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Southeast Bank Limited: Consolidated Financial Statements - 31 March 2021

IM Insights
By IM Insights
2 years ago
Southeast Bank Limited: Consolidated Financial Statements - 31 March 2021

Provision, Reserves, Specific Provision

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  1. Southeast Bank Limited and its Subsidiaries Consolidated Balance Sheet As at 31 March 2021 Provisional and unaudited Note Mar 2021 Taka Dec 2020 Taka PROPERTY AND ASSETS Cash In hand (including foreign currencies) Balance with Bangladesh Bank and its agent banks (including foreign currencies) 3,932,378,554 3,474,367,542 12,771,351,496 16,703,730,050 17,956,897,600 21,431,265,142 3,302,858,159 3,082,614,831 6,385,472,990 3,218,222,179 2,108,724,666 2,550,530,377 4,659,255,043 2,208,907,300 86,701,054,832 13,452,061,365 100,153,116,197 83,226,359,543 13,847,533,919 97,073,893,462 313,404,392,033 11,996,488,980 325,400,881,013 9,673,118,421 8,014,019,720 469,548,560,570 307,752,518,862 14,498,943,318 322,251,462,180 9,714,971,217 7,953,654,253 465,293,408,597 13,600,000,000 23,227,868,880 36,827,868,880 13,600,000,000 18,897,676,319 32,497,676,319 66,640,855,280 3,063,403,102 39,465,383,066 247,057,295,876 356,226,937,324 66,850,581,819 3,940,333,929 38,060,936,493 250,684,079,440 359,535,931,681 45,277,286,362 438,332,092,566 43,545,833,362 435,579,441,362 11,889,405,210 11,889,405,210 4,730,338,370 247,650,000 (6,364,094) 2,455,761,250 31,206,195,946 10,272,058 469,548,560,570 11,889,405,210 11,580,478,928 4,672,526,139 247,650,000 (1,919,103) 1,315,624,550 29,703,765,724 10,201,511 465,293,408,597 Contingent liabilities Acceptances and endorsements Letters of guarantee Irrevocable letters of credit Bills for collection Other contingent liabilities Total contingent liabilities 65,429,364,825 18,190,958,682 44,233,517,441 33,335,787,921 1,921,800,000 163,111,428,869 51,087,802,689 17,143,765,567 37,175,740,943 31,398,294,693 1,931,650,000 138,737,253,891 Other commitments Documentary credits and short term trade-related transactions Forward assets purchased and forward deposits placed Undrawn note issuance and revolving underwriting facilities Undrawn formal standby facilities, credit lines and other commitments Total other commitments Total off-balance sheet items including contingent liabilities 163,111,428,869 138,737,253,891 Balance with other banks and financial institutions In Bangladesh Outside Bangladesh Money at call and on short notice Investments Government Others Loans and advances/investments Loans, cash credit, overdrafts etc./investments Bills purchased and discounted 2 Fixed assets including premises, furniture and fixtures Other assets Non-banking assets Total assets LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL Liabilities Borrowings from other banks, financial institutions and agents Subordinated bond Other borrowings Deposits and other accounts Current/Al-wadeeah current accounts and other accounts Bills payable Savings bank/Mudaraba savings bank deposits Fixed deposits/Mudaraba fixed deposits 3 Other liabilities Total liabilities Capital/shareholders' equity Paid up capital Statutory reserve Revaluation reserve Other reserve Foreign currency translation reserve Retained earnings Total shareholders' equity Non-controlling interest Total liabilities and shareholders' equity 4 OFF-BALANCE SHEET ITEMS Sd/Chairman Sd/Chief Financial Officer (Acting) Sd/Director Sd/Managing Director Sd/Company Secretary
  2. Southeast Bank Limited and its Subsidiaries Consolidated Profit and Loss Account For the period ended 31 March 2021 Provisional and unaudited Note Interest income /profit on investments Interest paid/profit shared on deposits and borrowings etc. Net interest income/net profit on investments Investment income Commission, exchange and brokerage Other operating income Mar 2021 Taka Mar 2020 Taka 4,974,670,305 (4,125,576,442) 849,093,863 1,547,642,339 855,951,830 262,845,373 2,666,439,542 3,515,533,405 6,626,352,426 (5,519,273,673) 1,107,078,753 1,349,534,013 871,778,070 218,815,358 2,440,127,441 3,547,206,194 475,900,890 202,106,387 173,875 44,443,869 41,061,541 2,350,500 292,900 208,464,348 266,330,420 1,241,124,730 2,274,408,675 468,537,546 257,947,675 753,525 46,309,902 47,173,907 2,350,500 616,095 126,029,161 325,097,783 1,274,816,094 2,272,390,100 (426,557,263) 529,444,898 102,887,635 229,518,103 332,405,738 1,942,002,937 43,804,000 (144,092,727) (100,288,727) 546,600,000 274,776,000 721,087,272 1,551,302,827 Net profit after taxation 496,469,678 391,696 496,861,374 1,445,141,563 431,948,103 (22,100,000) 409,848,103 1,141,454,724 Net profit after taxation attributable to: Equity holders' of the Bank Non-controlling interest Net profit after taxation 1,445,071,016 70,547 1,445,141,563 1,141,448,515 6,209 1,141,454,724 308,926,282 308,926,282 1,136,215,281 307,702,758 307,702,758 833,751,966 Total operating income (A) Salaries and allowances Rent, taxes, insurance, electricity, etc. Legal expenses Postage, stamp, telecommunication, etc. Stationery, printing, advertisements, etc Managing Director's salary and fees Directors' fees Auditors' fees Depreciation and repair Other expenses Total operating expenses (B) Profit before provision (C=A-B) Provision for loans and advances/investments General provision Specific provision Provision for diminution in value of investments Other provisions Total provision (D) Total profit before taxation (E=C-D) Provision for taxation Current Deferred Appropriations Statutory reserve Retained surplus during the period 5 Earnings per share (par value Taka 10) Sd/Chairman Sd/Chief Financial Officer (Acting) Sd/Director 1.22 0.96 Sd/Managing Director Sd/Company Secretary
  3. Southeast Bank Limited and its Subsidiaries Consolidated Cash Flow Statement For the period ended 31 March 2021 Provisional and unaudited Note Mar 2021 Taka Mar 2020 Taka A . Cash flows from operating activities: Interest receipts in cash Interest payments Dividend receipts Fees and commission receipts in cash Recoveries on loans previously written-off Cash payments to employees Cash payments to suppliers Income taxes paid Receipts from other operating activities Payments for other operating activities Operating profit before changes in operating assets and liabilities (i) 6,007,249,738 (4,036,064,898) 6,621,283 855,951,830 101,061,702 (478,251,390) (41,054,467) (447,119,489) 316,267,721 (231,576,530) 2,053,085,501 7,707,783,330 (4,549,062,402) 6,132,546 871,778,070 98,154,727 (470,888,046) (56,137,367) (650,249,422) 218,812,358 (660,356,440) 2,515,967,353 468,332,395 (633,809,715) (3,148,756,833) 343,212,609 4,330,192,561 (3,214,374,382) 1,253,907,883 (601,295,482) 1,451,790,019 35,747,487 (335,810,537) (6,221,577,919) (400,423,588) 3,518,302,717 (4,020,008,107) 1,630,669,218 (5,793,100,731) (3,277,133,378) 5,914,878,416 (13,887,133,150) (171,813,682) (8,144,068,416) 11,883,206,731 (13,063,490,062) (179,395,362) (1,359,678,694) (55,245,004) (55,245,004) (10,481,344) (10,481,344) (6,747,523,401) (4,401,318) 44,563,332,749 37,811,408,029 (4,647,293,415) 14,139,384 48,392,991,767 43,759,837,735 4 3,932,378,554 3,806,992,296 4 5 7 9.1.1 9.1.1 12,771,351,496 6,385,472,990 3,218,222,179 11,497,942,110 6,040,700 37,811,408,029 17,433,054,308 11,959,490,828 1,160,533,050 9,391,809,753 7,957,500 43,759,837,735 38 60 62 Increase (decrease) in operating assets and liabilities Sale of trading securities Purchase of trading securities Loans and advances to customers Other assets Deposits from other banks Deposits from customers Other liabilities Cash generated from (used in) operating assets and liabilities (ii) Net cash flows from operating activities (a=i+ii) B. Cash flows from investing activities: Proceeds from sale of securities Payments for purchase of securities Purchase of fixed assets Sale proceeds of fixed assets Cash generated from (used in) investing activities (b) C. Cash flows from financing activities: Receipts from issue of loan capital & debt security Payments for redemption of loan capital & debt security Dividends paid Payment against lease obligation Receipts from issue of ordinary shares Cash generated from (used in) financing activities (c) D. E. F. G. Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (a+b+c) Effects of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period (D+E+F) Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year represents Cash in hand (including foreign currencies) Balance with Bangladesh Bank and its agent banks (including foreign currencies) Balance with other banks and financial institutions Money at call and on short notice Treasury bills Prize bond
  4. Particulars Southeast Bank Limited and its Subsidiaries Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity For the period ended 31 March 2021 Retained earnings Other reserves Taka Statutory reserve Taka Translation reserve Paid up capital Taka (1,919,103) - Taka 247,650,000 - Revaluation reserve 4,672,526,139 - Taka 11,580,478,928 - Taka 11,889,405,210 - Taka Total equity of the Group Provisional and unaudited Total Taka Non-controlling interest 10,201,511 - 10,201,511 - 70,547 - 10,272,058 10,078,826 1,445,141,562 31,216,468,004 31,654,457,430 57,812,231 (453,025) 57,359,206 29,713,967,236 29,713,967,236 Taka 29,703,765,725 29,703,765,725 1,315,624,550 1,315,624,550 57,812,231 (453,025) 57,359,206 (1,919,103) 3,991,966 3,991,966 (6,364,094) (22,378,564) (308,926,282) 2,455,761,250 4,263,813,605 (4,444,991) (4,444,991) 247,650,000 - 4,672,526,139 57,812,231 57,812,231 247,650,000 247,650,000 1,445,071,016 - 11,580,478,928 - 4,730,338,370 4,278,737,478 1,445,071,016 31,206,195,946 31,644,378,604 11,889,405,210 - Balance as at 1 January 2021 Changes in accounting policy/ Prior year adjustments Transfer to specific provision Restated balance Surplus/deficit on account of revaluation of properties Surplus/deficit on account of revaluation of investments Currency translation differences Net gains and losses not recognized in the income statement 308,926,282 11,889,405,210 11,277,136,365 11,889,405,210 11,599,419,720 Net profit for the period Cash dividend Issue of share capital/ Bonus share Transfer to Southeast Bank Staff Welfare Trust Appropriation made during the period Statutory reserve Balance as at 31 March 2021 Balance as at 31 March 2020
  5. Southeast Bank Limited Balance Sheet As at 31 March 2021 Provisional and unaudited Mar 2021 Taka Dec 2020 Taka PROPERTY AND ASSETS Cash In hand (including foreign currencies) Balance with Bangladesh Bank and its agent banks (including foreign currencies) Balance with other banks and financial institutions In Bangladesh Outside Bangladesh Money at call and on short notice Investments Government Others Loans and advances/investments Loans, cash credit, overdrafts etc./investments Bills purchased and discounted Fixed assets including premises, furniture and fixtures Other assets Non - banking assets Total assets 3,932,317,420 3,474,365,889 12,771,351,496 16,703,668,916 17,956,897,600 21,431,263,489 3,302,858,159 2,958,943,748 2,108,724,666 2,427,007,183 6,261,801,907 3,218,222,179 4,535,731,849 2,208,907,300 86,701,054,832 10,556,582,692 97,257,637,524 83,226,359,543 10,957,893,063 94,184,252,606 311,448,507,959 11,996,488,980 323,444,996,939 9,138,872,244 13,422,792,416 469,447,992,125 305,869,215,552 14,498,943,318 320,368,158,870 9,182,672,927 13,171,388,606 465,082,375,647 13,600,000,000 23,227,868,880 36,827,868,880 13,600,000,000 18,897,676,319 32,497,676,319 66,564,530,900 3,063,403,102 39,465,383,066 247,557,295,876 356,650,612,944 66,764,534,952 3,940,333,929 38,060,936,493 251,134,079,440 359,899,884,814 44,936,354,574 438,414,836,398 43,104,754,237 435,502,315,370 11,889,405,210 11,889,405,210 4,730,338,370 247,650,000 2,276,356,937 31,033,155,727 469,447,992,125 11,889,405,210 11,580,478,928 4,672,526,139 247,650,000 1,190,000,000 29,580,060,277 465,082,375,647 LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL Liabilities Borrowings from other banks, financial institutions and agents Subordinated bond Other borrowings Deposits and other accounts Current/Al-wadeeah current accounts and other accounts Bills payable Savings bank/Mudaraba savings bank deposits Fixed deposits/Mudaraba fixed deposits Other liabilities Total liabilities Capital/shareholders' equity Paid up capital Statutory reserve Revaluation reserve Other reserve Retained earnings Total shareholders' equity Total liabilities and shareholders' equity OFF-BALANCE SHEET ITEMS - Contingent liabilities Acceptances and endorsements Letters of guarantee Irrevocable letters of credit Bills for collection Other contingent liabilities Total contingent liabilities 65,429,364,825 18,190,958,682 44,233,517,441 33,335,787,921 1,921,800,000 163,111,428,869 51,087,802,689 17,143,765,567 37,175,740,943 31,398,294,693 1,931,650,000 138,737,253,892 Other commitments Documentary credits and short term trade-related transactions Forward assets purchased and forward deposits placed Undrawn note issuance and revolving underwriting facilities Undrawn formal standby facilities, credit lines and other commitments Total other commitments Total off-balance sheet items including contingent liabilities 163,111,428,869 138,737,253,892 Sd/Chairman Sd/Chief Financial Officer (Acting) Sd/Director Sd/Managing Director Sd/Company Secretary
  6. Southeast Bank Limited Profit and Loss Account For the period ended 31 March 2021 Provisional and unaudited Note Interest income /profit on investments Interest paid/profit shared on deposits and borrowings etc. Net interest income/net profit on investments Investment income Commission, exchange and brokerage Other operating income 33 35 37 39 41 Total operating income (A) Salaries and allowances Rent, taxes, insurance, electricity, etc. Legal expenses Postage, stamp, telecommunication, etc. Stationery, printing, advertisements, etc. Managing Director's salary and fees Directors' fees Auditors' fees Depreciation and repair of bank's assets Other expenses Total operating expenses (B) Profit before provision (C=A-B) Provision for loans and advances/investments General provision Specific provision 43 45 47 49 50 52 55 57 21.7.1 21.5 Taka 4,967,378,378 (4,130,032,692) 837,345,686 1,508,553,364 833,463,172 254,584,270 2,596,600,806 3,433,946,492 6,621,913,048 (5,525,917,423) 1,095,995,625 1,343,712,746 856,547,745 212,668,224 2,412,928,715 3,508,924,340 468,795,884 198,791,009 173,875 44,271,850 40,558,138 2,350,500 292,900 201,225,210 259,450,146 1,215,909,512 2,218,036,980 462,270,666 252,794,396 753,525 46,188,943 46,807,368 2,350,500 560,095 119,320,712 318,277,073 1,249,323,278 2,259,601,062 (426,557,263) 529,444,898 102,887,635 229,518,103 332,405,738 1,885,631,242 43,804,000 (144,092,727) (100,288,727) 546,600,000 274,776,000 721,087,273 1,538,513,789 490,000,000 391,696 490,391,696 1,395,239,546 428,100,000 (22,100,000) 406,000,000 1,132,513,789 308,926,282 308,926,282 1,086,313,264 307,702,758 307,702,758 824,811,031 59 Net profit after taxation Appropriations Statutory reserve 23 Retained surplus during the period 65 Earnings per share (par value Taka 10) Sd/Chief Financial Officer (Acting) Mar 2020 Taka 21.1 Provision for diminution in value of investments Other provisions Total provision (D) Total profit before taxation (C-D) Provision for taxation Current Deferred Sd/Chairman Mar 2021 Sd/Director 1.17 0.95 Sd/Managing Director Sd/Company Secretary
  7. Southeast Bank Limited Cash Flow Statement For the period ended 31 March 2021 A . Cash flows from operating activities: Interest receipts in cash Interest payment Dividend receipts Fees and commission receipts in cash Recoveries on Loans previously written-off Cash payments to employees Cash payments to suppliers Income taxes paid Receipts from other operating activities Payments for other operating activities Operating profit before changes in operating assets and liabilities (i) Note Mar 2021 Taka Mar 2020 Taka 5,999,957,811 (4,082,124,524) 3,182,946 833,463,172 101,061,702 (471,146,384) (40,551,064) (448,593,874) 308,006,618 (225,033,417) 1,978,222,986 7,703,343,952 (4,442,112,300) 2,966,049 856,547,745 98,154,727 (464,621,166) (56,193,442) (524,285,619) 212,665,224 (652,643,751) 2,733,821,418 468,332,395 (639,642,767) (3,077,500,069) 171,926,461 4,330,192,561 (3,154,651,895) 1,334,298,524 (567,044,789) 1,411,178,197 35,747,487 (335,810,537) (6,208,270,441) (357,582,912) 3,518,302,717 (4,048,809,103) 1,253,208,536 (6,143,214,254) (3,409,392,836) 5,942,473,622 (13,887,133,150) (163,449,427) (8,108,108,956) 12,083,206,731 (13,063,490,062) (182,736,761) (1,163,020,093) (55,245,004) (55,245,004) (10,481,344) (10,481,344) (6,752,175,763) 43,673 44,439,807,902 37,687,675,812 (4,582,894,273) 540,425 48,252,038,214 43,669,684,366 4.1 3,932,317,420 3,806,847,666 4.1 6 7 9.1.1 9.1.1 12,771,351,496 6,261,801,907 3,218,222,179 11,497,942,110 6,040,700 37,687,675,812 17,433,054,308 11,869,482,089 1,160,533,050 9,391,809,753 7,957,500 43,669,684,366 39 61 63 Increase (decrease) in operating assets and liabilities Sale of trading securities Purchase of trading securities Loans and advances to customers Other assets Deposits from other banks Deposits from customers Other liabilities Cash generated from (used in) operating assets and liabilities (ii) Net cash flows from operating activities (a=i+ii) B. Cash flows from investing activities: Proceeds from sale of securities Payments for purchase of securities Purchase of fixed assets Sale proceeds of fixed assets Cash generated from (used in) investing activities (b) C. Cash flows from financing activities: Receipts from issue of loan capital & debt security Payments for redemption of loan capital & debt security Dividends paid Payment against lease obligation Receipts from issue of ordinary shares Cash generated from (used in) financing activities (c) D. E. F. G. Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (a+b+c) Effects of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period (D+E+F) Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year represents Cash in hand (including foreign currencies) Balance with Bangladesh Bank and its agent banks (including foreign currencies) Balance with other banks and financial institutions Money at call and on short notice Treasury bills Prize bond
  8. Particulars Balance as at 1 January 2021 Changes in accounting policy / prior year adjustments Transfer to specific provision Restated balance Surplus/deficit on account of revaluation of properties Surplus/deficit on account of revaluation of investments Currency translation differences Net gains and losses not recognized in the income statement Net profit for the period Cash dividend Issue of share capital/ Bonus share Transfer to Southeast Bank Staff Welfare Trust Appropriation made during the period Statutory reserve Balance as at 31 March 2021 Balance as at 31 March 2020 Revaluation reserve Taka Other reserves Taka Retained earnings Taka Total Provisional and unaudited Statutory reserve Taka Southeast Bank Limited Statement of Changes in Equity For the period ended 31 March 2021 Paid up capital Taka 247,650,000 - Taka 4,672,526,139 - 29,580,060,277 29,580,060,277 11,580,478,928 - 1,190,000,000 1,190,000,000 57,812,231 43,673 57,855,904 11,889,405,210 - 43,673 43,673 247,650,000 - 1,395,239,546 - 4,672,526,139 57,812,231 57,812,231 - (308,926,282) 2,276,356,937 4,179,414,727 1,395,239,546 31,033,155,727 31,582,358,289 11,580,478,928 - - 4,730,338,370 4,278,737,478 247,650,000 247,650,000 11,889,405,210 - - 308,926,282 11,889,405,210 11,277,136,365 - 11,889,405,210 11,599,419,720
  9. Southeast Bank Limited and its subsidiaries Notes to the Financial Statements As at and for the period ended 31 March 2021 Corporate profile and significant Accounting policies 1 . Reporting entity Southeast Bank Limited (the “Bank”) is a scheduled commercial bank in the private sector established under the Bank Companies Act, 1991 and incorporated in Bangladesh on March 12, 1995 as a public limited company to carry out banking business in Bangladesh. The registered office of the Bank is located at Eunoos Trade Centre 52-53, Dilkusha Commercial Area (Level 2,3 & 16), Dhaka-1000. The consolidated financial statements of the Bank as at and for the period ended on 31 March 2021 comprise the Bank and its subsidiaries (together referred to as the “Group” and individually as “Group entities”). 1.1 Change of accounting policy Accounting policies in these financial statements are same as those applied in its last annual financial statements of December 31, 2020. 1.2 Basis of consolidation The consolidated financial statements include the financial statements of Southeast Bank Limited and its two subsidiaries, Southeast Bank Capital Services Limited and Southeast Exchange Company (South Africa) Pty Limited, for the period ended on March 31, 2021. 1.3 Earnings per share The Group and the Bank present basic earnings per share (EPS) data for its ordinary shares. Basic EPS is calculated by dividing the profit or loss attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Group/ Bank by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the period. 31 Mar 2021 Taka 31 Dec 2020 Taka 2 Consolidated Loans and advances/investments Loans, cash credit, overdrafts etc./investments Southeast Bank Limited Southeast Bank Capital Services Limited Bills purchased and discounted Southeast Bank Limited 311,448,507,959 1,955,884,074 313,404,392,033 305,869,215,552 1,883,303,310 307,752,518,862 11,996,488,980 11,996,488,980 325,400,881,013 14,498,943,318 14,498,943,318 322,251,462,180 66,564,530,900 109,450,078 66,673,980,978 33,125,698 66,640,855,280 66,764,534,952 110,261,276 66,874,796,228 24,214,410 66,850,581,819 3,063,403,102 3,063,403,102 3,940,333,929 3,940,333,929 39,465,383,066 39,465,383,066 38,060,936,493 38,060,936,493 247,557,295,876 500,000,000 247,057,295,876 356,226,937,324 251,134,079,440 450,000,000 250,684,079,440 359,535,931,681 3 Consolidated deposits and other accounts Current/Al-wadeeah current accounts and other accounts Southeast Bank Limited Southeast Bank Capital Services Limited Less: Inter company balance eliminated Bills payable Southeast Bank Limited Savings bank/Mudaraba savings bank deposits Southeast Bank Limited Fixed deposits/Mudaraba fixed deposits Southeast Bank Limited Less: Inter company balance eliminated
  10. 4 Share Capital Authorised 1 ,500,000,000 Ordinary shares of Tk 10 each 31 Mar 2021 Taka 31 Dec 2020 Taka 15,000,000,000 15,000,000,000 3,781,649,700 3,781,649,700 8,107,755,510 11,889,405,210 7,817,770,020 11,599,419,720 11,889,405,210 11,889,405,210 4,730,338,370 247,650,000 (6,364,094) 2,455,761,250 31,206,195,946 11,889,405,210 11,580,478,928 4,672,526,139 247,650,000 (1,919,103) 1,315,624,550 29,703,765,725 Issued, subscribed and paid up 378,164,970 ordinary shares of Tk 10 each issued for cash 810,775,551 ordinary shares of Tk 10 each issued as bonus shares 1,188,940,521 Shareholders' Equity Paid up capital Statutory reserve Revaluation reserve Other reserve Foreign currency translation reserve Retained earnings 5 Consolidated Earnings per share Net profit after tax for the period (Taka) Number of ordinary shares outstanding Earnings per share (EPS) (Taka)* Mar 2021 Taka Mar 2020 Taka 1,445,141,563 1,188,940,521 1.22 1,141,454,724 1,188,940,521 0.96 1,395,239,546 1,188,940,521 1.17 1,132,513,789 1,188,940,521 0.95 Earnings per share Net profit after tax for the period (Taka) Number of ordinary shares outstanding Earnings per share (EPS) (Taka)* *Earnings per share has been calculated in accordance with IAS 33: Earnings Per Share (EPS). Previous year's figures have been restated for the issue of bonus shares. EPS increased due to non requirements of provision for diminution in value of investments in shares. 6 Consolidated Net Asset Value (NAV) per share Net Asset Value (NAV) Number of ordinary shares outstanding Net Asset Value (NAV) per share 31 Mar 2021 Taka 31 Mar 2020 Taka 31,206,195,946 1,188,940,521 26.25 31,644,378,604 1,159,941,972 27.28 31,033,155,727 1,188,940,521 26.10 31,582,358,289 1,159,941,972 27.23 1,451,790,019 1,188,940,521 1.22 (3,277,133,378) 1,159,941,972 (2.83) 1,411,178,197 1,188,940,521 1.19 (3,409,392,836) 1,159,941,972 (2.94) Net Asset Value (NAV) per share Net Asset Value (NAV) Number of ordinary shares outstanding Net Asset Value (NAV) per share 7 Consolidated Net Operating Cash Flow per share Net Operating Cash Flow Number of ordinary shares outstanding Net Operating Cash Flow per share (NOCFPS)* Net Operating Cash Flow per share Net Operating Cash Flow Number of ordinary shares outstanding Net Operating Cash Flow per share (NOCFPS)* *Net operating cash flow per share (NOCFPS) increased due to decrease of disbursement of loans and increased of borrowings as compared to last year.
  11. 8 Reconciliation of effective tax rate 31 Mar 2021 Taka % 1,885,631,242 Profit before taxation as per profit and loss account Income tax as per applicable tax rate Factors affecting the tax charge for current year Non deductible expenses Deductible expenses Tax exempt income Tax savings from reduced tax rates for dividend Tax savings for capital loss Change in taxable temporary difference Total income tax expenses 37.50% 707,111,716 9.17% -19.63% -0.70% -0.03% -0.32% 0.02% 26.01% 172,842,753 (370,221,147) (13,117,188) (557,016) (6,059,118) 391,696 490,391,696 9 Reconciliation of net profit with cash flows from operating activities Particulars 31 Mar 2021 Taka Profit before tax as per profit and loss accounts 1,885,631,242 Adjustment for non-cash items: Provision for loans and advances/investments Provision for diminution in value of investments Provision for off- balance sheet items Depreciation of property, plant and equipment Recoveries on Loans previously written-off Foreign exchange gain/(loss) Sale proceeds of the fixed assets 102,887,635 215,662,600 101,952,995 101,061,702 43,673 - Increase/decrease in operating assets & liabilities: Loans and advances to customers Other operating assets Deposits from other banks Deposits from customers Others operating liabilities Income tax paid Net cash flows from operating activities (3,077,500,069) 171,926,461 4,330,192,561 (3,154,651,895) 1,182,565,166 (448,593,874) 1,411,178,197 31 Mar 2020 Taka 1,538,513,789 (100,288,727) 546,600,000 274,776,000 99,331,426 98,154,727 540,425 - (6,208,270,441) (357,582,912) 3,518,302,717 (4,048,809,103) 1,753,624,882 (524,285,619) (3,409,392,836) The Financial Statements of the bank for first Quarter (Q1) ended on March 31, 2021 are available in website. The address of the website is www.southeastbank.com.bd