BIMB Holdings Berhad: Integrated Annual Report 2017

BIMB Holdings Berhad: Integrated Annual Report 2017
Halal, Islam, Islamic banking, Shariah, Sukuk, Takaful, Waqf, Zakat, General Takaful, Net Assets, Participation, Sales
Halal, Islam, Islamic banking, Shariah, Sukuk, Takaful, Waqf, Zakat, General Takaful, Net Assets, Participation, Sales
Organisation Tags (8)
BIMB Holdings
Bank Islam Malaysia
Affin Islamic Bank
AmBank Islamic
Takaful Keluarga Life Insurance
Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Keluarga Berhad (STMKB)
Bursa Malaysia Berhad
- ABOUT OUR REPORTS Tells you where you can find more information within the Report HOW TO GET THE MOST OUT OF OUR INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT In order to provide our various stakeholders a complete and integrated picture of the Group , we publish a full series of reports on our different businesses. These reports complement our Integrated Annual Report. REPORT Integrated Annual Report (this report) The book demonstrates our commitment to Integrated Reporting, which is aligned with the principle of long-term value creation for our shareholders, customers, people and community. The content of this report covers the operations of BHB Group, its organisational structure and footprint, strategy and financial performance, as well as an overview of our approach towards sustainability. In committing ourselves towards building sustainable economic and social progress for the society, we focus on issues that we consider material to our stakeholders. These are identified through our ongoing stakeholders engagement activities, which are instrumental to our ability to create and deliver value as an Islamic financial holding company. Further details and comprehensive disclosure of our sustainability efforts are available at BIMB Holdings corporate website – GUIDING FRAMEWORK While we are guided by the International Integrated Reporting Framework in preparing this book, we also refer to the following frameworks: • Malaysian Financial Reporting Standards • Malaysia Companies Act 2016 • Bursa Malaysia’s Sustainability Reporting Guide • FTSE4Good Bursa Malaysia • Global Reporting Initiative G4 ASSURANCE Our financial statements are audited by KPMG Malaysia for the financial year ended 31 December 2017. Assurance of the information and data pertaining to our sustainability disclosure is provided by BHB Sustainability Steering Committee that reports to BHB’s Board of Directors.
- Tells you where you can find more information online at www To contact us please refer to the back cover of this Integrated Annual Report Scan the QR Code by following these simple steps Get it Download the “QR Code Reader” app from the Google Play (Android Market), BlackBerry AppWorld, App Store (iOS/ iPhone) or Windows Phone Store SYARIKAT TAKAFUL MALAYSIA BERHAD (131646-K) 0:00/2:56 Run it Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report Bank Islam is our wholly-owned subsidiary, focusing on the Islamic banking sector. It too publishes its own integrated annual report. corporate-info/annual-reports/ Takaful Malaysia Annual Report Takaful Malaysia is our subsidiary, focusing on Takaful operations. It too publishes its own annual report. my/corporate/investor/Pages/ financialreports.aspx • Malaysian Financial Reporting Standards • Malaysia Companies Act 2016 • Malaysian Financial Reporting Standards • Malaysia Companies Act 2016 The annual financial statements are audited by KPMG Malaysia for the financial year ended 31 December 2017 The annual financial statements are audited by KPMG Malaysia for the financial year ended 31 December 2017 Run the QR Code Reader app and point your camera at the QR Code Access it Get access to the online Integrated Annual Report Go paperless to help our environment. Instantly access an online copy of this annual report through your mobile device by scanning this QR code. To download the QR Code Reader, see the instructions above.
- CONTENTS COVER RATIONALE Steadfastly focused on innovative and ethical Shariah-based products and services , BIMB Holdings Berhad (“BHB”) intends to catalyse more real value through greater engagement with our stakeholders, fortification of core values in all we do, and innovation in uplifting lives. Through synergy and strategy, the Group illuminates the way ahead for Malaysia’s Islamic financial industry through its subsidiaries in Shariah-based banking, takaful and stockbroking services.
- 06 34 48 OVERVIEW VALUE CREATION 06 08 10 12 14 16 34 38 40 42 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION & ANALYSIS 22 28 31 Corporate Information Shareholding Structure Our Purpose Our Profile Our Footprint Our Business Models • BIMB Holdings Berhad • Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad • Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Berhad Letter to Shareholders Financial Performance Highlights Financial Calendar 68 Valuing Lives Key Outcomes Stakeholder Engagement Our Material Matters 57 59 62 64 154 ACCOUNTABILITY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 68 76 80 84 88 Board of Directors Chairmen of Shariah Committees CEO’s of the Group Management Shariah-Compliant Confirmation Statement 90 Corporate Governance Overview Statements • Chairman’s Corporate Governance (“CG”) Overview Report • Audit & Examination Committee (“AEC”) Chairman’s Report • Nomination & Remuneration Committee (“NRC”) Chairman’s Report • Board Risk Committee (“BRC”) Chairman’s Overview Report 139 Statement of Risk Management & Internal Control 146 Additional Compliance Information 149 Statement on Directors’ Responsibility 154 161 163 319 329 SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE DATA 21ST AGM INFORMATION 319 325 FTSE4Good Bursa Malaysia (“F4GBM”) Global Reporting Inititative (“GRI”) G4 48 52 165 168 170 297 298 299 329 332 Directors’ Report Statements of Financial Position Statements of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income Statements of Changes in Equity Statements of Cash Flow Notes to the Financial Statements Statement by Directors Statutory Declaration Independent Auditors’ Report Notice of 21st Annual General Meeting Statement Accompanying Notice of 21st AGM Proxy Form The Market Landscape BIMB Holdings Berhad’s Performance Review & Outlook Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad’s Performance Review & Outlook Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Berhad’s Performance Review & Outlook BIMB Securities Sdn Bhd’s Performance Review & Outlook 2018 Strategic Journey 305 SHAREHOLDERS INFORMATION 305 312 318 Properties Owned by BHB Group Share & Warrant Holdings Statistics Regional Group Network
- Precision in Execution : Profit Before Zakat and Taxation +9.10 % 948.3 RM million
- By adhering to exacting standards and goals , we continue on our journey towards excellence and make steadfast progress.
- CORPORATE INFORMATION CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Khairul Kamarudin (appointed w.e.f. 9 August 2017) GROUP CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER BOARD OF DIRECTORS Tan Sri Haji Ambrin Buang Dato’ Sri Zukri Samat (retired w.e.f. 9 June 2017) GROUP COMPANY SECRETARY Chairman/Independent Non-Executive Director (appointed w.e.f. 2 February 2018) Maria Mat Said (LS 0009400) Tan Sri Samsudin Osman Noraini Che Dan Chairman/Independent Non-Executive Director (retired w.e.f. 31 January 2018) Tan Sri Ismail Adam Senior Independent Non-Executive Director AUDIT & EXAMINATION COMMITTEE Chairman (appointed w.e.f. 2 February 2018) Datuk Zaiton Mohd Hassan Chairman (retired w.e.f. 1 February 2018) Tan Sri Ismail Adam Mohd Tarmidzi Ahmad Nordin Datuk Zaiton Mohd Hassan Independent Non-Executive Director (retired w.e.f. 1 February 2018) Datuk Rozaida Omar Non-Independent Non-Executive Director Rifina Md Ariff Non-Independent Non-Executive Director Zahari @ Mohd Zin Idris (retired w.e.f. 17 May 2017) NOMINATION & REMUNERATION COMMITTEE Tan Sri Ismail Adam Chairman Datuk Zaiton Mohd Hassan (retired w.e.f. 1 February 2018) Mohd Tarmidzi Ahmad Nordin Mohd Tarmidzi Ahmad Nordin Noraini Che Dan Independent Non-Executive Director (appointed w.e.f. 2 February 2018) Noraini Che Dan Independent Non-Executive Director Zahari @ Mohd Zin Idris Non-Independent Non-Executive Director (retired w.e.f. 17 May 2017) Zahari @ Mohd Zin Idris (retired w.e.f. 17 May 2017) BOARD RISK COMMITTEE Mohd Tarmidzi Ahmad Nordin Chairman Tan Sri Ismail Adam (appointed w.e.f. 31 May 2017) Noraini Che Dan Zahari @ Mohd Zin Idris (retired w.e.f. 17 May 2017) 06 BIMB HOLDINGS BERHAD Integrated Annual Report 2017
- Overview CEOs IN THE GROUP Professor Dato ’ Dr Ahmad Hidayat Buang Dr Ahmad Shahbari @ Sobri Salamon Chief Executive Officer, BIMB Holdings Berhad (appointed w.e.f. 9 Aug 2017) Chief Executive Officer, Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad (appointed w.e.f. 14 June 2017) Assistant Professor Dr Uzaimah Ibrahim Dato’ Sri Zukri Samat Sahibus Samahah Dato’ Dr Haji Anhar Haji Opir Group Chief Executive Officer, BIMB Holdings Berhad Managing Director, Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad (retired w.e.f. 9 June 2017) Dr Ahmad Shahbari @ Sobri Salamon Dato’ Wan Mohamad Dato’ Sheikh Abdul Aziz Dr Ahmad Sufian Che Abdullah Dr Marhanum Che Mohd Salleh Megat Hizaini Hassan SHARIAH ADVISORY COMMITTEE, BIMB SECURITIES SDN BHD Chief Executive Officer/Executive Director, BIMB Securities Sdn Bhd AUDITORS KPMG Desa Megat PLT (LLP0010082-LCA & AF 0759) Level 10, KPMG Tower 8, First Avenue, Bandar Utama 47800 Petaling Jaya Selangor Darul Ehsan REGISTERED OFFICE Ir Dr Muhamad Fuad Abdullah BIMB Holdings Berhad (423858-X) 31st Floor, Menara Bank Islam No. 22, Jalan Perak 50450 Kuala Lumpur Tel: +6(03) 2781 2999 Fax: +6(03) 2781 2998 Dr Zaharuddin Abdul Rahman SHARE REGISTRAR Emeritus Professor Dato’ Paduka Dr Mahmood Zuhdi Hj Abdul Majid Chairman (retired w.e.f. 16 March 2018) Management Discussion & Analysis Rashid Ismail Accountability Chairman Group Chief Executive Officer, Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Berhad Financial Statements Professor Dr Muhamad Rahimi Osman Dato’ Sri Mohamed Hassan Kamil Shareholders Information SHARIAH ADVISORY BODY, SYARIKAT TAKAFUL MALAYSIA BERHAD Symphony Share Registrars Sdn Bhd Level 6, Symphony House Pusat Dagangan Dana 1, Jalan PJU 1A/46 47301 Petaling Jaya Selangor Darul Ehsan Tel: +6(03) 7841 8000 Fax: +6(03) 7841 8152 Sustainability Performance Data Dr Yasmin Hanani Mohd Safian Khairul Kamarudin STOCK EXCHANGE LISTING 21st AGM Information Chairman Value Creation SHARIAH SUPERVISORY COUNCIL, BANK ISLAM MALAYSIA BERHAD Main Market of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad 16 September 1997 Stock Short Name: BIMB Stock Number: 5258 07
- SHAREHOLDING STRUCTURE 53 .47 12.76 5.90 5.75 % % OTHER 22.12 % 08 BIMB HOLDINGS BERHAD Integrated Annual Report 2017 % %
- Overview Value Creation 59 .72% 42.73% Accountability Financial Statements 100% BIMB Offshore Company Management Services Sdn Bhd Shareholders Information 100% SUBSIDIARIES OF CORE BUSINESS UNITS 100% Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Am Berhad 56% PT Syarikat Takaful Indonesia 57.24% PT Asuransi Takaful Keluarga 100% 51% 49% 21st AGM Information Syarikat Al-Ijarah Sdn Bhd SUBSIDIARIES OF CORE BUSINESS UNITS 100% BIMB Investment Management Bhd 100% BIMB Foreign Currency Clearing Agency Sdn Bhd (under members’ voluntary liquidation) 100% Al-Wakalah Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd 100% Farihan Corporation Sdn Bhd 100% Bank Islam Trust Co (Labuan) Ltd Sustainability Performance Data 100% Management Discussion & Analysis NOTES: Shareholding structure as at 30 March 2018. ■ Core Business Units ■ Other Business Units SUBSIDIARIES OF CORE BUSINESS UNITS 100% BIMSEC Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd 100% BIMSEC Nominees (Asing) Sdn Bhd 09
- OUR PURPOSE CATALYSING VALUE CREATION While BHB continues to make its name as a pioneering and progressive financial institution , we remain guided by our purpose of meeting society’s financial needs in the most sustainable and ethical manner possible. We are steadfast in our commitment to become a responsible financial entity that creates a sustainable future for inclusive economic and social progress. Achieving our purpose requires us to build relationships of trust with our stakeholders by creating and delivering value to them. We are anchored by our mission to post strong business growth, to ensure innovative and sustainable business practices, and to strongly adhere to corporate governance. Our strategy is underpinned by the following three priorities: COLLECTIVE GROWTH We look to ensure that value is jointly created and shared. 10 ISLAMIC RULES AND PRINCIPLES KNOWLEDGE-SHARING These represent the foundation of our role in society, and the guiding principles of all our practices and decisions. We are committed to building a learned society that is able to make informed choices towards betterment of lives. BIMB HOLDINGS BERHAD Integrated Annual Report 2017
- Overview Value Creation Management Discussion & Analysis Accountability In upholding our value as an Islamic financial holding company, we have been entrusted in bringing the Islamic financial industry forward. Throughout our history, we have transformed the country’s economic landscape, by inspiring the financial services industry through emulating Islamic principles. To ensure continued progress and sustainability, we focus on the following: Financial Statements Products and services that adhere to Shariah rules and principles Shareholders Information Commitment to integrity and professionalism based on Islamic values Sustainability Performance Data Continuously growing stakeholders value 21st AGM Information Sustaining financial strength and value 11
- OUR PROFILE MALAYSIA ’S FIRST ISLAMIC FINANCIAL HOLDING COMPANY BIMB HOLDINGS BERHAD Established on 20 March 1997, we have made our mark as a significant contributor to the continued development and growth of the Islamic financial industry in Malaysia and the region. Today, we are an Islamic financial holding company with an extensive portfolio of diversified businesses across the Islamic financial industry. Our investment is focused on pioneering Shariah-compliant business entities, with involvement in Islamic banking, takaful business and stockbroking activities. Serving millions of customers across Malaysia, we remain dedicated in fulfilling our stakeholders needs by staying true to Islamic principles, and establishing ourselves as a responsible, professional and caring corporation with the highest level of integrity. 2017 GROUP STRATEGIC INITIATIVES 1. Delivering Stakeholders’ Value 2. Robust Risk Management 3. Driving Synergy & Resource Management MALAYSIA’S FIRST ISLAMIC BANK BANK ISLAM MALAYSIA BERHAD Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad (“Bank Islam”) was specifically created in 1983 to operate in full accordance with Shariah rules and principles, becoming the first full-fledged Islamic banking institution in Malaysia and Southeast Asia. Its creation acts as the catalyst for the rapid growth of the region’s Islamic financial industry, spawning numerous banking entities in Malaysia and abroad. Primarily a retail bank, Bank Islam offers a diversified range of solutions that meet their customers’ financial needs. The Bank’s structured operations and capable people from its deposit, corporate, commercial, SME and Treasury businesses are dedicated to deliver exceptional banking experience to more than four million of its customers. It currently has the widest dedicated Islamic banking network in Malaysia with 147 branches and 1,117 self-service terminals nationwide. 2017 BUILDING BLOCKS 1. Deposit Drive 12 BIMB HOLDINGS BERHAD 2. Defensive Strategy Integrated Annual Report 2017 3. Digitalisation
- Overview Value Creation MALAYSIA ’S FIRST AND ONLY PUBLIC-LISTED TAKAFUL OPERATOR SYARIKAT TAKAFUL MALAYSIA BERHAD Management Discussion & Analysis Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Berhad (Takaful Malaysia or the Company) began in 1981 when the Government of Malaysia set up a task force to study the feasibility of establishing an Islamic insurance company in Malaysia. That led to the incorporation of Takaful Malaysia on 29 November 1984 followed by the commencement of operations on 22 July 1985. After slightly more than a decade of operations, the Company was converted into a public limited company on 19 October 1995, followed by its listing on the Main Board (now known as ‘Main Market’) of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad on 30 July 1996. Takaful Malaysia has since grown to become one of the leading takaful operators in Malaysia. Takaful Malaysia offers an extensive range of protection plans, complementing its financial strength and risk management expertise that fulfil its customers various specific needs. The company currently has 24 business centres, through which its combination of Family and General Takaful businesses, multi-channel distribution capability, strong strategic partnership as well as customer-centric products and services, continue to help people achieve a more financially secure future. 2017 CORPORATE STRATEGIES • Operational Excellence • Technology Driven Capabilities • Product Innovation Accountability We aim to exceed customers’ expectation through: • Performance Oriented Culture Financial Statements whilst delivering superior shareholders’ value. MALAYSIA’S FIRST AND ONLY SHARIAH-COMPLIANT STOCKBROKING COMPANY Shareholders Information BIMB SECURITIES SDN BHD Established in 1994, BIMB Securities Sdn Bhd (“BIMB Securities”) is the first and only full-fledged Shariah-compliant stockbroking company in Malaysia. It provides avenue for the investing public to trade in Shariah-compliant securities as well as other related services including share margin financing, investment advisory, nominees and custodian services, corporate advisory, underwriting and placement services. As a registered Shariah Adviser under Securities Commission, BIMB Securities also provides Shariah advisory services for Islamic capital market products (“ICM”) including Islamic investment funds, sukuk issuance and other approved ICM instruments, which is particularly useful for fund managers who do not have in-house Shariah advisers or any companies that seek third party opinions on Shariah-related matters. Sustainability Performance Data 2017 STRATEGIC INITIATIVES • Providing Value Services to Clients • Enhancing Visibility in Shariah Investing • Improving Processes and Operations to Achieve Greater Efficiencies and Effectiveness • Elevating Staff’s Knowledge and Skills Syarikat Al-Ijarah Sdn Bhd 21st AGM Information SYARIKAT AL-IJARAH SDN BHD Syarikat Al-Ijarah Sdn Bhd (“Syarikat Al-Ijarah”) was incorporated in 1983 as a private limited company. Its principal business activity is to seek and acquire assets, including properties, to be leased for the use of companies within BHB Group. 13
- OUR FOOTPRINT BIMB Holdings Berhad is the first Islamic Financial Holding Company in Malaysia . A true pioneer of the industry, the Group offers a comprehensive spectrum of Islamic Financial & Banking services and products, through its three main subsidiaries. First & Leading Islamic Banking Institution in Malaysia First & Leading Takaful Operator in Malaysia 147 24 Branches Service Centres 1,117 Overseas subsidiaries - PT Syarikat Takaful Indonesia - PT Asuransi Takaful Keluarga Self-Service Terminals GROUP TOTAL GROUP TOTAL more than more than 5,000 9 mil employees customers served GROUP TOTAL PROFIT GROUP TOTAL ZAKAT PAID OUT (Before Zakat & Tax) 948.3 mil RM 14 BIMB HOLDINGS BERHAD First Full-Fledged Shariah-Compliant Stockbroking Firm in Malaysia 13.2 mil RM Integrated Annual Report 2017 GROUP TOTAL ASSETS 65.8 bil RM GROUP TOTAL CONTRIBUTION FOR CSR more than 6.3 mil RM The only full-fledged Shariah online trading system GROUP TOTAL NET INCOME 2.5 bil RM
- Overview 1 11 2 INDONESIA 14 5 Value Creation 2 1 6 Management Discussion & Analysis 1 9 2 2 9 29 1 2 1 Accountability 1 20 3 7 Financial Statements 1 2 5 16 MOBILE AND ONLINE CHANNEL 3 TAP Mobile Banking-i Internet Banking 1 Shareholders Information BANK ISLAM 7 Sustainability Performance Data TAKAFUL MALAYSIA Online Portal – Click for Cover 7 Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad Branches Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Berhad Service Centres 21st AGM Information 2 BIMB Securities Sdn Bhd 15
- OUR BUSINESS MODELS BIMB HOLDINGS BERHAD KEY INPUTS MARKET LANDSCAPE FINANCIAL CAPITAL • Strong composition of institutional investors (refer to ‘Shareholding Structure’, page 08) • RM4.9 bil in total equity • RM2.2 bil in sukuk liability • 100% stake in Bank Islam with RM5 bil investment • 59.72% stake in Takaful Malaysia with RM99 mil investment • 100% stake in BIMB Securities with RM103.9 mil investment • 100% stake in Syarikat Al-Ijarah with RM12.8 mil investment • Flexibility to access the capital market INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL • Strong franchise value as an Islamic financial holding company • Synergistic relationship within the operating units offering: – Unique value propositions – Continuous innovations – Strategic collaborations (refer to our Operating Units’ ‘Business Models’; ‘Management Discussion & Analysis’ and; BHB corporate website – sustainability) Banking Landscape Takaful Industry Stockbroking Equity OUR BUSINESS RISK AND OPPORTUNITIES GOVERNANCE (refer to our ‘Accountability’ section) (refer to our ‘Management’s Discussion & Analysis’ and ‘Accountability’ section) OUR PURPOSE Create sustainable values that promote the advancement of the Islamic Financial Industry INFRASTRUCTURAL CAPITAL • Dedicated network of branches, business centres, touch points and digital channels offered through operating units (refer to ‘Our Footprint’, page 14) HUMAN CAPITAL • Strong leadership within the operating units • Diversified composition of more than 5,500 employees • Highly qualified professional employees, certified to operate in the industry • More than RM16.7 mil invested in employees’ capability and capacity enhancement • More than RM1 mil invested in work-life balance activities SOCIAL & RELATIONSHIP CAPITAL • Employees volunteerism efforts with more than 700 man-hours spent on CSR activities • More than RM6.3 mil spent on CSR activities and programmes • More than RM13.2 mil of zakat fund distributed WHAT WE DO Ensure strong capitalisation and robust performance of our operating units OUR PRIORITIES • Responsible Finance • Inclusive Growth • Talent Enrichment • Islamic Finance & Knowledge-Sharing • Ethical Practice & Reporting (refer to ‘Our Material Matters’, page 42) NATURAL CAPITAL • Participation in driving sustainability agenda – Social Responsible Investment (“SRI”), Environment, Social, Governance (“ESG”) fund products etc. • Electricity saving measure • Reducing paper consumption • Participation in environmental preservation programmes 16 BIMB HOLDINGS BERHAD Integrated Annual Report 2017 PERFORMANCE FUTURE OUTLOOK (refer to our ‘Management’s Discussion & Analysis’ section) (refer to our ‘Management’s Discussion & Analysis’ section)
- KEY OUTPUTS Overview INVESTING COMMUNITY • RM229.3 mil dividend paid out (2017) • Dividend yield of 3.2% • DRP subscription rate of 90.88% – – – – Net assets per share of RM2.77 Price to book of 1.5x Earnings per share of 37.94 sen Price earning multiple of 11.6x Value Creation • Increase in share price by 4.27% • Market capitalisation of RM7.2 bil as at end December 2017 (RM6.7 bil as at end December 2016) Note: – Return on equity (after tax) of 15.4% highest among the listed banking conglomerates – Share price of RM4.40 as at end December 2017 (RM4.22 as at end December 2016) BANK ISLAM MALAYSIA BERHAD • Deposit & Investment Accounts • Consumer Financing • Business and SME Financing • Asset-based Financing • Project and Infrastructure Financing • Trade Finance • Wealth Management & BancaTakaful • Treasury Services • Cash Management Solutions • Credit & Debit Cards • Ar-Rahnu SYARIKAT TAKAFUL MALAYSIA BERHAD • Mortgage, Business & Personal Financing Protection • Medical, Term & Personal Accident Coverage • Employee Benefits Scheme • Motor Vehicle Coverage • Home Protection/Fire & Property Coverage • Engineering, Contractor & Liability Coverage • Workmen’s Compensation & Foreign Worker Scheme • Miscellaneous Coverage BIMB SECURITIES SDN BHD • Shariah Securities Dealing • Investment Research • Nominee/Custodian Services • Corporate Advisory • Underwriting and Placement • Shariah Advisory Accountability OUR PRODUCTS & SERVICES BIMB SECURITIES • Introduction of BISOnline 2.0 trading platform • Introduction of end-to-end Shariah investing through Bursa Malaysia-i • Distribution and sharing of investment research and stock analysis to 35 Institutional Clients • Daily market updates and Market Insights via Telegram, Whatsapp and Facebook to more than 7,000 Retail Clients SUBSIDIARIES REVENUE PROFIT (before tax and zakat) DIVIDEND PAID OUT Bank Islam RM3.0 bil RM767.1 mil RM266.5 mil Takaful Malaysia RM2.1 bil RM253.7 mil RM98.5 mil BIMB Securities RM14.4 mil RM2.1 mil – Financial Statements (refer to our ‘Management’s Discussion & Analysis’ section) TAKAFUL MALAYSIA • Serves more than 3 mil customers with 23% market share • First in the industry to consistently offer 15% Cash Back, with RM230 mil paid out since 2009 • Claim benefit payment of RM907 mil • Sustained strong capital adequacy • RM27.6 mil in bancatakaful income generated for Bank Islam THE INDUSTRY ISLAMIC BANKING • One of the founding members of Community-of-Practitioners for Value-Based Intermediation • Driving the growth of Investment Account • Spearheading the development of Waqf with the states’ religious authorities • Facilitating the social finance agenda through Sadaqa House • Introduction of ESG & Shariah-compliant funds • Contribution of Islamic finance textbooks in collaboration with Malaysian Institute of Accountants Shareholders Information STRATEGIES DRIVEN BY SUBSIDIARIES BANK ISLAM • Serves more than 4.3 mil depositors and more than 700,000 financing customers • 12 investment funds under BIMB Investment • First to introduce ESG & Shariahcompliant funds in collaboration with Arabesque • TAP as a financial inclusion platform • Strategic partnership with Cognizant for enhancing digital initiatives TAKAFUL • Market leader in adoption of digital technology in driving product innovations and distribution capability STOCKBROKING • Promoting awareness of Shariah investment through Jom Labur Shariah Sustainability Performance Data Regulatory Framework EMPLOYEES • • • • Participation in work-life balance activities RM648.7 mil paid in employee remuneration More than 198,965 training hours achieved for employees More than 70 new employment opportunities created • Average retention rate of 97.3% for BHB Group • Commitment to workforce diversity THE SOCIETY & COMMUNITY • More than RM523.6 mil of financing under the responsible financing initiatives as at December 2017 • More than 24,500 beneficiaries under CSR and Zakat initiatives • RM268.2 mil paid in corporate taxes (RM48.3 mil paid in GST) • Reduction in electricity usage – Decreased by 4% (Bank Islam HQ office) – Decreased by 5.5% (Takaful Malaysia) • Reduction in paper consumption – Decreased by 8.1% (Bank Islam HQ office) – Decreased by 3.8% (Takaful Malaysia) • 232 SL1M trainees absorbed since 2014 21st AGM Information Financial Technology Management Discussion & Analysis CUSTOMERS KEY OUTCOMES (refer to page 38) 17
- BANK ISLAM MALAYSIA BERHAD OPERATING ENVIRONMENT KEY INPUTS FINANCIAL CAPITAL • • • • • RM4.86 bil Common Equity Tier-1 Capital RM1.4 bil Tier-2 Capital RM5 bil total equity RM46.2 bil total deposits RM4.3 bil in investment accounts (IA) INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL • • • • Pioneering & leading Islamic finance and banking institution Robust risk management and governance framework Strong brand franchise Product innovations – Waqf House Financing, Investment Account (IA), ESG-compliant funds • Service innovations – TAP, IAP (leading IAP provider), Sadaqa House • Strategic partnerships – Petronas, PTPTN, LTH, STMB, Arabesque, Cognizant, Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia, Universities etc. ECONOMIC CONDITIONS REGULATORY CHANGES COMPETITIVE LANDSCAPE OUR BUSINESS RISK AND OPPORTUNITIES GOVERNANCE • More than 4.3 mil customers • RM5.6 mil invested in community and corporate responsibility projects • RM12.9 mil paid out in zakat • AMAL programmes and initiatives – Flagship for CSR activities • Sadaqa House – Flagship for social finance • Participation in SL1M programme • 416 man-hours spent for CSR P VALUE-BASED INTERMEDIARY NS OY IB L E ER ET HI PR O R AC T TIN IC E G SOCIAL & RELATIONSHIP CAPITAL Y Attractive Employee Value Proposition 4,568 employees RM12.8 mil invested in talent enrichment Structured succession planning Competitive employee benefits PO R ES M PL E • • • • • E SIV H WT HUMAN CAPITAL CIPLES (MAQ AS PRIN & ID ES AL L T E U • N -S PRO R PLA S • P E E RI PL T EO E L I N B I C NS CE GRO LU N RES P FIN O A 147 branches and online platforms 5 BDC outlets 9 Ar-Rahnu outlets 1,117 self-service terminals RM132.3 mil investment in IT infrastructure RM3.6 mil investment in mobile banking ) AH RI HA • • • • • • SH AR IA H INFRASTRUCTURAL CAPITAL L CA P E &R NATURAL CAPITAL • • • • • 18 Environment Impact Screening for credit evaluation Green Financing portfolio Launched first ESG- & Shariah-Compliant Fund Energy-saving measure Paperless initiative BIMB HOLDINGS BERHAD Integrated Annual Report 2017 PERFORMANCE FUTURE OUTLOOK
- Value Creation Overview • Deposit & Investment Accounts • Consumer Financing • Business and SME Financing • Asset-based Financing • Project and Infrastructure Financing • Trade Finance • Wealth Management & BancaTakaful • Treasury Services • Cash Management Solutions • Credit & Debit Cards • Ar-Rahnu SHAREHOLDERS • RM509.6 mil paid in remuneration to employees • 97.07% retention rate • More than 164,000 employee training hours • 301 employees promoted in 2017 • 216 employees obtained professional certificates in 2017 • Workforce diversity • • • • COMMUNITY VENDORS & SUPPLIERS • Total of RM523.6 mil financing under Green Financing portfolio • Total ESG-compliant fund size of RM400 mil, the largest Islamic global equity fund in Malaysia (November 2015 – February 2016) • RM184.6 mil paid in corporate taxes (RM48.3 mil paid out in GST) • 477 SL1M participants trained since 2014 • 190 SL1M trainees absorbed since 2014 • More than 23,000 individuals benefitted from CSR and zakat activities and programmes • 2,185 IPTA students benefitted from zakat distribution • Total premium of RM247.8 mil paid to BANCA partners • More than 1,000 registered suppliers • Approximately RM500 mil paid to vendors and business partners Financial Statements Accountability EMPLOYEES 16.42% return on equity 1.35% return on asset 16.44% total capital ratio RM266.5 mil of dividends paid to shareholders • Won 10 awards in 2017 Shareholders Information PRODUCTS & SERVICES • Driving Value-Based Intermediary initiatives • Commitment to growing Investment Account (including via IAP) • Support industry-wide digital agenda • Maintain composite risk rating • RM4.3 mil paid to PIDM for deposits protection • Ingrained compliance culture amongst staff Sustainability Performance Data 3D BUSINESS STRATEGY • DEPOSIT DRIVE • DEFENSIVE STRATEGY • DIGITALISATION REGULATORS • RM1.1 bil profits paid to depositors • RM0.1 bil profits paid to investment account holders • RM4.3 bil in new personal financing • RM3.2 bil in new home financing • RM2.9 bil in new business financing • RM335.8 mil in new vehicle financing • 589,415 TAP subscribers • 889,645 registered online users with more than RM6.9 bil in transactions • 281,958 PTPTN student accounts • RM6.1 bil in transactions for LTH Uniteller Service 21st AGM Information DIGITAL TREND CUSTOMERS Management Discussion & Analysis KEY OUTPUTS 19
- SYARIKAT TAKAFUL MALAYSIA BERHAD KEY INPUTS OPERATING ENVIRONMENT FINANCIAL CAPITAL • Total equity of RM833.5 mil • Total contribution of RM1.8 bil GENERAL TAKAFUL FAMILY TAKAFUL RM587 mil contribution RM1.2 bil contribution INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL • Well-established takaful brand as the 1st Islamic insurance provider • Market leadership – largest market share in Family Takaful and second largest in General Takaful • Customer-centric and high-performance culture • Robust underwriting and actuarial expertise Economic Conditions Regulatory Changes OUR BUSINESS GOVERNANCE RISK AND OPPORTUNITIES INFRASTRUCTURAL CAPITAL • 24 service centres • Various digital solutions and online channels – DMS Workflow, Takaful myClick C&U, Click for Cover and other online portals • RM3.3 mil investment in IT infrastructure • More than 2,000 corporate agents • Multi-channel distribution capability HUMAN CAPITAL • 955 employees • Strong and effective management team • Professional investment team • RM3.8 mil invested in employee development • 4 succession planning programmes • Long-term incentive plan • Employee benefits and protection solutions SOCIAL & RELATIONSHIP CAPITAL • More than 3 mil customers • RM317,000 invested in charity fund • RM300,000 of zakat paid out • More than 300 man-hours spent for CSR • 6 community programmes • Participation in SL1M programme NATURAL CAPITAL • Electricity-saving measure • Paperless initiative • Less water usage drive 20 BIMB HOLDINGS BERHAD Integrated Annual Report 2017 VISION To Be The Preferred Choice for Insurance MISSION We Aim to Exceed Customers Expectations Through: • Operational Excellence • Technology-driven Capabilities • Product Innovation • Performance-oriented Culture Whilst Delivering Superior Shareholders’ Value PRIORITIES • Responsible Finance • Inclusive Growth • Talent Development • Ethical Practice & Reporting PERFORMANCE FUTURE OUTLOOK
- Overview Value Creation KEY OUTPUTS SHAREHOLDERS CORPORATE STRATEGIES • OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE • TECHNOLOGY-DRIVEN CAPABILITIES • PRODUCT INNOVATION • PERFORMANCE-ORIENTED CULTURE Management Discussion & Analysis • Market capitalisation of RM3.1 bil as at end December 2017 (RM3.4 bil as at end December 2016) • RM98.5 million dividend paid out • Dividend yield of 4% Note: – Return on equity (after tax) of 26.72% – Share price of RM3.76 as at end December 2017 – Net asset per share of RM0.99 – Price to book of 3.7x – Earnings per share of 25.13 sen – Price earnings multiple of 14.96x • Won 5 awards in 2017 Accountability Digital Trend CUSTOMERS • RM230 mil cash back amount paid since 2009 • Claim benefit payment of RM907 mil Financial Statements Competitive Landscape EMPLOYEES • Employee Benefits Scheme • Motor Vehicle Coverage • Home Protection/Fire & Property Coverage • Engineering, Contractor & Liability Coverage • Workmen’s Compensation & Foreign Worker Scheme • Miscellaneous Coverage Shareholders Information • Medical, Term & Personal Accident Coverage REGULATORS • Support industry-wide digital agenda • Ingrained risk management and compliance culture amongst employees COMMUNITY • 43 beneficiaries of charity fund • RM81.1 mil paid in corporate taxes (RM43.3 mil paid in GST) • 151 SL1M participants trained since 2014 • 24 SL1M trainees absorbed since 2014 Sustainability Performance Data • Mortgage, Business & Personal Financing Protection VENDORS & SUPPLIERS • More than 30 registered vendors • Approximately RM1.6 mil paid to vendors 21st AGM Information PRODUCTS & SERVICES • RM124 mil paid in remuneration to employees • 92.2% retention rate • 33,489 training hours for employees • 28 employees promoted • 18 employees obtained professional certificates • Workforce diversity 21
- LETTER TO SHAREHOLDERS Tan Sri Samsudin Osman Tan Sri Haji Ambrin Buang Chairman (retired w.e.f. 31 January 2018) Chairman (appointed w.e.f. 2 February 2018) PROFIT BEFORE ZAKAT AND TAX 948.3 RM MILLION +9.10 % 22 BIMB HOLDINGS BERHAD Integrated Annual Report 2017
- Overview Value Creation Management Discussion & Analysis DEAR SHAREHOLDERS, This has assured a smooth transition as the Board warmly welcomed Encik Khairul Kamarudin who took over the reins as the CEO of Bank Islam on 14 June 2017 and CEO of BHB on 9 August 2017. As the Bank’s former Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Encik Khairul Kamarudin was part of the succession plan that has been We strongly believe that we are on the right strategic path. In fulfilling our fiduciary duties to you, our valued shareholders and stakeholders, the Board regularly examines strategic options while ensuring the Group continues to focus on strengthening integrity and corporate responsibility as drivers of the Group’s sustainability agenda. We remain committed to our long-term targets and objectives. Financial Statements Shareholders Information Sustainability Performance Data I would like to start my letter to you by thanking our Group Chief Executive Officer (“GCEO”) of BHB and Managing Director (“MD”) of Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad (“Bank Islam”) Dato’ Sri Zukri Samat who retired on 9 June 2017. As the GCEO and MD, Dato’ Sri Zukri Samat brought together a highly talented management team grounded on ethical conduct and laid the groundwork for effective talent management and succession initiatives. put in place. My own tenure ended at the end of January 2018 this year, and so I take this opportunity to also welcome my successor Tan Sri Haji Ambrin Buang, who I believe has much to contribute to the further progress of BHB. The Board has great confidence in his leadership to continue executing the strategy formulated to propel BHB and its Group to greater heights. On the back of these dynamic results a dividend payout of 14% was made on 25 January 2018 which translates to the highest ever payout of RM229.3 million. 21st AGM Information SMOOTH TRANSITIONS Accountability It was a year of smooth transitions, strong operations and strategic planning to catalyse our value creation journey. BIMB Holdings Berhad (“BHB” or “the Group”) performed admirably in a lacklustre economic environment and continued to display highest Return on Equity amongst listed financial institutions for the fourth consecutive year. , our net profit grew 10.88% to RM619.8 million from RM559.0 million in 2016 with revenue growth of 5.48% to RM3.7 billion from RM3.5 billion previously. This was achieved on the back of robust risk management and good asset quality. 23
- LETTER TO SHAREHOLDERS I take this opportunity to commend the Group for staying alert to its responsibilities as the nation ’s sole Islamic Financial Holding Company (“FHC”) and recognising that responsible financing is a journey that needs constant reviewing and enhancement of standards over time to create positive outcomes for our stakeholders. In line with the Group’s focus on sustainability, in 2017 the Bank has become an early adopter of the Bank Negara Malaysia-led Value-Based Intermediation (“VBI”) initiative which focuses on the impact of banking business to various stakeholders and targets to support economic, social and environmental development. STRONG PERFORMANCE More details on Bank Islam’s performance are reported on page 57 of the Management Discussion and Analysis (“MD&A”). Our subsidiaries remain anchored on healthy asset quality, strong earnings and continued industry leadership during the year. The Group enjoyed heightened contributions from its Islamic Banking and Takaful arm, which contributed 75% and 25% respectively to BHB Group’s profit. 25 % TAKAFUL MALAYSIA PROFIT CONTRIBUTION 75% For the third consecutive year, Bank Islam Berhad (“Bank Islam”), as BHB’s banking arm, achieved a net income margin of more than 2.50%, which is the industry’s highest. For 2017, this was a result of the Bank’s “3-D” approach that focused on driving deposits, staying defensive (striking a balance between assets growth and asset quality), and becoming digitally focused. This enabled the Bank to achieve a higher composition of low-cost funds. Bank Islam has also managed to sustain above industry average financing growth, which, for the last five years in terms of compound annual growth rate (“CAGR”) is 16.60% against the banking industry’s 7.60%. Despite the robust financing growth, asset quality was preserved with clear focus on selective assets growth and a strong credit and collection infrastructure in place. Bank Islam has a strong and healthy portfolio with relatively low gross impaired financing, hovering around 1% for the past five years compared to the industry’s average of 1.53%. BIMB HOLDINGS BERHAD As of 2017, Takaful Malaysia commands a leading 23% of the family takaful market and ranks number two with a 23% market share in the general takaful business. It achieved a high 30% growth rate for its bancassurance business during the year and delivered net return on equity of 26.72%, the highest return on equity among all government-linked companies. It also enjoyed a lower net claim ratio arising from a unique proposition of 15% Cash Back on no claims and stringent underwriting. More details on Takaful Malaysia’s performance are reported on page 59 of MD&A. BANK ISLAM 24 Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Berhad (“Takaful Malaysia”), Malaysia’s oldest takaful operator, continued to enjoy good growth in both its family and general takaful businesses. It maintained its top market position in the takaful business. Takaful Malaysia’s strategic bancatakaful partnership with AmBank Islamic Bhd, established in December 2017, to market its general takaful products to the bank’s customer base across the country is another promising development. It ensures the Company’s portfolio a stronger foothold in the industry through nationwide distribution channels of partner banks such as Ambank Islamic, Affin Islamic and RHB Islamic. Integrated Annual Report 2017 BIMB Securities Sdn Bhd (“BIMB Securities”) played an important role as the only full-fledged Shariah-compliant Participating Organisation of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa Malaysia”); with the launch of the world’s first end-toend, integrated Islamic securities exchange in platform, called the Bursa Malaysia-i in 2016. This has expanded the nation’s fully shariah-compliant investing programme, growing new opportunities for BIMB Securities. It had an outstanding year due to its offerings of a bigger volume of shares to institutional investors through on market and off market transactions; and at the same time enhanced online stock trading capabilities for its retail clients. This led to an increase of income from dealing activities and a substantial 357.05% increase in Profit After Zakat and Tax. More details on BIMB Securities’ performance are reported on page 62 of the MD&A.
- Overview 3 ,882,852 RM ’000 On the back of these dynamic results, BHB was able to make a dividend payout of 14% on 25 January 2018 which translates to the highest ever payout of RM229.3 million. The Group’s Dividend Reinvestment Plan (“DRP”), made applicable to the entire proposed interim single tier dividend, registered record subscription of 90.88% indicating continuous strong commitment and participation by our shareholders. SEALING COMMITMENTS Our commitment to responsible finance and sustainable operations remains anchored on Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) principles. As the holding company, we are mindful of our responsibility to cascade our values down to our subsidiaries. Our corporate purpose, to meet society’s financial needs in the most sustainable and ethical manner possible, goes to the heart of the way we do business by driving our material matters. Making a positive value-added difference to our stakeholders is where we will need to focus much of our attention in the coming years. Through Responsible Finance we commit to resilient and stable growth and deliver sustainable returns to our shareholders and customers. The principles of responsible finance reinforce our leadership as the premier Islamic financial services holding company in Malaysia. BHB’s Directors are required to uphold the highest integrity in discharging their duties and in dealings with various stakeholders. SEN 2016 35.25 Accountability 2016 37.94 SEN Financial Statements ’000 2017 Good governance is cascaded down to all levels across the Group. In maintaining standards of business integrity, ethics and professionalism, we abide by the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance as well as other guidelines published by BNM, Bursa Malaysia Securities and the Putrajaya Committee on GLC High Performance. Shareholders Information 4,533,939 RM ’17 Management Discussion & Analysis ’17 2017 Value Creation ’16 In ensuring Inclusive Growth we are embracing greater digitalisation to stay relevant in the ongoing digital revolution and meet ever-rising consumer expectations. To this end, the Bank’s partnership with US-based fintech company Cognizant in 2017 is set to improve customer experience and deepen its digital platform reach. We have recently launched Sadaqa House, a digital crowdfunding initiative that is aligned with our commitment towards social finance. Meanwhile, Takaful Malaysia has rolled out its “Click for Cover” online self-service sales portal during the year and is in the midst of developing a unique top-up medical plan called Takaful myClick MediPlus. Sustainability Performance Data ’16 EARNINGS PER SHARE The Group’s Dividend Reinvestment Plan registered record subscription of 90.88% indicating continuous strong commitment and participation by our shareholders. 21st AGM Information SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY 25
- LETTER TO SHAREHOLDERS We have also intensified our commitment to social finance and community upliftment initiatives in reaching out to underserved communities . The Group’s annual zakat (business tithes) payments for the year, as contributed by Bank Islam and Takaful Malaysia, has also increased to RM13.2 million in line with our robust 2017 performance. This is over and beyond our outreach programmes in which our management and employees volunteer their time and physical effort to uplift the lives of the underprivileged as well as to protect and preserve the environment. Prioritising Talent Enrichment has seen us developing more training and career opportunities for our people through continued investment in capacity and capability building (not only to staff but to the industry as well). The year presented more certification opportunities for Group staff through programmes with Malaysia Institute of Accountants (“MIA”) as well as continued participation in the INSEAD programme. We also play a role in accelerating the development of Bumiputera Professional Acountants by supporting Malaysia Professional Accountancy Center (“MyPAC”) initiatives. In spearheading Islamic Finance & Knowledge-Sharing we fortify our foundation and obligation to the industry. One such initiative in 2017, was our contribution to the publication of the MIA Islamic Finance Textbook in collaboration with Malaysian Accountancy Research and Education Foundation (“MAREF”) on the application of International Financial Reporting Standards for Islamic financial transactions. Finally, by activating Ethical Practice & Reporting we keep a check and balance on whether we are doing the right thing for all our stakeholders. These core pillars will continue to help BHB achieve our performance goals. At the same time, the Board will stay guided by these pillars to fulfil our financial goals and regulatory obligations as well as meet the needs of its stakeholders. 26 BIMB HOLDINGS BERHAD Integrated Annual Report 2017 More details on our Material Matters are available in the Value Creation section of this Integrated Annual Report. It has been my pleasure to serve BHB and its Board for the past 10 years, and I thank all those who have served with me for their unwavering dedication and commitment through the years. Our new Chairman, Tan Sri Haji Ambrin Buang will now address you on matters moving forward for the Group. Thank you, TAN SRI SAMSUDIN OSMAN Chairman (retired w.e.f. 31 January 2018) ADDRESS BY TAN SRI HAJI AMBRIN BUANG My warmest greetings to all Shareholders. Since 2007, former Chairman Tan Sri Samsudin Osman, who retired on 31 January 2018; and former GCEO of BHB and MD of Bank Islam Dato’ Sri Zukri Samat have headed the team that catalysed BHB and Bank Islam’s successful transformation and series of pioneering milestones thereafter. As the Chairman, Tan Sri Samsudin Osman has ably steered the company to be recognised as Malaysia’s first and only Islamic FHC. I am truly honoured to have been chosen to continue building on this legacy. Towards this end, the Group is uplifting its reporting practices and has advanced further into integrated reporting for this year. Leveraging on our progress in sustainability reporting, this year the Board and management team have set the tone and direction for greater transparency and disclosure, stakeholder
- Overview Value Creation Management Discussion & Analysis engagement and strategic understanding of the Group’s Value Creation journey. This benefits not just our external stakeholders but also the BHB family as it has ensured greater strategic alignment and synergy moving forward. Moving forward, the Group continues to stay focused on a strong risk management discipline, experienced credit team and high-quality portfolio. These have helped us maintain strong credit performance and will continue to do so. The Group also intends to continue to stay focused on a strong risk management discipline, experienced credit team and highquality portfolio. These have helped us maintain strong credit performance and will continue to do so. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I take this opportunity to express the Board’s gratitude and appreciation to Tan Sri Samsuddin Osman and Dato’ Sri Zukri Accountability Financial Statements I also take this opportunity to thank the Malaysian government and regulatory authorities, in particular Bank Negara Malaysia (“BNM”) and the Securities Commission, for consistently thinking ahead and putting in place strong sustainable frameworks and infrastructure for the Islamic finance industry. It is through their efforts that Malaysia continues to enjoy a global lead in Islamic finance. Shareholders Information More details on 2018 Strategic Journey on page 64 of the MD&A. I would also like to express the Board’s appreciation to our exemplary outgoing directors, Datuk Zaiton Mohd Hassan who retired on 2 February 2018, and Encik Zahari @ Mohd Zin Idris who retired on 17 May 2017. From my conversations, I have been made aware that Datuk Zaiton’s exacting standards and thoroughness has inspired greater diligence within the Board and Encik Zahari’s vast experience has been a source of great support. I am sure I speak for all my colleagues on the Board of BHB and its subsidiaries in saying their presence will sincerely be missed. My gratitude extends to my fellow directors, the members of the Group’s Shariah Council and to our diligent and hardworking employees as well, for their contribution to the Group’s growth. Finally, on behalf of the Board, I sincerely thank our shareholders and diverse stakeholders for their strong support and loyalty. Sustainability Performance Data Apart from the adoption of MFRS 9 in 2018, the Net Stable Funding Ratio (“NSFR”) requirement is another major regulatory change for banks including our Islamic banking arm. To be implemented by 1 January 2019, NSFR is a liquidity standard that requires banks to maintain a stable funding in relation to the composition of their assets and off-balance sheet activities. This could potentially lead to higher funding costs, lower margins and higher lending rates. In anticipation of this major change, the Group has outlined core strategies to address these new regulations. Samat for having anchored the Group in solid fundamentals and building a strong culture of integrity and responsiveness. Together with BHB’s management and staff, the Board is determined to uphold the standards set and continue the Bank’s journey towards greater excellence. Thank you, TAN SRI HAJI AMBRIN BUANG Chairman (appointed w.e.f. 2 February 2018) 21st AGM Information Within a low loan growth environment, the expected increase in base lending rate (“BLR”) and the Malaysia Financial Recording Standard 9 (“MFRS 9”) are expected to make an impact in the coming year. MFRS 9 is a new accounting standard which will come into effect this year and has a significant impact on banks. The new standard requires banks to make provisions in anticipation of future losses rather than the current practice of making provisions only when loans have been classified as impaired. 27
- FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE HIGHLIGHTS PROFIT BEFORE ZAKAT AND TAX SHAREHOLDERS ’ EQUITY DEPOSITS FROM CUSTOMERS (RM’000) (RM’000) FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER ’16 ’13 ’14 43,118,529 40,678,379 36,924,367 4,533,939 ’17 ’15 45,870,596 ’15 3,882,852 ’14 3,413,658 ’13 45,491,753 ’17 2,949,037 ’16 2,810,337 ’15 948,330 ’14 869,201 815,384 ’13 834,436 819,427 (RM’000) ’16 ’17 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 RM’000 3,721,598 3,528,198 3,310,607 2,967,473 2,809,395 RM’000 948,330 869,201 834,436 815,384 819,427 RM’000 619,838 559,040 547,275 532,329 279,327 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 3,875,270 4,533,939 45,870,596 6,962,313 42,113,420 14,621,392 65,784,634 1,588,680 3,882,852 45,491,753 6,639,096 39,189,274 15,164,085 63,145,127 1,542,210 3,413,658 43,118,529 6,588,888 34,294,690 15,110,375 57,363,828 1,493,506 2,949,037 40,678,379 6,323,577 29,524,571 15,528,737 53,030,205 1,493,506 2,810,337 36,924,367 6,082,001 23,740,948 18,409,143 49,674,545 sen RM 37.94 2.77 35.25 2.44 35.53 2.21 35.64 1.97 25.84 1.88 STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME Revenue Profit Before Zakat and Tax (“PBZT”) Net Profit Attributable to Owners of the Company STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION Share Capital Shareholders’ Equity Deposits from Customers Takaful Liabilities Financing, Advances and Others Investment Securities Total Assets PER SHARE DATA Earnings Per Share Net Assets Per Share 28 BIMB HOLDINGS BERHAD Integrated Annual Report 2017
- Overview EARNINGS PER SHARE NET ASSETS PER SHARE (SEN) (RM) Value Creation FINANCING, ADVANCES AND OTHERS 2.44 2.77 Management Discussion & Analysis ’14 Accountability ’13 2.21 1.97 35.25 ’16 1.88 35.53 ’15 37.94 35.64 ’14 25.84 42,113,420 39,189,274 34,294,690 29,524,571 23,740,948 (RM’000) ’15 ’16 ’17 ’13 FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER ’17 ’15 ’17 ’16 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 % % % 80.48 0.93 (0.41) 76.62 0.98 (0.75) 76.18 1.09 (0.83) 72.02 1.14 (0.82) 63.77 1.18 (0.91) % % 20.76 1.47 21.97 1.44 24.24 1.51 26.14 1.59 23.83 1.75 sen 14.00 13.00 12.20 14.70 12.00 times RM’000 11.60 7,206,060 11.97 6,704,230 10.78 5,906,663 11.42 6,078,569 17.57 6,780,517 Financial Statements ’14 Shareholders Information ’13 FINANCIAL POSITIONS STRENGTH Financing to Available Fund Ratio Gross Impaired Financing Ratio* Net Impaired Financing Ratio** Return on Equity Return on Assets Sustainability Performance Data EFFICIENCY DIVIDENDS Gross Dividend Per Share Price Earnings Ratio Market Capitalisation 21st AGM Information VALUATION Notes: * Gross Impaired Financing Ratio = Gross Impaired Financing and Advances/Gross Financing and Advances ** Net Impaired Financing Ratio = (Gross Impaired Financing and Advances – Impairment Allowances)/(Gross Financing and Advances – Impaired Allowances) 29
- Overview FINANCIAL CALENDAR Value Creation 21 Management Discussion & Analysis ST ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Tuesday, 15 May 2018 at 10.00 am Accountability Ballroom 3, Sime Darby Convention Centre 1A, Jalan Bukit Kiara 1, 60000 Kuala Lumpur 27 FEBRUARY 2017 30 AUGUST 2017 30 NOVEMBER 2017 Announcement of FY2016 Financial Results Announcement of 1H2017 Financial Results Announcement of 3Q2017 Financial Results Financial Statements ANALYSTS BRIEFING 30 NOVEMBER 2017 28 FEBRUARY 2018 Quarterly report on consolidated results for the financial period ended 31 March 2017 Quarterly report on consolidated results for the financial period ended 30 June 2017 Quarterly report on consolidated results for the financial period ended 30 September 2017 Quaterly report on consolidated results for the financial period ended 31 December 2017 Sustainability Performance Data 28 AUGUST 2017 21st AGM Information 16 MAY 2017 Shareholders Information FINANCIAL REPORT ANNOUNCEMENTS 31
- Pioneering Possibilities : Total Revenue +5.5 % 3.7 RM billion
- Drawing on our expertise as a leader , we seek to advance new inroads and expand possibilities for the global Islamic financial industry.
- VALUE CREATION VALUING LIVES At BHB , we have a long history of investing in the society itself as one of our key foundations in growing our business and building a sustainable organisation. As we put in every efforts at defining ourselves as a responsible corporate citizen, we value the lives of others by contributing to the society’s economic and social progress, and the continued preservation of the natural environment for our future generation. CORPORATE CITIZENSHIP UPLIFTING COMMUNITY We contribute to the community’s wellbeing and prosperity with the aim of eradicating poverty among the underserved and underprivileged, by fulfilling their essential needs and helping them to live a meaningful lives. EMPOWERING PEOPLE We work with various organisations and institutions, including NGOs, state authorities, schools and universities as well as charity bodies in effectively creating and delivering values to the most needy, as well as living out our values as a Responsible Corporate Citizen We help people realise their ambitions by providing education in various subjects including financial and English language, as well as giving them the opportunity to learn life skills. 34 BIMB HOLDINGS BERHAD Integrated Annual Report 2017 PROTECTING ENVIRONMENT We do our part in minimising impact on the natural environment by undertaking natural ecosystem preservation activities and environmental awareness programmes.
- Overview Value Creation Management Discussion & Analysis Financial Statements Accountability Our two main operating units’ – Bank Islam and Takaful Malaysia – investment in CSR activities and programmes as well as zakat funding over the years, exemplify our commitment to ensuring the health and wealth of our society. 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Bank Islam 3.67 3.93 5.53 4.95 5.63 Takaful Malaysia 0.88 1.80 2.14 0.34 0.32 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Bank Islam 9.40 12.46 12.77 8.70 12.87 Takaful Malaysia 1.08 0.16 0.13 0.30 0.30 Shareholders Information TOTAL CSR CONTRIBUTIONS (RM ‘MIL) 21st AGM Information Sustainability Performance Data TOTAL ZAKAT PAYMENT (RM ‘MIL) 35
- 37 21st AGM Information Sustainability Performance Data uing lives Shareholders Information Financial Statements Accountability Management Discussion & Analysis Value Creation Overview
- VALUE CREATION KEY OUTCOMES We create value through the operation of quality assets in Banking and Finance , Stockbroking and Takaful within Malaysia’s Islamic financing sector. The key pillars of our sustainability efforts include Responsible Financing, Inclusive Growth, Talent Enrichment, Ethical Practice & Reporting and Islamic Finance & Knowledge-Sharing. The value of our business is in creating purposeful returns for our stakeholders, generated by our subsidiaries and other capitals owned or controlled. Our businesses aspire to create value for the real economy and society, and thereby achieve a multitude of additional benefits such as wealth creation and preservation, increased levels of employment, meaningful social contributions and positive environmental impact. The capitals that generate these values include the businesses of our subsidiaries, our employees, adequate financial capital to pursue growth opportunities and underpinned by quality relationships with key stakeholders. An integrated approach across our subsidiaries results in leveraging the assets and resources within the Group under a unified management structure with a shared culture. All our subsidiaries business strategies are underpinned by BHB’s key pillars. This drives the value we offer our stakeholders, makes it simpler to do business with the Group and assists the market to understand the scale and diversity of our operations under the BHB Group. KEY OUTCOMES BHB creates value strategically and synergistically for our stakeholders; and through the value created by our subsidiaries. HOW WE CREATE VALUE FOR OUR STAKEHOLDERS We manage our shareholders funds, their expectations and Sukuk holder liabilities. By registering steady growth and growing yield, we ensure profitable and sustainable returns for our shareholders that commensurate with their risk appetite, while providing an avenue for us to attract more investors for the Company’s growth. Investing Community We provide, through our subsidiaries, end-to-end and pure Islamic financial solutions across a broad sector that covers banking, insurance and securities market. By continuing our strict adherence on Shariah rules and principles, as well as our focus on pure Islamic financial products and services, we fulfil our customers’ specific financial needs for Shariah-compliant solutions. Customers We provide strategic Group guidance in collaboratively identifying a unified direction and unified systems, anchored on our sustainability framework. We align a corporate direction that leads to adoption of sustainable practices that promote value-creation processes. Subsidiaries We provide avenues for cross-subsidiary resource and knowledge-sharing. We are creating more opportunities for our respective subsidiaries to increase their customer base by leveraging on the unique business portfolios offered by our respective subsidiaries. We synergise processes and systems that promote business efficiency. We are increasing the prospects for our respective subsidiaries to share knowledge and gain new perspectives, as well as possibilities to innovate solutions and service delivery. We share resources among our operating units, which result in enhanced efficiency in delivering products and services. 38 STAKEHOLDERS IMPACTED WHAT WE DO BIMB HOLDINGS BERHAD Integrated Annual Report 2017 Subsidiaries
- Overview STAKEHOLDERS IMPACTED We ensure a common corporate governance framework among our subsidiaries , anchored on shared principles and sound policies. We ensure all aspects of our subsidiaries’ business operations are in full compliance with regulatory requirements. Subsidiaries The Industry We provide Group-wide communications in emulating and proliferating our values as a Company. We provide cohesion and comprehension of the organisation’s direction and performance. We seek to proliferate knowledge and expand the potential of the Islamic financial industry, with exploration of new Shariah possibilities to realise untapped opportunities. We leverage on our subsidiaries’ specific business focus Value Creation HOW WE CREATE VALUE FOR OUR STAKEHOLDERS Management Discussion & Analysis WHAT WE DO We ensure the credibility of the organisation as a whole. We play a vital role in contributing to the stability of the industry’s financial system. Subsidiaries Employees Shared common values across the organisation result in a collective culture of trust, responsibility and inclusivity. Accountability We actively participate in the government and regulators’ strategic plans for the Islamic financial industry. The Industry The Society & Community Financial Statements We collaborate on new products and services in the Islamic financial and banking sphere. The Society & Community The Industry We contribute to the nation’s agenda. We support Government Initiatives in the following key areas: – Establishment of Malaysia as a major Islamic Financial and Banking hub – Contributing society’s health and wealth – Developing local talents The Industry The Society & Community Employees Sustainability Performance Data We consolidate our CSR activities and zakat initiatives to place equal importance on economic prosperity, community development and environmental wellbeing. 21st AGM Information We seek to expand our presence and enhance reach of our services, together with our contribution to strengthen the society. Shareholders Information We commit to knowledge propagation among the industry & develop relevant knowledge among the community. 39
- VALUE CREATION STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT Investing Community Customers Responsible Finance : Ethical Products HIGH Responsible Finance: Ethical Projects Inclusive Growth Talent Enrichment: Sharing of Wealth Talent Enrichment: Growing Our Own Timber T Ethical Practice & Reporting MEDIUM For the purpose of convenience in reporting, we have grouped our myriad of stakeholders under the following categories: Islamic Finance & Knowledge-Sharing EXTERNAL STAKEHOLDERS STAKEHOLDERS GROUPING MATERIAL MATTERS IMPORTANCE TO EXTERNAL STAKEHOLDERS AND INTERNAL STAKEHOLDERS LOW The following examples of stakeholder engagement help us understand how well we are fulfilling our responsibility as a valuable partner for the nation and the industry, as a good employer for our people, as a sound investment for shareholders, as a good corporate citizen for the communities where we live and work, and much more. These engagements have contributed to the identification of our key priorities which we are reporting in this year’s report as our Material Matters. The Industry LOW MEDIUM HIGH INTERNAL STAKEHOLDERS Society & Community Employees Employees are defined as Internal Stakeholders. The rest of the groups are defined as External Stakeholders. MATERIAL MATTERS IMPORTANCE TO BHB AND STAKEHOLDERS (1-most important, 7-least important) 7 In creating the matrix, we have conducted a survey to determine the importance of our identified material matters and issues to our stakeholders. Our material matters and issues are defined as below: 6 Responsible Finance Ethical Products Ethical Projects Inclusive Growth Talent Enrichment IMPORTANCE TO BHB SUSTAINABILITY MATRIX CREATION 5 4 3 2 Growing Our Own Timber Sharing of Wealth Islamic Finance & Knowledge-Sharing 1 0 Ethical Practice & Reporting Islamic Finance & Knowledge-Sharing Talent Development: Sharing of Wealth Talent Development: Growing Our Own Timber Inclusive Growth Responsible Finance: Ethical Projects Responsible Finance: Ethical Products 1 2 3 4 5 Ethical Practice & Reporting IMPORTANCE TO STAKEHOLDERS The matrix shows the level of importance (Low to Medium to High) of our material matters and issues to our stakeholders. 40 BIMB HOLDINGS BERHAD Integrated Annual Report 2017 6 7
- Overview Customers • Customers of Operating Units Customers drive our growth as a Company, requiring us to be continuously innovative • Online platforms including website and social media • Customer feedback channels • Customer satisfaction survey • Knowledge-sharing programmes • Events and roadshows • Improved experience and product convenience • Fair pricing • Personal data security and privacy • Financial facility accessibility • Financial literacy and education Employees • Group-wide Employees Our employees are core to fulfilling our Company’s purpose, and we need to understand their needs, challenges and aspirations and for them to be aligned with our strategy • Employee Engagement Survey conducted regularly • Employee feedback tool Internal intranet newsletter • Ethics hotline • Open-door policy • Townhall meetings • Employee roundtables • Job security • Engagement • Performance management • Clear understanding of reward structures • Health and safety performance • Access to welfare and wellness programmes • Career planning and skills development • Preferred employer The Industry • Government • Regulators Both the regulators and government provide us with the enabling regulatory framework within which to operate and we need to ensure compliance and understand the broader economic, social and environmental issue. • Meetings and discussions • Seminars and forum • Taxation revenues • Compliance with legislation • Job creation • Investment in advancing social and economic transformation • Social impacts • Healthy competition • Mutual economic benefits • CSR activities and programmes • Zakat initiatives • Voluntary programmes • Investment in disadvantaged communities • Sound infrastructure and public facilities • Social cohesiveness and progress • Access to zakat contributions • Economic, including employment, opportunities • Sponsorships • Protected environment Engagement helps us create a strong culture of shared resources in order to expedite collaborations, build greater awareness of Islamic financing and fast track new opportunities for the benefit of the industry. Society & Community • Local Communities • Suppliers and Vendors Engagement assists us to focus our efforts in empowering local communities which contributes to our long-term viability as a sustainable organisation. Value Creation • Sustainable growth and returns on investment • Dividends • Transparent executive remuneration • Corporate governance and ethics • Liquidity and gearing Management Discussion & Analysis • Annual meeting of shareholders. • Quarterly media releases • Annual Reports • Dedicated analyst and investor presentations • Annual investor conference • BHB Website Accountability Investors and funding institutions are the providers of capital necessary for our growth. We need to offer transparent communication and to understand potential concerns Financial Statements WHAT THEY WANT Shareholders Information Investing Community • Investors • Analysts and Fund Managers • Media HOW WE ENGAGE Sustainability Performance Data WHY THEY ARE IMPORTANT TO US 21st AGM Information STAKEHOLDERS CATEGORY 41
- VALUE CREATION OUR MATERIAL MATTERS Our material matters are indicative of our commitment to elevate our company ’s financial and social performance in a responsible manner. In line with the globally-accepted standards and trend, they are also aligned with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. HIGHLIGHTS OF WHAT WE DO & WHAT WE OFFER KEY MATTERS Responsible Finance Bringing to the market products or services that effectively provide economic prosperity and social benefits to the community, and positive impact to the environment, in addition to contributing to our business growth. • Ethical Products • Ethical Projects Bank Islam • Commitment to better management of environmental impact through Green Financing initiative, which focuses on financing for renewable energy providers as well as other green technology application projects. • Focus on financing projects that provide the infrastructure for sustainable waste and water management. • Collaboration with Arabesque through BIMB Investment subsidiary in offering a range of ESG and Shariah-compliant fund products. • Continuous focus on supporting affordable home financing initiatives. Takaful Malaysia • Consistent delivery of cash back obligations in accordance with the Company’s sharing practice. • Commitment to delivering a digital platform that meets all the essential features needed for convenience and security requirements. (Please visit investor-relations/sustainability for more details) 42 BIMB HOLDINGS BERHAD Integrated Annual Report 2017 IMPORTANT TO THESE STAKEHOLDERS The Industry Investing Community Customers Society & Community SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS
- Overview Value Creation Financial Statements Accountability Management Discussion & Analysis Society & Community The Industry Our Investing Community Shareholders Information Bank Islam • Partnership with Cognizant to further develop digitalised banking solutions and their applications, bringing greater accessibility to the underserved population for banking and financial facilities. • Initiate the establishment of SME banking as a commitment to growing real economy. • Continuous focus on Transact-AtPalm (“TAP”) service as a platform to support financial inclusivity initiatives, and optimise beneficial partnerships with public service organisations. • Continuous focus on Investment Account Platform (“IAP”) as a platform for driving new investing opportunities and solution, as well as promoting an all-encompassing growth in key areas including economic, social and environmental. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS Takaful Malaysia • Enhancement of online portals and features offered for enhanced equitable opportunities across different levels of the community. (Please visit investor-relations/sustainability for more details) Sustainability Performance Data Inclusive Growth Creating equal opportunities across all segments of the society, through our business drives or social initiatives, for community empowerment. IMPORTANT TO THESE STAKEHOLDERS 21st AGM Information KEY MATTERS HIGHLIGHTS OF WHAT WE DO & WHAT WE OFFER 43
- VALUE CREATION OUR MATERIAL MATTERS HIGHLIGHTS OF WHAT WE DO & WHAT WE OFFER KEY MATTERS Talent Enrichment Focusing on growing our employees to become valuable assets to the company and be the best they can be. • Growing Our Own Timber • Sharing of Wealth Bank Islam • Continuous focus on employees’ capability and capacity building initiatives, including in-house training courses and certification programmes in collaboration with external organisations, including: – Bank Islam – IBFIM certification – Bank Islam – USIM certification – Future Leadership porgramme IMPORTANT TO THESE STAKEHOLDERS Employees Our Investing Community Takaful Malaysia • Development of programmes for succession planning and talent management including: – STMB Leadership Development programme – STMB Talent Awareness Retention (“STAR”) programme – STMB Leadership Intensive Talent Enrichment (“LITE”) – Clerical Development programme (Please visit investor-relations/sustainability for more details) Ethical Practice & Reporting Practicing good governance, guided by our core values and principles to ensure that we always do the right thing by our stakeholders. • Strongly guided by Shariah rules and principles across all operating units. • Common set of policies and governance framework as applicable to financial institutions. • Commitment to living out values for sustained progress of the community and company. Bank Islam • Establishment of Ethics & Integrity department. (Please visit investor-relations/sustainability for more details) 44 BIMB HOLDINGS BERHAD Integrated Annual Report 2017 Investing Community Employees Society & Community SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS
- Overview Value Creation The Industry Employees Society & Community Management Discussion & Analysis • Participation in the inaugural Shariah Investing Fair organised by Bursa Malaysia to promote Islamic capital market to the public at large. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS Accountability Bank Islam • Continuous participation in knowledge-sharing sessions for the public and engagements with foreign dignitaries for advancing the islamic financial industry, including: – ILMU knowledge series – Kembara Muamalah Shareholders Information Financial Statements (Please visit investor-relations/sustainability for more details) Sustainability Performance Data Islamic Finance & Knowledge-Sharing Advancing the industry, propagating and sharing our wealth and experience to create a learned society in the relevant field and ensure progress of the relevant industry. IMPORTANT TO THESE STAKEHOLDERS 21st AGM Information KEY MATTERS HIGHLIGHTS OF WHAT WE DO & WHAT WE OFFER 45
- Adhering to Integrity : Total Asset Size +4.18 % 65.8 RM billion
- Determined to excel while staying rooted to our values , we commit to good governance and take pride in ensuring integrity and responsibility in all we do.
- MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION & ANALYSIS THE MARKET LANDSCAPE GLOBAL Global growth was accelerating in 2017 with major central banks have raised their policy rates during the year. Similarly, the Asian currencies were mostly having turned around against the US dollar after severely battered in the past three years. Top of the lists was South Korean Won, followed by Malaysian Ringgit, Thai Baht, Singapore Dollar and Taiwanese Dollar, rising by 12.81%, 10.87%, 9.88%, 8.29% and 8.23% respectively. Consequently, equity indexes were also higher in the most of part of 2017, reflecting increasing risks appetite for the risky assets. Additionally, the crude oil prices were also on firmer footing, surpassing above USD60 per barrel between October and December as Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (“OPEC”) and several Non-OPEC countries have agreed to cap the oil production. This has paved the way for Islamic finance to scale into greater heights. According to the State of the Global Islamic Economy Report 2017/18 by Thomson Reuters, the Islamic economy continued to be at the cusp of major growth and widespread recognition in 2017. Sentiment across the board, from Halal Food, Islamic Finance and Modest Fashion, to Halal Travel, Halal Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics, is overwhelmingly positive at 77%. The Report estimates that Global Muslim spend across lifestyle sectors was USD2 trillion in 2016, while the Islamic finance sector enjoyed USD2.2 trillion in total assets, a 10% increase from 2015. Going forward, Islamic finance assets are expected to grow by 9.40% CAGR to reach USD3.8 trillion in 2022. Additionally, governments across the globe, be it Muslims and Non-Muslims countries have been receptive to Islamic finance as a means to promote inclusive growth strategy. For instance, the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (“OIC”) countries have been capitalising on Islamic finance to raise billions of dollars in funds, with Saudi Arabia has issued their first global sukuk worth USD9 billion rated A+/stable by Fitch while Tunisia preparing its debut sukuk issuance, and Nigeria to launch its maiden sovereign sukuk. Meanwhile, the Government of Hong Kong has listed USD1 billion sukuk on Nasdaq Dubai as part of their funding based diversification. One of the core strengths of Islamic finance is its willingness to address global development needs and support of SMEs. Such moves are highly significant for countries with sizeable Muslim populations such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan and India, where more than 50 percent of economic activity is generated by SMEs. Further propelling growth is the adoption of Islamic FinTech, be it the world’s first Shariah-compliant robo-advisory firm, or the first Shariah-compliant gold platform. Notably, such endeavors have been achieved through utilising crowdfunding with total assets were estimated at over USD2 trillion in 2016, and expected to surge to USD3.8 trillion by 2022. Islamic insurance (Takaful) and other financial products such as Murabhahah and Waqf, continue to expand as new markets open up throughout the world. MARKET SIZE Current Islamic finance market assets* 2016 Existing Market 2022 Potential Market Size 2016-22 CAGR Growth %: 9.40% USD2,000 Bil USD3,782 Bil Current Islamic banking assets* 2016 Existing Market 2022 Potential Market Size 2016-22 CAGR Growth %: 7.30% USD1,599 Bil USD2,439 Bil *Does not include undisclosed assets of most Islamic windows 48 BIMB HOLDINGS BERHAD Integrated Annual Report 2017
- social finance Sukuk as the instrument for budget deficit Capital market : Corporate Sukuk as the alternative of financing South East Asia: Management Discussion & Analysis Value Creation Overview Global integration of OIC markets through Islamic trade finance and Islamic financing Increased role of Islamic Accountability FinTech Increased role of Islamic Financial Statements Disruptive finance: Shareholders Information improving institutional investors by creating Islamic pension fund the rise of Islamic venture capital Emerging Central Asian Sustainability Performance Data SME Savings sovereigns and European banks 21st AGM Information Broadening Islamic Capital Market for microfinance GLOBAL INDUSTRY TRENDS 49
- MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION & ANALYSIS THE MARKET LANDSCAPE MALAYSIA TOP 10 Islamic Finance MALAYSIA 146 Bahrain 86 UAE 67 Saudi Arabia 64 Oman 56 Kuwait 54 Pakistan 51 Qatar 49 Iran 43 Indonesia 42 The Malaysian economy grew at a healthy pace in 2017 with Gross Domestic Product (GDP) posted 5.90% growth during the year. This has surpassed the official range forecast of 5.20% to 5.70% and well above than the 4.20% growth recorded in 2016. However, Malaysia’s inflation rate has picked up to 3.70% for the year of 2017 which is significantly higher from 2.10% in the preceding year. Admittedly, the rise in inflation rate has a taken a serious toll on consumer sentiment. The Consumer Sentiment Index settled at 82.6 points in the 4Q2017 and continues to remain below the 100 points threshold for more than two years, pointing to a more pessimistic view among Malaysians. Despite that, the country continues to be recognised for its leading role in Islamic finance. This was primarily driven by comprehensive market infrastructure, robust regulatory framework and dynamic market participants. The Global Islamic Economy Indicator also placed Malaysia at higher spot followed by the United Arab Emirates (“UAE”) and Saudi Arabia. This indicator ranking focuses on the health of the Islamic finance ecosystem in a country relative to its size, including its related social considerations. The ranking was calculated according to four criteria: • Financial (e.g. size of Islamic finance assets and number of Islamic finance institutions); • Governance (e.g. regulations for Islamic finance and disclosure index score); • Awareness (e.g. number of related news articles, Islamic finance education institutions, research papers, and events); and • Social (e.g. value of zakat and charity and CSR disclosure index score). Developments in domestic Islamic finance sector Compliance to Shariah principle has always been the focus in ensuring legitimacy of the nation’s Islamic financial products and services to the public at large. However, in meeting the rapid changes and dynamism of the industry, more business opportunities could be created if the current paradigm could be shifted to extend beyond compliance, towards delivering value propositions not only to all financial consumers, but to the wider stakeholders. SECTOR SCORE FINANCIAL SCORE GOVERNANCE SCORE AWARENESS SCORE SOCIAL SCORE GIE RANKING Malaysia 146 280 111 341 41 1 Bahrain 86 54 112 134 53 4 United Arab Emirates 67 63 70 147 71 2 ISLAMIC FINANCE 50 BIMB HOLDINGS BERHAD Integrated Annual Report 2017
- Enabling Environment for VBI Entrepreneurial mindset Enhanced disclosure Value Creation Nurturing potential champions Overview Underpinned Thrusts for VBI Community empowerment Management Discussion & Analysis Good self-governance Best conduct The total insurance and takaful in Malaysia has shown a growth of around 4% for year 2017 (based on Q3 2017 results), a tad higher from of 3.80% in 2016. Indeed, the takaful industry has benefited from the growth of Islamic banking in Malaysia. For example, the growth of Islamic mortgage business has enabled the growth of credit-related takaful business. As BNM is targeting local Islamic banking to have a 40% market share by 2020, the takaful industry is set to grow in tandem. It is expected that the market will continue to register growth in 2018, and the takaful sector will continue to outperform the conventional insurance sector. During the year, the BNM has officially launched a new initiative with Industri Perlindungan Tenang. The programme aims to reach out to the underserved market, particularly for B40 households/ first time insurance buyers and microenterprises. Insurers and takaful operators are developing new products with changes Accountability to distribution, underwriting, claims administration and other ongoing operations and servicing requirements to ensure these products are affordable, accessible as well as easy to understand. The industry will also be embarking on commission free critical illness and medical & health insurance via direct channels. Financial Statements Therefore customers will have more choices of coverage in year 2018, and it is expected that the industry will continue to invest in digital platforms, in conjunction with BNM’s LIFE framework requirements and effort to drive Malaysia towards a cashless society. Strategic initiatives under the LIFE Framework will continue to drive growth and change the landscape of the insurance and takaful industry. Under the LIFE framework, the industry will implement the Balanced Score Card (“BSC”) in year 2018 as a remuneration basis for agents. It is expected that the BSC shall drive agents to serve the customers more professionally. Similarly, the BSC remuneration will be implemented for bancassurance/ bancatakaful advisory products in 2019. Shareholders Information As the only Islamic Financial Holding Company (“IFHC”) approved by the BNM under the Islamic Financial Services Act 2013, BIMB Holdings Berhad (“BHB” or “the Group”) plays a pivotal role in this national aspiration. This spurs the Group’s focus on ‘Catalysing Value Creation’ where growth will be driven by long-term and wider objectives (prosperity, people and planet); where performance measurement considers both financial and non-financial aspects; and where innovation will be the tool in creating values for all. These will be underscored by exemplary governance and more meaningful and active engagement with the key stakeholders. Performance measurement Developments in domestic securities sector Global and domestic economic conditions, corporate earnings growth as well as interest rate movements have been undoubtedly challenging to the equity market. After three consecutive years of net foreign outflow totaling RM28.9 billion from the Malaysian equity market, foreign investors have turned into a net buyer amounting to RM11.1 billion in 2017. The FBMKLCI also surged to 1,796.81 points, closing the year by more than 150 points. Similarly, market volume throughout the year was higher at 641 billion shares from the preceding year of 433 billion, reflecting strong interest in the markets. Despite that, the ongoing competition within the industry, lower brokerage rates from the e-broking business as well as institutional business and the increase in cost of doing business would persistently pose a major hurdle to the stock broking business. Sustainability Performance Data In this regard, the Value-Based Intermediation or VBI was conceived through the Bank Negara Malaysia’s (“BNM”) strategic paper which was published in mid-2017. The VBI has been identified as a key driver in strengthening the roles and impact of Islamic finance moving forward. Thus, the next era of growth for the domestic industry will deepen Islamic finance’s roots in creating social justice and promoting a value-based economy through higher order of integrity, inclusivity and sustainability. Strategic networking 21st AGM Information CORPORATE VALUE INTENT 51
- MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION & ANALYSIS BIMB HOLDINGS BERHAD’S PERFORMANCE REVIEW & OUTLOOK Islamic finance, with all its ingrained principles, is highly relevant in a world that is increasingly focused on societal and environmental wellbeing which operates within systems of clear governance. Within 2017’s environment of rapid change and heightened regulations, Alhamdulillah, BIMB Holdings Berhad (“the Group” or “BHB”) continued to place great emphasis on maximising our financial returns while at the same time ensuring economic benefits for the nation and industry, and social growth for the people and communities. This is aligned with the Government’s aspiration under its National Transformation 2050 (“TN50”) economic makeover initiative to drive United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”) as well as position Malaysia as an Islamic financial hub and a global marketplace. During the year, the Group has embarked on a digital journey to enhance our customer experience in line with TN50’s focus to embrace a digital economy. 52 BIMB HOLDINGS BERHAD Integrated Annual Report 2017
- Khairul Kamarudin CEO , BIMB Holdings Berhad 21st AGM Information RM million dividend declared in 2017 229.3 Sustainability Performance Data 4.27 % Shareholders Information Financial Statements Increase in Share Price by 53 Accountability Management Discussion & Analysis Value Creation Overview
- MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION & ANALYSIS BIMB HOLDINGS BERHAD’S PERFORMANCE REVIEW & OUTLOOK The Group has established its journey towards sustainability based on five pillars, which are, responsible finance, inclusive growth, talent enrichment, Islamic finance & knowledge-sharing and ethical practice & reporting, which have been reported in its 2016 Sustainability Report. These pillars guide the strategies of our three main subsidiaries, Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad (“Bank Islam” or “the Bank”), Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Berhad (“Takaful Malaysia”) and BIMB Securities Sdn. Bhd. (“BIMB Securities”). BHB’s key operating unit, Bank Islam, serves more than 4.3 million depositors and 700,000 financing customers in Malaysia. It is well-positioned to lead inclusive growth that leverages on the ecosystem of responsible finance. Committed to Bank Negara Malaysia’s Value-Based Intermediary (“VBI”) initiative, it intends to create value for all stakeholders, with greater emphasis on environment, social and governance (“ESG”). This reinforces the Bank’s activities and product offerings 54 BIMB HOLDINGS BERHAD Integrated Annual Report 2017 with the Maqasid Al-Shariah (Objectives of Shariah). The Bank’s sustainability strategy revolves around promoting responsible finance and ensuring equal financial access opportunity for every level of society. At the same time, it plays its role in safeguarding the environment, by providing preferred financing for companies or corporations implementing environmentallyfriendly solutions. More emphasis is being placed on the Bank’s participation in the real economy that creates job opportunities as well as stimulates an economic multiplier effect. Takaful Malaysia serves over three million customers. It has stayed focused on its high-performance journey to ensure sustainable top and bottom line growth and innovative Shariah-compliant takaful solutions to the community. In line with the aims of TN50, these takaful solutions are mainly developed for wealth preservation as well as an avenue to contribute to the realisation of a high-income nation. As the leading Takaful Operator, the Company’s main focus remains on strengthening its foothold from the perspective of customer reach, operational agility, cost competitiveness as well as maximising its shareholder value. In growing reach and inclusivity, it has also been amplifying its presence through various marketing activities (including online initiatives) as well as promoting its unique proposition of 15% Cash Back for no claims made. Talent management programmes have also been established for the entire organisation in enhancing the Company’s service delivery.
- Note : Bank Islam awards are listed on page 57, Takaful Malaysia’s awards on page 59 and BIMB Securities’ award is listed on page 62 of this report. ADVANCING TECHNOLOGY & DIGITALISATION While the awards acknowledged the consistency and focus of BHB’s sustainability strategy as aligned with globally accepted standards, they were also a recognition of the Group’s progressive nature. New initiatives are continuously being initiated such as our focus on optimising digital technology. By embracing digitalisation, we aim to facilitate the development of next Value Creation Overview These achievements truly illustrate our practice of the ‘Triple Bottom Line’ principle, which calls for social and environmental aspects to be taken into consideration in addition to the Group’s financial performance. Management Discussion & Analysis Accountability Financial Statements Shareholders Information During the year, BHB’s continued excellence in sustainable business operations and contributions to the financial industry was recognised by three prestigious awards – Best Sustainability Strategies and Best Sustainability Report awards at the Asia Sustainability Excellence Awards 2017 on 2 August 2017; and Silver (Highest Growth in Profit after Tax over Three Years) award in the Finance Sector (Below RM10 Billion Market Cap) at the The Edge Billion Ringgit Club Corporate Awards 2017 event held on 21 August 2017. These were in addition to the myriad awards earned by our subsidiary companies during the year. Through its partnership with Arabesque, BIMB Invest has leveraged on artificial intelligence and big data technology in its investment process. This removes human biases and intuition to construct the best combination of stocks from a universe of 77,000 global listed companies to form a portfolio of up to 100 stocks daily by using more than 1,600 selection criteria that process more than 100 billion data points. The systematic and rules-based quantitative investment approaches also takes into account ESG data to invest in companies with sustainable financial future. These have and will continue to extend the reach of our products and services in line with the Group’s core focus on inclusive growth. ENSURING ROBUST GROUP RISK MANAGEMENT Sustainability Performance Data SUSTAINING EXCELLENCE At the inaugural Shariah Investing Fair 2017, the Group displayed its range of technology-driven investment products and services such as Global Dividend Fund 1 (the No. 1 Islamic Global Equity fund utilising Artificial Intelligence and Big Data analytic technology in stock selection to ensure optimum returns and manageable risks); Bank Islam’s Restricted Investment Account (“RIA”) products offered through Investment Account Platform (“IAP”) (a new concept in Islamic financial services offerings that leverages on the inherent digital features of an online platform); Takaful Malaysia’s “Click for Cover” online solution (a secure online platform with a host of comprehensive features that enable customers to easily apply, participate and engage in Takaful services at their convenience); and BIMB Securities’ online trading platform, BISOnline 2.0 (a mobile friendly platform that allows users to do their trading on a mobile device). As a FHC, BHB is responsible for the overall risk management of our subsidiaries. We ensure their risk profiles are contained within set limits and do not compromise the safety and soundness of the Group as a whole. This is being monitored by the Group Risk Management Committee and reported to the Board Risk Committee. In order to fulfil this oversight function during the year under review, we continued to be guided by the outcome of Ernst & Young’s gap assessment report, conducted in 2016, on our readiness towards complying with regulatory requirements on financial holding company. The key focus areas included: 21st AGM Information BIMB Securities’ four main strategic intents are in line with BHB’s five pillars. It ensures distribution of wealth through knowledge-sharing and educational information to all its 35 institutional clients and more than 7,000 clients and followers. These knowledge-guided investments will help spur economic growth and create sustainability over the long-term. On 16 August 2017, the Company entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with PT MNC Sekuritas, Indonesia as part of its strategic initiative to expand its footprint into the Indonesian market. The Company also promotes talent development with recruitment of fresh graduates, providing them opportunities to upskill and gain professional certification. Continuous professional development is also a requirement for the licensed personnel in the Company. During the year, BIMB Securities anchored the inaugural Shariah Investing Fair 2017, an initiative by Bursa Malaysia-i as part of its commitment to help increase financial literacy and inculcate an investing culture in a Shariahcompliant manner amongst Malaysians. generation financial products, meet the needs of the investing communities, reinvent customers’ experience and drive a digital culture among our workforce. – Corporate governance, risk management and internal control; – Capital adequacy; and – Prudential requirements, restrictions and limits 55
- MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION & ANALYSIS BIMB HOLDINGS BERHAD’S PERFORMANCE REVIEW & OUTLOOK During the year, BHB also appointed Bank Islam’s Chief Compliance Officer to oversee and monitor the compliance framework of BHB as a financial holding company. The Group’s Risk profile in 2017 continued to be maintained within the risk appetite of each operating unit. For more information, please refer to the Corporate Governance Overview Statement on page 90. CAPITAL & LIQUIDITY MANAGEMENT We achieved a capital adequacy ratio of 13.70% for the year under review, while Bank Islam enjoyed an even higher ratio of 16.44% – both exceeding 2017’s requirement of 9.25% by wide margins. Takaful Malaysia continued to be well-capitalised, exceeding minimum industry requirements of 130%. BIMB Securities’ capital adequacy ratio as at 31 December 2017 was 18.20 times, exceeding Bursa’s minimum requirement of 1.20 times. As part of our strategy to strengthen our capital base, BHB continued with the dividend reinvestment policy introduced in 2015. From 89.40% of the dividend being reinvested into shares for financial year 2016 (“FY2016”), this year 90.88% of the RM229.3 million dividends declared was reinvested into 55,825,000 new shares. The strong capital adequacy strengthens our ability to grow and underwrite new businesses. This also helps to cushion the impending impact of Malaysian Financial Reporting Standards 9 (“MFRS 9”). During the year, Bank Islam’s liquidity coverage ratio was above 100% mainly driven by its continued strategy to expand retailbased deposits. The Bank has also rightsized its funding mix and continued to focus on growing its investment account as part of its capital efficient strategy. The Bank has outlined core strategies to address Net Stable Funding Ratio (“NSFR”) requirements which will be implemented after 1 Jan 2019. NSFR is a liquidity standard that requires banks to maintain a stable funding in relation to the composition of their assets and off-balance sheet activities. This could potentially lead to higher funding costs and further margin compression. On the corporate front, the Bank is in the midst of establishing a RM10 billion sukuk programme, to facilitate issuance of new senior and subordinated sukuk in readiness to comply with NSFR. The Bank also established a RM2 billion Cagamas facility as a long-term alternative funding avenue. Financial Review BHB’s financial performance is a direct reflection of that of our subsidiaries. Bank Islam, Takaful Malaysia and BIMB Securities continued execution of their strategies to deliver robust 56 BIMB HOLDINGS BERHAD Integrated Annual Report 2017 results, all achieving record profits. Based on their prudent yet strategic operations, our subsidiaries were able to deliver on their Key Performance Indicators (“KPIs”), ensuring healthy Group performance. On the back of a strengthening global and domestic economy in 2017, BHB Group enjoyed a 9.10% growth to deliver highest ever Profit Before Zakat and Tax (“PBZT”) of RM948.3 million. Net profit attributable to shareholders rose 10.88% or RM60.8 million to RM619.8 million. The strong performance translated to a pre-tax Return on Equity (“ROE”) of 20.76% and after tax ROE of 15.40%, one of highest among listed financial group peers. Pre-tax Return on Assets (“ROA”) stood at 1.47%. Spearheading the Group’s profitability, Bank Islam reported a PBZT of RM767.1 million for FY2017, marking a 6.48% (or RM46.7 million) increase over its PBZT in the previous financial year of RM720.4 million. This was driven by higher than expected net financing growth of 7.46%. Takaful Malaysia meanwhile, recorded a PBZT of RM253.7 million for FY2017, a double digit increase of 14.79% as compared with RM221.0 million in the same period last year. BIMB Securities also registered a record PBZT of RM2.1 million. RETURN TO SHAREHOLDERS For financial year ended 2017, a single tier dividend of up to RM229.3 million or 14.0 sen per share was declared. The Dividend Reinvestment Plan (“DRP”) has been offered to the entire single tier dividend. BHB registered highest DRP with a subscription rate of 90.88% indicating continuous strong commitment and participation by its shareholders. KEY FINANCIAL INDICATORS FOR FY2017 FY2017 FY2016 TARGET FY2018 ROE (%) – based on PBT 20.76 21.97 17.70 ROA (%) – based on PBT 1.47 1.44 1.28 ROE (%) – based on PAT 15.40 15.91 12.23 ROA (%) – based on PAT 1.10 1.05 0.88 Cost to income ratio (%) 61.39 58.75 61.31 Earnings per share (sen) 37.94 35.25 31.32 Net tangible assets per share (RM) 2.77 2.44 2.77 KPI
- 720 ,412 767,053 2,868,782 3,008,181 ’16 ’17 ’16 ’17 2017 Awards • Best Sustainability and Best Advertising Campaign; Islamic Business & Finance South East Asia Awards 2017 • Most Outstanding Islamic Retail Bank; KLIFF Islamic Finance Awards 2017 • Largest Payment Volume – Islamic Debit Card Award and Highest Payment Volume Growth – Debit Co-Brand Card Award; Visa Malaysia Bank Awards • Best Customer Experience (DirectDebit); Malaysian e-Payments Excellence Awards 2017 • Highly Commended Award for Best New Product, Service or Innovation Launch; Retail Banker International Asia Trailblazer Awards 2017 • The Asset Triple A Digital Awards for Best Retail Emerging Digital Technologies; The Asset Asian Awards Best Islamic Fintech Deal • Best Islamic ESG Bank; The Assets Asian Awards 2017 • Company of the Year Award (Banking Category – GLC); CSR Malaysia Awards 2017 Value Creation Management Discussion & Analysis Accountability Financial Statements (RM’000) (RM’000) Staying defensive also meant retaining the Bank’s most valuable assets – its talent. During the year, the Bank continued to invest in talent development and career planning initiatives under the Growing our Own Timber programme. It also continued to build capability and capacity while further developing its brand as a leader in Islamic Banking that ranked Top 3 Most Popular Graduate Employer in the Banking and Financial Services Sector and Top 20 Graduate Employer for 2017, putting the Bank amongst the country’s top recruiters. As a result of the capability and capacity building programmes, a total of 216 employees obtained various professional certification in 2017. Shareholders Information REVENUE The Bank deployed a capital efficient strategy for the year to address the increase in minimum regulatory capital requirement from 8.63% in 2016 to 9.25% in 2017, and in view of the impending MFRS 9 to make loan provisions in anticipation of future losses. The capital efficient strategy includes robust risk management, driving secured financing, rightsizing of the balance sheet, continued growth of investment accounts (“IAs”) and prudent dividend policy. The Bank also stayed cautious and selective with its asset growth by implementing necessary measures in its approval processes as well as putting in efforts towards effective collection and recovery processes. Asset quality remained resilient as a result of the Bank’s continued vigilance in proactive account monitoring and prudent underwriting standards. Focus remained on the growth momentum in the retail market place via the Bank’s responsible financing agenda. Dedicated resources were allocated to increase its exposure and market share in SME segments; particularly vendor/supply chain financing. Bank Islam also geared up its digitalisation initiatives in 2017 by establishing a Digital Banking division to lead the Bank forward in targeting the millennial generation and boost financial inclusion by overcoming cost and physical barriers. Sustainability Performance Data PROFIT BEFORE ZAKAT AND TAX • Top 3 Most Popular Graduate Employer in Banking and Financial Services Sector • Top 20 in Malaysia’s 100 Leading Graduate Employers 2017 On 2 August 2017, the Bank took another big leap towards digitalisation with its strategic collaboration with Cognizant, a leading global business and technology consulting firm based in US, to lay the foundation of digital banking platform across the Bank’s entire network. This will enable the Bank to apply digital technology to our products and services, bring greater accessibility to our customers, as well as improve customers’ banking experience. The Bank also partnered with Ethis Ventures Sdn Bhd, the first licensed Islamic crowdfunding platform by the Securities Commission, to drive the Bank’s social finance initiative for the underserved sectors via 21st AGM Information In catalysing value, Bank Islam continued to defend its asset quality through cautious and selective asset growth. Focus was also placed on driving deposits while kickstarting its digitalisation journey. Overall results were commendable with most of KPIs achieved. Net income margin remained the highest in the industry at 2.60% and gross impaired financing was the industry’s lowest at 0.93%. Overview MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION & ANALYSIS BANK ISLAM MALAYSIA BERHAD’S PERFORMANCE REVIEW & OUTLOOK 57
- MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION & ANALYSIS BANK ISLAM MALAYSIA BERHAD’S PERFORMANCE REVIEW & OUTLOOK Sadaqa House. To date, Sadaqa House has identified three key projects, namely, financial assistance to selected Institut Jantung Negara (“IJN”) patients undergoing heart surgery; a partnership with Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (“UTM”) to install solar systems for the ‘orang asal’ community; and construction of fish drying cabins for the fishermen community in collaboration with Technology Park Malaysia (“TPM”). This will involve a continued focus on providing access to financing, in supporting viable infrastructure projects that promote the economic growth by creating new business and job opportunities to the country. Shariah rules and principles remain fundamental to the Bank’s direction along with the new Triple Bottom Line approach embedded in all operating principles. This forms part of our sustainability agenda. Going forward, Bank Islam is also looking at entering another collaboration with a FinTech company to enhance its capability to serve SMEs. Towards this end, during the year, the Bank decided to transform 10 of its Automobile Financing Centres into new SME centres to serve existing and potential entrepreneurs. As at 31 December 2017, the Bank is actively financing 1,264 SME customers. The Bank will focus on optimising its risks and returns, resource and productivity as well as its franchise value, which is underpinned by a disciplined balance sheet management. This is to sustain net income margin, preserve asset quality as well as to minimise financial impact arising from the implementation of MFSR 9 in 2018 and the upcoming NSFR requirements. FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE Bank Islam reported a PBZT of RM767.1 million for FY2017, an increase of RM46.7 million or 6.48% over the PBZT of the previous financial year of RM720.4 million. This was primarily driven by the strong financing growth of 7.46% which was almost double the industry’s average financing growth of 4.26% in 2017. Financing grew RM2.9 billion to reach RM42.1 billion as at 31 December 2017 with the asset quality remaining strong and resilient, despite the competitive banking landscape. The strong asset quality was reflected in the improvement of the gross impaired financing ratio of 0.93% as at 31 December 2017, lower than the 0.98% registered as at 31 December 2016. The Bank’s financing loss coverage ratio stood at 160%, significantly higher than the industry average of 82.90%. On the funding side, the Bank’s customer deposits and investment accounts stood at RM46.2 billion and RM4.3 billion as at 31 December 2017 with a year-on-year increase of RM0.3 billion and RM0.5 billion respectively. The Current and Savings (“CASA”) and IA without maturity, low cost deposits/IA ratio stood at 34.62%, higher than the 31.46% registered as at 31 December 2016. The Bank’s funding position also remained healthy with the financing to available funds ratio of 81.41% compared to 77.31% in the previous year. The Bank’s pre-tax ROE was 16.42% and after-tax ROE was 12.12%. MOVING FORWARD For 2018, the Bank’s corporate direction is premised on the over-arching themes of VBI. VBI is at the heart of the Bank’s business model, to deliver a sustainable performance with a strategic focus to support economic, social and environmental development. 58 BIMB HOLDINGS BERHAD Integrated Annual Report 2017 The Bank will stay on course with its strategy to collaborate with FinTech companies in enhancing its reach and spurring innovation. Digital banking agenda has been formulated to enhance to the Bank’s customer experience and optimise its distribution channel to be more cost effective. It will also continue to invest in its people, to build a strong compliance and risk culture as well as enhance its capability and capacity as one of the key players in the Islamic Finance world. 2018 Strategic Priorities • New business model based on VBI – grow responsibly and reposition balance sheet with greater exposure to real economy • Realignment of product offerings to reflect a more consumer centric purpose • Credit scoring model that discourages over leveraging • Responsible employer that optimises its talent pool and provides competitive remuneration. • Provide opportunity for underprivileged and handicapped to be part of the Bank Islam team • Promote thought leadership and position as a learning organisation • Seek sustainable suppliers that are aligned with its new DNA as a VBI
- Value Creation Overview MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION & ANALYSIS SYARIKAT TAKAFUL MALAYSIA BERHAD’S PERFORMANCE REVIEW & OUTLOOK 2017 Key Awards 280.7 267.6 243.0 232.7 1,500 1,409.6 1,521.0 1,732.6 1,833.8 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 n Gross Contributions n Investment Income GROUP PROFIT BEFORE ZAKAT AND TAX (RM’ Mil) 250 200 150 125.5 179.3 186.7 204.2 221.0 253.7 100 0 Management Discussion & Analysis Accountability During the year, Takaful Malaysia made a commercial decision to review its Individual Investment-Linked Medical Takaful product to ensure pricing adequacy for future medical costs, taking into consideration the current deteriorating claims experience as well as rising medical costs which increased by more than 15% per annum and the impact of the Goods and Services Tax. 300 50 Another key distribution channel for Takaful Malaysia’s credit related business came from its participation as a panel Takaful provider for Lembaga Pembiayaan Perumahan Sektor Awam (“LPPSA”) that provides Mortgage Takaful protection to government servants. Takaful Malaysia maintained its top market position in the takaful business from the mortgage provided by LPPSA as the Company focused on strong branding, and various outreach programmes to reach out to civil servants to create brand awareness and provide groundwork support for the loan applicants and developers. 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Sustainability Performance Data 0 1,480.3 500 1,374.0 1,000 The market environment for employee benefits continued to be very competitive in 2017. Aggressive price war was one of the key challenges in maintaining market position while ensuring adequate pricing. However, the Company has been very careful in accepting business with stringent pricing controls to ensure the sustainability of the employee benefits business in the longterm. As part of our strategy to further penetrate the employee benefits market, it specially developed a unique top-up medical 21st AGM Information 2,000 233.6 2,500 305.4 (RM’ Mil) Market competition in 2017 was amplified by the uncertainty of the economic environment and the emergence of digital disruption. The business growth of credit-related business was also challenged by Malaysia’s slower loan growth rate, competitive pricing and higher claim ratio. Despite these challenging factors, Takaful Malaysia has managed to maintain its major market position and achieve positive underwriting results. The Company managed to further grow its bancassurance business by 30% through its strengthened partnership with its bank partners, and product penetration strategy to increase business from other existing bank partners. The commendable earning growth emanates predominantly from robust contribution from its Family Takaful business. Financial Statements GROUP OPERATING REVENUE • “Best Takaful Company in Malaysia” award at the 11th International Takaful Awards 2017 in London • The Edge-BRC Highest Returns to Shareholders Over Three Years Gold Award under the Finance Sector • The Edge-BRC Highest Return on Equity Over Three Years Silver Award under the Finance Sector • HR Asia’s Best Companies to Work for in Asia 2017 Award • 2017 SHARE/GUIDE ICT Award Shareholders Information Takaful Malaysia’s wide product range, strong operational support and services, and its professional sales team continue to make it an outstanding market player. Within an increasingly competitive industry, Takaful Malaysia is committed to catalysing further value through a digital strategy to provide more distinctive, value-added, efficient and flexible services. 59
- MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION & ANALYSIS SYARIKAT TAKAFUL MALAYSIA BERHAD’S PERFORMANCE REVIEW & OUTLOOK plan specially targeting corporate clients who wish to provide an option to their employees to supplement their existing employee benefits schemes whilst at the same time manage health costs. Effective July 2017, motor detariffication has also led to increased competition. To avoid falling into a price war, the Company enhanced its motor product, provided more competitive pricing for certain segments with good claims experience, and continued with its 15% Cash Back campaign as no claim reward, in order to attract the right customer segments. In readiness for the upcoming detariffication in fire insurance, Takaful Malaysia also embarked on new product development initiatives to offer three new fire products with enhanced features to be introduced in early 2018. Leveraging on the opportunities provided by digitalisation, Takaful Malaysia successfully implemented its Click for Cover online sales portal to the public for its motor takaful and personal accident plans. This online sales portal has complete digital processes for all promotions, queries and enrolment to renewals and claims processing; giving a hassle-free experience to both the employers and their employees. This digital effort was also in line with BNM’s initiative for diversification of distribution channels to make protection more accessible and affordable to the public under the liberalisation of life and family takaful market. In supporting this initiative, the Company also launched its direct term plan whereby customers can now walk-in to any of the Takaful myCare Centres to apply for this plan directly. On its investment front, Takaful Malaysia adhered to prudent and vigilant investment strategies. The strategic asset allocation has been skewed towards achieving long-term returns while minimising the volatility and value at risk of the managed portfolios. As for equity investment, focus was placed on stocks with good fundamentals, stable historical income, strong management team, long-term earnings visibility and solid balance sheet. FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE Takaful Malaysia recorded a PBZT of RM253.7 million for FY2017, an increase of 14.79% compared to RM221.0 million achieved the previous year. Net Return on Equity (“ROE”) was 26.72% as compared to 24.88% in 2016. Takaful Malaysia’s operating revenue rose 6.25% in FY2017 to RM2.1 billion from RM2.0 billion in the preceding year. The increase was mainly attributed to higher sales generated by both Family Takaful and General Takaful business. 60 BIMB HOLDINGS BERHAD Integrated Annual Report 2017 For FY2017, Family Takaful generated gross earned contributions of RM1.3 billion, an increase of 2.85% compared to RM1.2 billion in FY2016. The increase was due to higher sales from Family Takaful mortgage related products. General Takaful recorded gross earned contributions of RM554.2 million, an increase of 11.15%, compared to RM498.6 million achieved in the previous year. The growth was mainly from fire and motor classes. The improvement of revenue and profit were mainly attributable to higher earnings generated by the Family Takaful business and better underwriting results, in addition to higher net Wakalah fee income arising from our robust business growth in the General Takaful business. Outlook The changing outlook ahead for Malaysia’s insurance industry is likely to have an impact on Takaful Malaysia’s financial performance in 2018. However, since the launch of the transformation programme in 2009, the Company has been resilient in achieving sustainable top and bottom line growth over the years. Takaful Malaysia is confident that with effective execution of the strategies planned for the year, the Company’s premium income and earnings will continue to grow in 2018. Takaful Malaysia in 2018 will remain focused on sustaining its position as the market leader in the Family Takaful business whilst expanding its market share in the General Takaful business to establish a strong foothold in the industry. The Company will continue to enhance its digital capability to increase its product and service accessibility to the consumers by intensifying its online marketing initiatives. The Company will also embark on multiple digital initiatives to further develop ‘customer centric’ value propositions to remain competitive in the industry. The Company will carry out its key initiatives, including an active management strategy as well as prudent investment and underwriting activities to deliver sustainable results for its shareholders and promote financial security to its customers. It will amplify its brand presence and the 15% Cash Back offered to its customers for making no claims during the coverage period. Takaful Malaysia will continue to emphasise the four core areas of customer reach, operational agility, cost competitiveness and stakeholder confidence to firmly establish the Company as the preferred choice for insurance/ takaful amongst consumers.
- Overview Value Creation Shareholders Information Financial Statements Accountability Management Discussion & Analysis • Digital transformation to support business growth and customer centricity • Strengthen multi-channel distribution via cross selling • Increase market penetration share by recruiting more professional productive sales force and expanding bank partners • Well-balanced asset portfolio mix to achieve stable and adequate investment income • Ongoing talent management and disciplined expense management to ensure cost efficiency • Create the best digital footprint by partnering with FinTech players and embracing social and digital marketing • Focus on profitable product lines (such as fire business) and continue with cash back campaign • Launch new fire products in early 2018 with additional features Sustainability Performance Data Takaful Malaysia will also prioritise the development of digital products and services to cater for the changing demands of customers who want better and more convenient access to Takaful products. Online channel provides cost savings and premium advantage. Our “Click for Cover” online portal aims to provide a more convenient yet affordable online application process along with delivering superior customer experience, which suits our fast-changing digital society. Additionally, the Company has further enhanced distribution capability in building more professional and productive sales force to increase our market penetration rate. More importantly, the Company is expanding its product suite to provide more options with greater convenience to its customers. 2018 Strategic Priorities: 21st AGM Information Moving ahead, Takaful Malaysia is exploring more partnerships with major financial institutions, improving its sales strategies with more attractive sales incentives and aggressive effort on product innovation and development. This is part of the Company’s continuing effort to provide its customers with better financial solutions. The Company’s primary focus in the past centered on credit protection products. Going forward, its partnership with financial institutions with wider product offering particularly in the personal line of products will be the key in maintaining a competitive edge in the insurance industry. To date, the Company has formed partnerships with RHB Islamic, Affin Islamic and Ambank Islamic to help boost sales and ensure sustainable revenue. 61
- MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION & ANALYSIS BIMB SECURITIES SDN BHD’S PERFORMANCE REVIEW & OUTLOOK 2017 Highlights In providing value-added services to its clients, BIMB Securities catalysed improvements in its main core business and retail dealing activities. Through an increase in brokerage income and cautious spending throughout 2017, its profit grew substantially by 357%. 2017 Key Awards 1st Runner Up 2017 Best Overall Bursa Malaysia-i Participating Organisation Financial VALUE OF DEALING (RM’000) 12,000 10,000 6,000 8,895 8,305 11,416 4,000 0 2015 2016 2017 (RM’000) The Company provided comprehensive research reports to its institutional clients with coverage on key large-capitalisation companies listed on Bursa Malaysia, and also generated new ideas on mid and small-sized stocks. The research team also introduced Shariah status review section in its reports. 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 671 1,046 2,131 500 62 Meanwhile, institutional dealing provided knowledge-sharing and teach-ins sessions as well as arranged for company visits to PLCs for its institutional clients comprising mainly the GLICs and GLCS. BIMB Securities continued to enhance its marketing of Shariah Advisory services and visibility in Shariah investing with its collaborations with Bursa Malaysia. PROFIT BEFORE ZAKAT AND TAX 0 After three consecutive years of net foreign outflow totaling RM29.5 billion and consecutive declines on the FBMKLCI from the Malaysian Equity market, investors approached 2017 with a more cautious stance. Market volume throughout the year was relatively small with average daily volume trading at only between 1.6 to 3.9 billion shares. Within this landscape, BIMB Securities continued to build on its institutional and retail clientele base and promote the development of the Shariah capital market. Improvements in retail dealing services through personalised services of market updates and workshop sessions to its retail clients catalysed a substantial increase in the retail dealing income in 2017. Clients were given free Fundamental and Technical workshops, besides daily updates via social media. 8,000 2,000 • Integrated trades via BTX, Bloomberg and OMGEO to facilitate institutional clients in reconciling their orders • Enhanced ePayment by including BIMB FPX (Financial Process Exchange) services with MyClear • Rolled out BISonline 2.0, the new Mobile Trading System for Internet Trading • Rolled out multi browser for Internet Trading BISonline platform • Rolled out the eLearning module for staff with the first eTraining on Anti Money Laundering Act (“AMLA”) for all staff, remisiers and Board of Directors • Signed Memorandum of Understanding with PT MNC Sekuritas, Indonesia 2015 2016 2017 BIMB HOLDINGS BERHAD Integrated Annual Report 2017 In 2017, BIMB Securities was able to offer bigger volume of share offerings to our institutional clients either through on market or off market transactions to generate more business.
- Overview Value Creation Management Discussion & Analysis Global and domestic economic conditions, corporate earnings growth as well as overnight policy rate movements globally and domestically will provide continuous challenges to the equity market. Ongoing competition within the industry, lower brokerage rates from e-broking business as well as institutional business and the increase in cost of doing business further add up to the challenges. However, the ability to adapt to the changing business environment and being able to create more volume of trades would provide opportunity for the industry. Financial Statements Accountability MOVING FORWARD Shareholders Information Total Gross Dealing income increased by 17.85% as compared to FY2016 with substantial increase in Retail Dealing by 72.03%. Value of Dealing for FY2017 increased by 37.45% to RM11.4 billion as compared to RM8.3 billion previously. Total Non-Dealing Income increased by 24.11% as compared to FY2016. These had contributed to a 357.05% spike in PAZT of RM1.8 million. 2018 Strategic Priorities: • Improve Tier Ranking with institutional clients with close teamwork of Institutional Dealing and Research • Increase active retail clients • Increase coverage of stocks and sectors • Trading capabilities with Indonesian party and initiate Philippines and Thailand markets • Continuous thematic knowledge-sharing for institutional clients • Provide efficient financial management support to all stakeholders • Continuous assurance on Shariah and regulation requirements to all stakeholders • Leverage on BISonline 2.0 platform to expand retail business • Improve processes via automation • Build and nurture a learned retail dealers and research team • Continuous assurance of Zero Regulatory and Shariah Non-Compliance Sustainability Performance Data BIMB Securities recorded a PBZT of RM2.1 million in FY2017, an increase of 103.82% compared to RM1.0 million achieved the previous year; on the back of successful Retail Dealing strategies and continuous support from the institutional clients. BIMB Securities will continue with its efforts to facilitate institutional and retail clients with stock ideas and research reports to continuously grow its business. Focus on online broking business will be intensified to activate more clients and at the same time encourage more trades from existing clients. Improvements in process automation to enhance efficiency are also ongoing throughout 2018. 21st AGM Information FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE 63
- MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION & ANALYSIS 2018 STRATEGIC JOURNEY Moving ahead on our sustainability journey, the Group remains focused on our Five Key pillars and will explore opportunities aligned to these priorities. In Islamic Finance & Knowledge-Sharing the Group actively takes the lead in advancing the industry by propagating and sharing our wealth and experience to create a learned society and by staying committed to the plans and programmes implemented by industry regulators. We are keen to maintain a powerful voice of influence in the industry, and be a major driver in moulding the industry’s future direction to our ideals. This creates an avenue for us to gain traction when opportunities emerge in the regional and global market, based on our reputation; and helps create a skilled and ready external talent pool to ensure the sustainability of the industry. We are mindful that this will also expose us to increased scrutiny and expectation by relevant stakeholders, resulting in possible loss of trust and reputational risk. To mitigate this risk we stay guided to our values and good governance. 64 BIMB HOLDINGS BERHAD Integrated Annual Report 2017 In the market, we continue to create a stronger Group franchise by organising joint stakeholder engagement events, such as analyst briefings, media treasure hunts and corporate responsibility (“CR”) initiatives. BHB corporate website further reinforces a united Group front by presenting easy links to the Bank Islam, Takaful Malaysia and BIMB Securities sites, with relevant news and updates from our subsidiaries on the home page. These serve to further underscore our integrated strength, and BHB’s status as an FHC, in the minds of our various stakeholders. The BHB Group had an active year participating and contributing in industry events, seminars and panel discussions. These include events by Securities Industry Development Corporation, the Sustainable Brands Conference, Bursa Shariah Investing Fair 2017, Karnival Kewangan (Kuala Lumpur and Sarawak) and Executive Forum Series on Investment Account by Bank Negara Malaysia and the Kuala Lumpur Islamic Finance Forum (“KLIFF”) 2017. Moving forward we will continue to stay committed to such industry events in building relationships among peer organisations and creating presence of our brand and philosophy in the marketplace.
- Value Creation Overview Takaful Malaysia is also making great strides in its digital journey with its recent partnership with Fusionex International , a market leader in data technology, analytics and artificial intelligence; and ReMark International, a digital marketing specialist company. The launch of its “Click for Cover” portal is just the beginning of multiple digital initiatives, including systems integration with key business partners, further online self-service options, and a mobile application, as part of a holistic digital strategy plan to attract new customer segments, and increase margins and market share. Collaboration agreements for online distribution with Lembaga Tabung Haji (“LTH”) and Bank Islam were also signed in 2018 to introduce online Takaful products to depositors of LTH and customers of the Bank. Management Discussion & Analysis Accountability In addressing risk of internal talents moving to serve competitors or other corporations, the Group invests in Employee Value Proposition initiatives to help retain its talent. To date, staff retention is commendable at 97.3%. Financial Statements Enhancing our credibility as the leading Islamic financial institution, we are intent on committing to Ethical Practice & Reporting. Towards this end we continue to intensify efforts to inculcate a Shariah-compliant mindset and culture within BHB to enhance the manner in which management and employees interact with each other as well as with our external stakeholders. In the process, we are building important relationships based on trust and respect internally as well as externally, further enhancing our corporate reputation and brand. Shareholders Information Through Inclusive Growth, we reinforce our commitment to TN50 aspirations by identifying largely untapped markets for the underserved and placing resources in developing new financial products and services. In 2018, this will include a focus on SMEs, towards which Bank Islam has established an SME Banking division. The Bank will soon introduce 10 newlytransformed SME Centres nationwide to assist entrepreneurs in their business financing needs. Bank Islam is also in the midst of collaborating with a higher learning institution to develop a structured training module for SMEs particularly in the areas of financial management and discipline. The cost will be borne by the Bank as part of its contribution to the VBI agenda. Through digitalisation, Bank Islam will be able to accelerate SME banking by providing business solutions for operational and expansion needs. Bank Islam will also be able to rapidly tap into the rural, underbanked segments and boost financial inclusion by overcoming cost and physical barriers. In Talent Enrichment, we will continue to nurture our employees as valuable assets and create a talented workforce well-versed and invested with the Group’s beliefs and principles. We intend to increase productivity of our workforce by aligning our sustainable practices with best culture practices such as the establishment of clear direction, priorities and goals. We have also invested substantially in the career development of our staff in order to create a highly professional and customer–centric organisation. Employees at different levels in the organisation are provided professional training and development programmes that commensurate with their roles and responsibilities, to further enhance their competencies, skills and ability to drive the Group towards our business goals. Last but not least, leveraging on our strength as a holding company, we will advance by creating more opportunities for our respective subsidiaries to increase their customer base by leveraging on the unique business portfolios offered within the Group. Where possible, we share resources among our operating units to enhance efficiency in delivering products and services. This increases the prospect for our respective subsidiaries to cross share knowledge and gain new perspectives, as well as innovate new possibilities in service delivery. Sustainability Performance Data With our focus on Responsible Finance we have the opportunity to redefine the scope of the Islamic financial sector by keeping in touch with global trends and sentiments of a new generation of consumers. Going forward, Bank Islam intends to develop FinTech services targeted towards the retail banking and SME segments powered by its strategic collaboration with US-based Cognizant. By partnering with Cognizant to build a digitalised banking space, Bank Islam shall jointly develop FinTech solutions, such as peer-to-peer financing, crowdfunding, mobile payments, wealth management, and remittance platforms to develop innovative products and services at competitive pricing. 21st AGM Information The implementation of these new delivery systems will lead to cost escalation, however in this data-driven age, we believe embracing data technology is crucial to remain relevant, competitive and scale to greater heights. Innovation needs to be at the core of businesses, as this differentiates the leaders from the followers. 65
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