 84.6 78.9 87.6 100.0 224.1 273.0 271.7 228.3 21.8 29.7 38.8 43.4 45.2 51.8 52.6 56.9 54.9 60.1 87.3 106.8 97.8 98.6 100.0 223.5 276.1 272.4 272.8 Aban Azar Dey Bahman Esfand 222.7 225.9 224.5 216.5 206.8 Farvardin Ordibehesht Khordad Tir Mordad Shahrivar Mehr Aban 211.4 208.9 209.7 211.0 215.2 214.5 214.1 218.2 Period 1394 1395 6 Table 2 (Continued)