Takaful Emarat lnsurance (PSC): Results for the Third Board Meeting 2018 شركة تكافل الإمارات - تأمين (ش م ع) نتائج الاجتماع الثالث لعام ٢٠١٨ لمجلس الإدارة

Takaful Emarat lnsurance (PSC): Results for the Third Board Meeting 2018 شركة تكافل الإمارات - تأمين (ش م ع) نتائج الاجتماع الثالث لعام ٢٠١٨ لمجلس الإدارة
- miloLmI @ngb "‘“lLJLt LlFE HEALTH 18/04/2018 r Mr. Hasan Abdulrahman AI Serkal 1.315%“ wall-E‘s Executive Vice President, Chief Operations Officer Head of Operations Division HM kiwi (mg Results for the Third Board Meeting 2018 for Takaful Dear lnsurancelPSC) Meeting 2018 (TAKAFUL-EM) took place at 09:00 A.M Wednesday 18/04/2018 by circulation: agreed to appoint Bakheet Al Marar as Chairman of the Board of agreed to appoint Deputy Chairman of the Board of H.E Abdulla Directors. The Board 0 Atatreh as Mr. Abdulla Directors. The Boa rd agreed on the below Committees structure: 110m JELSS ‘1st fun} wit“! mun :14in J (513." @Jfi Fun (TAKAFUL-EM) (ML; gum}! humiaam eta-gs r w. 2/1A 5,11%“ thyme}, 3.3:.“ .33 ‘r . \A - . 355 The Board o J «wall-.1 We“! Wdlwaswwwwiwi . fob?” W WJJJAJ' 5).ch 431.119.1101 magi; Ml 61:31 .EJIJQH Mam 0.195) [5313 WWIUhUlLLSJJuLcMIGMI . o :QYlS UM! Audit/ Remuneration Committee Members: 0 Mr. Zafar Habib Khan 0 Dr. Noor Aldeen Subhi Atatreh 0 Mr. Omar Saeed Alhameeri Best 91.14164.» C9)“ memlgmsylgum is c052! dent CLIIJLQYl (JAN 1.1/1 thy-52,111 note that Third Board of Directors on 0“”) - for Takaful Emarat Insurance PSC 0 MMUMW Sir, Kindly Hull 3-21-39 $444.51 1H3)“ 15335-13“ web“ “14313 Dubai Financial Market Emarat \A/~ z/m . 0»: lNSURANCl: ;¢mfiijuum1M/wuimgmi 05 W315 4am“ 32141“— W Oa-‘Jbfi £353“ emu-ll 4*... J49 Jan“ 0 0 0 algal“ anl regards, \ Salman Qureshi //X} Compliance Manager 1554} OW («‘5 /7) Juan )0. www‘takafulemaratcom TAKAFUL EMARAT INSURANCE (PSC) POBOX 64341 Dubai- United Arab Emirates C4: _____.__ - tl+971) 4 2309300 e A PLCIEC Sha. h: :dir. 9901‘ 0am, Regist aton in 1:. e [DSJl’EFCG 1‘ (+971) 4 2309 33-3 sub; eat to Federal Law No.6:1 ofhe yea 2807 Companies Regits e" \o 86 dated MW .2308. (5.10.111) We _ 1:11pm 1);)sz 6min)“ 51.595le (Libby—@431 WEPEI :LIJ.UQ (+QVl)E Fl“.‘il“i“l'1 MLQGLBVI) E WSW-Coins
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