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Pakistan: Expression of Interest - 24 February

IM Research
By IM Research
7 years ago
Pakistan: Expression of Interest - 24 February

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  1. FNX 23 FeB- 2AI ? NO 22i@@ P aaz Govemment of Pakistan MinBtry of Religious Affahs And lnterfeith Harmony EXPRESSION OF INTEREST Ministry of Religious AffaiB & lntertaith Hermony invites the .Expregsion of hteresf (EOl) from th6 schoduled banks, for collection of Hali appticatiohs, from the fntending pllgrims fot H.ii 2017. Eligibitity oriteria is as under: The banks must have a minimum network of 3OO brancJE6 all Over the country. i , The bank must be of Nationsl level. The bank should have presence in eac}1 distri.,t of PakislEn. The bank should have on-line facilitiea in all branches preferably up to Tehsil level. I lt Minimum credit rating es notilied by the State Bank of p8klstan should not be less than "AA' I HEij due6 c,ollec{ed by the bEnks from intending pilgrims shall be placed in Sharia Compli€nt remunerative account. Hor,ever, they wll deposit itajj dn€s of successful in the M lnistry'g acmunt as p€r foltowing scheduli; s.# 1 ment Date installrnent Petcentage of the 2 installmenl On 0$5-2017 3 ln6tallment 011 15% of 5 in On tn n i5-9-2017 Or {inal reconcilialion Lasl & iinal t1 30% 15% ' 10% " 10% '17 6 7 the 7 10% 10v. " installment In case offeilure, peflalty will be impo$ed as embedded in EOI document. The banks shall oleEr all prwious Hajj dues of the previous yee.s, failing which they shall be dEqualified. The banks shall provide a certilicate ol 100% paymert of Haij dues to the unsuccessful Haij applicents and peymer[ against refund authodties oI Haij 2016 The bank mu8l have suffcier{ and trained staff in each branch the above mentioned lasks- ,,{$ to ceny out
  2. FAX NE . 23 Feb. 221? zziz1 ? W3 : -2- 2. The detaited EOI documents can be downloaded from the Ministry.s website www.mora.gov.pk and www.haiiinfo.org or obtain from Aocounb Officer (pWF) Branch Room No..l 16 Mrniatry of Religious ntfans a tnrerraiti,;-;;;y:" 3. Schedulod banks interested in providing the services on the eligibility criteria may submt.their bids/offers on the prescriuea irotorm; to rh" ,#J"]n"n"o _tnin to dalE.ot pubticarion of thre Expression of lnterest. nttei"iiprratJ tlmllni t,O *il U" entertained. 4. The bid in a sealed envetope mentioning ,Expression scheduled Banks should be Eent to the unOersign;i of lnterest,, from (Tahir Ehsan) Joint Secretary (Haii) Ministry of Religious Affairs anc lnter-Faith Harmony Main civic Centre, Near Ci:O, lslamabad Ph:# 9201668 t\r \ iv n.^7 + $" \o