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Amman Stock Exchange Daily Report - 22 January

IB Insights
By IB Insights
6 years ago
Amman Stock Exchange Daily Report - 22 January

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  1. Amman Stock Exchange 22-Jan-18 AMMAN SE GENERAL INDEX 2 ,180 Close % Change 2,153.86 0.25% Year-to-Date (YTD) 1.27% Daily Volume (shares) 8,896,789 Daily Turnover (JOD) 19,288,632 6 MONTHS INDEX PERFORMANCE 2,160 2,140 2,120 2,100 2,080 2,060 2,040 2,020 Best Performing Companies JORDAN MASAKEN FOR LAND & IN ARABIAN AVIATION INVESTMENT AL-RAKAEZ INVESTMENT CO FUTURE ARAB INVESTMENT CO AMMOUN INTERNATIONAL FOR INV Worst Performing Companies % Change 4.95 3.36 2.78 2.50 2.38 Top Traded Companies by Value (JOD) JORDAN MASAKEN FOR LAND & IN AMMOUN INTERNATIONAL FOR INV AKARY FOR INDUSTRIES AND REA JORDAN PHOSPHATE MINES SPECIALIZED INVESTMENT COMPO * Source: Bloomberg 15,142,990 521,167 487,941 417,280 293,190 AL-TAJAMOUAT FOR CATERING HS JORDAN STEEL NATL PORTFOLIO SECURITIES UNITED IRON & STEEL MANUFACT JORDAN EMIRATES DIMENSIONS % Change (3.13) (3.23) (4.62) (5.00) (5.00) Top Traded Companies by Volume (Shares) JORDAN MASAKEN FOR LAND & IN AMMOUN INTERNATIONAL FOR INV SPECIALIZED INVESTMENT COMPO AKARY FOR INDUSTRIES AND REA UNION INVESTMENT CORP 4,915,628 619,501 371,120 232,852 190,410
  2. Macroeconomic & Corporate News Jordan to set price ceiling for bread Prime Minister Hani al-Mulki on Sunday said his government will set a price ceiling for bread and will not allow anyone to sell above that celling, vowing strict punitive measures against violators.Al-Mulki made the remarks during a meeting with market controllers and ministry of industry, trade and supply officials. He emphasized the importance that bakeries abide by the price ceiling and deliver quality products to the consumer.During a tour of Civil Consumer Corporation and Military Consumer Corporation markets in Amman, the prime minister said the two corporations kept prices unchanged in 2015, 2016 and 2017 and will do so in 2018. Hajj Fund recorded JD3.85 million in profit in 2017 The Hajj Fund in 2017 achieved a total profit of JD3.85 million, Awqaf Minister Wael Arabiyat announced on Sunday. Arabiyat, who is also the chairman of the fund council, said that the net profit, after deducting the fund expenses, stood at some JD3.258 million, the Jordan News Agency, Petra, reported.He noted that the amount to be distributed to shareholders reached JD2.933 million, with a profit rate of 3.968 per cent. Arabiyat added that the number of depositors at the fund increased from 23,287 in 2016 to 28,718 in 2017. Almost 90% of generated electricity comes from natural gas — NEPCO The amount of electricity generated in 2017 amounted to about 19,283 GWh, 87.3 per cent of which was natural gas, the Jordan News Agency, Petra, reported on Sunday. Amin Zaghal, assistant director general of production planning at the National Electric Power Company (NEPCO), said that the electricity demand increased by 3 per cent since 2016, when the total of generated electricity amounted to 18,721 GW.According to Zaghal, renewable energy constituted 5.3 per cent of the total amount of electricity generated in 2017, while heavy fuel amounted to 6.6 per cent and diesel was 0.1 per cent. Water, for its part, amounted to 0.3 per cent of the total amount, while the electrical connection line with Egypt contributed 0.3 per cent. * Source: Bloomberg, Jordan Times, Zawya Disclaimer Awraq Investments and its affiliates obtain information from sources they believe to be reliable, but do not warrant its accuracy or fitness for a particular purpose, and disclaim for themselves and their information providers all liability arising from the use. The Information in this publication is provided in good faith for informational purposes only. The information provided is not offered as tax, legal, or investment advice, or an offer to buy or sell securities or otherwise. The information provided in this publication may be displayed and printed for your personal, non-commercial use only. You may not reproduce, re-transmit, distribute, disseminate, sell, publish, broadcast, or circulate the information in any form or media to anyone, without the expressed written consent of Awraq Investments. Awraq Investments is not liable for any loss resulting from any action taken or reliance made by any person on any information or material posted by it. You should make your own inquiries and seek independent advice from relevant industry professionals before acting or relying on any information or material made available to you in this publication. You rely on this information at your own risk. Awraq Investments, its subsidiaries, parent, and/or any connected parties, may act or trade and/or enter into any transaction that maybe inconsistent or disregard any information contained herein.