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Kuwait: Producer Prices Index - 3Q 2016

IM Research
By IM Research
7 years ago
Kuwait: Producer Prices Index - 3Q 2016


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  1. State of Kuwait Central Statistical Bureau Statistical Affairs Producer Prices Index Third quarter 2016
  2. Summary Page  Introduction 1  Comparison between Third quarter and Second quarter 2016 1  Comparison between Third quarter 2016 and Third quarter 2015 2  Change in PPI during the months of Third quarter 2016 2  Comparison between September and August 2016 2  Comparison between August and July 2016 3 Tables o Tables 1: comparison between Third and Second quarter 2016 and Third quarter 2015 4 o Tables 2: Comparison between July, August and September 2016 5 ii
  3. Introduction The Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) in the State of Kuwait released the Producer Prices Index (PPI) for the Third quarter (July, August, September) of 2016. This index covers the industrial sector: Mining, Manufacturing, Production and Distribution of Water and Electricity. This publication shows the change in the index between the Third quarter 2016 (Q3) and the Second quarter (Q2) of the same year. Also the changes in the index between Third quarter (Q3) 2016 and Third quarter (Q3) 2015.And changes in the PPI for the three months of the Third quarter of the year 2016. Comparison between the Third quarter (Q3) and the Second quarter (Q2) 2016 The Producer Prices General Index reached a level of 64.800 during the Third quarter 2016, showing an increase of 4.01% compared with to the Second quarter (Q2) of the same year. The index of the extractive industries is increased by 5.85% as a result of the increase of “ Oil extraction ” index by 5.67 %. The index of the "manufacturing industry" increased by 2.39%, as a result of the increase in the " oil refining" prices index by 3.65%. Main components: PPI % change between Third and Second quarter 2016 7.00 5.85 6.00 5.67 5.00 4.00 4.01 3.65 3.00 2.39 2.00 1.00 0.00 General Index Extractive industries Oil extraction 1 Manufacturing Refined petroleum products
  4. Comparison between the Third quarter (Q3) 2016 and Third quarter (Q3) 2015 Comparing to the PPI during the Third quarter of the year 2015, the General Index decreased by 9.24%. The index for the "extractive industries" group decreased by 12.27%, as a result of the decrease in the index " Oil extraction " prices by 12.42%. The index of the manufacturing industry decreased by 6.18% as a result of the decrease in the index " Oil refining " prices by 10.36%. Main components:PPI % change between Third quarter 2016 and Third quarter 2015 0.00 Refined petroleum products Manufacturing Oil extraction -6.00 Extractive industries -4.00 General Index -2.00 -6.18 -8.00 -10.00 -9.24 -10.36 -12.00 -12.27 -12.42 -14.00 Change in producer prices during the months of the Third quarter 2016 Comparison between September and August 2016 The PPI decreased during the month of September 2016 by 0.16% compared with August 2016, as a result of decrese of " Extractive Industry" prices by 2.40%. The PPI index for the "Manufacturing Industry" group is increased by 2.53 %, as a result of an increase in "Oil refining" prices by 4.15%. 2
  5. Main components : PPI % change between September and August 2016 5.00 4.15 4.00 3.00 2.53 2.00 1.00 0.00 -2.41 Refined petroleum products Manufacturing Oil extraction -3.00 -2.40 Extractive industries -2.00 General Index -1.00 -0.16 Comparison between August and July 2016 The PPI decreased by 2.13% during the month of August compared with July 2016. This decrease is explained by the decrease of “extractive industries “ group prices by 0.51% as a result of the decrease of“ Oil extraction“ group by 0.51 % . PPI of "manufacturing industry" decreased by 3.91% as a result of the decrease of “refined oil” group by 5.40%. Main components: PPI % change between August and July 2016 0.00 Refined petroleum products -0.51 Manufacturing -3.00 Oil extraction -2.13 Extractive industries -2.00 General Index -1.00 -0.51 -4.00 -3.91 -5.00 -5.40 -6.00 3
  6. ProducersPrices Index (PPI) General Index and groups and sub-groups indices Comparaison between Third ,Second quarter 2016 and Third quarter 2015 Economic activities Q3 2016(1) Q2 2016(2) Q3 2015(3) (1)\(2)% (1)\(3)% General Index 64.800 62.300 71.400 4.01 -9.24 Extractive Industry 57.900 54.700 66.000 5.85 -12.27 Oil extraction 57.800 54.700 66.000 5.67 -12.42 Gaz extraction 66.700 64.100 73.400 4.06 -9.13 Manufacturing Industry 72.900 71.200 77.700 2.39 -6.18 Oil refining 59.700 57.600 66.600 3.65 -10.36 Chemical industry 112.900 112.600 112.000 0.27 0.80 Metalic materials industry 111.000 110.600 113.200 0.36 -1.94 Food industry 137.500 137.700 128.700 -0.15 6.84 Other non- metal industry 117.400 113.100 114.700 3.80 2.35 Paper and printing industry 109.300 109.200 108.500 0.09 0.74 Rubber and plastics industry 91.800 95.500 95.500 -3.87 -3.87 Electrical applinaces industry 117.100 117.100 114.300 0.00 2.45 Textile industry 115.500 116.100 115.500 -0.52 0.00 Wood materials industry 146.000 138.200 130.100 5.64 12.22 Beverage industry 105.300 105.300 105.300 0.00 0.00 Electricity and water 100.000 100.000 100.000 0.00 0.00 Production and distribution of water 100.000 100.000 100.000 0.00 0.00 Production and distribution of electricity 100.000 100.000 100.000 0.00 0.00 Base year : 2010=100 Main and sub-components: PPI change between the Third and Second quarter 2016 8.00 6.00 4.00 4 Water Electricity Electricity and Water Beverages industry Wood products Manufacture of textiles Electrical equipment’s Rubber, plastics products Paper products and Printing Other non-metallic products Food products Fabricated metal products Chemical products Manufacturing Refined petroleum products -6.00 Natural gas extraction -4.00 Oil extraction -2.00 Extractive industries 0.00 General Index 2.00
  7. ProducersPrices Index (PPI) General Index and groups and sub-groups indices Comparaison between July, August and September 2016 Economic activities JULY(1) AUG(2) SEP(3) (1)\(2)% (2)\(3)% General Index 65.800 64.400 64.300 -2.13 -0.16 Extractive Industry 58.600 58.300 56.900 -0.51 -2.40 Oil extraction 58.500 58.200 56.800 -0.51 -2.41 Gaz extraction 66.700 66.700 66.700 0.00 0.00 Manufacturing Industry 74.200 71.300 73.100 -3.91 2.53 Oil refining 61.100 57.800 60.200 -5.40 4.15 Chemical industry 112.800 112.800 113.000 0.00 0.18 Metalic materials industry 110.900 110.800 111.200 -0.09 0.36 Food industry 137.900 137.600 137.100 -0.22 -0.36 Other non- metal industry 124.800 114.000 113.300 -8.65 -0.61 Paper and printing industry 109.300 109.300 109.200 0.00 -0.09 Rubber and plastics industry 95.600 89.900 89.900 -5.96 0.00 Electrical applinaces industry 117.200 117.100 117.000 -0.09 -0.09 Textile industry 115.700 115.600 115.300 -0.09 -0.26 Wood materials industry 145.000 144.900 148.100 -0.07 2.21 Beverage industry 105.300 105.300 105.300 0.00 0.00 Electricity and water 100.000 100.000 100.000 0.00 0.00 Production and distribution of water 100.000 100.000 100.000 0.00 0.00 Production and distribution of electricity 100.000 100.000 100.000 0.00 0.00 Base year : 2010=100 Main groups and sub-groups: PPI % change between September and August 2016 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 5 Water Electricity Electricity and Water Beverages industry Wood products Manufacture of textiles Electrical equipment’s Rubber, plastics products Paper products and Printing Other non-metallic products Food products Fabricated metal products Chemical products Refined petroleum products Manufacturing -3.00 Natural gas extraction -2.00 Oil extraction -1.00 Extractive industries 0.00 General Index 1.00