Indonesian - Economy Monetary Policy and Financial Stability
Ard, Islam, Mal
Organisation Tags (3)
Indonesia Banking School (IBS)
Bank Indonesia
International Islamic Liquidity Management Corporation (IILM)
- Indonesian Economy : Monetary Policy and Financial Stability – Recent Development
- Execu &ve Summary 2 v Indonesia’s economic growth remains robust in 2012 amidst the continuation of global economic slowdown. Contributed by buoyant consumption and investment, economic growth in the Q4-2012 reached 6.11%, and charted 6.23% for the whole year of 2012. v Inflation in January 2013 remained subdued and arrive at 4.57%(yoy) which is within target range of 4.5%±1%. This inflation supported by the implementation of monetary and macroprudential policy mix, as well as policy coordination with the Government through national inflation control team (TPI) and regional inflation control team (TPID). v Financial system stability remained solid with intermediation function is improving within prudential manner as indicated by secure level of capital adequacy ratio (CAR) is well above minimum level of 8% and gross non-performing loan (NPL) below 5%. In December 2012, credit growth charted 23.1% (yoy). Considering the type of loan, investment loan recorded the highest growth of 27.4% (yoy), in line with the increased in investment. v In the Board of Governors' Meeting convened on 12 February 2013, Bank Indonesia decided to hold the BI rate steady at 5.75% in which considered consistent with low inflation forecast and contained within its target range of 4.5%±1% in 2013 and 2014. Bank Indonesia believes that the implementation of policy mix together with strengthen coordination with the Government will be able to maintain macroeconomic stability and sustainable economic growth.
- Execu &ve Summary Monetary policy v Keep policy rate unchanged at 5.75% since March 2012, this level considered to be consistent with inflation target v Maintain IDR exchange rate stability v Strengthen monetary policy by implementing monetary and macroprudential policy mix v Deepening of the foreign exchange market Exchange Rate v On January 2013, Rupiah depreciated by 0.22% (mtm) to Rp9.654 per USD, with a contained volatility. v In the future, BI will continue to maintain the stability of Rupiah exchange rate consistent with its economic fundamentals. Furthermore, BI will support the formation of a reference to Rupiah exchange rate in the domestic spot market. This reference is expected to promote foreign exchange market efficiency, deepening the domestic financial market 3
- Execu &ve Summary 4 Sound Financial Sector v Supported by various policies implemented by Bank Indonesia, banking industry has been more resilient, as indicated by secure level of CAR above the minimum level of 8% (17.3% at the end of Dec’2012) and gross NPLs managed at comfortably safe level below 5% (1.9% at the end of Dec’2012). v Further improvement in National banking intermediation is also reflected in progressively improving credit growth, recorded in December 2012 at 23.1% (yoy), in which investment credit, working capital credit, and consumption credit grew by 27.4% (yoy), 23.2% (yoy), and 19.9% (yoy), respectively.
- Execu &ve Summary 5 Roles of Banking in the Domestic Economy v The role of the Indonesian banking is not yet optimal to support the real sector. Credit to GDP ratio is relatively low compared to the ASEAN countries. v The Indonesian Credit to GDP ratio stands between 26%-32%, almost the same as Philippines and Brunei. While others, especially Thailand and Singapore has more than 100% credit to GDP ratio. Malaysia is following them with a growing ratio from 96% to 112%. v As such, the are more rooms to utilize the banking sector to boost the domestic economy. % 160 140 Indonesia Singapore Malaysia Phillipines Brunei Thailand 2008 26.60 106.70 96.70 29.10 35.20 113.00 2009 27.70 109.90 111.60 29.20 44.50 116.40 2010 29.10 100.00 110.70 29.60 40.90 123.90 2011 31.70 112.60 112.20 31.80 31.80 140.10 2008 2009 120 2010 2011 100 80 60 40 20 0 Indonesia Singapore Malaysia Phillipines Brunei Thailand
- Indonesian Islamic Banks – Sustainable Growth and Role in Economic Development & Financial Stability
- Indonesia ’s Islamic Bank (iB) Development 7 Rp. Triliun 250,000,000 60% ASSET (left axis) GASSET Gfinancing Gdeposit 50% 200,000,000 40% 150,000,000 30% 100,000,000 20% 50,000,000 Jan-07 Mar-07 May-07 Jul-07 Sep-07 Nov-07 Jan-08 Mar-08 Mei-08 Juli-08 Sept - 08 Nov-08 Jan-09 Mar-09 Mei-09 Jul-09 Sept-09 Nov-09 Jan-10 Mar-10 May-10 Jul-10 Sep-10 Nov-10 Jan-11 Feb-11 May-11 Jul-11 Sep-11 Nov-11 Jan-12 Mar-12 May-12 Jul-12 Sep-12 Nov-12 0 10% 0% Indonesia’s IB (BUS +UUS) average growth in last 5 years reach 37% for asset then 36% for financing and 38% for deposits. Whereas in 2012, the growth for asset (±34%) value Rp. 195 T, financing (±44%) value Rp.147,5 T and deposit (±28%) value Rp.147,5 T. Indonesia’s iB aset ±98% dominated by Islamic Commercial Bank (BUS) and Islamic Busines Unit (UUS). In year 2012, the IB’s (BUS+UUS) performance relatively good, reflected by : (i) optimum intermediation function with average FDR reach 97,16%; (ii) CAR beyond minimum regulation 8% with average CAR reach ±17%; and (iii) Non Performing Financing (NPF) under 5% with average 2.72% and even in December 2012 reach 2.22%.
- Current Growth is in line with projec&ons 8 230,000,000 180,000,000 European Crisis 210,000,000 Nov-‐12 Sep-‐12 Jul-‐12 May-‐12 Mar-‐12 Jan-‐12 Nov-‐11 Sep-‐11 Jul-‐11 May-‐11 Projections 90,000,000 Mar-‐11 Actual Jul-‐1 2 110,000,000 May-‐1 2 60,000,000 Mar-‐1 2 130,000,000 Jan-‐1 2 80,000,000 Nov-‐11 150,000,000 Sep-‐1 1 100,000,000 Jul-‐1 1 170,000,000 May-‐1 1 120,000,000 Mar-‐1 1 190,000,000 Jan-‐1 1 140,000,000 Jan-‐11 160,000,000 Islamic banks’ (BUS+UUS+BPRS) asset growing in 2012 reach Rp. 199,72 T and within BI’s previous projection scenarios between moderate scenario (Rp. 187.2T) and optimistic scenario (Rp.206T).
- Increasing number of Islamic Bank (iB) s Customer ü With 11 Islamic Commercial Bank (BUS), 24 Islamic Business Unit (UUS) and 156 Islamic Rural Bank (BPRS), the office network increased from 2.101 in year 2011 becoming into 2.663 (26,75%). ü The increasing number of iB’s customer à iB’s account number (financing + deposits) increases ± 4 million accounts from ± 10.4 mio year 2011 into ± 14.4 mio in Dec’12 (38%, yoy) § The significant increasing number of iB’s customer in last 4 years (average ± 31%), even growth in period 2011 – 2012 (± 38%) higher than previous period à reflect the more trusted iB by Indonesia’s people for saving/invest fund § More broaden customer has been serviced by Islamic banks 9
- The Decreasing Growth of Non Productive Financing Share /Sector 10 ü The direction of more financing toward productive sector looks on the right track by the end of 2012 ü Decreasing growth of non productive financing share v Financing growth to Non productive sector (services and others) has decelerated from 8,4% (2010 - 2011) become 0,82% (2011 – 2012) or decreasing 7,59%. v The growth share of Non Productive financing type compare to productive (working capital + Investment) has decelerated from 30,09% (2010 - 2011) become 1,92% (2011 - 2012) or decreasing 28%. Data :Sept’12
- Islamic Banks (iB) : Promote Financial Stability 11 Advantages as Islamic banks during current global uncertain periods: 1. 2. 3. 4. Profit and loss sharing system will be beneficial and provide fair return to all parCes. With this system, islamic banks will promote social welfare as the benefit receivers need to pay zakah as part of social contribuCon while complying to the shariah principle. The products offered by islamic banks always use real sector transacCon as its underlying; therefore, the impact of islamic financial transacCon can be significant to promote economic growth Reduce potenCal excessive speculaCon since islamic finance prohibits the speculaCve moCve. DerivaCves products are prohibited by islamic principles because of the existance of gharar In the case of Indonesia: a. b. islamic banks nature is to focus on developing small and medium enterprises as the underlying, and there are rela&vely small risks involved Exposure to currency risk, financial sector is rela&vely small
- Indonesian Islamic Banks – Policy DirecCon and Prospect
- Maintaining Strong Growth 13 • InnovaCon of genuine sharia Products and services : support the people need ,more broaden customer base and more producCve acCviCes • Strategic alliance and strong infrastructure support : i.e. Government support, OpCmizaCon synergy with iB’s holding/Grup companies. • More professionals & qualified HRD • Intensified EducaCon and socializaCon With Rp.199,72 trilion of iB (BUS+UUS+BPRS) asset in Dec’12 (eq $ 22 billion) we only account for 4.6% of Indonesian banking industry, or less than 2% of global islamic assets. This strategy will attract more broaden customers to use services from islamic banks, and in the end this will have an impact to strong growth
- BI Policy: Product Innova&on 1. 14 In the current highly compeCCve environment, islamic banks cannot rely on standard product to a\ract customers. Islamic financial insCtuCons must act and able to offer pure and genuine Islamic products that bring up the uniqueness of sharia principles that can meet customers' and investors needs 2. BI will facilitate Working Group Discussions (with NaConal Sharia Board and indonesia Accountant AssociaCon) to acCvate innovaCon and creaCvity regarding product development to a\ract more customers. 3. BI will consider to improve related regula&ons on Islamic banking products in order to increase the efficiency of the product licensing process. 4. In order to increase public awareness to Islamic banking products (iB financial literacy), socializa&on programs / public educa&on and communica&on will be more focused on equality "parity" and the uniqueness of "dis&nc&veness" of the product Islamic banking. Islamic banks are expected to strengthen the product development unit in order to accelerate the equaliza&on of products and service levels with conven&onal banks, to increase service to meet customers needs
- BI Policy: Emphasis Financing in Produc&ve Sector 15 1. Bank Indonesia in its capacity will facilitate link and match program between islamic banks and industry which is prioriCzed by the government, such as infrastructure, agriculture, as well as others. 2. Focus Group Discussions and business match will be the main forum to match supply and demand between banks and producCve sectors. à BI have facilitated several FGDs and have received posi&ve feedbacks. In return, this will help promoting resilience of islamic banks, as well as generate higher asset growth, so that asset share of islamic banks compared to that of in conventional will gradually increase à projection of 15-20% in the next decade
- BI Policy: Support Adequate iBs Liquidity Framework • BI will support efforts to increase islamic money market transac&on through enhancement the features of Interbank Mudharabah CerCficate (SIMA) as underlying transacCons, • We are introducing sharia commodity trading scheme to add islamic money market instruments, and to increase the role of money broker in islamic money market transacCon. • Providing complete financial services to client, islamic banks can also provide financial services in the form of foreign currency , such as import payments or other foreign currency liabiliCes à miCgate currency risks à review the mechanisms and hedging instruments which comply with sharia principles. • BI also support cross border liquidity instrument in foreign currency à IILM iniCaCves issuing short term global sukuk in USD 16 Development in islamic financial market, especially money market instruments, will help banks to manage liquidity à lower liquidity risk Help Promoting Asset Growth
- Projec &on of Indonesia’s iB (BUS+UUS+BPRS): 2013 Baseline Asset Deposit (DPK) Financing (PYD) Moderate Optimistic (Rp. Triliun) (%) (Rp. Triliun) (%) (Rp. Triliun) (%) 255 36 % 269 44% 296 58% 168 17% 177 23% 186 29% 200 36% 211 43% 222 50% Growth (%) Growth (Rp. Triliun) 60,00% 300 50,00% 250 40,00% Base Pesimis line 30,00% Moderat 20,00% Optimis 200 Base Pesimis line 150 Moderat 100 Optimis 50 10,00% 0 0,00% Aset DPK PYD Aset DPK PYD 17
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