Safwa Islamic Bank: Trading ln Securities - 10 April بنك صفوة الإسلامي: تداول بالأوراق المالية - ١٠ أبريل
Safwa Islamic Bank: Trading ln Securities - 10 April بنك صفوة الإسلامي: تداول بالأوراق المالية - ١٠ أبريل
- gsgallwpl 0913 .23 1—14.: Safwa Islamic Bank To: Jordan Securities Commission Amman Stock €1.1an“ @ljglll 6.14.5) aaLurJI Exchange ULn: Euajgg 6311qu Ref.#:Finance/l/ 1885 [2018 2018/1885 Date:lO/4/2018 2018/4/10:;._ulijl Subject: Trading ln securlties €1lequ be informed DR."Mohammad Naser“ am Salem Mohammad Abu Hammour chairman of abfl" the Board and the @filgnll 0.1.131” Kindly Representative Islamic Investment company the Date 8/4/2018 Islamic Bank) became /l/a._IJLa : ,u_EuJ| , of Etlhad purchased (369 ) shares of on £55 his ownership in the company Lily ownership (0.0161) of the with a aw 1915-1“ at: .aéaH-cl 9:311 a—‘um dim: finial" uni—ea uuyr p94 phi .ui mm Jan: ml; 0.0 gal rec: Jlnihulfl wlLuJIJI :11!) £15,111 ml 01:: lam (369) :Ipiu (Safwa (16,500 ) shares, .nJl—w mu libel"; dale-7 Weaken" 2018/4/9 a+=l its: ,(stleIH 595-: (Z0.016)&r.m.l,rg [my (16,500) 65le percentage of :aéuu‘dl company's capital: Insert Relation to the company (X) when Eli-um." Ea chill-J! applied 8. Executive Management 9. Board Member 10. Employee 11. Major Shareholder (owns 5% more l2. of the or company‘s capital) Brokerage Firm 13. Brokerage Firm employee 14. other Kindly accept our high appreciation and respect Sefwa Islamic Bank 11;qu 59:11: ._L'u Islamic Bank l'85::wa 140/1 61.;th Eula] .l Eula] Uulgm gm: .2 (:5th [5:3 uibga .3 Uni; an dbl '/.5 uUng)L‘g.a.BLuLa Jig-a .4 (as p11." dLnJl :1ng £151.12: .5 abhung 651.111 tsua uibgn .6 mil .7 mplfizlfl @J'Lér dggfig lgLIihig
- why ! 69.1711: L.._LLJ Safwa islamic Bank To: Jordan Securities Commission Amman Stock égJLnJi @InglI £11.53 6.31.111." Exchange Ref.#: Finance/II 1830 film: 61:119.! aahqu /2018 2018/ 1830 Date:9/4/2018 Subject: Trading Kindly 2018/4/93!ij fella" diam-.1 dale-725945191“ in securities be informed DR."Mohammad Naser" em Salem Mohammad Abu Hammour chairman of .1le.” the Board and the Representative of Etihad lslamic Investment company purchased the Date 8/4/2018 Islamic Bank) became , his (11,125 ) shares ownership (16,131 ) shares, with ownership (0.016%) of the /1/ayLa:,a_a,JI of (Safwa a Juno isiéaJl 011mm 92.11 uépb dim: Ejlafll 911.145 gag @45le .121" pg; 1.5“? MUM new g._I| uJLa uni] .ua 245' L‘s—'2 :(wuwifl 0.1: (mom) my 59in: [am (16,131) €15le of percentage 194:1: ,uia jLnihuiU @51me do) ism: ml 0.1: [new (11,125) aim; 2018/4/8 on in the company thu JD“ 2651.111]! company‘s capital: Insert Relation to the company (X) when 11’:th Ea filing" applied 1. Executive 2. Board Member 3. Employee 4. Major Shareholder (owns 5% more 5. of the Management or (1.1: 1.151 company's capital) Brokerage Brokerage 7. other Firm .i Eula] unis: 9b.: .2 fibpidlgjuiibga .a ZSdLag)0._inBLuLajli.5 .4 (615,411.11 dLaJl uni] Firm 6. flaw Eulsl as p11 .5 ablwng 55,41; we Ldbga .6 5,51 .7 awag employee Kindly accept our high appreciation ...plp.=lll @iLEl d945,! iglhfifi'g and respect Safwa islamic Bank 69.6.1: 1_LL_1 Safwa Islamic Bank 140/1 .5151me 33
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