Albania: Retail Trade Statistics - 3rd Quarter 2016
Albania: Retail Trade Statistics - 3rd Quarter 2016
Ard, Sales
Ard, Sales
- Blv . Zhan d’Ark , nr. 3 Tiranë, 1001 Tel: +355 4 2222 411 Faks: +355 4 2228300 Retail trade Third Quarter, 2016 Tirana, December, 22, 2016: In the third quarter 2016, the value of turnover index volume increased 6.5 %, compared with the same quarter of the previous year. Whereas, in the group of Retail trade, without including the retail sales of motor fuel, this index increased 8 %, compared with the same quarter of 2015. Fig. 1 Volume indices on Retail Trade and Retail Sale of motor fuel 230 210 190 170 150 130 110 90 7-15 8-15 9-15 10-15 11-15 12-15 1-16 2-16 3-16 4-16 5-16 6-16 7-16 8-16 9-16 Retail trade Retail sale of motor fuel Retail trade, except retail sale of automotive fuel The group of “Food, beverages and tobacco in both specialized and non specialized stores”, the turnover index volume increased 12.4 %, compared with the same quarter of the previous year, giving thus the major contribute in the turnover volume index of the Retail Trade activity. The group of “Non-food Products in specialized and non specialized stores”, without including the retail sales of motor fuel in specialized stores, the value of turnover index volume in the third quarter 2016 increased 5.7 %, compared with the same quarter of the previous year. The group “Motor fuel retail sales in specialized stores”, the value of turnover index volume increased 4.2 %, compared with the same quarter of the previous year, and 17.7 %, compared with the previous quarter. For release 22/12/2016 Continue
- Page 2 Retail Trade Third Quarter 2016 The contribution of the main groups to the volume of the Retail Trade turnover index In the third quarter 2016 , the volume of the retail trade turnover index increased 6.51 %, against the same period of previous year. The group “Food, beverages and tobacco in both specialized and non specialized stores” has contributed with +3.0 percentage point; the group “Non-food Products in specialized and non specialized stores” with +2.4 percentage point and the group “Retail sale of motor fuel” with +1.3 percentage point. Fig. 2 The contribution of the main sub-groups to the Retail Trade (t3-2016 / t3-2015) Retail sale of motor fuel 1.3 Non-food Products in specialized and non specialized stores 2.4 Food, beverages and tobacco in both specialized and non specialized stores 3.0 5.4 Retail trade, except retail sale of automotiv fuel -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Third Quarter 2016 / Third Quarter 2015 Tab. 1 Annual change on Retail Trade and Retail Sale of motor fuel NACE 1 Economic activity III.15 / III.14 IV.15 / IV.14 I.16 / I.15 II.16 / II.15 % III.16 / III.15 7.8 6.8 4.7 6.2 6.5 47 Retail trade 47ex473 Retail trade, except retail sale of automotive fuel 15.1 13.5 9.0 10.9 8.0 4711; 472 Food, beverages and tobacco in both specialized and non specialized stores 17.4 20.5 9.0 9.6 12.4 4719; 4744778 Non-food Products in specialized and non specialized stores 14.0 10.2 9.1 11.5 5.7 473 Retail sale of motor fuel -2.3 -4.7 -3.1 -1.2 4.2 The data of this graphic oscillate 0.2% as far as the comparison is concerned, due to the eventual rounding off of the decimals. For more information please visit our website:
- Page 3 Retail Trade Third Quarter 2016 Fig . 3 Annual change of quarterly volume indices of main groups of foods and non foods (ex. Retail sale of motor fuel) on Retail Trade 25 20 15 10 5 0 III.15 / III.14 IV.15 / IV.14 I.16 / I.15 II.16 / II.15 III.16 / III.15 Retail trade Retail trade, except retail sale of automotive fuel Food, beverages and tobacco in both specialized and non specialized stores Non-food Products in specialized and non specialized stores Tab. 2 Quarterly change on Retail Trade and Retail Sale of motor fuel % NACE Economic activity III.15 / II.15 IV.15 / III.15 I.16 / IV.15 II.16 / I.16 III.16 / II.16 47 Retail trade 13.2 1.6 -14.9 8.5 13.5 47ex473 Retail trade, except retail sale of automotive fuel 14.2 10.9 -16.9 5.3 11.3 9.7 13.2 -20.0 10.4 12.5 16.6 9.7 -15.2 2.7 10.6 11.6 -13.2 -11.3 15.0 17.7 4719; 4744778 Food, beverages and tobacco in both specialized and non specialized stores Non-food Products in specialized and non specialized stores 473 Retail sale of motor fuel 4711; 472 Tab. 3 Annual monthly change on Retail Trade and Retail Sale of motor fuel NACE Economic activity 07-16 / 07-15 08-16 / 08-15 % 09-16 / 09-15 47 Retail trade 11.7 8.8 -0.6 47ex473 Retail trade, except retail sale of automotive fuel Food, beverages and tobacco in both specialized and non specialized stores 16.5 13.6 -3.8 22.4 21.7 -4.7 Non-food Products in specialized and non specialized stores 13.2 9.3 -3.2 4.8 2.6 5.6 4711; 472 4719; 4744778 473 Retail sale of motor fuel For more information please visit our website:
- Page 4 Retail Trade Third Quarter 2016 Tab . 4 Monthly change on Retail Trade and Retail Sale of motor fuel NACE Economic activity 07-16 / 06-16 % 08-16 / 07-16 09-16 / 08-16 47 Retail trade 7.4 7.9 -9.2 47ex473 Retail trade, except retail sale of automotive fuel 5.0 5.3 -3.2 4711; 472 Food, beverages and tobacco in both specialized and non specialized stores 9.7 5.1 -15.3 Non-food Products in specialized and non specialized stores 2.4 5.4 4.0 11.9 12.5 -19.2 4719; 4744778 473 Retail sale of motor fuel Tab. 5 Monthly value and volume indices on Retail Trade 2010=100 NACE Rev. 2 Group 47 Year 2013 2014 2015 2016 Month Value Volume Value Volume Value Volume Value Volume 1 119.2 105.4 128.9 111.5 128.7 118.5 130.4 120.1 2 115.7 101.7 126.5 109.5 124.4 111.5 128.3 118.4 3 128.9 113.2 135.9 117.5 135.5 119.7 138.3 127.6 4 128.3 112.8 132.0 115.0 134.7 118.7 137.6 127.6 5 131.8 116.4 138.5 121.4 141.2 125.2 142.6 132.3 6 132.8 118.0 142.3 125.2 146.5 130.0 148.7 137.2 7 136.1 124.7 145.1 128.2 148.6 131.9 159.9 147.3 8 142.3 127.0 154.7 136.2 163.8 146.1 173.3 159.0 9 131.7 117.3 145.5 128.1 162.4 145.1 158.1 144.3 10 137.7 122.4 142.7 126.2 147.4 132.0 : : 11 138.2 123.4 138.6 123.3 147.1 133.2 : : 12 159.1 141.0 168.4 153.3 182.6 164.8 : : For more information please visit our website:
- Page 5 Retail Trade Third Quarter 2016 Tab . 6 Monthly value and volume indices on Retail Sale of motor fuel 2010=100 NACE Rev. 2 Group 4730 Year 2013 2014 2015 2016 Month Value Volume Value Volume Value Volume Value Volume 1 187.4 146.4 200.5 155.1 184.5 163.0 155.1 142.4 2 169.9 132.1 193.4 146.2 164.6 141.0 141.6 134.7 3 187.9 146.9 205.7 156.0 170.6 141.6 163.1 154.5 4 202.8 157.8 205.7 157.1 188.6 153.6 164.5 156.9 5 210.1 163.5 222.5 170.2 214.9 173.7 180.2 167.4 6 210.8 165.1 233.3 178.8 220.9 175.2 190.5 172.0 7 213.4 178.1 238.2 182.4 233.4 183.7 214.7 192.5 8 237.2 185.3 276.2 211.3 262.8 211.0 242.0 216.6 9 205.2 160.8 235.0 179.8 201.2 165.8 195.4 175.1 10 216.0 169.3 211.4 163.3 185.6 153.7 : : 11 207.0 163.1 197.3 154.9 183.7 156.8 : : 12 230.4 181.8 227.1 192.0 202.8 175.8 : : For more information please visit our website:
- Page 6 Retail Trade Third Quarter 2016 Methodological elucidations General information In the wake of its efforts to standardizing and approaching the retail trade statistics to the standards of EU statistics , since first quarter of 2014, the publication of the Turnover Index Volume of Retail Trade activity has passed through some methodological changes, such as: 1. The application of the revised nomenclature of economic activities, NACE Rev. 2; 2. The re-basing process, i.e. the weights within the structure of economy is updated with the base year from 2005 to 2010; 3. The re-referencing process, i.e. the periods of reference are updated from 2005=100 to 2010=100. The application of the Nomenclature of economic activities NACE Rev. 2 is based on the legal act approved through the Decree of the Council of Ministers Nº 320, date 20. 05. 2014. For more information, see _ndryshimi_i_nomenklatur_s_s__veprimtarive_ekonomike_rev_2.pdf The revised classification differs considerably from the existing classification in terms of structure, classification and methodological treatment of certain activities. The process of passing of statistical units from NACE Rev. 1.1 to NACE Rev. 2 is performed through the construction of a converted matrix, based on the statistical information obtained from the Structural Survey of Enterprises 2010. Referring to the mentioned matrix, the changes that the new classification brought into the Retail Trade sector are the following: 1. In the old classification (NACE Rev. 1), Retail Trade corresponded to division Nº 52, comprising all the groups from 5211 to 5248, while in the new classification (NACE Rev. 2) it corresponds to subdivision Nº 47, comprising all the groups from 4711 to 4799. To this category belongs also the group Nº 473, “The retail trade of motor fuel in specialized stores”, which is a novelty, for in this case it is included in the calculation of the Turnover Index Volume of Retail Trade. 2. Another novelty of the new classification, which has an impact in the publication of the Turnover Index Volume of Retail Trade, is the removal of “Sales and repair of motor vehicles” from the format of the Retail Trade Index. “Sales and repair of motor vehicles”, which in the old classification corresponded to the subdivision Nº 50.1-50.4, in the new classification corresponds to the division Nº 45, becoming thus part of the format of the Index Volume of Wholesale Trade. 3. Finally, in the new classification there is the distribution of the specimens of the group Nº 5248 of the old classification, i.e. “Retail Trade of industrial products in specialized stores not classified in any other group”, in other groups. For instance, the group Nº 474 of the new classification, computers, informatics and For more information please visit our website:
- Page 7 Retail Trade Third Quarter 2016 communications equipments ; the group Nº 476, Books, newspapers, school items, entertainment products, sports equipment, toys, games and other industrial products in specialized stores, and the group Nº 4776 to 4778 - Retail trade of industrial products in specialized stores not classified in any other group”. The main indicator of the Turnover is used for the revaluation of the passing of the economic activities from the old to the new nomenclature. The main methods used for the evaluation are two: 1. The evaluation method on micro level 2. The evaluation method on the macro level The first method was used in the first three years of the reclassification of the activities of the units on the individual level in the Statistical Business Register, 2010-2012. The second method was used for the revaluation of the data in time series back for the period 2005-2010. In order to reflect the changes that have taken place within the structure of economy, from the publication of the first quarter 2014 on, the base year of the Retail Trade statistics is updated from 2005 to 2010. The process of passing from the old to the new base consists of two steps: re-weighting, i.e. the weights used for the calculation of the indexes are updated from the base year 2005 to the base year 2010; and re-referencing, i.e., the periods of reference are updated from 2005=100 to 2010=100. In the Retail Trade statistics the two steps are used simultaneously. The data series are equivalent to each other; the rhythms of the increase are the same, and a series is convertible to the other. Information on the observation Purpose – The quarterly statistical Retail Trade data collected by the comitial enterprises show the most recent performance and developments of the economic indicators in the retail trade store units, as well as the consume scale. The legal base of compilation methodology of Retail Trade indicators is, Council Regulation (EC) No 1165/98, of 19 May 1998 concerning Short-Term Statistics Scope - Based on the main activity in the survey there are included: • Retail trade activity, group 47-NACE-Rev. 2.2 (excluding the group 47.79-47.99) • Retail sale of motor fuel, group 473-NACE Rev.2 The groups are evaluated on the base of percentage that each product or goods had covered in the total Turnover. For the codification of products the Nomenclature of the Products was used. The main groups of are in accordance with the corresponding groups in the Index of Prices of Consume. The indexes are compared to the base year 2010=100. For more information please visit our website:
- Page 8 Retail Trade Third Quarter 2016 Weights – The structure of weights on Retail Trade Food, beverages and tobacco in both specialized and non specialized stores 23% Non-food Products in specialized and non specialized stores 42% Retail sale of motor fuel 35 % Model - The enterprises are selected from the Statistical Register of Enterprises. The enterprises with 1-4 employees are surveyed by sample survey, whereas the enterprises with 5 and more employees are surveyed exhaustively. Data collection - The data are collected directly from enterprises. The interviewers collect the data from enterprises. The questionnaire is filled from the interviewers. Indicators – The indicators are given in Index form, the quarterly changes are given in percentage, whereas the annual changes are given in percentage with reference to the base year, actually 2010=100. The data do not present absolute values. Indexes – The indexes show the changes in time of a given variable, or of a group of variables. The Index Volume is calculated through the Laspeyres Formula. In order to avoid the prices impact, the indexes are deflated with the index of the price consume for the respective periods and corresponding groups. The annual change in percentage - it measures in percentage the change of economic indicators of the actual quarter compared with the same quarter of the previous year. The quarterly change in percentage – it measures in percentage the change of economic indicators of the actual quarter against compared with the previous quarter of the same year. Revision – Indexes may be revised due to several reasons: additional information, the methodological changes, or revaluation of the used coefficients etc. Definition of the main indicators – Turnover is the total amount realized by enterprises during the month from the selling of goods, selling of own products and services excluded VAT. Number of persons working includes all persons who actually work in the observed unit. There are included, owners and co-owners and family members that helps in the activity and employees in the end of the quarter. For more information please visit our website:
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