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Takaful International: Announcement Younis J Al Sayed, Chief Executive Officer Retirement

IM Insights
By IM Insights
6 years ago
Takaful International: Announcement Younis J Al Sayed, Chief Executive Officer Retirement

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  1. ZFUL TA INVERNATIONAL a_ ,,Jge_ii “[54." Date: 12m April 2018 Dearsnareholders, Annauncement: Vounis 1. AI Saved, Chief Executive o'ficer - Retirement After successlul tenure cl an years a achievements, vaunis J, Al in sayed opted the insurance industry filled With remarkable to rain from Taszul international Company 7 Bahrain elleetive 30‘" April 2013, in 2003, Vnums ioined Takalul lnternatinnal company ms presence in the marking Company has tne cniel Executive Officer. as rremendousiv changed Takafui international Company and the number one rakatul Insulante as in the trim; the largest image oHakaiul, reflecting by insurance Company in Bahrain, the Country. , Vounis will be Missed but guidance serve the tompanv well the company is resume pleased the role of a in that the loundatiorrs whien were established under his the years to in the insurance and reinsurante The company Wishes Voum’si Al Sayed Acting industry. He is an has been the General Manager Sims 2003 ~ as Manager, Will Cniel Executive Ollicer. 28years experience degree halderand came to inlorm you also that Essam M, M Ansari, General Acting Essam AI Ansari has Acll we are sure I a happy retirement amt weicomes Essam M. Al Ansan clue! Executive oilieer elfective 1“ May 2013. numiinienmwiea as: murmur-rim no.“ r.i r“ w‘.-..,i,siig.iseias,:. #0.. anaemia (vfilmAungd-M “a w. (~9741A49l64A5w.5u madame 909m Mfl‘flwl mii n-anarnii We rn lAS73H755§655 Maia Fax i>371il7531635u4n wewuyeegmw “NiuWJ-JWWMAX»; burnedannmemiandhmi tywwhkfltii by “i Ynkaiuitam-an a inecaa tit-inletmiuimnem