PT Bank Danamon Indonesia: Consolidated Financial Statements - 1Q 2017
PT Bank Danamon Indonesia: Consolidated Financial Statements - 1Q 2017
Ard, Mal, Credit Risk, Provision, Receivables, Reserves
Ard, Mal, Credit Risk, Provision, Receivables, Reserves
- PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk and Subsidiaries Consolidated Financial Statements STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION ASSET QUALITY AND OTHER INFORMATION AS AT 31 MARCH 2017 AND 31 DECEMBER 2016 (In million Rupiah) NO. ACCOUNTS INDIVIDUAL 31 Mar 2017 31 Des 2016 CONSOLIDATED 31 Mar 2017 31 Des 2016 ASSETS 1. Cash 1,745,586 2,072,613 1,911,260 2,265,049 2. Placements with Bank Indonesia 8,088,673 10,294,901 8,088,673 10,294,901 3. Placements with other banks 3,128,201 3,455,317 4,490,688 4,785,046 4. Spot and derivative receivables 32,964 39,524 115,364 259,123 5. Marketable securities a. Designated at fair value through profit/loss 1,004,180 1,702,004 1,004,180 1,702,004 b. Available for sale 19,017,423 18,418,404 20,914,334 20,347,355 c. Held to maturity 1,714,519 4,949,900 1,724,519 4,959,900 d. Loans and receivables 3,881,671 - 3,881,671 6. Securities sold under repurchase agreements (repo) - - - 7. Securities purchased under resale agreements (reverse repo) 1,242,545 - 1,242,545 8. Acceptance receivables 1,400,566 1,935,934 1,400,566 1,935,934 9. Loans a. Designated at fair value through profit/loss - - - - b. Available for sale - - - c. Held to maturity - - - d. Loans and receivables 90,740,724 92,596,163 90,540,724 91,896,163 10. Sharia financing 3,343,438 3,318,984 3,343,438 3,318,984 11. Consumer financing receivables - - 26,186,021 26,272,378 Allowance for impairment losses on consumer financing receivables -/- - - (1,240,396) (1,210,615) 12. Premium receivables - - 239,304 232,747 13. Reinsurance Assets - - 710,891 724,474 14. Investments 7,887,928 7,705,928 142,920 164,567 15. Allowance for impairment losses on financial assets -/- a. Marketable securities (42,692) (37,665) (42,692) (37,665) b. Loans (3,307,755) (3,326,631) (3,307,755) (3,326,631) c. Others (4,228) (3,778) (30,122) (34,318) 16. Intangible assets 1,222,484 1,187,258 3,400,123 3,353,363 Accumulated amortisation on intangible assets -/- (910,533) (885,832) (1,914,221) (1,882,946) 17. Fixed assets and equipment 4,435,784 4,391,897 5,458,733 5,405,935 Accumulated depreciation of fixed assets and equipment -/- (2,355,234) (2,300,617) (2,969,536) (2,900,350) 18. Non earning asset a. Idle properties 16,397 16,397 16,397 16,397 b. Foreclosed assets 194,468 134,108 194,468 134,108 c. Suspense accounts 913 1,644 913 1,644 d. Interbranch assets i. Conducting operational activities in Indonesia - - 65 127 ii. Conducting operational activities outside Indonesia - - - 19. Allowance for impairment losses on non financial assets -/- - - - - 20. Leased receivables - - 733,712 897,550 21. Deferred tax assets 1,721,273 1,774,946 2,112,531 2,162,249 22. Other assets 2,521,717 1,993,569 2,799,920 2,349,257 TOTAL ASSETS 146,721,012 149,434,968 171,149,238 174,086,730 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 1. Current accounts 13,641,532 15,227,449 12,250,807 14,472,679 2. Savings 31,053,408 32,111,848 31,053,408 32,111,848 3. Time deposits 52,885,996 54,228,073 52,870,012 54,211,950 4. Revenue sharing investment funds 3,023,126 2,988,924 2,927,134 2,943,040 5. Deferred premium income - - 1,321,767 1,307,103 6. Unearned premium reserve - - 946,544 967,864 7. Loans from Bank Indonesia - - - 8. Borrowings from other banks 2,892,529 2,876,136 2,892,529 2,876,136 9. Spot and derivative liabilities 49,350 49,468 65,617 49,468 10. Securities sold under repurchase agreements (repo) 71,284 - 71,284 11. Acceptance payables 1,400,566 1,935,934 1,400,566 1,935,934 12. Marketable securities issued 4 - 10,673,063 8,397,979 13. Borrowings 504,454 509,846 9,862,547 11,414,964 14. Security deposits 23,401 20,863 23,401 20,863 15. Interbranch liabilities a. Conducting operational activities in Indonesia - - - b. Conducting operational activities outside Indonesia - - - 16. Deferred tax liabilities - - - 17. Other liabilities 4,124,938 3,543,385 7,289,280 6,998,930 18. Profit sharing investment funds - - - - TOTAL LIABILITIES 109,670,588 113,491,926 133,647,959 137,708,758 EQUITY 19. Issued and fully paid capital a. Authorized capital 12,238,589 12,238,589 12,238,589 12,238,589 b. Unpaid capital -/- (6,337,467) (6,337,467) (6,337,467) (6,337,467) c. Treasury stock -/- - - - 20. Additional paid-up capital a. Agio 7,250,109 7,250,109 7,250,109 7,250,109 b. Disagio -/- - - - c. Donated capital - - - d. Capital paid in advance - - - e. Others - - - 21. Other comprehensive income a. Adjustment in foreign currencies translation - - - b. Gains (losses) from changes in the value of financial assets as available for sale 196,735 85,537 197,103 85,902 c. Effective portion on fair value for cash flow hedge (40,873) (8,157) (55,769) (11,207) d. Gain on revaluation of fixed asset - - - - e. Part of other comprehensive income of associates - - - f. Actuarial gain (loss) from defined benefit program (249,804) (249,804) (280,666) (280,666) g. Income tax related to components of other comprehensive income 16,838 37,543 62,228 71,090 h. Others - - - 22. Difference in quasi- reorganisation - - - 23. Difference in restructuring value of transaction of entities under common control - - - 24. Others Equity - - - 25. Reserves a. General reserves 326,740 326,740 326,740 326,740 b. Specific reserves - - - - 26. Retained earnings a. Previous years *) 22,599,952 19,930,472 22,599,952 19,930,472 b. Current year 1,049,605 2,669,480 1,049,605 2,669,480 TOTAL EQUITY ATTRIBUTABLE TO EQUITY HOLDERS OF THE PARENT EQUITY 37,050,424 35,943,042 37,050,424 35,943,042 27. Non-controlling interests - - 450,855 434,930 TOTAL EQUITY 37,050,424 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 35,943,042 37,501,279 36,377,972 146,721,012 149,434,968 171,149,238 174,086,730 STATEMENTS OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME ACCOUNTS NO. INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTS 31 Mar 2017 Special Mention Substandard Doubtful Current STATEMENTS OF COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES NO. INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTS 31 Mar 2017 CONSOLIDATED 31 Des 2016 31 Mar 2017 31 Des 2016 I. COMMITMENT RECEIVABLES 1. Unused borrowing facilities a. Rupiah - - - b. Foreign currencies - - - 2. Outstanding buying of spot and derivative contract 6,450,556 4,215,542 6,450,556 4,215,542 3. Others - - - II. COMMITMENT PAYABLES 1. Unused loans facilities granted to debtors a. BUMN i. Committed - Rupiah - - - - Foreign currencies - - - ii. Uncommitted - Rupiah 12,178 43,484 12,178 43,484 - Foreign currencies - - - b. Others i. Committed 219,422 324,332 219,422 324,332 ii. Uncommitted 37,408,494 37,144,306 37,408,494 37,144,306 2. Unused loan facilities granted to other banks a. Committed i. Rupiah 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 ii. Foreign currencies - - - b. Uncommitted i. Rupiah 145,033 136,031 145,033 136,031 ii. Foreign currencies - - - 3. Outstanding Irrevocable L/C a. Offshore L/C 1,817,162 1,502,928 1,817,162 1,502,928 b. Local L/C 277,017 228,493 277,017 228,493 4. Outstanding selling of spot and derivative contract 3,859,597 3,939,187 3,859,597 3,939,187 5. Others - - - III. CONTINGENT RECEIVABLES 1. Guarantees received a. Rupiah - 39,670 - 39,670 b. Foreign currencies 30,049 30,198 30,049 30,198 2. Interest receivables on non performing assets a. Loan interest income 557,977 578,303 557,977 578,303 b. Other interest - - - 3. Others 155,000 155,000 155,000 155,000 IV. CONTINGENT PAYABLES 1. Guarantees issued a. Rupiah 3,358,856 3,418,549 3,358,856 3,418,549 b. Foreign currencies 390,573 403,674 390,573 403,674 2. Others - - - - Total NO. 31 Mar 2017*) CONSOLIDATED RATIOS : I. Capital 1. Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) 21.82% 20.78% II. Earning assets 1. Non-performing earning assets and non productive assets to total earnings and non productive assets 1.92% 2.11% 2. Non-performing earning assets to total productive assets 2.45% 2.68% 3. Allowance for impairment losses for financial asset to productive asset 3.01% 3.00% 4. NPL gross 3.15% 3.27% 5. NPL net 1.84% 2.00% III. Rentability 1. Return on Assets (ROA) profit before tax 3.49% 2.47% 2. Return on Assets (ROA) profit after tax 2.44% 1.78% 3. Return on Equity (ROE) 12.14% 9.83% 4. NIM including third party premium expenses 9.39% 8.62% 5. Cost to income 47.54% 49.04% BANK RATIOS : I.Capital 1. CAR 23.24% 22.18% II. Earning assets 1. Non-performing earning assets and non productive assets to total earnings and non productive assets 1.88% 2.07% 2. Non-performing earning assets to total productive assets 2.48% 2.70% 3. Allowance for impairment losses for financial asset to productive asset 2.51% 2.63% 4. NPL gross 3.55% 3.59% 5. NPL net after impairment value 2.01% 2.15% III. Rentability 1. Return on Assets (ROA) profit before tax 3.48% 2.44% 2. Return on Assets (ROA) profit after tax 2.84% 2.03% 3. Return on Equity (ROE) 12.01% 9.76% 4. NIM 7.47% 7.19% 5. NIM including third party premium expenses 7.31% 7.02% 6. Operating expenses to operating income 69.80% 78.93% 7. Cost to income 41.96% 43.25% IV.Liquidity LFR 92.80% 90.16% V. Compliance 1. a. Percentage violation on Legal Lending Limit a.1. Related parties 0.00% 0.00% a.2. Third parties 0.00% 0.00% b. Percentage lending in excess of Legal Lending Limit b.1. Related parties 0.00% 0.00% b.2. Third parties 0.00% 0.00% 2. Statutory Reserve Requirements (GWM) a. GWM Primary IDR 6.55% 6.55% b. GWM Foreign Currency 8.10% 8.08% 3. Net Open Position 0.61% 0.08% Individual Consolidation Individual Consolidation 2017 Individual 2016 Consolidation Individual Consolidation Description 2017 Individual 2016**) Consolidation Individual Consolidation WEIGHTED RISK BASED ASSETS CAR RATIO RWA CREDIT RISK 98,754,326 119,266,953 99,352,271 119,315,120 Main Core Capital 22.34%21.02%21.28%19.98% (CET 1) Ratio RWA MARKET RISK 327,554 328,100 275,237 275,775 Main Capital 22.34% 21.02% 21.28% 19.98% (Tier 1) Ratio RWA OPERATIONAL RISK 23,773,333 33,806,429 24,369,804 34,192,807 Supplementary 0.90% 0.80% 0.90% 0.81% Capital (Tier 2) Ratio TOTAL RWA 122,855,213 153,401,482 123,997,312 153,783,702 Total Ratio 23.24% 21.82% 22.18% 20.78% CAR RATIO ACCORDING 9.00% 9.00% 9.00% 9.00% CET 1 FOR 14,24% 12,82% 13,18% 11,78% TO RISK PROFILE BUFFER CAR ALOCATION BUFFER 1,750%1,750%0,875%0,875% PERCENTAGE From CET1 8.10% 8.20% 8.10% 8.19% Capital 1,250% 1,250% 0,625% 0,625% Conservation Buffer From AT1 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Countercyclical 0.000%0.000%0.000%0.000% Buffer From Tier 2 0.90% 0.80% 0.90% 0.81% Capital Surcharge0.500%0.500%0.250%0.250% for D-SIB *) Starting September 2016, CAR is calculated based on OJK Regulation No.34/POJK.03/2016 dated 22 September 2016 in regard to Amendements of OJK Regulation No.11/POJK.03/2016 regarding Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) for Commercial Bank. **) As restated (note 2) NO. TRANSACTION Notional Amount INDIVIDUAL Purpose Trading Hedging Receivables Liabilities ALLOWANCE FOR IMPAIRMENT LOSSES AS AT 31 MARCH 2017 AND 2016 (In million Rupiah) 31 Mar 2017 ACCOUNTS Impairment Loss Allowance Unrealized gains/(losses) on Available For Sale Marketable Securities and Government Bonds-net Retained earnings Effective portion on Total before Fair Value changes of derivative instruments Appropriated Unappropriated non-controlling for cash flow hedges interest Noncontrolling interest 31 Mar 2016 Minimum Required Regulatory 1 Placements at other banks - 2 Spot and derivative receivables - 3 Marketable securities - 3,631 - 42,693 Total Equity Balance as of 1 January 2017 5,901,122 7,250,109 189 83,776 (8,156) 326,551 22,389,451 35,943,042 434,930 36,377,972 Adjustment additional paid-up capital - - - - - - - - - Total comprehensive income for the period Net income for the period - - - - - - 1,049,605 1,049,605 34,701 1,084,306 Other comprehensive income, net of tax Effective portion on fair value changes of derivative instruments or cashflow hedge - - - - (32,718) - - (32,718) (2,817) (35,535) Remeasurement of obligation for post-employment benefits - - - - - - - - - - Unrealized gains on available-for-sale marketable securities, Government Bonds, and investment in shares - net - - - 90,493 - - - 90,493 5,558 96,051 Total other comprehensive income - - - 90,493 (32,718) - - 57,775 2,741 60,516 Total other comprehensive income for the period - - - 90,493 (32,718) - 1,049,605 1,107,380 37,442 1,144,822 Appropriation for general and legal reserve - - - - - - - - - Distribution of cash dividends - - - - - - - - (21,517) (21,517) Divestment in subsidiary - - - - - - - - - Balance as of 31 March 2017 5,901,122 7,250,109 189 174,269 (40,874) 326,551 23,439,056 37,050,422 450,855 37,501,277 Balance as of 1 January 2016 5,901,122 7,236,756 189 46,501 18,359 302,618 20,426,594 33,932,139 282,710 34,214,849 Adjustment additional paid-up capital 13,353 13,353 13,353 Total comprehensive income for the period Net income for the period - - - - - - 2,669,480 2,669,480 123,242 2,792,722 Other comprehensive income, net of tax Effective portion on fair value changes of derivative instruments or cashflow hedge - - - - (26,516) - - (26,516) (2,001) (28,517) Remeasurement of obligation for post-employment benefits - - - - - - 35,201 35,201 - 35,201 Unrealized gains on available-for-sale marketable securities, Government Bonds, and investment in shares - net - - - 37,275 - - - 37,275 (2,600) 34,675 Total other comprehensive income - - - 37,275 (26,516) - 35,201 45,960 (4,601) 41,359 Total other comprehensive income for the period - - - 37,275 (26,516) - 2,704,681 2,715,440 118,641 2,834,081 Appropriation for general and legal reserve - - - - - 23,933 (23,933) - - Distribution of cash dividends - - - - - - (717,890) (717,890) (42,012) (759,902) Divestment in subsidiary - - - - - - - - 75,591 75,591 Balance as of 31 December 2016 5,901,122 7,250,109 189 83,776 (8,157) 326,551 22,389,452 35,943,042 434,930 36,377,972 Impairment Loss Allowance Minimum Required Regulatory Specific Individual Collective General 31,282 - - 330 - - 97,864 - - - - - - 3,795 - 500 Specific 48,582 - 1,167 - 43,574 - 4 Securities sold under repurchase agreements (repo) - - A. Related to exchange rate 1. Spot 466,067 466,067 - 284 145 5 Securities purchased under resale 2. Forward 925,435 925,435 14,350 553 agreements (reverse repo) - - 3. Option - - - - 6 Acceptance receivables - 598 a. Purchased - - - - b. Written - - - - 7 Loans 990,603 2,317,152 4. Future - - - - 8 Investments - - 5. Swap 7,333,994 7,333,994 - 18,246 48,652 6. Others - - - - 9 Temporary equity investment - - B. Related to interest rate 10 Others receivable - - 1. Forward - - - - 11 Commitment and Contingency - - 2. Option - - - - a. Purchased - - - - b. Written - - - - MANAGEMENT OF THE BANK 3. Future - - - - 4. Swap 23,764 23,764 84 AS AT 31 MARCH 2017 5. Others - - - - BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS C. Others - - - - 1. President Commissioner TOTAL 8,749,260 8,749,260 - 32,964 49,350 Market value represents total notional amount buy and sell position at gross basis. A notional amount is a number of currency units specified in the contract. Derivative receivables/liabilities represent the settlement value of a derivative instrument on balances sheet date. 31 Mar 2016 Cash flows from operating activities: Interest income, fees and commissions 2,568,100 2,672,861 Receipts from consumer financing transactions 7,117,377 7,929,619 Payments of new consumer financing transactions (4,444,525) (4,093,307) Payments of interest, fees and commissions (1,337,709) (1,675,371) Payments of interests on securities issued (208,579) (239,047) Receipts from insurance operation 174,609 189,460 Other operating income 265,672 312,957 losses from foreign exchange transactions - net (30,925) (217,869) Other operating expenses (2,221,256) (2,238,243) Non-operating income/(expenses) - net 15,074 2,779 Cash flows before changes in operating assets and liabilities 1,897,838 2,643,839 Changes in operating assets and liabilities: Decrease/(increase) in operating assets: Placements at other banks and Bank Indonesia - mature more than 3 months from the date of acquisition 1,167,741 283,690 Marketable securities and Government Bonds - trading 843,189 774,529 Securities purchased under resale agreement (1,242,545) (473,229) Loans 617,849 1,295,093 Prepayments and other assets (190,771) (254,245) Increase/(decrease) in operating liabilities: Deposits from customers: - Current accounts (2,214,366) (1,902,625) - Savings (1,032,641) (1,447,643) - Time deposits (1,195,620) (1,332,210) Deposits from other banks 18,835 139,504 Accruals and other liabilities 324,156 49,468 Income tax paid during the period (343,607) (368,268) Net cash (used in)/provided by operating activities (1,349,942) (592,097) Cash flows from investing activities: Proceeds from sales of and matured marketable securities and Government Bonds - held to maturity and available for sale 6,111,507 3,512,051 Acquisition of marketable securities and Government Bonds - held to maturity and available for sale (7,081,013) (8,768,874) Acquisition of fixed assets and software (156,997) (136,003) Proceeds from sale of fixed assets 15,030 23,623 Receipt from investment 67,409 82,098 Withdrawal ot time deposits (870,239) 469,672 Receipt of cash dividends - 143 Net cash (used in)/provided by investing activities (1,914,303) (4,817,290) Cash flows from financing activities: Payments of principal on bonds issued (73,000) (839,000) Proceeds from bonds issuance 2,345,509 1,077,253 Payments of cash dividens (21,517) Divestment in subsidiaries - 75,591 Proceeds from borrowings in relation to joint financing 5,329,096 4,820,772 Repayment of borrowings in relation to joint financing (7,289,697) (6,105,914) (Decrease)/increase in borrowings 408,238 (1,084,283) Net cash used in financing activities 698,629 (2,055,581) Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents (2,565,616) (7,464,968) Cash and cash equivalents as at the beginning of the Period 15,153,530 31,942,655 Cash and cash equivalents as at the end of the period 12,587,914 24,477,687 Cash and cash equivalents consist of: Cash 1,911,260 1,922,594 Current accounts with Bank Indonesia 7,011,190 8,168,702 Current accounts with other banks 1,110,308 3,368,816 Placements at other banks and Bank Indonesia - maturing within 3 months from the date of acquisition 2,555,156 11,017,575 Total cash and cash equivalents 12,587,914 24,477,687 No 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 31 Mar 2017 ACCOUNTS A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 31 Dec 2016 ASSETS Cash 1,762 4,256 Placements with Bank Indonesia 875,126 600,356 Placements with other banks - Marketable securities 30,000 30,000 Financing receivables *) 163,532 190,930 Profit sharing financing 2,810,428 2,924,173 Leased financing 369,478 203,880 Other earning asset 11,953 5,206 Allowance for impairment losses on earning asset (-/-) - a. Individual - (11,747) b. Collective (71,160) (63,106) Fixed assets and equipment 6,910 7,059 Non earning asset - Allowance for impairment losses on other assets -/- - Other assets 25,250 30,206 TOTAL ASSETS 4,223,279 3,921,213 LIABILITIES 1. Wadiah saving 228,960 234,166 2. Non profit sharing investment funds 2,794,166 2,754,759 3. Liabilities to Bank Indonesia - 4. Liabilities to other bank 695,684 704,967 5. Marketable securities issued - 6. Others liabilities 22,614 16,476 7. Profit sharing investment funds - - 8. Working funds 458,362 120,286 9. Accumulated gain/(loss) 23,493 90,559 TOTAL LIABILITIES 4,223,279 3,921,213 31 Mar 2017 31 Mar 2016 STATEMENTS OF INCOME FOR THE 3 MONTHS PERIODS ENDED 31 MARCH 2017 AND 2016 (In million Rupiah) ACCOUNTS NO. OPERATING INCOME AND EXPENSE A. 1. 2. 3. Operational Income dan Expense from distribution of fund Income from Distribution of Fund a. Income from receivables 1,680 6,873 b. Income from profit sharing 87,416 90,321 c. Others 11,250 4,250 Margin distribution to owners of investment funds -/- a. Non Profit sharing (43,856) (43,947) b. Profit sharing - - Income after margin distribution 56,490 57,497 B. Other Operating Income and Expense 1. Other Operating Income a. Income as mudharib in mudharabah muqayyadah - b. Commision/Provision/Fees and administrative 207 c. Other income 16,149 2. Other Operating Expenses a. Wadiah bonus expense 481 b. Impairment losses on financial assets 21,794 c. Losses on operational risk - d. Commision/Provision/Fees and administrative 453 e. Impairment losses on other asset (non financial) - f. Salaries and employee benefits 11,565 g. Other expenses 4,765 3. Other Operating Income (Expense) (22,702) OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) 33,788 290 5,872 422 5,096 316 - 15,326 5,894 (20,892) 36,605 NON OPERATING INCOME AND EXPENSE 1. 2. 3. Gain/(loss) from sale of premisses and equipment Gain (loss) on foreign currencies translation Income(expenses) non operating expenses NON OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) INCOME (LOSS) FOR THE PERIOD ENDED BEFORE TAX Income tax INCOME (LOSS) FOR THE PERIOD ENDED NET OF TAX (1) 3 (1,905) (1,903) 31,885 8,392 23,493 (259) (2,117) (2,376) 34,229 9,008 25,221 STATEMENTS OF COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES AS AT 31 MARCH 2017 AND 31 DECEMBER 2016 (In million Rupiah) ACCOUNTS NO. I. 31 Mar 2017 II. COMMITMENT PAYABLES 1. Unused Financing facilities 2. Others III. 31 Dec 2016 CONTINGENT RECEIVABLES 1. Unused Financing facilities - 2. Outstanding buying of spot and forward contract - 3. Others - CONTINGENT RECEIVABLES 1. Guarantees received 2. Margin receivables on non performing assets 3. Others IV. CONTINGENT PAYABLES 1. Guarantees issued 2. Others - - 280,037 19,331 363,846 2,687 - - 2,627 - 1,986 - - - - - FINANCIAL RATIO AS AT 31 MARCH 2017 AND 2016 Individual Collective General Derivative Receivable and Liabilities AS AT 31 MARCH 2017 AND 31 DECEMBER 2016 (In million Rupiah) NO. - - 13,886 598 818,713 2,299,196 78,879 - 196 58,416 : Vice President Commissioner/Independent Commissioner : Commissioner : Independent Commissioner : Commissioner : Independent Commissioner : Independent Commissioner : BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1. President Director 2. Vice President Director 3. Director 4. Director 5. Director 6. Director 7. Director 8. Director 9. Director (Independent) : : : : : : : : : - - - 45 - - - - 27,817 483 812,449 2,662,894 864,573 2,190,192 1 - - 27,342 1 - - - - - - - 165 - - - 55,299 13,412 16,078 RATIO 31 Mar 2017 31 Mar 2016 Total Sharia Business Unit (UUS) assets to total Conventional Bank asset which owned UUS Non-performing earning assets to total productive assets Allowance for impairment losses for financial asset to productive asset NPF gross NPF net Return On Assets (ROA) Profit sharing financing to total financing Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR) 2.88% 1.75% 2.10% 1.96% 0.69% 3.16% 82.42% 100.30% 2.30% 1.01% 2.00% 1.07% 0.61% 3.80% 92.64% 108.88% NO. 31 Mar 2017 STATEMENT OF SPOT AND DERIVATIVE TRANSACTION AS OF 31 MARCH 2017 (In million Rupiah) STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION *) As restated (note 2) 31 Mar 2016**) I Core Capital (Tier 1) 27,447,265 32,243,315 26,391,658 30,724,135 1. Main Core Capital/Common Equity Tier 1 (CET 1) 27,447,265 32,243,315 1.1 Paid Up Capital (After deducted with Treasury Stock) 5,901,122 5,901,122 1.2 Disclosed reserves 31,324,474 31,385,237 1.2.1 Addition Factor 31,401,683 31,401,683 Other comprehensive income 174,269 174,269 Surplus from foreign currency translation - - Potential profit from increase of fair value of financial asset in available for sale category 174,269 174,269 Surplus of fixed assets revaluation - - Other Disclosed Reserves 31,227,414 31,227,414 Agio 7,250,109 7,250,109 General reserve 326,740 326,740 Prior year profit that can be reckoned 22,599,952 22,599,952 Current year profit that can be reckoned 1,050,613 1,050,613 Paid up capital fund - - Others - - 1.2.2 Deduction Factor (77,209) (16,446) Other comprehensive income - - Deficit from foreign currency translation - - Potential loss from decrease of fair value of financial asset in available for sale category - - Other Disclosed Reserves (77,209) (16,446) Disagio - - Prior year loss that can be reckoned - - Current year loss that can be reckoned - - Under provision between regulatory provision and impairment value on productive assets (60,763) - Negative difference on fair value adjustment of financial instrument in trading book - - Under provision between regulatory provision and impairment value on non productive assets (16,446) (16,446) Others - - 1.3 Minority interest which can be reckoned - - 1.4 Deduction factor to core capital (9,778,331)(5,043,044) 1.4.1 Deffered tax calculation (1,721,273) (2,061,636) 1.4.2 Goodwill 0 (1,074,532) 1.4.3 Other intangible assets (311,951) (394,405) 1.4.4 Investment calculated as deduction factor (7,745,107) (1,512,471) 1.4.5 Short of capital on insurance subsidiary company - - 1.4.6 Capital securitisation exposure - - 1.4.7 Other deduction factor to core capital - - 2. Additional Core Capital (AT-1) - - 2.1 Instrument that qualified for AT-1 - - 2.2 Agio/Disagio - - 2.3 Deduction factor of Additional Core Capital - - II Supplementary Capital (Tier 2) 1,099,566 1,224,737 1,114,006 1,238,488 1 Capital instrument in form of shares or others which are qualified for Tier 2 - - 2 Agio/Disagio 3 General allowance for possible losses on earning assets (max. 1.25% of RWA Credit Risk) 1,099,566 1,224,737 4 Deduction Factor of Supplementary Capital - - Total Capital 28,546,831 33,468,052 27,505,664 31,962,623 DESCRIPTION 31 Mar 2017 31 Mar 2016*) RATIOS (%) AS AT 31 MARCH 2017 AND 2016 (In million Rupiah) DESCRIPTION Other equity components Share capital Loss CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS Attributable to equity holders of the parent entity Other paid-up capital 31 Mar 2016*) Special Mention Substandard Doubtful AS AT 31 MARCH 2017 AND 2016 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY Additional paid-up capital Current KEY FINANCIAL RATIOS AS AT 31 MARCH 2017 AND 31 DECEMBER 2016 (In million Rupiah) *) As restated (note 2) (In million Rupiah) *) As restated (note 2) INDIVIDUAL CONSOLIDATED 31 Mar 2017 31 Mar 2016*) 31 Mar 2017 31 Mar 2016 FOR THE PERIODS ENDED 31 MARCH 2017 AND 31 DECEMBER 2016 Total III. OTHERS INFORMATION 1. Collateralised assets a. To Bank Indonesia - b. To other parties - 2. Total Allowance for impairment losses on earning assets -/- 3,354,676 3,479,682 3. Minimum required regulatory provision for earning assets 3,431,885 3,289,503 4. Percentage of micro, small and medium enterprises credit to total loans 33.64% 35.71% 5. Percentage of micro and small enterprises credit to total loans 13.04% 16.27% 6. Percentage of micro, small and medium enterprises debtors to total debtors 13.20% 13.45% 7. Percentage of micro and small enterprises debtor to total debtors 10.97% 11.47% 8. Others - a. Chanelling loans 350,623 350,623 b. Chanelling loans Mudharabah Muqayadah - c. Written-off earning assets 706,516 814,266 d. Recovery on written-off earning assets 204,139 176,344 e. Charged-off earning assets 211,656 188,399 AS AT 31 MARCH 2017 AND 2016 (In million Rupiah) INCOME AND EXPENSES FROM OPERATIONS A. Interest Income and Expenses 1. Interest Income a. Rupiah 3,171,400 3,552,474 4,876,153 5,112,891 b. Foreign currencies 137,992 151,859 137,992 151,859 2. Interest Expense a. Rupiah 916,623 1,236,483 1,272,738 1,622,616 b. Foreign currencies 52,193 86,343 144,309 190,922 Net Interest Income 2,340,576 2,381,507 3,597,098 3,451,212 3. Underwriting income 3.1. Premium income - - 447,048 455,972 3.2. Underwriting expense - - 272,809 327,409 Net Underwriting Income - - 174,239 128,563 Net Interest and underwriting income 2,340,576 2,381,507 3,771,337 3,579,775 B. Operating Income and Expense other than Interest 1. Operating Income other than Interest 936,305 965,491 937,745 1,060,138 a. Increase in fair value of financial assets i. Marketable securities - 304 - 304 ii. Loans - - - iii. Spot and derivatives 21,563 66,804 21,563 66,804 iv. Other financial assets - - - - b. Decrease in fair value of financial liabilities - - - - c. Gain from sale of financial assets - - i. Marketable securities 33,964 32,799 39,782 53,358 ii. Loans - - - iii. Other financial assets - - - - d. Gain from spot and derivative transaction (realised) 31,532 47,005 31,532 47,005 e. Dividend - 143 - 143 f. Gain from investment under equity method 379,990 345,464 - g. Fees/commissions and administrative 323,559 317,587 502,842 503,223 h. Recovery of impairment loss reserves 1,717 - 1,717 i. Other income 143,980 155,385 340,309 389,301 2. Operating Expenses other than Interest 1,994,671 2,363,038 3,222,925 3,516,400 a. Decrease in fair value of financial assets i. Marketable securities 4,453 - 4,453 ii. Loans - - - iii. Spot and derivatives 20,983 28,127 20,983 28,127 iv. Other financial assets - - - - b. Increase in fair value of financial liabilities 1,008 - 1,008 - c. Losses from sale of financial assets i. Marketable securities - 1,151 - 1,151 ii. Loans - - - iii. Other financial assets - - - - d. Losses from spot and derivative transaction (realised) 7,949 10,592 7,949 10,592 e. Impairment losses on financial assets i. Marketable securities 5,144 - 5,144 ii. Loans 495,829 828,552 812,098 1,137,656 iii. Sharia financing 21,789 5,095 21,789 5,095 iv. Other financial assets - 340 8,515 15,545 f. Losses related to operational risk 1,402 1,068 2,174 1,108 g. Losses from investment under equity method - - - h. Commissions/provision/fees and administrative 80,808 86,480 81,095 87,939 i. Losses from decrease in value of non financial assets 454 - 1,294 - j. Salaries and employee benefits 757,044 786,411 1,207,702 1,204,705 k. Promotion expenses 31,259 24,930 41,515 31,487 l. Other expenses 566,549 590,292 1,007,206 992,995 Net Operating Expenses other than Interest (1,058,366) (1,397,547) (2,285,180) (2,456,262) OPERATING PROFIT 1,282,210 983,960 1,486,157 1,123,513 NON OPERATING INCOME AND EXPENSES 1. Gain/(loss) from sale of premisses and equipment 646 852 504 1,020 2. Gain (loss) on foreign currencies translation 3 (259) 144 (1,412) 3. Income(expenses) non operating expenses 5,944 (3,821) 14,912 3,932 NON OPERATING PROFIT (LOSS) 6,593 (3,228) 15,560 3,540 CURRENT YEAR PROFIT BEFORE INCOME TAX 1,288,803 980,732 1,501,717 1,127,053 1. Income tax a. Income tax expenses 206,230 139,531 376,553 309,122 b. Deferred tax expenses (income) 32,968 27,656 40,858 (27,332) CURRENT YEAR NET PROFIT 1,049,605 813,545 1,084,306 845,263 OTHER COMPREHENSIF INCOME 1. Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss a. Gain fixed asset revalutioan - - - - b. Remeasurement on defined benefit program - - - - c. Other comprehensive income of associates entity - - - d. Others - - - e. Income tax relating to items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss - - - - 2. Items that will be reclassified to profit or loss a. Adjustment from translation of financial statements - - - - b. Gain (loss) from change value of financial assets available for sale 111,199 192,399 116,757 195,079 c. Effective portion of cash flow hedges (32,718) (44,420) (47,380) (63,951) d. Others - - - e. Income tax relating to items that will be reclassified to profit or loss (20,705) (27,514) (8,860) (11,258) CURRENT YEAR OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME AFTER TAX 57,776 120,465 60,517 119,870 TOTAL CURRENT YEAR COMPREHENSIVE INCOME 1,107,381 934,010 1,144,823 965,133 Current year profit attributable to: EQUITY HOLDERS OF THE PARENT ENTITY 1,049,605 813,545 1,049,605 813,546 NON-CONTROLLING INTERESTS - - 34,701 31,717 TOTAL CURRENT YEAR PROFIT 1,049,605 813,545 1,084,306 845,263 Total Current Year Comprehensive Income attributable to: EQUITY HOLDERS OF THE PARENT ENTITY 1,107,381 934,010 1,107,381 934,011 NON-CONTROLLING INTERESTS - - 37,442 31,122 TOTAL CURRENT YEAR COMPREHENSIVE INCOME 1,107,381 934,010 1,144,823 965,133 DIVIDEND - - - BASIC EARNINGS PER SHARE 109.51 84.88 109.51 84.88 Loss This published report are presented to comply with the Copy Circular Letter of Otoritas Jasa Keuangan No. 18/SEOJK.03/2015 dated 8 June 2015 regarding Transparency and Publication of Sharia Bank and Sharia Business Unit I. RELATED PARTIES 1. Placements with other banks a. Rupiah 119,531 - - - - 119,531 7,506 - - - - 7,506 b. Foreign currencies 50,118 - - - - 50,118 57,983 - - - - 57,983 2. Spot and derivative receivables a. Rupiah 5 - - - - 5 - - - - - b. Foreign currencies 19 - - - - 19 - - - - - 3. Marketable securities a. Rupiah 77,897 - - - - 77,897 75,441 - - - - 75,441 b. Foreign currencies 22,296 - - - - 22,296 189 - - - - 189 4. Securities sold under repurchase agreements (repo) a. Rupiah - - - - - - - - - - - b. Foreign currencies - - - - - - - - - - - 5. Securities purchased under resale agreements (reverse repo) a. Rupiah - - - - - - - - - - - b. Foreign currencies - - - - - - - - - - - 6. Acceptance receivables 846 - - - - 846 9,596 - - - - 9,596 7. Loans a. Debtor micro, small and medium i. Rupiah - - - - - - - - - - - ii. Foreign currencies - - - - - - - - - - - b. Non debtor micro, small and medium i. Rupiah 468,258 - - - - 468,258 379,536 - - - - 379,536 ii. Foreign currencies - - - - - - - - - - - c. Restructured Loans i. Rupiah - - - - - - - - - - - ii. Foreign currencies - - - - - - - - - - - d. Properties loan 13,296 - - - - 13,296 12,855 - - - - 12,855 8. Investments 7,745,107 - - - - 7,745,107 7,118,515 - - - - 7,118,515 9. Temporary equity investment - - - - - - - - - - - 10. Others receivables - - - - - - - - - - - 11. Commitments and contingencies to third parties a. Rupiah 741,548 - - - - 741,548 860,543 - - - - 860,543 b. Foreign currencies - - - - - - - - - - - 12. Idle properties - - - - - - - - - - - 13. Foreclosed assets - - - - - - - - - - - 14. Suspense accounts - - - - - - - - - - - II. NON RELATED PARTIES 1. Placements with other banks a. Rupiah 2,018,334 - - - - 2,018,334 1,366,081 - - - - 1,366,081 b. Foreign currencies 940,218 - - - - 940,218 3,426,619 - - - - 3,426,619 2. Spot and derivative receivables a. Rupiah 29,618 - - - - 29,618 46,141 - - - - 46,141 b. Foreign currencies 3,322 - - - - 3,322 70,542 - - - - 70,542 3. Marketable securities a. Rupiah 15,592,421 - - - - 15,592,421 11,078,095 - - - - 11,078,095 b. Foreign currencies 9,925,179 - - - - 9,925,179 5,185,510 - - - - 5,185,510 4. Securities sold under repurchase agreements (repo) a. Rupiah - - - - - - - - - - - b. Foreign currencies - - - - - - - - - - - 5. Securities purchased under resale agreements (reverse repo) a. Rupiah 1,242,545 - - - - 1,242,545 473,229 - - - - 473,229 b. Foreign currencies - - - - - - - - - - - 6. Acceptance receivables 1,387,767 11,953 - - - 1,399,720 2,772,100 13,810 - - - 2,785,910 7. Loans a. Debtor micro, small and medium i. Rupiah 27,013,495 2,799,499 234,594 412,534 1,001,325 31,461,447 29,450,090 3,650,223 345,688 582,043 1,280,147 35,308,191 ii. Foreign currencies 160,226 518 23,578 - 5,330 189,652 495,507 7,355 24,749 - 2,338 529,949 b. Non debtor micro, small and medium i. Rupiah 50,743,493 3,446,144 244,451 249,144 489,610 55,172,842 51,854,660 3,523,997 253,351 300,809 520,581 56,453,398 ii. Foreign currencies 5,334,437 807,331 - - 650,195 6,791,963 6,171,003 1,265,399 - 137,928 127,273 7,701,603 c. Restructured Loans i. Rupiah 1,098,291 465,986 164,434 58,303 167,571 1,954,585 1,081,850 609,486 105,489 121,902 282,624 2,201,351 ii. Foreign currencies 289,553 521,383 23,578 - 188,917 1,023,431 217,252 777,113 24,749 137,928 79,168 1,236,210 d. Properties loan 4,573,277 203,388 24,498 26,050 69,900 4,897,113 4,283,431 205,061 18,287 22,464 57,419 4,586,662 8. Investments 142,796 25 - - - 142,821 164,441 25 - - - 164,466 9. Temporary equity investment - - - - - - - - - - - 10. Others receivables 19,608 - - - - 19,608 16,450 - - - - 16,450 11. Commitments and contingencies to third parties a. Rupiah 35,740,220 209,168 500 - - 35,949,888 33,133,591 173,052 - - 250 33,306,893 b. Foreign currencies 6,831,412 110,887 - - - 6,942,299 7,348,859 91,260 - - - 7,440,119 12. Idle properties - - - - 16,397 16,397 - - - - 16,397 16,397 13. Foreclosed assets 194,419 - - - 49 194,468 - - - - 499 499 14. Suspense accounts 913 - - - - 913 1,080 - - - - 1,080 CAPITAL ADEQUACY RATIO (CAR) FOR THE 3 MONTHS PERIODS ENDED 31 MARCH 2017 AND 2016 (In million Rupiah, except earning per share) NO. FINANCIAL INFORMATION ON SHARIA BUSINESS UNIT AS AT 31 MARCH 2017 AND 2016 (In million Rupiah) - Ng Kee Choe Johanes Berchmans Kristiadi Pudjosukanto Gan Chee Yen Manggi Taruna Habir Ernest Wong Yuen Weng Made Sukada Emirsyah Satar 1) Sng Seow Wah Muliadi Rahardja 2) Herry Hykmanto Vera Eve Lim Satinder Pal Singh Ahluwalia Michellina Laksmi Triwardhany Adnan Qayum Khan Heriyanto Agung Putra Rita Mirasari 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TABLE OF MARGIN DISTRIBUTIONS FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH 2017 (In million Rupiah) Average balance A Revenues to be distributed B Depositor’s portion Nisbah (%) Total bonus Rate of return & profit indication sharing (%) D E C A. FINANCING 1. Bank 311,318 3,121 - - 2. Non Bank 3,044,069 30,586 - - B.FUNDING 1. Wadiah current accounts a. Bank 6,185 53 - - b. Non Bank 196,536 1,674 - - 2. Mudharabah current accounts a.Bank 18,536 158 10 16 1.00 b. Non Bank 284,812 2,426 10 243 1.00 3. Wadiah savings a. Bank - - - - b. Non Bank 6,180 53 - - 4. Mudharabah savings a.Bank 27,741 236 13 31 1.30 b. Non Bank 353,291 3,009 13 391 1.30 5. Mudharabah deposits a.Bank - 1 month 628,042 5,349 42 2,247 4.21 - 3 months 5,000 43 42 18 4.25 - 6 months 500 4 45 2 4.24 - 12 months 4,997 43 42 18 4.26 b. Non Bank - 1 month 2,040,944 17,382 42 7,300 4.21 - 3 months 76,861 655 42 275 4.21 - 6 months 74,890 638 42 268 4.21 - 12 months 14,978 128 42 54 4.23 TOTAL 3,739,493 31,851 42 54 4.23 Notes: *) Total of Murabahah and Istishna financing exclude margin to be received of Rp 35,261 million and Rp 41,468 million as at 31 Maret 2017 and 31 December 2016. Jakarta, April 27, 2017 Sharia Business Unit Prof. Dr. KH. Muhammad Sirajuddin Syamsuddin, MA Sharia Supervisory Board Herry Hykmanto Director Notes: 1. The above financial information is extracted from the consolidated financial statements of PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk. (the “Bank”) and subsidiaries as of 31 March 2017 and for the three-month period then ended, prepared by the Bank’s management in accordance with Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards. The above financial information does not contain notes to the consolidated financial statements. The above published report are presented in order to comply with Regulation of Financial Service Authority (“POJK”) No. 6/POJK.03/2015 dated 31 March 2015 regarding “Transparency and Publication of Bank” and its amendment of POJK No. 32/POJK.03/2016 dated 8 August 2016, dan the Copy of Circular Letter of Financial Service Authority (“SEOJK”) No. 43/SEOJK.03/2016 dated 28 September 2016 regarding “Transparency and Publication of Conventional Bank”, Regulation of Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency (“Bapepam-LK” which function has been transferred to Financial Service Authority (”OJK”) starting 1 January 2013) No. VIII.G.7. Appendix to the Decree of the Chairman of Bapepam-LK No. Kep-347/BL/2012 regarding “Financial Statements Presentation and Disclosure of Issuer or Public Companies” jo. Decision of Chairman of Bapepam-LK. No. KEP-554/BL/2010 dated 30 December 2010 regarding “Amendment on Decision of Chairman of Capital Market Supervisory Agency No. KEP-06/PM/2000 dated 13 March 2000 regarding Guidelines for the Preparation of Financial Statements” jo. Circular Letter of Chairman of Bapepam No. SE-02/PM/2002 regarding “Guidelines for Presentation and Disclosure of Financial Statements of Issuer or Public Companies”, and Regulation of Bapepam No. X.K.2 Appendix to the Decree of the Chairman of Bapepam-LK No. Kep-346/BL/2011 dated 5 July 2011 regarding “Submission of Periodic Financial Statements of Issuer or Public Companies”. 2. In 2016, the Bank has adopted Amendment to SFAS No. 4 “Separate Financial Statements regarding Equity Method in Separate Financial Statements” whereby the investment in subsidiaries in the parent entity financial information as supplementary financial information of the consolidated financial statements is recorded using equity method and the implementation is retrospectively applied. 3. Certain accounts in the financial statements for the three-month period then ended 31 March 2016 have been reclassified to conform to the presentation of financial statements for the three-month period then ended 31 March 2017. 4. The consolidated financial statements as of 31 March 2017 and for the three-month period then ended included financial statements of subsidiaries, i.e. PT Adira Dinamika Multi Finance Tbk, PT Asuransi Adira Dinamika, and PT Adira Quantum Multifinance. 5. Asia Financial (Indonesia) Pte. Ltd. is wholly-owned by Fullerton Financial Holdings Pte.Ltd, which is an indirect and wholly-owned subsidiary of Temasek Holdings Pte. Ltd. Temasek Holdings Pte. Ltd is an investment holding company based in Singapore and owned by the Ministry of Finance of Singapore. 6. Exchange rate as of 31 March 2017: USD 1 = Rp13,325.5; Exchange rate as of 31 December 2016: USD 1 = Rp13,472.5; Exchange rate as of 31 March 2016: USD 1 = Rp13,260. Jakarta, April 27, 2017 Board of Directors Note : 1) The Bank received Emirsyah Satar’s resignation letter on 1 February 2017 and his resignation was effective since 12 April 2017 based on the approval from the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. 2) Muliadi Rahardja was not reappointed from his position as Vice President Director in the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on 12 April 2017. Type of funding NO. Sng Seow Wah President Director Vera Eve Lim Director Thank You for Your Vote of Confidence SHARIA SUPERVISORY BOARD: 1. Chairman 2. Member 3. Member : Prof. Dr. KH. Muhammad Sirajuddin Syamsuddin, MA : Drs. Hasanuddin, M. Ag. : Drs. H. Karnaen A. Perwataatmadja, MPA, FIIS SHAREHOLDERS AS AT 31 MARCH 2017 1. Asia Financial (Indonesia) Pte. Ltd. 2. JPMCB-FRANKLIN Templeton Investment Funds 3. Public (shares ownership under 5%) TOTAL 67.37% 6.58% 26.05% 100% Retail Banker International’s Asia Trailblazer Awards 2017 in the Best Digital Marketing Campaign and Best Marketing Campaign Overall categories TOP CSR Award 2017 for TOP Leader on CSR Commitment and TOP CSR 2017 on Nawacita 6: Traditional Market Revitalization Corporate Communications - Menara Bank Danamon 17th Floor, Jl. HR. Rasuna Said, Blok C No. 10 Kelurahan Karet, Kecamatan Setiabudi, Jakarta 12920, Telp. (021) 80645000, Fax. (021) 80645030, Email : Investor Relation Division - Menara Bank Danamon 16th Floor, Jl. HR. Rasuna Said, Blok C No. 10 Kelurahan Karet, Kecamatan Setiabudi, Jakarta 12920, Telp. (021) 80645000, Fax. (021) 80645103, Email : PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk Registered and supervised by Financial Services Authority (OJK)
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