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Indonesia: Evening Market Update - 14 November

IM Insights
By IM Insights
4 years ago
Indonesia: Evening Market Update - 14 November

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  1. 14 November 2019 Evening Update Indonesia Market Wrap Equity | Indonesia | Research Daily I t ems N il a i t ran sak si (Rp m iliar) Av g 2 0 16 5 ,296.5 T e r a kh ir 5 ,190.0 H -1 5 ,771.9 Vo lum e tr ansa ksi (jt shm ) N et as ing (R p miliar ) 4 ,957.8 65.7 5 ,091.9 281.3 5,777 .0 - 509 .0 N et as ing (jt shm ) Kap italisa si pas ar (R p tn) -150.6 5 ,376.3 570.0 6 ,848.2 -90 .9 6 ,891.1 Sekt oral I nde x 1 ye ar r e t u rn P e nut u pa n 1 d ay r e t urn YT D re t ur n A gri 1,4 02 -0.6% -0.8% - 10.4 % B asic Ind ust ry C on sum er 9 48 2,0 74 22.6% -9.8% -0.2% -0.6% 10.9 % - 19.3 % F ina nce In fra stuc tur e 1,2 56 1,156 13.6% 11.0% -0.6% -0.8% 6.9 % 8.6 % M is c. Indus try M in ing 1,2 03 1,4 74 -11.8% - 20.7% 0.1% -1.9% - 13.7 % - 17.1% 5 09 8 02 23.9% 0.3% -0.4% -0.6% 13.6 % 2.4 % P ro per ty T ra de Indeks Saham P e nut u pa n 1 ye ar 1 d ay YT D r e t u rn r e t urn re t ur n Pada perdagangan hari ini indeks harga saham gabungan ditutup melemah dipicu oleh kekhawatiran investor seputar kesepakatan dagang antara AS dan China dimana China menolak permintaan AS terkait transfer teknologi, mekanisme penegakan hukum dan pembelian produk pertanian secara spesifik dari AS. Selain itu melemahnya nilai tukar rupiah serta turunnya sejumlah harga komoditas seperti CPO, nikel, timah juga menambah katalis negatif di pasar. IHSG ditutup melemah -43 poin (-0,71%) pada level 6.098. Sektor infrastruktur dan aneka industri yang masing-masing tercatat turun -19 poin (-1,72%) dan -19 poin (-1,61%) menjadi kontributor terbesar bagi pelemahan indeks hari ini. Sementara itu nilai tukar rupiah terhadap dolar Amerika diperdagangkan melemah tipis -9 poin (-0,06%) pada level Rp14.087. Investor asing mencatatkan penjualan bersih (foreign net sell) sebesar Rp197,6 miliar di pasar reguler. I nde x Ne g ar a J CI F SSTI Indo nes ia Sin gapu ra 6,143 3,2 39 4.9% 6.4% -0.6% -0.9% -0.8 % 5.6 % KLC I SET M alaysia Th ailand 1,5 97 1,615 -5.4% -2.2% -0.8% -0.7% -5.5 % 3.3 % KOSPI Ko rs el 2,122 2.6% -0.9% 4.2 % SENSEX H SI India Ho ngko ng 40,116 26,57 1 14.2% 3.6% -0.6% -1.8% 11.2 % 2.8 % N KY A S3 0 Jepa ng Aust ralia 23,3 20 6,8 06 6.7% 16.9% -0.9% -0.8% 16.3 % 19.6 % IBO V D JI Bras il Ame rika 106,0 60 27,7 84 23.4% 10.8% -0.6% 0.3% 20.7 % 19.1% SX5P UKX Er op a Inggr is 3,3 48 7,35 1 13.7% 4.5% -0.1% -0.2% 21.3 % 9.3 % Source : IPOT Ticker NBVal (B) ICBP 63 MIKA Top Gainer Ticker Last (Rp) Top L oser Change(+) Ticker Last (Rp) Change(-) BRAM 11.7 25 1.950 IBST 8.300 1.500 MREI 5.5 50 650 BYAN 12.100 900 ARTO 2.7 00 540 UNTR 22.425 800 16.7 50 7 00 500 498 GMTD MAYA 17.375 7.500 625 600 DSSA POLA-W Dual Listing (US$) C lo si ng T LKM US$ 29 .22 T INS A NTM 0.0 46 0.0 46 * Rp/ US$ 14,0 79 Top Foreign Buy D ai ly ID R 2 ,056.9 +/ -0.30 % c hg - 1.02 % 650.8 650.8 0.00 0.00 1.20 % 0.00 % Suku Bunga & Inflasi I t ems La t e st I n te r e st D epo sito IDR 3 b ln Kre dit Ba nk IDR 5 .90 13 .25 B I7 -Days R R F ed Fu nds T ar get ECB M a in Ref inanc ing D om est ic Yen Int ere st Ca ll 5.00% 1.75 (0 .07) Re a l i nt e r e st r a t e In fl a ti o n Ticker NSVal (B) 55.890 TLKM 80 19 8.492 17 66.063 BBRI 66 16 8.554 UNTR 17 7.640 BBCA 28 9.213 EXCL 15 45.478 ASII 20 3 1.361 BMRI 12 18.179 JSMR 17 3 4.786 Source : IPOT 3.13% 1.80% 0.70% 0.20% 0.02 1.73 ( 0.01) ( 0.07) Harga Komoditas dl m US$ P e nut u pa n ( in USD) M in ya k WTI / b bl C PO/ t on Kar et/ kg N ik el/ t on 5 7.1 62 1.9 1.64 15,3 84 T im ah/ t o n Em as/ tr. o z B atu B ara/ to n T ep ung T er igu/ to n J agun g/b ushe l Ked elai T em ba ga Re t 1 ye ar ( %) + /- Re t 1 da y ( %) 1.5% 28.8% - 22.2% 36.6% 0.3 -4.3 0.0 - 282.0 0.56 % - 0.69 % - 1.10 % - 1.80 % 15,99 1 1,46 3.6 -17.1% 20.9% - 338.0 7.2 - 2.07 % 0.49 % 6 6.7 14 6.5 - 36.8% -7.0% 0.2 8.1 0.23 % 5.84 % 3.6 9.0 12.3% 9.7% -0.1 0.0 - 2.15 % - 0.19 % 5,810.5 -4.6% -33.3 - 0.57 % Top Foreign Sell Sum be r : Bloo m ber g Refer to Important disclosures on the last of this report NBLot NSLot
  2. Head Office PT INDO PREMIER SEKURITAS Pacific Century Place 16th Floor SCBD Lot 10 Jl . Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53 Jakarta Selatan 12190 - Indonesia p +62.21.5088.7200 INVESTMENT RATINGS BUY : Expected total return of 10% or more within a 12-month period HOLD : Expected total return between -10% and 10% within a 12-month period SELL : Expected total return of -10% or worse within a 12-month period ANALYSTS CERTIFICATION. The views expressed in this research report accurately reflect the analyst;s personal views about any and all of the subject securities or issuers; and no part of the research analyst's compensation was, is, or will be, directly or indirectly, related to the specific recommendations or views expressed in the report. DISCLAIMERS This reserch is based on information obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but we do not make any representation or warraty nor accept any responsibility or liability as to its accruracy, completeness or correctness. Opinions expressed are subject to change without notice. This document is prepared for general circulation. Any recommendations contained in this document does not have regard to the specific investment objectives, finacial situation and the particular needs of any specific addressee. This document is not and should not be construed as an offer or a solicitation of an offer to purchase or subscribe or sell any securities. PT. Indo Premier Sekuritas or its affiliates may seek or will seek investment banking or other business relationships with the companies in this report.