Bonds and Sukuk Summary - Bahrain Bourse
Bonds and Sukuk Summary - Bahrain Bourse
Islam, Sukuk
Islam, Sukuk
- Market Control and Member Affairs Bonds /Sukuk Summary At Bahrain Bourse ملخص تداول السندات والصكوك في بورصة البحرين 26-May-16 Bond-Sukuk / Issuer جهــــــة االصــــــــدار/ الصكوك-أســـــم السنـــــد Sukuk Al Musharaka (Investment DAR Sukuk Co.) - 2010 * ** 2010 - صكوك المشاركة الصادرة عن شركة دار صكوك لالستثمار Government Development Bond - Issue 5 اإلصدار الخامس- سندات التنمية الحكومية اإلسمية Issuance االصدار Listing االدراج Due االستحقاق $10,000 27-Oct-05 28-Jun-06 26-Oct-10 Every 6 months BD 1 08-Nov-12 29-Jan-13 08-Nov-19 Fixed annual rate of 2.9% .Paid every six months on 4th Jan and 4th July every year of each year of duration. Every 6 months BD1 04-Jul-13 30-Jul-13 04-Jul-16 BD 250,000,000 Fixed Annual Rate of 5.5%. Paid every six months on 19th January & 19th July every year of each year of duration. Every 6 months BD 1 19-Jan-15 03-Feb-15 19-Jan-25 GILS21.SUK BD 100,000,000 Fixed Annual Rate of 3.00%. Paid every six months on 8th January & 8th July every year of each year of duration. Every 6 months BD 1 08-Jan-15 08-Feb-15 08-Jan-18 GEDV.BND17 BD 200,000,000 Fixed annual rate of 5%. Paid every 6 months , on 27th June & 27th December every year of each year of duration. Every 6 months BD 10,000 27-Dec-10 20-Jan-11 27-Dec-17 GILS19.2017 BD 160,000,000 Fixed annual rate of 4.3%.Paid every 6 months , on 17th January & 17th July every year of each year of duration. Every 6 months BD 1 17-Jul-12 08-Aug-12 17-Jul-17 GILS23.SUK BD 200,000,000 Fixed Annual Rate of 5.00%. Paid every six months on 9th July &9th January every year of each year of duration. Every 6 months BD 1 09-Jul-15 02-Aug-15 09-Jul-25 GDEV9.BND BD 150,000,000 Fixed Annual Rate of 4%. Paid every six months on 30th January & 30th July every year of each year of duration. Every 6 months BD 1 30-Jul-15 06-Aug-15 30-Jul-20 GDEV8.BND BD 100,000,000 Fixed annual rate of 2.75 %. Paid every six months on 14th January &14th July every year of each year of duration. Every 6 months BD 1 14-Jul-15 11-Aug-15 14-Jul-17 GDEV10.BND BD 100,000,000 Fixed annual rate of 3 % . Paid every 6 months ,on 4th February & 4th August every year of each year of duration. Every 6 months BD 1 04-Aug-15 19-Aug-15 04-Aug-18 BBK.BND BD 86,097,511 Fixed annual rate of 8.25 % . Paid every 6 months ,on 2nd May & 2nd November every year of each year of duration. Every 6 months BD 1 02-May-16 03-May-16 - GDEV11.BND BD 200,000,000 Fixed Annual Rate of 5.875%. Paid every six months on 5th November & 5th May every year of each year of duration. Every 6 months BD 1 05-May-16 15-May-16 05-May-21 Size حجم االصدار Coupon Rate/Return العائد/ سعر الفائدة MUSH.SK06 $100,000,000 7.347% (6 mth USD Libor plus 2% Margin) GDEV.BND19 BD 185,000,000 Fixed annual rate of 4.3% .Paid every 6 months , on 8th May and 8th November every year of each year of duration. GDEV.BND15 BD 150,000,000 GILS22.SUK Government Development Bond - Issue 6 اإلصدار السادس- سندات التنمية الحكومية اإلسمية Government Islamic Lease (Ijarah) Sukuk - Issue 22 22 اإلصدار- صكوك التأجير اإلسالمية الحكومية االسمية Government Islamic Lease (Ijarah) Sukuk - Issue 21 21 اإلصدار- صكوك التأجير اإلسالمية الحكومية االسمية Government Development Bond سندات التنمية الحكومية اإلسمية Government Islamic Leasing Securities -Issue 19 اإلصدار التاسع عشر- صكوك التاجير االسالمية الحكومية Government Islamic Lease (Ijarah) Sukuk - Issue 23 23 اإلصدار- صكوك التأجير اإلسالمية الحكومية االسمية Government Development Bond – Issue 9 سندات التنمية الحكومية – اإلصدار التاسع Government Development Bond – Issue 8 سندات التنمية الحكومية – اإلصدار الثامن Government Development Bond – Issue 10 سندات التنمية الحكومية اإلسمية – اإلصدار العاشر Perpetual Tier "1" Convertible Capital Securities Issued by BBK B.S.C " قابلة للتحويل الصارة عن بنك البحرين و1" سندات رأس مال مستديمة من الفئة ب.م.الكويت ش Government Development Bond – Issue No.11 سندات التنمية الحكومية – االصدار الحادي عشر Period for Annual Payment فترة الدفع السنوي Issuance Price سعر االصدار Symbol Code رمز السند 27-04-2010 27-10-2010
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