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Eastspring Investments Dana Al-Islah Fund Report - April 2022

IM Insights
By IM Insights
2 years ago
Eastspring Investments Dana Al-Islah Fund Report - April 2022


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  1. ADVERTISEMENT DANA AL-ISLAH APRIL 2022 3-year Fund Volatility 5 .6 Low Lipper Analytics 10-Apr-2022 ALL DATA AS AT 31 MARCH 2022 UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED FUND INFORMATION FUND OBJECTIVE Launch Date: 14 August 2002 The Fund seeks to provide investors with a stable income stream and an opportunity for capital appreciation from Shariah-compliant fixed income and equity securities. . Fund Category/Fund Type: Sukuk/income . . Fund Size: RM44,486,391.02 ASSET ALLOCATION . Initial Offer Price: 0.5000 1. . NAV per Unit: RM0.7488 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. . EPF Investment Scheme: Yes . ISIN No: MYU940000AF0 . FEES, CHARGES AND EXPENSES Annual Management Fee: Up to 1.25% of the NAV per annum Unquoted Fixed Income Securities Cash & cash equivalents Consumer Technology Oil and Gas Power / Utilities Manufacturing 74.77% 6.53% 4.94% 4.14% 2.03% 1.31% 1.16% 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Plantation / Natural Resources Health Care Telecommunication Property Banking & Finance Building Materials 1.07% 1.07% 0.94% 0.92% 0.65% 0.47% * as percentage of NAV. TOP HOLDINGS . Annual Trustee Fee: Up to 0.07% of the NAV per annum subject to a minimum of RM18,000 per annum . Sales Charge: Direct: Up to 3.00% of the NAV per Unit Equity Holdings 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Bond Holdings Inari Amertron Berhad Mr D.I.Y Group (M) Berhad Tenaga Nasional Berhad Genetec Technology Berhad Genting Plantation Berhad 1.89% 1.27% 1.27% 1.16% 1.08% 5. . EPF: e-PPA: 3.0% of the NAV per Unit i-Invest: 0.5% of NAV per Unit 1. 2. 3. 4. Government Of Malaysia Danainfra Nasional Berhad BGSM Management Sdn. Berhad. Pelabuhan Tanjung Pelepas Sdn. Berhad Kuala Lumpur Kepong Berhad 21.85% 17.73% 5.55% 5.25% 4.32% * as percentage of NAV. . FUND PERFORMANCE Redemption charge: Nil . Eastspring Investments Dana al-Islah - Since Inception (SI) Return Vs Benchmark Redemption Payment Period: Ten (10) calendar days . Minimum Initial Investment: Lump Sum: RM1000* Regular Investment: RM100* . Minimum Additional Investment: Lump Sum & Regular Investment: RM100* SI % Change TRANSACTION DETAILS . * The Manager reserves the right to change the minimum amounts stipulated above from time to time . Date DISTRIBUTIONS Eastspring Investments Dana al-Islah Income Distribution Policy: At least once a year, subject to the availability of income Benchmark The performance is calculated on NAV-to-NAV basis with gross income or dividend reinvested Source: Lipper for Investment Management. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance. . Fund NAV: 52-Week High 52-Week Low NAV 0.7994 0.7470 Date 05-11-2021 18-03-2022 FUND MANAGER Fund Manager: External Investment Manager: Eastspring Al-Wara’ Investments Berhad . PERFORMANCE TABLE 1 month 6 months 1 year 3 years 5 years Since Inception Fund -0.58% -3.06% -1.06% 15.00% 21.33% 183.30% Benchmark * -0.50% -0.47% -0.63% 8.82% 13.27% 110.14% 1 of 6 4 of 6 5 of 6 2 of 6 3 of 5 n.a. Lipper Ranking Lipper Fund Category: Mixed Asset MYR Conservative - Islamic The number of funds within the category should be at least five for a meaningful assessment * 78% Quant Shop Malaysian Government Securities (MGS) Short Index + 22% Financial Times Stock Exchange Bursa Malaysia Emas Shariah Index (FBMS) Fund performance and Lipper ranking are sourced from Lipper for Investment Management and the benchmark is from www.quantshop.com and www.bursamalaysia.com, 31 March 2022. Performance is calculated on a Net Asset Value ("NAV") to NAV basis with gross income or dividend reinvested. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance. LIPPER LEADERS RATING (OVERALL) Eastspring Investments Berhad 200001028634 (531241-U) Level 22, Menara Prudential, Persiaran TRX Barat, 55188 Tun Razak Exchange, Kuala Lumpur Tel: 603 - 2778 3888 E-mail: cs.my@eastspring.com Web: www.eastspring.com/my Total Return Consistent Return Preservation 5 5 5 Lipper Leaders Key Lowest Highest 1 5 The Lipper Leaders Ratings System is a set of tools that guide investors and their advisors to select funds that suit individual investment styles and goals. It uses investors-centred criteria to deliver a simple, clear description of a fund's success in meeting certain goals, such as preserving capital or building wealth through consistent strong returns. Lipper Leader ratings are derived from highly sophisticated formulas that analyse funds against clearly defined criteria. Each fund is ranked against its peers based on the metric used ( such as Total Return or Expense), and then the top 20% of funds in that ranking receive the Lipper Leader designation. Lipper Leaders measures are not predictive of future performance, but they do provide context and perspective for making knowledgeable fund investment decisions.
  2. ADVERTISEMENT DANA AL-ISLAH APRIL 2022 ALL DATA AS AT 31 MARCH 2022 UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED FUND MANAGER ’S COMMENTARY Malaysia transitioned into the endemic phase on 1 Apr 2022 with the lifting of restrictions imposed on business operating hours and the re-opening of international borders to foreign travellers with minimal requirements, amongst others. Meanwhile, Malaysia’s entry into the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership on 18 Mar 2022 is expected to boost exports by RM44b per year, which bodes well for the recovering economy. In addition, the government also aims to ratify the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans -pacific Partnership by 3Q2022 and engagement sessions with all stakeholders will start soon. Separately, Finance Minister indicated that the government’s subsidy for fuel will top RM 28b for 2022 if the crude oil prices stay elevated and hence the government is reviewing the fuel subsidy mechanism to make it more targeted. More importantly, the government is also studying the implementation of other taxation models, including GST. BNM lowered Malaysia’s 2022 GDP forecast marginally to 5.3% to 6.3% from 5.5% to 6.5% previously to reflect the risks arising from the still evolving pandemic situation, the Russia-Ukraine conflicts as well as the faster pace of policy normalization in major economies. Growth is expected to be supported by strong global demand, re-opening of international borders, improvement in employment and targeted policy support. Despite the elevated commodity prices, BNM expects Malaysia’s inflation to come in at a manageable level , averaging 2.2% to 3.2% in 2022, cushioned by subsidies and price controls on necessities. The central bank also highlighted the importance of structural reforms to enhance Malaysia’s long -term competitiveness in its 2021 annual report. . PORTFOLIO CHARACTERISTICS AS AT 31 MARCH 2022 Average Duration (years) Value 3.32 Average Yield to Maturity (%) 3.37 Note: This portfolio represents the Fixed Income portion of the Fund. OTHER INFORMATION ABOUT THE FUND Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Annual Fund Performance (%) 1.03 3.41 12.05 2.43 - -0.66 4.38 6.51 -0.43 - 26 Mar, 0.0298 18 Mar, 0.0285 - 18 Mar, 0.0241 18 Mar, 0.0194 - - - . . Annual Benchmark Performance (%) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date/Distribution (RM) . Unit Split . . . . - Distribution Yield (%) 4.17 4.14 - 3.01 2.53 12-Month FD Average (MBB%) 3.35 3.18 2.18 - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Source: Distribution and Distribution Yield are sourced from the fund 's Annual Report. Fund and Benchmark for current year are based on Year to Date (YTD) figures which is sourced from Lipper for Investment Management. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance. IMPORTANT INFORMATION Based on the Fund’s portfolio returns as at 31 March 2022, the Volatility Factor (VF) for this Fund is 5.6 and is classified as “Low” (Source: Lipper). “Low” generally includes funds with VF that are higher than 4.19 but not more than 10.41. The VF means that there is a possibility for the Fund in generating an upside return or downside return around this VF. The Volatility Class (VC) is assigned by Lipper based on quintile ranks of VF for qualified funds. VF is subject to monthly revision. The VF for the Fund may be higher or lower than the VC, depending on the market conditions. The Fund’s portfolio may have changed since this date and there is no guarantee that the Fund will continue to have the same VF or VC in the future. Presently, only funds launched in the market for at least 36 months will display the VF and its VC. Investors are advised to read and understand the contents of the Eastspring Investments Master Prospectus dated 15 July 2017, the Eastspring Investments First Supplementary Master Prospectus dated 2 February 2018, the Eastspring Investments Second Supplementary Master Prospectus dated 31 October 2018, the Eastspring Investments Third Supplementary Master Prospectus dated 2 January 2019, the Eastspring Investments Fourth Supplementary Master Prospectus dated 1 August 2019, the Eastspring Investments Fifth Supplementary Master Prospectus dated 1 October 2020, the Eastspring Investments Sixth Supplementary Master Prospectus dated 15 December 2021 (collectively, the "Prospectuses"), as well as the Fund's Product Highlights Sheet (“PHS”) before investing. The Prospectuses and PHS are available at offices of Eastspring Investments Berhad or its authorised distributors and investors have the right to request for a copy of the Prospectuses and PHS. This advertisement has not been reviewed by the Securities Commission Malaysia ("SC"). The Prospectuses have been registered with the SC who takes no responsibility for its contents. The registration of Prospectuses with the SC does not amount to nor indicate that the SC has recommended or endorsed the product. Units will only be issued upon receipt of the application form accompanying the Prospectuses. Past performance of the Fund is not an indication of the Fund's future performance. Unit prices and distribution payable, if any, may go down as well as up. Where a unit split/distribution is declared, investors are advised that following the issue of additional units/distribution, the Net Asset Value (“NAV”) per unit will be reduced from pre-unit split NAV/cum-distribution NAV to post-unit split NAV/ex-distribution NAV. Where a unit split is declared, investors are advised that the value of their investment in Malaysian Ringgit will remain unchanged after the issue of the additional units. Investments in the Fund are exposed to credit or default risk, interest rate risk, security risk and reclassification of Shariah status risk. Investors are advised to consider these risks and other general risks as elaborated in the Prospectuses as well as fees, charges and expenses involved before investing. Investors may also wish to seek advice from a professional adviser before making a commitment to invest in units of any of our funds. Eastspring Investments ("Eastspring") is an ultimately wholly owned subsidiary of Prudential plc. Prudential plc, is incorporated and registered in England and Wales. Registered office: 1 Angel Court, London EC2R 7AG. Registered number 1397169. Prudential plc is a holding company, some of whose subsidiaries are authorized and regulated, as applicable, by the Hong Kong Insurance Authority and other regulatory authorities. Prudential plc is not affiliated in any manner with Prudential Financial, Inc., a company whose principal place of business is in the United States of America or with the Prudential Assurance Company Limited, a subsidiary of M&G plc. A company incorporated in the United Kingdom. . . - . . .