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YB Minister's Participation In World Economic Forum 2017

IM Press Release
By IM Press Release
7 years ago
YB Minister's Participation In World Economic Forum 2017

Ard, Mal, Participation

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  1. Media Release Y .B. Minister’s Participation In World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2017, 17 - 20 January 2017, Davos-Klosters, Switzerland Y.B. Dato’ Sri Mustapa Mohamed, Minister of International Trade and Industry will be attending the World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting 2017 in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland from 17th to 20th January 2017. 2. The WEF, an independent international organization for public-private cooperation was established four (4) decades ago with a mission to improve the economic state of the world. The annual meeting, generally held in January gathers the world’s top business leaders, politicians, academicians and leaders of the society to discuss the major global issues affecting the world’s economy and to brainstorm the solutions to address these challenges. 3. This is an annual Forum participated by Malaysia where key Ministers and prominent corporate leaders in Malaysia who are WEF members are invited to deliberate and share their insights on current global, regional and industry challenges. The theme for WEF Annual Meeting 2017 is ‘Responsive and Responsible Leadership’, in which the programme revolves around five (5) sub-themes namely: Preparing for the Fourth Industrial Revolution; Strengthening Systems for Global Collaboration; Revitalising the Global Economy; Reforming Market Capitalism; and Addressing Identity through Positive Narratives. The diverse group of participants of the Forum will discuss the importance of restoring trust and fostering cooperation in the fast-paced and interconnected world where breakthrough technologies, demographic shifts and political transformations have far-reaching societal and economic consequences. More than 2,500 participants including approximately 300 Head of State/Governments and government representatives and 1,500 global corporate leaders are expected to attend this Forum. 1
  2. 4 . During this annual meeting, Y.B. Dato’ Sri Mustapa Mohamed will be participating in speaking sessions together with a number of high profile and prominent public, private and industry leaders at two (2) Informal Gathering of World Economic Leaders (IGWEL) sessions and eight (8) WEF sessions. These sessions also include three (3) which are ASEAN themed: the WEF Public Session on “Shaping the Future of Production in ASEAN”, the ASEAN Regional Strategy Group Meeting and ASEAN Dinner-ASEAN at 50: What’s Next? 5. Throughout the WEF Annual Meeting 2017, Y.B. Dato’ Sri Mustapa is scheduled to have bilateral and business meetings with his counterparts and multinational companies to exchange views on the latest developments with regards to trade and investment. With the presence of a big number of multinational companies and prominent corporate leaders in Davos, Malaysia is taking the opportunity to hold a Malaysia Business Luncheon in which Y.B. Dato’ Sri Mustapa will host approximately 80 top corporate executives representing international companies with business and investment interests to expand into Malaysia. Y.B. Dato’ Sri Mustapa will also chair a Roundtable Meeting in Zurich with investors from various industries such as machinery and engineering, pharmaceuticals as well as banking and financial services. 6. For this year’s meeting, seven Malaysian companies that are also WEF members will be attending the forum namely CIMB Group Holdings, Air Asia Berhad, Astro Malaysia Holdings Berhad, Khazanah Nasional Berhad, SapuraKencana Petroleum and YTL Corporation. 7. Malaysia’s participation in the WEF Annual Meeting 2017 will provide the opportunity to further elevate Malaysia’s profile among the international community congregating in Davos. -ENDMinistry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) 2
  3. About MITI : MITI is the key driver in making Malaysia the preferred destination for quality investments and enhancing the nation's rising status as a globally competitive trading nation. Its objectives and roles are oriented towards ensuring Malaysia’s rapid economic development and help achieve the country's stated goal of becoming a developed nation by 2020 . Media enquiries Ministry of International Trade & Industry Strategic Communications Unit Tel +603 6200 0082 Fax +603 6206 4293 E-mail allpegkomunikasikorporat@miti.gov.my 3