Bonds/Sukuk Summary At Bahrain Bourse - 11 January
Bonds/Sukuk Summary At Bahrain Bourse - 11 January
Islam, Sukuk
Islam, Sukuk
- Bonds /Sukuk Summary At Bahrain Bourse ملخص السندات والصكوك في بورصة البحرين 11-Jan-18 Bond-Sukuk / Issuer جهــــــة االصــــــــدار/ الصكوك-أســـــم السنـــــد Sukuk Al Musharaka (Investment DAR Sukuk Co.) - 2010 * Symbol Code رمز السند Size حجم االصدار Coupon Rate/Return العائد/ سعر الفائدة MUSH.SK06 $100,000,000 7.347% (6 mth USD Libor plus 2% Margin) GDEV.BND19 BD 185,000,000 Fixed annual rate of 4.3% .Paid every 6 months , on 8th May and 8th November every year of each year of duration. GILS22.SUK BD 250,000,000 GILS23.SUK Period for Annual Payment فترة الدفع السنوي Issuance Price سعر االصدار Issuance االصدار Listing االدراج Due االستحقاق $10,000 27-Oct-05 28-Jun-06 26-Oct-10 Every 6 months BD 1 08-Nov-12 29-Jan-13 08-Nov-19 Fixed Annual Rate of 5.5%. Paid every six months on 19th January & 19th July every year of each year of duration. Every 6 months BD 1 19-Jan-15 03-Feb-15 19-Jan-25 BD 200,000,000 Fixed Annual Rate of 5.00%. Paid every six months on 9th July &9th January every year of each year of duration. Every 6 months BD 1 09-Jul-15 02-Aug-15 09-Jul-25 GDEV9.BND BD 150,000,000 Fixed Annual Rate of 4%. Paid every six months on 30th January & 30th July every year of each year of duration. Every 6 months BD 1 30-Jul-15 06-Aug-15 30-Jul-20 GDEV10.BND BD 100,000,000 Fixed annual rate of 3 % . Paid every 6 months ,on 4th February & 4th August every year of each year of duration. Every 6 months BD 1 04-Aug-15 19-Aug-15 04-Aug-18 BBK.BND BD 86,097,511 Fixed annual rate of 8.25 % . Paid every 6 months ,on 2nd May & 2nd November every year of each year of duration. Every 6 months BD 1 02-May-16 03-May-16 - GDEV11.BND BD 200,000,000 Fixed Annual Rate of 5.875%. Paid every six months on 5th November & 5th May every year of each year of duration. Every 6 months BD 1 05-May-16 15-May-16 05-May-21 GDEV12.BND BD 300,000,000 Fixed Annual Rate of 4.45%. Paid every six months on21st Jan and 21st July every year of each year of duration. Every 6 months BD 1 21-Jul-16 31-Jul-16 21-Jul-19 GDEV13.BND BD 285,000,000 Fixed Annual Rate of 5.875%. Paid every six months on 10th November & 10th May every year of each year of duration. Every 6 months BD 1 10-Nov-16 21-Nov-16 10-May-24 GDEV14.BND BD 200,000,000 Fixed Annual Rate of 5.35 %. Paid every six months on 16th July & 16th January every year of each year of duration. Every 6 months BD 1 16-Jul-17 23-Jul-17 16-Jul-22 GILS24.SUK BD125,000,000 Fixed Annual Rate of 4.20%. Paid every six months on 17th July & 17th January every year of each year of duration. Every 6 months BD 1 17-Jul-17 24-Jul-17 17-Jul-20 GDEV15.BND BHD 200,000,000 Fixed Annual Rate of 5.5%. Paid every six months on 27 June & 27 December every year Every 6 months BD 1 27-Dec-17 10-Jan-18 27-Jun-23 27/04/2010 27/10/2010 * 2010 - صكوك المشاركة الصادرة عن شركة دار صكوك لالستثمار Government Development Bond - Issue 5 اإلصدار الخامس- سندات التنمية الحكومية اإلسمية Government Islamic Lease (Ijarah) Sukuk - Issue 22 22 اإلصدار- صكوك التأجير اإلسالمية الحكومية االسمية Government Islamic Lease (Ijarah) Sukuk - Issue 23 23 اإلصدار- صكوك التأجير اإلسالمية الحكومية االسمية Government Development Bond – Issue 9 سندات التنمية الحكومية – اإلصدار التاسع Government Development Bond – Issue 10 سندات التنمية الحكومية اإلسمية – اإلصدار العاشر Perpetual Tier "1" Convertible Capital Securities Issued by BBK B.S.C " قابلة للتحويل الصارة عن بنك البحرين و الكويت1" سندات رأس مال مستديمة من الفئة ب.م.ش Government Development Bond – Issue No.11 سندات التنمية الحكومية – االصدار الحادي عشر Government Development Bond – Issue No.12 سندات التنمية الحكومية – االصدار الثاني عشر Government Development Bond – Issue No.13 سندات التنمية الحكومية – االصدار الثالث عشر Government Development Bond – Issue No.14 سندات التنمية الحكومية – االصدار الرابع عشر Government Islamic Lease (Ijarah) Sukuk - Issue 24 24 اإلصدار- صكوك التأجير اإلسالمية الحكومية االسمية Government Development Bond – Issue 15 سندات التنمية الحكومية – اإلصدار الخامس عشر
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