Pakistan: Public Finance Statistical Bulletin - July 2022
Pakistan: Public Finance Statistical Bulletin - July 2022
Mark-Up, Sales
Mark-Up, Sales
- 10 .1 Consolidated Fiscal Operations (Federal & Provincial) (Billion Rupees) FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21P A. Total Revenue 4,447.0 4,936.7 5,228.0 4,900.7 6,272.2 6,903.4 (1) Tax 3,660.4 3,969.2 4,467.1 4,473.4 4,747.8 5,272.7 3,377.1 3,647.5 4,065.8 4,071.6 4,334.2 4,764.3 3,112.0 3,361.0 3,842.1 3,829.5 3,997.9 4,764.3 283.3 321.8 401.4 401.8 413.6 508.4 786.6 967.5 760.9 427.3 1,524.4 1,630.7 693.2 888.0 614.2 341.0 1,422.0 1,480.4 93.3 79.5 146.7 86.3 102.4 150.3 B. Total Expenditure (1+2) 5,796.3 6,800.5 7,488.4 8,345.6 9,648.5 10,306.7 (1) Expenditure Booked (a+b) 6,008.4 6,878.5 7,475.9 8,323.2 9,735.8 10,399.7 a. Current (i+ii) 4,694.3 5,197.9 5,854.3 7,104.0 8,532.0 9,084.0 (i) Federal 3,144.3 3,472.2 3,789.8 4,776.2 6,016.2 6,264.8 (i) Federal Of which: FBR Revenue * (ii) Provinces (2) Non-tax (i) Federal (exc. Interest from Provinces) (ii) Provinces Of which: Mark-up Payments 1,263.4 1,348.4 1,499.9 2,091.1 2,619.7 2,749.7 Defence 757.7 888.1 1,030.4 1,146.8 1,213.3 1,316.4 Subsidies 196.5 - - - - 425.0 1,550.0 1,725.7 2,064.5 2,327.9 2,515.8 2,819.2 (ii) Provinces b. Development & net Lending 1,314.1 1,680.7 1,621.7 1,219.2 1,203.7 1,315.7 (i) Federal 721.7 828.5 741.5 713.0 581.7 545.4 (ii) Provincial 592.4 852.2 880.1 506.2 622.0 770.2 (212.1) (78.0) 12.4 22.4 (87.3) (93.0) (2) Statistical Discrepancy Budget Deficit (A-B) (1,349.3) (1,863.8) (2,260.4) (3,444.9) (3,376.3) (3,403.3) Financing 1,349.3 1,863.8 2,260.4 3,444.9 3,376.3 3,403.3 External 370.5 541.4 785.2 416.7 895.5 1,338.1 Domestic 978.9 1,322.4 1,475.2 3,028.2 2,480.8 2,065.2 Bank 787.0 1,045.8 1,120.5 2,263.2 1,940.6 1,869.0 Non-Bank 191.8 276.6 352.7 765.0 540.3 196.2 - - 2.0 - - - Privatization Proceeds Source: Ministry of Finance Govt. of Pakistan *FBR-Federal Board of Revenue 158
- 10 .2 Federal Government Revenue Receipts (Billion Rupees) FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21P 1. Tax Revenue (a+b) 3,377.1 3,647.5 4,065.8 4,071.6 4,334.2 5,247.8 a) FBR Taxes 3,112.0 3,361.0 3,842.1 3,829.5 3,997.9 4,764.3 i) Direct Taxes 1,191.6 1,343.2 1,536.6 1,445.6 1,524.3 1,731.9 ii) Indirect Taxes 1,920.4 2,017.8 2,305.5 2,383.9 2,473.7 3,032.4 Custom Duty 406.2 496.0 608.3 685.4 626.4 765.2 1,323.7 1,323.3 1,491.3 1,464.9 1,596.8 1,990.2 190.6 198.6 205.9 233.6 250.5 277.1 265.1 286.4 223.6 242.2 336.3 483.5 3.4 4.3 5.3 9.0 20.9 16.9 .. .. .. .. .. - Gas Infrastructure Development Cess 79.8 42.1 15.2 21.5 9.3 19.4 Natural Gas Development Surcharge 32.7 73.3 24.2 5.3 12.4 22.5 149.3 166.7 178.9 206.3 293.7 424.7 703.0 901.6 630.4 363.9 1,448.1 1,021.9 9.8 13.6 16.2 22.9 26.1 25.0 Mark-up (PSEs & Others) 57.7 99.7 87.8 35.7 105.2 76.2 Dividend 88.5 69.7 57.5 60.2 40.1 43.9 Surplus profit of Regulators including PTA 34.3 33.6 15.9 18.2 127.0 39.1 SBP Profit 227.9 227.8 233.2 12.5 935.5 650.5 Defense Receipts 107.0 67.8 12.8 15.6 14.4 14.9 20.8 20.1 15.9 23.0 17.7 13.0 9.1 9.1 9.1 14.0 13.0 10.3 57.7 53.0 58.2 87.9 79.4 70.9 1.6 1.6 3.9 7.7 5.2 3.0 Sales Tax Federal Excise Duty b) Other Taxes Other Taxes(including ICT) Airport Tax Petroleum (PDL) 2. Non-Tax Revenue Mark-up (Provinces) Citizenship, Naturalization & Passport Fee Discount Retained on Crude Price Royalties on Oil & Gas Windfall levy against Crude Oil Petroleum Levy on LPG - - 2.1 3.7 3.2 3.5 88.4 305.7 117.8 62.4 81.3 71.6 3. Gross Federal Receipts (1+2) 4,080.1 4,549.0 4,696.2 4,435.6 5,782.3 6,269.7 4. Transfer to Provinces 1,862.2 1,965.8 2,217.4 2,397.8 2,504.0 2,741.9 5. Net Federal Revenue Receipts (3-4) 2,218.0 2,583.2 2,478.7 2,037.8 3,278.3 3,527.8 Others Note:- Sub heads of (b) “other taxes” are included by MoF in Non-Tax revenue for Current period Source: Ministry of Finance Govt. of Pakistan 159
- 10 .3 Federal Government Expenditure and Lending (Billion Rupees) FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21P Total Expenditure and net Lending (a+b+c) 3,921.1 4,361.8 4,704.3 5,599.2 6,818.9 7,244.8 (a)Current Expenditures 3,178.4 3,494.3 3,814.5 4,803.9 6,092.6 6,348.7 2,137.2 2,284.1 2,461.0 3,273.1 4,422.6 5,032.3 1,263.4 1,348.4 1,499.9 2,091.1 2,619.7 2,749.7 1,150.8 1,220.3 1,322.6 1,820.8 2,313.1 2,523.8 General Public Service Interest payments ( Debt Servicing) Domestic 112.6 128.2 177.3 270.3 306.6 225.9 Superannuation Allowances & Pension Foreign 222.5 303.8 333.7 392.9 447.3 440.1 Grants 396.1 374.2 408.5 469.7 928.2 911.6 34.2 22.2 24.7 27.7 76.4 83.8 361.9 352.1 383.8 442.0 851.8 827.7 255.2 257.7 219.0 319.4 427.3 505.8 - - - - - 425.0 Provinces Other Other General Public Service Subsidies Defense Affairs and Service 757.7 888.1 1,030.4 1,146.8 1,213.3 1,316.4 Public Orders and Safety Affairs 96.3 127.8 124.7 171.6 176.3 - Economic Affairs 76.9 69.0 63.3 78.9 134.2 - Environmental Protection 1.0 1.4 1.2 1.2 0.4 - Housing and Community Amenities 2.2 1.6 3.4 2.1 4.7 - Health 12.2 15.0 16.6 16.8 11.4 - Recreation Culture and Religion 9.5 12.1 12.6 12.7 9.5 - Education Affairs and Services 82.6 90.7 98.2 97.1 83.2 - 2.9 4.4 3.1 3.7 37.0 - (b)Development Expenditure and net Lending Social Protection 742.6 867.5 889.8 795.3 726.3 789.1 Total Development Expenditure 717.7 849.1 788.7 731.9 687.7 694.6 602.1 733.3 660.9 561.7 622.3 667.3 8.7 7.8 84.8 59.7 154.5 226.1 Others 115.7 115.7 127.8 170.2 65.5 27.3 Net lending 24.9 18.4 101.1 63.3 38.6 94.5 Public Sector Development Program Of which: Development Grant to Provinces Provinces 12.3 31.2 63.5 22.6 (9.9) 17.5 Other 12.6 (12.8) 37.6 40.8 48.5 76.9 - - - - - 107.0 (1,637.8) (1,778.5) (2,225.6) (3,561.4) (3,540.7) (3,716.9) 1,556.7 1,847.9 2,242.8 3,634.9 3,601.3 3,716.9 (c) Statistical Discrepancy Overall Balance Financing External 370.5 541.4 785.2 416.7 895.5 1,338.1 1,186.3 1,306.5 1,457.7 3,218.2 2,705.7 2,378.9 Bank 992.3 1,030.2 1,128.6 2,455.6 2,182.8 2,169.6 Non-Bank 193.9 276.3 327.1 762.6 523.0 209.2 - - 2.0 - - - Domestic. Privatization Proceeds Source: Ministry of Finance Govt. of Pakistan 160
- 10 .4 Federal Board of Revenue Tax Collection ( Billion Rupees) Indirect Taxes PERIOD Direct Taxes Sales Excise Customs Total Total Tax Collection 2016-17 1,344.2 1,329.0 197.9 496.8 2,023.7 3,367.9 2017-18 1,536.6 1,485.3 213.4 608.4 2,307.1 3,843.7 2018-19 1,445.5 1,459.3 238.2 685.6 2,383.1 3,828.6 2019-20 1,523.5 1,596.8 250.5 626.6 2,473.9 3,997.4 2020-21 P 1,731.3 1,988.3 277.0 748.4 3,013.7 4,745.0 Oct 110.2 152.4 22.4 52.2 227.0 337.3 Nov 109.2 157.8 23.3 57.7 238.8 348.0 Dec 244.1 171.8 22.8 70.0 264.6 508.6 Jan 115.6 160.7 21.2 63.4 245.3 360.9 Feb 111.3 154.2 23.4 60.2 237.8 349.1 Mar 190.3 186.7 22.7 81.0 290.5 480.8 Apr 113.0 175.8 27.6 66.9 270.2 383.2 May 108.4 183.0 28.7 64.7 276.4 384.7 Jun 258.3 206.9 31.6 74.6 313.1 571.4 Jul 135.7 192.8 22.4 65.2 280.4 416.1 446.4 2020 2021 P Aug 122.9 223.1 23.4 76.9 323.4 Sep 222.8 209.4 25.1 76.8 311.2 534.0 Oct 142.6 205.2 25.8 73.0 304.0 446.6 Nov 138.4 218.4 24.8 94.8 338.0 476.4 Dec 259.0 226.3 24.7 90.5 341.6 600.5 Source: Federal Board of Revenue 161
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