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Member States That Signed / Ratified The TPS-OIC Agreements

9 years ago
This document shows the OIC Member States that have signed or ratified the TPS-OIC agreements, as of May 2014.


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  1. 1-MEMBER STATES THAT SIGNED / RATIFIEDTHE TPS-OIC AGREEMENTS (As of May 2014) No. Member States Signed Ratified Signed Ratified Signed 1 Bahrain √ √ √ √ √ 2 Bangladesh √ √ √ √ 3 Benin √ --- √ --- 4 Burkina Faso √ --- √ --- 5 Cameroon √ Chad √ √ --- --- 6 √ --- 7 Comoros √ --- 8 Cot d’Ivoire √ 9 Djibouti 10 Framework Agreement PRETAS TPS-OIC Rules of Origin Submission of the Concession Lists Ratified --- √* √ √ √ √ --- √ ----- ---- √ --- √ --- √ --- --- √ --- √ --- √ √ √ --- --- Egypt √ √ --- 11 Gabon √ √ √ --- √ --- --- --- --- 12 Gambia √ √ √ Guinea √ √ √ √ --- 14 Guinea-Bissau √ √ --- √ --- √ 13 √ --- √ --- 15 Indonesia √ √ √ --- √ --- 16 Iran √ √ 17 Iraq √ √ √ --- √ --- √ --- √ --- 18 Jordan √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 19 Kuwait √ √ --- √* Lebanon √ √ --- √ --- --- 20 √ --- 21 Libya √ √ --- --- --- --- 22 Malaysia √ √ √ √ √ √ 23 Maldives √ --- --- --- 24 Mauritania √ √ --- --√ --- √ --- 25 Morocco √ --- √ √ --- √ Niger √ --- √ 26 √ √ --- 27 Nigeria √ --- √ --- √ --- 28 Oman √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 29 Pakistan √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 30 Palestine √ √ √ √ √ √ 31 Qatar √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 32 Saudi Arabia √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 33 Senegal √ --- --- --- --- 34 Sierra Leone √ √ --- √ --- √ --- 35 36 Somalia √ √ √ √ --- √ Sudan √ --- √ --- 37 Syria √ √ 38 Tunisia √ √ √ √ √ √ --- √ --- --- --- √ √ √ --- √ √**
  2. 39 Turkey √ √ 40 UAE √ √ √ √ 41 Uganda √ 30 --- --- 33 16 32 15 √ 40 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ --- --- *The State of Kuwait and the Kingdom of Bahrain have not yet completed the ratification of the TPS-OIC Agreements. ** The Syrian Arab Republic’s membership was suspended by the 4th Extraordinary Summit of OIC. 12