Islamic Finance Qualification at Chartered Institute for Securities & Investments (CISI)

The Islamic Finance Qualification Certification course offered by CISI will give students a technical understanding at a Sharia'a prespective of Islamic finance. The qualification will teach studnets how Sharia'a can influence business decisions, and it will also perepare students for key positions in the Islamic finance and takaful sectors. CISI also offer level 2 and 4 qualification, and once members have completed all exams, they will be awarded a Diploma in Islamic finance; please visit their website for more detials.

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Course Content
These are the modules students will need to cover in order to obtain the qualification: - The Basis of Islamic Banking and Finance- An Introduction to Islamic Banking and Finance- Islamic Law of Contracts- Financial Contracts and Techniques Applied by Islamic Banks- Islamic Asset and Fund Management- Sukuk Market- Islamic Insurance - Takaful- Financial Statements- Islamic Corporate Governance
Entry Requirements
None, but this qualification is reccommended for exisiting and new employees, and also for those wanting to start their careers in Islamic finance.
Exam fee: £200 (there are also workbooks available, a break down of fees can be found here: )
Full Time / Part Time
You will have the option to either self-study or attend training programs; depending on which route you take, you will have to book your exams once you have completed your studies.
Events (Open days)
Last Update: 19 February 2016