MARC Assigns Financial Institution Ratings Of AAA/MARC-1 To The Islamic Development Bank And A Preliminary Rating Of Aaais To The Proposed Sukuk Issuance Of Up To Rm400 Million; Outlook Stable
MARC Assigns Financial Institution Ratings Of AAA/MARC-1 To The Islamic Development Bank And A Preliminary Rating Of Aaais To The Proposed Sukuk Issuance Of Up To Rm400 Million; Outlook Stable
Islam, Mal, Reserves
Islam, Mal, Reserves
- 6 /16/2016 Latest Announcement - (News ID : 2016061600026) Latest Announcement News ID : 2016061600026 Subject : ISLAMIC DEVELOPMENT BANK ISLAMIC DEVELOPMENT BANK Organisation Name: MALAYSIAN RATING CORPORATION News Type: RATING ANNOUNCEMENT Reference Site: None Embargo Date: 16/06/2016 Embargo Time: 05:45 PM Expiry Date: 30/06/2016 Priority: Medium Summary: MARC ASSIGNS FINANCIAL INSTITUTION RATINGS OF AAA/MARC1 TO THE ISLAMIC DEVELOPMENT BANK AND A PRELIMINARY RATING OF AAAIS TO THE PROPOSED SUKUK ISSUANCE OF UP TO RM400 MILLION; OUTLOOK STABLE Attachments: No attachment available. Disclaimer: The user, including a user who is also a FAST Participant, expressly agrees that the use of this website which is accessible at is at the user's sole risk. The information contained in this FAST website is compiled by MyClear Sdn. Bhd. (MyClear) and is provided on an "as is" basis without any representations or warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied. While MyClear makes every effort to ensure that information contained in the FAST website are accurate and disseminated in a timely and efficient manner, the user acknowledges that delays, errors, omissions or inaccuracies may occur. MyClear disclaims any liability pertaining to the consequences of any delays, errors, omissions or inaccuracies arising out of or relating to the FAST website or information, including but not limited to, any decision made or action taken by a user in reliance upon such information, or for damages suffered, whether direct, consequential, special, punitive, indirect or otherwise, notwithstanding having been advised of the possibility of such damages. In the event of any dispute, the official records of MyClear shall prevail. MyClear, Bank Negara Malaysia or any of its affiliates, officers, directors, agents or any other party involved in creating, producing or delivering the FAST website, shall not be liable for any direct, consequential, special, punitive, indirect, incidental or other damages arising out of or in any way connected with the use or inability to use the FAST website or information, whether based on contract, tort, liability or otherwise, even if advised on the possibility of any such damages. Content 1/2
- 6 /16/2016 Latest Announcement - (News ID : 2016061600026) MARC has assigned longterm and shortterm financial institution (FI) ratings of AAA and MARC1 respectively to the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB). The ratings are on the Malaysian national scale. Concurrently, the rating agency has assigned a preliminary rating of AAAIS to the proposed Sukuk Wakalah (Sukuk) issuance of up to RM400 million by Tadamun Services Berhad (Tadamun), a trust established by IsDB for the purpose of issuing the sukuk. IsDB will provide an undertaking to acquire the Sukuk upon maturity, early redemption or in the event of a default by Tadamun as well as to cover any shortfall in profit payments on the Sukuk. The outlook on the ratings is stable. Established by the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in 1975 and headquartered in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, IsDB is a multilateral development bank (MDB) with a membership of 57 countries, most of which are from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) and SubSahara Africa (SSA) regions. IsDB undertakes financing and investment activities to support the economic development of member countries and Muslim communities across the world. MARC's ratings on IsDB primarily reflect the bank's solid capital position and strong liquidity levels, which are underpinned by high shareholder support. The ratings also incorporate IsDB's prudent financing policy that includes limits on geographical and sectoral exposures and the bank's preferred creditor status. These strengths significantly mitigate the credit risk in the bank's financing and investment portfolio. IsDB's capital adequacy levels provide significant coverage over any unexpected losses stemming from its financing and investment activities. For the year ended 30 Dhul Hijjah 1436 Hijra (FY1436H), which corresponds to October 13, 2015, the bank's total members' equity of ID7.8 billion (Islamic dinar), comprising paidin capital of ID4.9 billion and reserves of ID2.9 billion, accounted for 48.8% of total assets. As a proportion of total financing and investments, members' equity amounted to 60.7%. The coverage ratios are comparatively higher than its peer MDBs such as the African Development Bank and the Asian Development Bank. MARC notes IsDB's capital position is further enhanced by the bank's callable capital of ID40.5 billion as at endFY1436H; the bank's callable capital constitutes contractual support that can be called upon on member countries to cover the bank's obligations. MARC views positively the strong financial commitment of IsDB's key shareholders, in particular Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar and United Arab Emirates (with a combined stake of 45%), to support the bank. The rating agency draws comfort from the fact that among the member countries, 47.0% or ID19.1 billion of total callable capital is committed by member countries rated in the A and above category on a global rating scale. In line with its financing policy, IsDB maintains a single country exposure limit of 15% on its financing and investments to address concentration risk; its three largest country exposures Turkey (8.78%), Morocco (8.74%) and Pakistan (8.43%) are well within the limit. In terms of sectoral distribution, the bank's inclination is towards infrastructurerelated activities, namely public utilities (40.0%) and transport & telecoms (26.8%). The bank continues to have significant exposure to sovereigns with weak credit ratings, although this has declined from 80% in 1432H to about 70% of the bank's financing and investments. The bank makes full provisions against installment payments overdue by six months. As at FY1436H, installments overdue stood at 0.97% of total financing and investments. IsDB mitigates the credit risk by requiring explicit guarantees on all sovereign entities; financing for nonsovereigns is limited to strategic entities and projects in which the governments of member countries are major stakeholders and are guarantors of suppliers/offtakers. Given that IsDB has been granted preferred creditor status by its shareholders, the bank has priority claim over other creditors in the event of default. MARC observes that IsDB has historically maintained a conservative leverage position, relying mainly on equity capital to fund its operations. However, in recent years the bank shifted to capital markets for funding through several sukuk issuances. This led to an increase in the bank's gearing ratio from 79.1% in 1432H to 93.2% in 1436H; nonetheless, the bank's gearing remains conservative, both by its own internal measures of 1.25 times members' equity (paidin capital plus reserves), as well as compared to its peer MDBs. IsDB is also one of the most liquid institutions among its peer MDBs, with liquid assets constituting 23.5% of total assets. The stable rating outlook reflects MARC's expectations that IsDB will maintain its strong capitalisation and liquidity profile, and that the bank's member countries will continue to extend strong support. Contacts: Hari Vijay +6032082 2280 /, Afeeq Amiri +6032082 2256 /, Sharidan Salleh, +6032082 2251 / June 16, 2016 [This announcement is available in the MARC corporate homepage at] DISCLAIMER This communication is provided by Malaysian Rating Corporation Berhad (MARC) on the basis of information believed by MARC to be accurate and reliable as derived from publicly available sources or provided by the rated entity or its agents. MARC, however, has not independently verified such information and makes no representation as to the accuracy or completeness of such information. Any assignment of a credit rating by MARC is solely to be construed as a statement of its opinion and not a statement of fact. A credit rating is not a recommendation to buy, sell, or hold any security. 2/2
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