Amman Stock Exchange Daily Report - 9 May

Amman Stock Exchange Daily Report - 9 May
- Amman Stock Exchange 9-May-18 AMMAN SE GENERAL INDEX 2 ,300 Close % Change 2,161.21 -0.98% Year-to-Date (YTD) 1.62% Daily Volume (shares) 5,306,150 Daily Turnover (JOD) 8,645,960 6 MONTHS INDEX PERFORMANCE 2,250 2,200 2,150 2,100 2,050 2,000 1,950 Best Performing Companies RUMM FINANCIAL BROKERAGE AD-DULAYL INDUSTRIAL PARK CO UNITED IRON & STEEL MANUFACT PHILADELPHIA PHARMACEUTICAL SALAM INTL TRANSPORT & TRAD Worst Performing Companies % Change 3.66 2.63 1.92 1.79 1.75 Top Traded Companies by Volume (Shares) SURA DEVELOPMENT AND INVESTM INTERMEDIATE PETROCHEMICHALS RUM TOURIST TRANSPORTATION C SPECIALIZED INVESTMENT COMPO CAPITAL BANK OF JORDAN * Source: Bloomberg 987,960 606,380 420,505 268,050 188,394 ARAB POTASH/THE NUTRI DAR ARAB BANK PLC AL SANABEL INTERNATIONAL CO TUHAMA FOR - FINANCIAL INVESTM % Change (3.49) (3.57) (3.77) (4.23) (4.23) Top Traded Companies by Value (JOD) AL EQBAL CO FOR INVESTMENT P ARAB BANK PLC SURA DEVELOPMENT AND INVESTM INTERMEDIATE PETROCHEMICHALS RUM TOURIST TRANSPORTATION C 3,564,363 688,107 473,563 333,509 329,978
- Macroeconomic & Corporate News Fakhoury urges more global collaboration to meet need for investments in infrastructure Investment in infrastructure is essential to support economic activities, generate jobs and achieve economic growth and competitiveness, which is in line with the 2030 Agenda of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Minister of Planning and International Cooperation Imad Fakhoury said Tuesday. The World Economic Forum estimates a global need for $3.7 trillion in infrastructure investment each year. Approximately, 60 per cent of that sum will come from the emerging market and developing economies. However, only $2.7 trillion is currently being invested in infrastructure, leaving a gap of around $1 trillion, said the minister. “Meeting the increased demand for infrastructure poses a significant financing challenge for governments, given the constraints on existing sources of finance and the available resources and also taking into consideration other pressing needs,” said the minister during a session titled “Mobilising Infrastructure Investment in a Fractured Context”. The session was part of the preparatory meetings for the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development’s (EBRD) 27th annual meeting and business forum that will start from 9-10 of May. QAIA closes Q1 with over 1.8 million passengers According to figures released by Airport International Group, Queen Alia International Airport (QAIA) welcomed 1,814,157 passengers during Q1 of 2018, at an increase of 8.5 per cent in year-to-date passenger numbers as compared to the same period last year. QAIA also witnessed 16,609 aircraft movements and handled 24,690 tonnes of cargo throughout the first quarter, marking a 1.8 per cent decrease and 8.8 per cent increase, respectively. In March 2018, the airport registered a total of 646,579 passengers, which indicates a substantial 13.3 per cent rise from March 2017 and the third monthly passenger record to be broken, according to a statement of the Airport International Group. Jordan's foreign minister sees arms race if Iran nuclear deal ends Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman al-Safadi on Tuesday warned of "dangerous repercussions" and a possible arms race in the Middle East unless a political solution was found to free the region of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction. AlSafadi spoke in Germany before an expected announcement by U.S. President Donald Trump on whether he will pull out of the Iran nuclear deal or work with European allies who say it has successfully halted Iran's nuclear ambitions. * Source: Bloomberg, Jordan Times, Zawya Disclaimer Awraq Investments and its affiliates obtain information from sources they believe to be reliable, but do not warrant its accuracy or fitness for a particular purpose, and disclaim for themselves and their information providers all liability arising from the use. The Information in this publication is provided in good faith for informational purposes only. The information provided is not offered as tax, legal, or investment advice, or an offer to buy or sell securities or otherwise. The information provided in this publication may be displayed and printed for your personal, non-commercial use only. You may not reproduce, re-transmit, distribute, disseminate, sell, publish, broadcast, or circulate the information in any form or media to anyone, without the expressed written consent of Awraq Investments. Awraq Investments is not liable for any loss resulting from any action taken or reliance made by any person on any information or material posted by it. You should make your own inquiries and seek independent advice from relevant industry professionals before acting or relying on any information or material made available to you in this publication. You rely on this information at your own risk. Awraq Investments, its subsidiaries, parent, and/or any connected parties, may act or trade and/or enter into any transaction that maybe inconsistent or disregard any information contained herein.
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