PT Bank Danamon: Laporan Posisi Keuangan (Neraca) Bulanan - Mei 2017
PT Bank Danamon: Laporan Posisi Keuangan (Neraca) Bulanan - Mei 2017
Provision, Receivables, Reserves
Provision, Receivables, Reserves
- LAPORAN POSISI KEUANGAN (NERACA) BULANAN PT BANK DANAMON INDONESIA, Tbk Menara Bank Danamon, Jl. HR Rasuna Said Blok C No. 10 Kel. Karet, Kec. Setiabudi, Jakarta Selatan 80645000 Per May-2017 (dalam jutaan) - POS-POS ASSETS 1.Cash 2.Placement to Bank Indonesia 3.Interbank placement 4.Spot and derivatives claims 5.Securities a. Measured at fair value through profit and loss b. Available for sale c. Hold to maturity d. Loan and receivables 6.Securities sold under repurchase agreement (repo) 7.Claims on securities bought under reverse repo 8.Acceptance claims 9.Loans a. Measured at fair value through profit and loss b. Available for sale c. Hold to maturity d. Loan and receivables 10.Sharia financing 11.Equity investment 12.Impairment on financial assets -/a. Securities b. Loans c. Others 13.Intangible assets Accumulated amortisation on intangible assets -/14.Fixed assets and equipment Accumulated depreciation on fixed assets and equipment -/15.Non Productive Asset a. Abandoned property b. Foreclosed assets c. Suspense accounts d. Interbranch assets i. Conducting operational activities in Indonesia ii. Conducting operational activities outside Indonesia 16.Impairment of non financial assets -/17.Leasing 18.Deferred tax assets 19.Other assets TOTAL ASSETS Halaman 1 NOMINAL 1,837,268 9,798,903 3,713,336 17,219 24,028,136 1,308,037 17,027,937 499,750 5,192,412 0 239,057 1,095,283 91,435,848 0 0 0 91,435,848 3,289,127 7,702,928 3,366,605 45,138 3,317,334 4,133 1,238,315 927,749 4,415,098 2,371,012 222,559 16,397 205,038 1,124 0 0 0 0 0 1,739,862 2,753,718 146,861,291
- LAPORAN POSISI KEUANGAN (NERACA) BULANAN PT BANK DANAMON INDONESIA, Tbk Menara Bank Danamon, Jl. HR Rasuna Said Blok C No. 10 Kel. Karet, Kec. Setiabudi, Jakarta Selatan 80645000 Per May-2017 (dalam jutaan) - POS-POS LIABILITIES AND EQUITIES LIABILITIES 1.Current account 2.Saving account 3.Time deposit 4.Revenue sharing investment 5.Liabilities to Bank Indonesia 6.Interbank liabilities 7.Spot and derivatives liabilities 8.Liabilities on securities sold under repurchase agreement 9.Acceptance liabilities 10.Issued securities 11.Loans received 12.Margin deposit 13.Interbranch liabilities a. Conducting operational activities in Indonesia b. Conducting operational activities outside Indonesia 14.Deferred tax liabilities 15.Other liabilities 16.Profit Sharing investment TOTAL LIABILITIES EQUITIES 17.Paid in capital a. Capital b. Unpaid capital -/c. treasury stock -/18.Additional paid in capital a. Agio b. Disagio -/c. Donated capital d. Fund for paid up capital e. Others 19.Other comprehensive gain (loss) a.Translation adjustment b. Gain (loss) on value changes of financial assets categorized as available for sale NOMINAL 12,639,728 31,023,581 54,577,875 3,234,477 0 3,378,903 34,626 0 1,095,283 60 392,952 18,197 0 0 0 0 3,647,889 0 110,043,571 5,901,121 12,238,589 6,337,468 0 7,250,109 7,250,109 0 0 0 0 (70,312) 0 193,781 (35,238) 0 0 (249,803) 20,948 0 0 0 0 353,435 353,435 0 23,383,367 21,638,946 1,744,421 36,817,720 146,861,291 c. Effective portion of cash flow hedge d. Difference in fixed asset revaluation e. Portion of other comprehensive income from associates f. Gain (loss) on defined benefit actuarial program g. Income tax of other comprehensive income h. Others 20.Reserves of quaty reorganization 21.Difference in restructuring under common control 22.Ekuitas lainnya 23.Reserves a. General reserves b. Appropriated reserves 24.Gain/loss a. Previous years b. Current year TOTAL EQUITIES TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITIES Notes Halaman 2
- LAPORAN LABA RUGI DAN PENGHASILAN KOMPREHENSIF LAIN BULANAN PT BANK DANAMON INDONESIA , Tbk Menara Bank Danamon, Jl. HR Rasuna Said Blok C No. 10 Kel. Karet, Kec. Setiabudi, Jakarta Selatan 80645000 Per May-2017 (dalam jutaan) - POS-POS OPERATIONAL INCOME AND EXPENSES A. Interest income and expenses 1. Interest income a. Rupiah b. Foreign currency 2. Interest expenses a. Rupiah b. Foreign currency Net interest income (expenses) B. Operational Income and Expenses Other than Interest 1. Operational Income Other than Interest a. Positive mark to market on financial assets i. Securities ii. Loans iii. Spot and derivatives iv. Other financial assets b. Negative mark to market on financial liabilities c. Gain on sale of financial assets i. Securities ii. Loans iii. Other financial assets d. Gain on spot and derivatives (realised) e. Dividend f. Gain on investment under equity method g. Comission/provision/fee and administration h. Recovery of impairment i. Other income 2. Operational Expenses Other than Interest a. Negative mark to market on financial assets i. Securities ii. Loans iii. Spot and derivatives iv. Other financial assets b. Positive mark to market on financial liabilities c. Loss on sale of financial assets i. Securities ii. Loans iii. Other financial assets d. Loss on spot and derivatives (realised) e. Impairment of financial assets i. Securities ii. Loans iii. Sharia financing iv. Other financial assets f. Losses on operational risk g. Losses on investment under equity method h. Commission/provision/fee, and administration i. Impairment of other assets (non financial assets) j. Personnel expenses k. Promotion expenses l. Other expenses Net Operational Income (Expenses) Other than Interest OPERATIONAL PROFIT (LOSS) NOMINAL 6,067,525 5,837,942 229,583 2,223,273 2,137,220 86,053 3,844,252 2,304,830 37,155 0 0 37,155 0 0 44,116 44,116 0 0 67,378 1,563 640,821 550,534 709,657 253,606 4,017,791 20,474 4,086 0 16,388 0 0 0 0 0 0 38,822 1,558,038 7,590 1,508,803 38,912 2,733 2,057 0 136,788 602 1,242,812 58,537 959,661 (1,712,961) 2,131,291 Halaman 3
- LAPORAN LABA RUGI DAN PENGHASILAN KOMPREHENSIF LAIN BULANAN PT BANK DANAMON INDONESIA , Tbk Menara Bank Danamon, Jl. HR Rasuna Said Blok C No. 10 Kel. Karet, Kec. Setiabudi, Jakarta Selatan 80645000 Per May-2017 (dalam jutaan) - POS-POS NON OPERATIONAL INCOME (EXPENSES) 1. Gain (loss) on sale of fixed assets and equipment 2. Gain (loss) on foreign exchange translation 3. Other non operational income (expenses) NON OPERATIONAL PROFIT (LOSS) CURRENT YEAR PROFIT (LOSS) 4. Income taxes a. Estimated current year tax b. Deferred tax income (expenses) NET PROFIT (LOSS) OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME 2. Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss a. Gain on fixed asset revaluation b. Gain (loss) on defined benefit actuarial program c. Portion of other comprehensive income from associates d. Others e . Income tax related to items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss 2. Items that will be reclassified to profit or loss a. Translation adjustment from foreign currency b. Gain (loss) on value changes of financial assets categorized as available for sale c. Effective portion of cash flow hedge d. Others e . Income tax related to items that will be reclassified to profit or loss OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME OF THE CURRENT YEAR - NET OF APPLICABLE INCOME TAX NOMINAL 869 (2,194) 8,708 7,383 2,138,674 394,253 375,764 (18,489) 1,744,421 0 0 0 0 0 0 64,566 0 108,245 (27,084) 0 (16,595) 64,566 1,808,987 CURRENT YEAR TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE PROFIT TRANSFER OF PROFIT(LOSS) TO HEAD OFFICE Notes Halaman 4
- LAPORAN KOMITMEN DAN KONTINJENSI BULANAN PT BANK DANAMON INDONESIA , Tbk Menara Bank Danamon, Jl. HR Rasuna Said Blok C No. 10 Kel. Karet, Kec. Setiabudi, Jakarta Selatan 80645000 Per May-2017 (dalam jutaan) - POS-POS I. COMMITTED CLAIMS 1. Unused borrowing a. Rupiah b. Foreign currency 2. Outstanding spot and derivatives (purchased) 3. Others II. COMMITED LIABILITIES 1. Undisbursed loan facilities to debtors a. BUMN i. Committed - Rupiah - Foreign Currency ii. Uncommitted - Rupiah - Foreign Currency b. Others i. Committed ii. Uncommitted 2. Undisbursed loan facilities to other banks a. Committed - Rupiahs - Foreign Currency b. Uncommitted - Rupiahs - Foreign Currency 3. Outstanding irrevocable L/C a. Foreign L/C b. L/C dalam negeri Local L/C 4. Outstanding spot and derivatives (sold) 5. Others III. CONTINGENT CLAIMS 1. Received guarantees a. Rupiah b. Foreign currency 2. Accrued interest a. Loan interest b. Other interest 3. Others IV. CONTINGENT LIABILITIES 1. Issued guarantees a. Rupiah b. Foreign currency 2. Others Notes Halaman 5 NOMINAL 5,775,616 0 0 0 5,775,616 0 44,646,076 37,148,366 17,017 0 0 0 17,017 17,017 0 37,131,349 210,310 36,921,039 187,709 5,000 5,000 0 182,709 182,709 0 1,916,083 1,216,765 699,318 5,393,918 0 732,145 28,222 0 28,222 548,923 548,923 0 155,000 3,624,038 3,624,038 3,274,692 349,346 0
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