Central Bank of Afghanistan: Proforma Balance Sheet - September 2017
Central Bank of Afghanistan: Proforma Balance Sheet - September 2017
- #ixfir,:* Da Afehanistan Bank Proforma Balance sheet Sunhola 1396 Asad 1396 (Afs'000') (Afs'000') ASSETS Gold reserve Foreign currency cash reserve Due from banks and financial institutions lnvestments Assistance as lender of last resort Advances and other receivables 1 222,867,6s2 165.635.346 19,429,034 1,601,539 9,000 5,346.351 114.596 13.243.127 Investment property Property and equipment Intangible asset Other assets Total assets 62,533,407 I 1.904.395 62,625,159 112,255,448 215,743,846 166,778,563 22,851,534 1.527,603 9"000 5.341.675 114,596 13.075.932 602.684-448 600.323.355 237,674.952 40,636,628 78,360.317 233,614,952 121,538,381 I 19.530.107 894.071 1,720.555 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY LIABILITIES Currency in circulation Capital notes Due to banks and hnancial institutions Due to customers IMF related liabilities Defined benefit plan Deferred grants Provisions and other liabilities Total liabilities 952,399 1,730,261 146,104 5"144,922 486,123,964 42,372,821 80,111,212 146,104 4.985.355 483.375.178 EQUITY Capital Revaluation reserve 79,267,500 78,025,484 19,267,500 Total equity 1 19-267-50{t 16.560,484 78,413,177 19-261-500 116.948.177 Total liabilities and equity 6fi2-6g4 449 600.323.355 General reserve Chief Financial Officer
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