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Turkey: Financial Services Survey and Financial Services Confidence Index - July 2017

IM Research
By IM Research
6 years ago
Turkey: Financial Services Survey and Financial Services Confidence Index - July 2017

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  1. FINANCIAL SERVICES STATISTICS AND FINANCIAL SERVICES CONFIDENCE INDEX July 2017 Statistics Department Real Sector Data Division CONTENTS 1 MONTHLY RESPONSES OF THE FINANCIAL SERVICES SURVEY 2 FINANCIAL SERVICES CONFIDENCE INDEX 3 FINANCIAL SERVICES SURVEY WEIGHTED AGGREGATED RESULTS 3 .1 Business situation for the last three months 3.2 Demand for services (turnover) for the last three months 3.3 Demand for services (turnover) for the next three months 3.4 Employment for the last three months 3.5 Employment for the next three months 3.6 Operating income for the last three months (*) 3.7 Operating income for the next three months (*) 3.8 Operating expenses for the last three months (*) 3.9 Operating expenses for the next three months (*) 3.10 Profitability for the last three months (*) 3.11 Profitability for the next three months (*) 3.12 Capital expenditure for the last three months (*) 3.13 Capital expenditure for the next three months (*) 3.14 Competitive position on the domestic market for the last three months (*) 3.15 Competitive position on foreign markets inside the EU for the last three months (*) 3.16 Competitive position on foreign markets outside the EU for the last three months (*) 3.17 Competitive position on the domestic market for the last three months (*) 3.18 Competitive position on foreign markets inside the EU for the next three months (*) 3.19 Competitive position on foreign markets outside the EU for the next three months (*) (*) These indicators are produced quarterly (in January, April, July and October). www.tcmb.gov.tr
  2. Statistics Department 1 . MONTHLY RESPONSES OF THE FINANCIAL SERVICES SURVEY PARTICIPANTS RESPONSES 160 140 120 141 142 142 143 148 2017-03 2017-04 2017-05 151 145 2017-07 143 2017-06 141 2017-02 2016-09 143 2017-01 140 2016-12 142 2016-11 140 2016-08 60 2016-07 80 2016-10 100 40 20 0 RESPONSES BY SECTORS (July 2017) Banks Insurance Companies Brokerage Companies Factoring Companies Leasing Companies Financing Companies Total Participants Responses 49 22 23 36 13 7 150 48 20 22 36 12 7 145 Response Rate (%) 98.0 90.9 95.7 100.0 92.3 100.0 96.7 2
  3. Statistics Department 2 . FINANCIAL SERVICES CONFIDENCE INDEX (FSCI) January 2013 - July 2017 2016 2017 Arithmetic Mean Maximum Minimum July August September October Financial Services Confidence Index 170.0 187.3 140.7 172.6 177.3 167.4 161.9 158.4 Business Situation (Last 3 Months) 165.9 188.1 115.7 173.3 183.4 162.0 155.9 Demand For Services (Last 3 Months) 169.9 193.5 126.1 183.7 184.6 174.8 156.3 Demand For Services (Next 3 Months) 174.1 192.6 153.5 160.8 163.9 165.5 173.4 November December January February March April May June July 157.8 166.5 165.1 165.8 178.0 178.4 177.4 166.4 153.9 152.6 177.0 152.2 163.8 187.1 177.1 171.8 158.1 149.8 164.9 159.6 183.1 172.8 187.8 179.7 189.7 179.0 171.6 155.8 162.8 159.9 160.9 159.0 178.5 170.7 162.2 Financial Services Confidence Index Index 200 190 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 2017-07 2017-04 2017-01 2016-10 2016-07 2016-04 2016-01 2015-10 2015-07 2015-04 2015-01 2014-10 2014-07 2014-04 2014-01 2013-10 2013-07 2013-04 2013-01 100 3
  4. Statistics Department 3 . FINANCIAL SERVICES SURVEY WEIGHTED AGGREGATED RESULTS 3.1 Business Situation for the Last Three Months 2016-07 Remained Deteriorated Balance Unchanged 74.1 25.1 0.8 73.3 2016-08 84.6 14.2 1.2 83.4 2016-09 63.1 35.8 1.1 62.0 2016-10 61.6 32.7 5.7 55.9 70 2016-11 56.2 41.5 2.3 53.9 60 2016-12 56.6 39.4 4.0 52.6 50 2017-01 78.9 19.2 1.9 77.0 40 2017-02 57.0 38.2 4.8 52.2 30 2017-03 64.4 35.0 0.6 63.8 20 2017-04 87.5 12.1 0.4 87.1 10 2017-05 78.2 20.7 1.1 77.1 0 2017-06 72.7 26.4 0.9 71.8 2017-07 59.1 39.9 1.0 58.1 Business Situation for the Last Three Months Balance (%) 100 90 2017-07 2017-04 2017-01 2016-10 2016-07 2016-04 2016-01 2015-10 2015-07 2015-04 2015-01 2014-10 2014-07 2014-04 2014-01 2013-10 2013-07 2013-04 80 2013-01 Months Improved 3.2 Demand For Services (Turnover) for the Last Three Months 9.0 3.2 84.6 22.4 1.4 74.8 13.3 15.2 56.3 59.4 31.0 9.6 49.8 60 2016-12 75.8 13.3 10.9 64.9 50 2017-01 70.4 18.8 10.8 59.6 40 2017-02 87.7 7.7 4.6 83.1 30 2017-03 74.7 23.4 1.9 72.8 20 2017-04 89.0 9.8 1.2 87.8 10 2017-05 81.5 16.7 1.8 79.7 0 2017-06 91.1 7.5 1.4 89.7 2017-07 80.8 17.4 1.8 79.0 80 2016-10 2017-01 2017-04 2017-07 2016-10 2017-01 2017-04 2017-07 2016-07 2016-04 2016-01 2015-10 2015-07 2015-04 2015-01 70 2014-10 2016-11 90 2014-07 71.5 100 2014-04 2016-10 Demand For Services for the Last Three Months Balance (%) 83.7 2014-01 76.2 Balance 2.5 2013-10 87.8 2016-09 Decreased 2013-07 2016-08 Remained Unchanged 11.3 2013-01 86.2 2013-04 Months Increased 2016-07 3.3 Demand For Services (Turnover) for the Next Three Months 73.4 24.8 1.8 71.6 60 2016-12 58.4 39.0 2.6 55.8 50 2017-01 66.6 29.6 3.8 62.8 40 2017-02 69.3 21.3 9.4 59.9 30 2017-03 61.6 37.7 0.7 60.9 20 2017-04 61.5 36.0 2.5 59.0 10 2017-05 79.7 19.1 1.2 78.5 0 2017-06 72.0 26.7 1.3 70.7 2017-07 71.9 18.4 9.7 62.2 2016-07 70 2016-11 2016-04 73.4 2016-01 0.3 2015-10 26.0 2015-07 80 73.7 2015-04 90 65.5 2015-01 63.9 10.3 2014-10 10.5 13.9 2014-07 15.1 2014-04 100 2014-01 2016-10 Demand For Services for the Next Three Months Balance (%) 60.8 2013-10 75.8 Balance 9.9 2013-07 74.4 2016-09 Decrease 2013-04 2016-08 Increase 2013-01 2016-07 Remain Unchanged 70.7 19.4 Months 4
  5. Statistics Department 3 . FINANCIAL SERVICES SURVEY WEIGHTED AGGREGATED RESULTS 3.4 Employment for the Last Three Months 2016-07 Remained Decreased Balance Unchanged 32.5 31.9 35.6 -3.1 2016-08 34.0 32.7 33.3 0.7 80 2016-09 33.2 33.8 33.0 0.2 70 2016-10 26.3 44.1 29.6 -3.3 60 2016-11 28.8 33.9 37.3 -8.5 50 2016-12 30.0 32.9 37.1 -7.1 2017-01 30.1 22.6 47.3 -17.2 2017-02 26.7 48.2 25.1 1.6 2017-03 22.5 48.3 29.2 -6.7 2017-04 20.6 57.5 21.9 -1.3 -10 2017-05 24.5 67.1 8.4 16.1 -20 2017-06 46.5 45.4 8.1 38.4 2017-07 35.6 58.1 6.3 29.3 Employment for the Last Three Months Balance (%) 100 90 40 30 20 10 2017-07 2017-04 2017-01 2016-10 2016-07 2016-04 2016-01 2015-10 2015-07 2015-04 2015-01 2014-10 2014-07 2014-04 2014-01 2013-10 2013-07 2013-04 0 2013-01 Months Increased 3.5 Employment for the Next Three Months 2016-07 Remain Decrease Balance Unchanged 26.8 58.3 14.9 11.9 2016-08 30.9 46.9 22.2 8.7 90 2016-09 27.2 48.4 24.4 2.8 80 2016-10 31.7 43.8 24.5 7.2 70 2016-11 27.8 50.7 21.5 6.3 60 2016-12 34.1 63.8 2.1 32.0 50 2017-01 45.1 53.0 1.9 43.2 40 2017-02 46.8 51.0 2.2 44.6 30 2017-03 53.4 36.2 10.4 43.0 20 2017-04 39.4 49.3 11.3 28.1 10 2017-05 37.5 52.1 10.4 27.1 0 2017-06 37.8 50.6 11.6 26.2 2017-07 38.0 51.2 10.8 27.2 Employment for the Next Three Months Balance (%) 2017-07 2017-04 2017-01 2016-10 2016-07 2016-04 2016-01 2015-10 2015-07 2015-04 2015-01 2014-10 2014-07 2014-04 2014-01 2013-10 2013-07 100 2013-04 Increase 2013-01 Months 5
  6. Statistics Department 3 . FINANCIAL SERVICES SURVEY WEIGHTED AGGREGATED RESULTS 3.6 Operating Income for the Last Three Months (*) 12.4 29.3 2017-07 45.9 2017-04 41.7 2017-01 87.6 2017-07 2016-10 1.7 2016-07 9.0 2016-04 89.3 2016-01 61.5 2017-04 2015-10 10.0 2015-07 18.5 2015-04 71.5 2015-01 16.9 2017-01 2014-10 85.2 30.9 2014-07 2.8 21.3 2014-04 9.2 47.8 2014-01 88.0 2016-10 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2013-01 2016-07 Operating Income for the Last Three Months Balance (%) 2013-10 Remained Decreased Balance Unchange 2013-07 Increased 2013-04 Months 3.7 Operating Income for the Next Three Months (*) 42.7 47.0 10.3 32.4 2017-07 53.6 2017-07 2017-04 2.4 2017-01 41.6 2016-10 56.0 2016-07 53.6 2017-04 2016-04 2.4 2016-01 41.6 2015-10 56.0 2015-07 48.1 2017-01 2015-04 44.3 1.9 2015-01 9.5 48.1 2014-10 36.7 50.0 2014-07 53.8 2016-10 Operating Income for the Next Three Months 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2013-01 2016-07 Balance (%) 2014-04 Balance 2014-01 Decrease 2013-10 Remain Unchange 2013-07 Increase 2013-04 Months 3.8 Operating Expenses for the Last Three Months (*) 2017-07 2017-04 2017-01 2016-10 2016-07 40.8 2016-04 23.0 2016-01 13.2 2015-10 63.8 2015-07 -3.6 2017-07 2015-04 38.8 2015-01 26.0 2014-10 35.2 2014-07 80.4 2017-04 2014-04 14.6 1.6 2014-01 26.9 16.4 2013-10 31.6 82.0 2013-07 41.5 2017-01 Operating Expenses for the Last Three Months 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 2013-01 2016-10 Balance (%) 2013-04 Remained Increased Unchange Decreased Balance d 2016-07 41.2 33.0 25.9 15.4 Months 3.9 Operating Expenses for the Next Three Months (*) 2017-07 2017-04 2017-01 2013-01 2016-10 38.7 2016-07 10.1 2016-04 41.1 2016-01 48.8 2015-10 53.7 2017-07 2015-07 1.5 2015-04 43.3 2015-01 55.2 2014-10 30.1 2017-04 2014-07 65.0 10.7 2014-04 0.2 48.5 2014-01 34.6 40.8 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2013-10 65.2 2017-01 Operating Expenses for the Next Three Months Balance (%) 2013-07 2016-10 Increase 2013-04 2016-07 Remain Unchange Decrease Balance d 61.5 27.4 11.1 50.4 Months (*) These indicators are produced quarterly (in January, April, July and October). 6
  7. Statistics Department 3 . FINANCIAL SERVICES SURVEY WEIGHTED AGGREGATED RESULTS 3.10 Profitability for the Last Three Months (*) 7.4 2017-07 28.5 2017-04 35.6 2017-01 35.9 2016-10 92.3 2017-07 2016-07 0.7 2016-04 6.3 2016-01 93.0 2015-10 23.6 2017-04 2015-07 22.8 2015-04 30.8 2015-01 46.4 2014-10 23.1 2017-01 2014-07 85.3 28.8 2014-04 1.4 19.3 2014-01 11.9 51.9 2013-10 86.7 2016-10 Profitability for the Last Three Months 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 2013-01 2016-07 Balance (%) 2013-07 Remained Decreased Balance Unchanged 2013-04 Months Increased 3.11 Profitability for the Next Three Months (*) 2016-10 2017-01 2017-04 2017-07 2017-01 2017-04 2017-07 2017-01 2017-04 2017-07 46.9 2016-10 1.9 2016-10 49.3 2016-07 48.8 2016-07 32.8 2017-07 2016-07 13.1 2016-04 41.0 2016-04 45.9 2016-04 71.7 2017-04 2016-01 0.9 2015-10 26.5 2015-07 72.6 2015-04 33.5 2017-01 2015-01 37.2 10.7 2014-10 9.5 45.1 2014-07 43.8 44.2 2014-04 46.7 2016-10 Profitability for the Next Three Months 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2013-01 2016-07 Balance (%) 2014-01 Balance 2013-10 Remain Decrease Unchanged 2013-07 Increase 2013-04 Months 3.12 Capital Expenditure for the Last Three Months (*) 51.0 12.0 25.0 2017-07 27.7 60.9 11.4 16.3 2016-01 37.0 2015-10 44.0 2017-04 2015-07 10.1 2015-04 35.8 2015-01 54.1 2014-10 32.5 2017-01 2014-07 52.5 10.1 2014-04 0.5 47.3 2014-01 46.5 42.6 2013-10 53.0 2016-10 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 2013-07 2016-07 Capital Expenditure for the Last Three Months Balance (%) 2013-04 Remained Decreased Balance Unchanged 2013-01 Months Increased 3.13 Capital Expenditure for the Next Three Months (*) 16.9 2017-04 41.6 57.0 1.4 40.2 2017-07 42.1 57.0 0.9 41.2 2016-01 12.7 2015-10 57.7 2015-07 29.6 2015-04 40.0 2017-01 2015-01 40.4 1.4 2014-10 1.6 57.2 2014-07 56.4 41.4 2014-04 42.0 2016-10 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2014-01 2016-07 Capital Expenditure for the Next Three Months Balance (%) 2013-10 Balance 2013-07 Remain Decrease Unchanged 2013-04 Increase 2013-01 Months (*) These indicators are produced quarterly (in January, April, July and October). 7
  8. Statistics Department 3 . FINANCIAL SERVICES SURVEY WEIGHTED AGGREGATED RESULTS 3.14 Competitive Position on the Domestic Market for the Last Three Months (*) 0.3 42.7 2017-07 56.7 2017-04 43.0 2017-01 47.7 2017-07 2016-10 0.4 2016-07 51.5 2016-04 48.1 2016-01 50.8 2017-04 2015-10 0.2 2015-07 48.8 2015-04 51.0 2015-01 35.1 2017-01 2014-10 48.3 1.9 2014-07 1.9 61.1 2014-04 47.9 37.0 2014-01 50.2 2016-10 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2013-01 2016-07 Competitive Position on the Domestic Market for the Last Three Months Balance (%) 2013-10 Remained Deteriorated Balance Unchanged 2013-07 Improved 2013-04 Months 3.15 Competitive Position on Foreign Markets Inside the EU for the Last Three Months (*) 19.8 2017-07 0.0 2017-04 80.2 2017-01 19.8 2016-10 8.8 2017-07 2016-07 0.3 2016-04 90.6 2016-01 9.1 2015-10 7.8 2017-04 2015-07 5.8 1.0 2015-04 3.1 90.2 2015-01 88.0 8.8 2014-10 8.9 2017-01 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2014-07 2016-10 Competitive Position on Foreign Markets Inside the EU for the Last Three Months Balance (%) 2014-04 7.0 2014-01 1.9 2013-01 89.2 2013-10 Remained Deteriorated Balance Unchanged 8.9 2013-07 Improved 2013-04 Months 2016-07 3.16 Competitive Position on Foreign Markets Outside the EU for the Last Three Months (*) 0.0 19.8 2017-07 80.2 2017-04 19.8 2017-01 9.0 2017-07 2016-10 0.3 2016-07 90.4 2016-04 9.3 2016-01 7.8 2017-04 2015-10 1.0 2015-07 90.2 2015-04 8.8 2015-01 6.0 2017-01 2014-10 6.9 2.9 2014-07 1.8 88.2 2014-04 89.5 8.9 Competitive Position on Foreign Markets Outside the EU for the Last Three Months 2014-01 8.7 2016-10 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2013-10 2016-07 Balance (%) 2013-07 Remained Deteriorated Balance Unchanged 2013-04 Improved 2013-01 Months 8
  9. Statistics Department 3 . FINANCIAL SERVICES SURVEY WEIGHTED AGGREGATED RESULTS 3.17 Competitive Position on the Domestic Market for the Next Three Months (*) 57.9 0.3 41.5 2017-07 41.8 2017-04 32.0 2017-07 2017-01 0.1 2016-10 67.8 2016-07 32.1 2016-04 40.1 2017-04 2016-01 1.1 2015-10 57.7 2015-07 41.2 2015-04 38.2 2017-01 2015-01 43.3 0.0 2014-10 0.0 61.8 2014-07 56.7 38.2 Competitive Position on the Domestic Market for the Next Three Months 2014-04 43.3 2016-10 2013-01 2016-07 Balance (%) 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2014-01 Balance 2013-10 Remain Deteriorate Unchange 2013-07 Improve 2013-04 Months 3.18 Competitive Position on Foreign Markets Inside the EU for the Next Three Months (*) 89.7 0.0 10.3 2017-07 10.3 2017-04 8.9 2017-07 2017-01 0.2 2016-10 90.7 2016-07 9.1 2016-04 8.0 2017-04 2016-01 1.1 2015-10 89.8 2015-07 9.1 2015-04 9.5 2017-01 2015-01 20.4 0.0 2014-10 0.0 90.5 2014-07 79.6 9.5 Competitive Position on Foreign Markets Inside the EU for the Next Three Months 2014-04 20.4 2016-10 2013-01 2016-07 Balance (%) 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2014-01 Balance 2013-10 Remain Deteriorate Unchange 2013-07 Improve 2013-04 Months 3.19 Competitive Position on Foreign Markets Outside the EU for the Next Three Months (*) 89.9 0.0 10.1 2017-07 10.1 2017-04 8.9 2017-07 2017-01 0.2 2016-10 90.7 2016-07 9.1 2016-04 9.8 2017-04 2016-01 1.1 2015-10 88.0 2015-07 10.9 2015-04 9.4 2017-01 2015-01 20.3 0.0 2014-10 0.0 90.6 2014-07 79.7 9.4 Competitive Position on Foreign Markets Outside the EU for the Next Three Months 2014-04 20.3 2016-10 2013-01 2016-07 Balance (%) 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2014-01 Balance 2013-10 Remain Deteriorate Unchange 2013-07 Improve 2013-04 Months (*) These indicators are produced quarterly (in January, April, July and October). 9