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Proposed Conceptual Design of Waqf Management System

Mohd Shahrul Nizam Mohd Danuri
Proposed Conceptual Design of Waqf Management System

Infaq, Islam, Waqf

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  1. Proceeding of IC-ITS 2018 e-ISBN :978-967-2122-64-7 4th International Conference on Information Technology & Society October 30th-31st, 2018, Selangor, MALAYSIA Proposed Conceptual Design of Waqf Management System Mohd Shahrul Nizam Mohd Danuri, Khirulnizam Abd Rahman and Che Wan Shamsul Bahri Che Wan Ahmad International Islamic University College Selangor (KUIS) msnizam@kuis.edu.my, khirulnizam@kuis.edu.my, cwshamsul@kuis.edu.my Abstract. This paper introduces Waqf Management System design concept based on current available crowdfund design system which focusing on the collection of waqf. The management of waqf is currently placed under authority of State Islamic Religious Council (Majlis Agama Islam Negeri) such Perbadanan Wakaf Selangor (PWS), Perbadanan Wakaf Negeri Sembilan (PWNS) and others. The proposed design concept is an alternative online waqf collector specifically under general and special waqf category (wakaf khas) by the authorities. The authorities have to ensure the project application for collecting waqf approve by them before granted to publish in the crowdfund system portal. As the system design could not across the boundary of stakeholder roles within the waqf ecosystem which strictly handles by the State Islamic Religious Council, the proposed system excludes the main authority operation and process for the project approval due to different practice in the states and remain it for future development. Keywords: Waqf Management System, Wakaf, Crowdfunding, Endowment, Religious Council. INTRODUCTION Waqf is commonly known as one of the instruments that being used in the advancement of Islam by improving the welfare of the ummah. In the emergence of Islam, waqf concept being implemented through the development of mosque, land and other properties by the prophet, Rasulullah s.a.w and his companion. Until now, many Muslims understand waqf through their belief but not seek to advance their knowledge of waqf [1]. Apart from that, there are also among Muslims which is still confused with the concept of waqf. Waqf definition through language means hold. Whereas according to syarak, is holding something that remains substance, in order to provide benefits to the ummah or community and the advancement of Islam. In Malaysia context, waqf is currently placed under state government such the authority the of State Islamic Religious Council (Majlis Agama Islam Negeri) as it related to the religious practice [1]–[4]. For example, waqf is being handled by Perbadanan Wakaf Selangor (PWS) as trustee of waqf in Selangor state [5], [6]. While in Negeri Sembilan state, waqf being handled by Perbadanan Wakaf Negeri Sembilan (PWNS) [7]. Due to different of authority of the State Islamic Religious Council, there is unstandardized product, process and management of waqf in Malaysia. There are two types of waqf notices by Selangor state. The first one is known as general waqf and the second one is known as special waqf [3], [6]. The general waqf is usually related to cash, gold and art collected as waqf. Meanwhile, the special waqf is more specific towards the cash and deposit collected to perform development projects on the specific waqf land or other properties. 45
  2. Proceeding of IC-ITS 2018 e-ISBN :978-967-2122-64-7 4th International Conference on Information Technology & Society October 30th-31st, 2018, Selangor, MALAYSIA Sometimes, the special waqf also related to the type of specific properties being given as waqf for further development and benefits to the ummah. The different between those two types of waqf is for special waqf, the donor or benefaction (pewakaf) know where their money being channel to the specific waqf projects meanwhile the general waqf is the opposite. Therefore, it is quite difficult to explain to the benefaction about the benefits of general waqf as a result of the cash waqf given by them. This research is to propose the conceptual design of waqf management system in Malaysia higher educational sector. In order to propose conceptual design of waqf management system, the researchers will look into the perspective of different type of systems which are currently available in Malaysia higher education institutions and make a comparison of the systems. Furthermore, the researchers will focus on the identification of the stakeholders and the flow of the system that will cater the process and management of waqf which related to the collection of waqf through crowdfund development. Objectives The objectives of this research are to develop Waqf Management System using web application system focusing on the collection of waqf. As general, the system development process can be categories as below: 1. To identify the stakeholders of the system. 2. To develop waqf web application system 3. To ensure the waqf management system is based on the user as Mutawalli. LITERATURE REVIEW There are several states such Pulau Pinang, Selangor and Federal Territories already implemented waqf management system in order to manage the waqf information as well as the waqf administration [2], [8]. However, the system is more towards managing their waqf land administration as it is the earliest waqf product which related to property of waqf. Meanwhile, some of states used accounting system for recording the transaction and generating a reports [9]. It is hard to identify from the literature regards to the collecting system which is related to the crowdfund development. Therefore, the researcher will propose a design of waqf management system which focusing on the crowdfund concept. No 1 2 3 4 5 TABLE (1). List of some Accounting System being used for Managing Waqf or Endowment. Waqf System Origin Type Link AccuFund Endowment USA On-premise or https://www.accufund.com/accounting/endowmentAccounting (AF-EA) cloud-based accounting Fundriver USA Web-based http://fundriver.com/software/ Dynamo Software USA Cloud-based https://www.dynamosoftware.com/dynamoendowment-pension-edition/ Adavico Endowment USA Client-server http://adavico.com/solutions/EndowmentAccounting Accounting .html Caïssa USA Web-based https://caissallc.com/data-team/ 46
  3. Proceeding of IC-ITS 2018 e-ISBN :978-967-2122-64-7 4th International Conference on Information Technology & Society October 30th-31st, 2018, Selangor, MALAYSIA System Comparison The researchers make a comparison of waqf management system in the higher education institutions. Most of the institutions have their own waqf management system which focus on the collection of waqf. The researchers outlined few higher education institutions which having their own waqf management system. TABLE (2). Waqf Management System in Higher Education Institutions Comparison. Item UiTM USIM UKM UPM Trustee Pusat Zakat, Pusat Pembangunan Yayasan Canselor Pusat Pengurusan Sedekah dan Pembiayaan Wakaf Wakaf, Zakat Dan Wakaf (PZWS) (PPPW) Endowmen (WAZAN) under ACIS Status Mutawalli Mutawalli Mutawalli Mutawalli/Agent Type of Waqf General Waqf 1. Cash Waqf 1. Knowledge Waqf Knowledge Waqf (Cash Waqf) 2. Site Waqf (Cash Waqf) (Cash Waqf) 3. Education Waqf 4. Health Waqf Online Functional and Manual (Payment Not functional very Manual (Payment Management works well Gateway) well Gateway) System Table 2 shows that the waqf management system widely used by other higher education institution. Most of them are focusing on collection of waqf. Meanwhile the internal management within the organizational operations still remain unknown. All of them have their own waqf product which is near to the general waqf. The status for all of them is Mutawalli, which means they can collect the waqf, manage the collection internally and only need to submit a report to the Perbadanan Wakaf Selangor [3] for all of their activities. Stakeholders It is important to identify the system stakeholders as they are the participants of the developed system. It is part of the system requirement engineering which engaged directly or indirectly to the system [10]–[12]. The stakeholders is important as it is a part of the element of information systems [13]. The researcher outlined four (4) proposed system stakeholders such Pewakaf (Wakaf Donor/Benefaction), Project Owners, Bahagian Zakat, Wakaf dan Infaq (BZWI)/ Perbadanan Wakaf Selangor (PWS) and Agents/Payment Gateway. The stakeholders have been identified through discussion with BZWI officers. 47
  4. Proceeding of IC-ITS 2018 e-ISBN :978-967-2122-64-7 4th International Conference on Information Technology & Society October 30th-31st, 2018, Selangor, MALAYSIA BZWI KUIS/ Perbadanan Wakaf Selangor Pewakaf (Wakaf Donor) Project Owners CROWDFUND WAQF MANAGEMEN T SYSTEM Agents/ Payment Gateway FIGURE 1. The Proposed System Stakeholders. Pewakaf (Wakaf Donor/Benefaction) are open to the public where the main contribution of the crowdfund. They need to register into the system and may contribute to the crowdfund for general and special waqf. They are able to select any waqf project posted by any project approved by the wafq committee under special waqf. Meanwhile, Project Owners are the open to the public who are interested to proposed waqf project. However, they need to get approval from the waqf committee after follow the standard of operation (SOP) outline in the higher education institution. After granted the approval, the project owner needs to submit their application in the system in order to post their projects in the web application system. Bahagian Zakat, Wakaf dan Infaq (BZWI)/ Perbadanan Wakaf Selangor (PWS) are the waqf committee for the system. They are the authorize committees that will give permission to the project owners in order to published in the crowdfund portal for the fundraising process. Lastly, Agents/Payment Gateway is the main collector of waqf that will interact between Pewakaf and Project Owners. They are probably the banks or any third party organisation which have license and authority to collect money through online system. They are also charge with minimal fees for all transaction made online by Pewakaf. System Flow The researchers proposing a simple system flow for the waqf management system. The system consists of the process flow before the waqf project submission into the system by the Project Owner for the fundraising activities in the crowdfund portal. 48
  5. Proceeding of IC-ITS 2018 e-ISBN :978-967-2122-64-7 4th International Conference on Information Technology & Society October 30th-31st, 2018, Selangor, MALAYSIA FIGURE 2. The Proposed System Stakeholders. The waqf management system will be used the rapid application development methodology introduced by James Martin in 1991 [14]. The system will used simple process flow determination using data-driven concept in order to accelerate the system development process. 49
  6. Proceeding of IC-ITS 2018 e-ISBN :978-967-2122-64-7 4th International Conference on Information Technology & Society October 30th-31st, 2018, Selangor, MALAYSIA System Modules Management  Waqf donor profile  Waqf project  Fund raising TABLE (4). Waqf Management System Modules. Collection Disbursement  Payment gateway  Monitoring  Bank METHODOLOGY The waqf management system will be used the rapid application development methodology introduced by James Martin in 1991 [14]. Rapid application development (RAD) is a software development methodology which extremely rapid prototyping, highly iterative delivery while closely work with the stakeholders. This system development will also use simple process flow determination using data-driven concept in order to accelerate the whole system development process. Design Quick Requirement Testing Development Deployment Refinement FIGURE 3. The System Development Cycle using Rapid Application Development Methodology. The proposed waqf management system consist three (3) modules such the management, collection and disbursement. The management sub-modules are waqf donor profile, waqf project and the fund raising (crowdfund). Meanwhile, the collection sub-modules are the payment gateway or the bank. Last module is disbursement with the sub-module of monitoring the transaction to the respective waqf project owner. CONCLUSION This paper attempts to propose conceptual design of waqf management system using crowdfund for the Mutawalli. The system is focusing more on the collection of waqf from the Pewakaf (Wakaf Donor/ Benefaction) and monitor by the waqf committee. Hopefully, the system will accessible throughout the website hosted by the university. Furthermore, the system should be extended to accommodate the internal management process between inter-departments within organization in the future. However, the software requirement engineering and information system development need to adopt other method such soft system methodology in order to get better research result during prototype development. 50
  7. Proceeding of IC-ITS 2018 e-ISBN :978-967-2122-64-7 4th International Conference on Information Technology & Society October 30th-31st, 2018, Selangor, MALAYSIA Instead of the prototype system developed, this research should extend to the user acceptance of the system developed and usability evaluation of the system after the final deployment. This research has shown the possibility of the crowdfund waqf management system development. It has been essential guide for the prototype development before extending it to more comprehensive system that able to cater the whole process and management of waqf as Mutawalli. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The researchers would like to acknowledge people and organization from the university and industry for giving such inputs in order to develop this paper. The researcher would like to thanks the Kolej Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Selangor (KUIS) for giving opportunity to present this paper in the International Conference on Information Technology & Society 2018. Thank you so much to Badan Zakat, Wakaf, dan Infaq, KUIS for giving such guidance to this research. REFERENCES D. Ibrahim and H. Ibrahim, “Revival of Waqf Properties in Malaysia,” in 5th Islamic Economics System Conference (iECONS 2013), 2013, no. September, pp. 4–5. [2] B. N. A. Mohd Puad, N. B. Jamlus Rafdi, and W. S. S. B. Shahar, “Issues and Challenges of Waqf Instruments: A Case Study in MAIS,” E-proceedings Conf. Manag. Muamalah, no. May, pp. 978–983, 2014. [3] M. A. Mat Rani and A. Abdul Aziz, “Waqf Management And Administration In Malaysia: Its Implementation From The Prespective of Islamic Law,” Malaysian Account. Rev., vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 115–121, 2010. [4] A. A. Mohd Zakaria, R. R. Abd. Samad, Z. Shafii, M. Z. Azliza Azrah, A. S. Rose Ruziana, S. Zurina, A. A. Mohd Zakaria, R. R. Abd. Samad, and Z. Shafii, “Venture Philanthropy Waqf Practices and Its Implementation: Scenario in Malaysia,” Int. J. Business, Econ. Law, vol. 1, pp. 108–115, 2012. [5] Kerajaan Negeri Selangor, “Enakmen Wakaf (Negeri Selangor) 1999.” Percetakan Nasional Malaysia Berhad, Kuala Lumpur, 1999. [6] Government of Selangor, “Wakaf (State of Selangor) Enactment 2015.” Percetakan Nasional Malaysia Berhad, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 1–30, 2015. [7] Kerajaan Negeri Sembilan, “Enakmen Wakaf (Negeri Sembilan) 2005.” Percetakan Nasional Malaysia Berhad, Kuala Lumpur, 2005. [8] Z. Hasan and M. N. Abdullah, “The Investment of Waqf Land as An Instrument of Muslims’ Economic Development in Malaysia,” Dubai Int. Conf. Endowments’ Investment, 4-6th Febr. 2008, pp. 1–25, 2008. [9] M. Zakaria, M. S. Hassan, and R. Abdul Latiff, “Pelaporan Wakaf di Malaysia : Mengenalpasti Keperluan Maklumat Pemegang Kepentingan,” in Prosiding Perkem ke-9, 2014, pp. 226–233. [10] V. Luyet, R. Schlaepfer, M. B. Parlange, and A. Buttler, “A framework to implement Stakeholder participation in environmental projects,” J. Environ. Manage., vol. 111, pp. 213–219, 2012. [1] 51
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