Takaful Islami Insurance: Second Quarter Financial Statement - 30 June 2020
Takaful Islami Insurance: Second Quarter Financial Statement - 30 June 2020
- 167 /r HALF YEAR TakaruI lsl.mi hsuEnce Limited ftadotrE rLlmrrmrorh 3h, erh F@d D l Etbmrcn tu. Fd €pd lr/d,h* ). od&1000 E N D ED FINANC IAL STATE MENT , 2l)2l) {U N.AUDITED) UNAIJDITED BALANCE SHEET AS AT 30 JUNE, 2O2O 27 742,746 20 800,256 25 000,000 25 000,000 45,300,256 sbcr ol staronery & slamp6 Sundry Debto6 & Receivables 1,436,222 224,412,560 Seudl6) 105,722419 iveslneni(Shae A I 056 050 197,602013 126697 028 636.545 930 D) Net Wo.kins Capital(Bc) 1,103,591,767 1,011,90r,373 228401446 197,046,612 1S473,749 13,436,91S 2'17,000,195 2II,JJJ,53I 45t,111,t72 300563,345 N6t AEsaklA+D) 345 363,60i lh3!!!-U Reserye & Conlingoncy Aoount (Reeede for Unexpired Rbk) 425,869,770 425,869770 275,255,366 261,601531 161,7j9111 733,631,343 104,678,093 100,021,148 903,454273 316,363,601 17.3S 11.23 12,711,612 Nal }6soi Value (NAV) Par Shsre a,rlze-"4P (M lM-
- TAKAFUL ISLAMI INSURANcE Lll \'llTED NCOME STATEMENT(UN,AUD TED) FORTNE 2NDQUARIER ENDED 3OTN JUNE,2O2O Nel P@n ua(Go$ Prenium ess Re isuEnce A Adl of Unexpired Risk) 136 543413 r56791.876 25 214262 ncom,ondm nleslmenl & Finan.: seru.es 2r,590,371 Ner c 103 311,319 aimslcmss e$ Re isuEnce & 3 966 333 30308216 27285,133 54,667520 45 665.930 202,531,06S 75302,047 J5,059,304 27,533,920 6972,961 4 525341 (r6 737) 23103,623 {8 676) 21,094151 r5115,523 { 354 433 09374) 12,221891 11,620,735 ) .\
- TAKAFUL ISLAII ,II INSURANCE LIIV]ITED SIATEI\IENT OF CHANCES IN EOIJITY (UN AUDITED) openino Baance asar 01-01 2020 Reserue ror Excepriom Losses Net Prolit afler Tax for lhe 2nd orsder B.lance as at 30,Jun6,2020 STATEIUENT OF CHANGES IN EOUITY (UN.AUDITED) As atJUne 30,20]9 Open'ns 83 an.e as Resetoe fd r a 0r-0r-20r9 Exce pliona I Losses Net P,of i after Tax i, rhe 2nd Ouar.er Balanceasar30, Jun.,20l9 t/?e,"729ry ([loiiur (M lle- am) Wrt
- IAKAFUL ISLA ]III INSURANCE LTD CASH FLOW SIATEI!!ENT{UN.AUDTTED) FOR THE2ND QIJARTER ENDED 30 JUNE, 2O2O A)Cash Flow lrom opohtinq aclllillee: Collelion from premium & olher dcome Less:Mrnaqemenl Expenses,Re.lnsurance, B) C,sh Flowircm nvesling activities: 70,001,321 30,163,976 163534719 169,354725 (93,533398) (139190,749) 11,At12AO 4,162,283 (910r 344) (r,055076) 20974,6r0 5217159 C)Cash Flow from Financins activities: lncrease/Decrease n Ou.rd from Bank (24,088,19i) (4,000,000) (20,088,197) Net lnlol@/oulfloG for the Ouaner(A+B+C) Cash and Brnk Ba,an.e as al 01.01.2020/01-01.2010 cash and Bank Balanco as at 30.06.2020130-06 2019 81,874,587 10,238,062 686,545,980 768,420,567 612,651,010 1.64 n.11 @.*4)3r'/ lMoinul AMD 8C (AKM M,- ilu.,1 622,891072 (M
- Takaful Islami Insurance Limited Selected Explanatory Notes to the 2lld Quarter Financial Statements forthe period cnded 30ii June ,2020 (Un-Audited) l. 5r us ol lhc ( ompa.]r he(omrrn) $-.n.oiDorld ir Brngladeha50 LrJcr ,;;ri ,..","' ,.mir;o o. +reaonrhc2' dx) orDe'e'\''r00 r. ...*.,", \-. l60r. lr i lu'eo '5r' rhe nrre ol sL"r" I" uran.e r. In.alrll'm"r'Lrrne'm'r"drrder u..n , I l',, " ^",ii ".rt'.. n ll. "ha-Pco sub secr Jn\'r A.r '\ ll' ol .oo't' Ihe rh. -o\Lr"n ol)e.L 'oro'rD' ril,,,"" rrnl".:on, s\ do'.', tl'l''uran., A.r :0'0 "rd Jrrec'i\e" "reccn ed fronilnsurance Dcvelopdenl & Rceutaiory nrhoritv (IDRA) tine io lime. provides non_liie Insurance scr!ices. Baii, or PreDarrrion: '" Qr-e ri.sLUl \rdremen' hre beer prerdcd I insnc aL h,. ,l on Bdel-d-h qcc"r.r r np '':ndrd \BAs' 14' '1 e-ir' \a-Jrd' nooninc" ai n r*ord"r.c siir orrs B' r Br"ded A"ourrr'8 qecuririe"-d re\sr. :. cornr","' A,' ''o'. '"r h'urdn.e Ar' 2u'0' Exchan-qe Rules i987 and oth{ aPplicable la}r s and reguktions' Accounti.g Policies lnd Method ofCompur2iions: Accouling polici's and linancial ."irJ-"i .mp"",.* lolloled in PreParnrg 2'd QurterSlalemcnts' Statemenls a.e co;sislenl trilh those used in lhe amual financial 2 3. prepared and publish<l for the yc& endingDccenbcr 31 2019' ended Jlne 30' Gro$ rnd Net Pr.mium Earned: During rhe 2" Qi'rtq r8 ( c'o'. al,l 1el prern'urn /!1 "nd I I i6 5l :020 Cunoa' \ e rs aeln.l'mcd I r0.-o a-,1 ltr lll.ul rrllo' r".pe.r^elr tor rr'e "|,. ofthe prcrious vear. Earninss Der Share (Blsicl : l'xrnrne' p<r 'lde r _' been ci'uu ed bd<d on o. .,1a'e olr' dldrne lor rl' De'ioa eloed 3'' tr' et",;,'"'"g.,"'"U* ", 202i . weiglr; aveEge number of shares ouGranding !s at Ma'ch I I 2020 conesponding- samc 5 6' rriod ' $€s425869?l Dividend: Ihe boaid of dnector al ils nreting no lo8rri held on 18_06 2020 *""-.*"0"J. ,r..t*"holdes l0%.ash dilidend for ihe lcar ended 3l'1rr December "2019 \lhich $ill be consid ed for aPproval bv the shareholdem rlre20LiAnnxal Gencml Mcelirero bcheld on Ocrober 03.2020' r (A.KM -"4)V-2't {M4E7,lr;hn) /tt-
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