The State Bank of Pakistan: Weekly Statement Of Position Of All Scheduled Banks - 13 April

The State Bank of Pakistan: Weekly Statement Of Position Of All Scheduled Banks - 13 April
- WEEKLY STATEMENT OF POSITION OF ALL SCHEDULED BANKS AS AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON 13TH APRIL , 2018 DOMESTIC OPERATIONS ONLY (Rs in million) All Scheduled Banks All Commercial Banks *Specialized Banks ASSETS Cash and balances with treasury banks 988,015 984,288 3,726 Balances with other banks 121,416 113,038 8,379 Lending to financial institutions 603,855 602,275 1,580 Investments 7,611,588 7,554,926 56,663 Gross Advances 6,790,543 6,616,861 173,682 Provisions Advances- net of provision Operating fixed assets Deferred tax assets Other assets Total Assets (454,136) (432,719) (21,417) 6,336,407 6,184,142 152,265 413,122 403,436 9,685 45,785 44,421 1,364 641,678 621,636 20,042 16,761,867 16,508,163 253,705 LIABILITIES Bills payable Borrowings Deposits and other accounts Sub-ordinated loans Liabilities against assets subject to finance lease 200,757 200,236 520 2,213,067 2,122,569 90,498 12,292,919 12,221,717 71,202 67,715 67,514 201 21 21 - 24,642 24,642 - 530,250 501,244 29,007 15,329,371 15,137,943 191,428 1,432,496 1,370,220 62,277 Paid-up capital/ Head office capital account 517,985 455,027 62,958 Reserves 278,130 270,912 7,218 Unappropriated/ Unremitted profit 443,252 462,319 (19,067) 1,239,367 1,188,257 51,109 193,130 181,962 11,167 1,432,496 1,370,220 62,277 Deferred tax liabilities Other liabilities Total Liabilities NET ASSETS REPRESENTED BY Total Surplus/ (Deficit) on revaluation of assets * Specialized Banks including ZTBL, PPCBL, IDBL & SME Bank. Off-Site Supervision & Enforcement Department State Bank of Pakistan Karachi. Dated the 20th April, 2018 (Murtaza Shah) Deputy Director
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