Hong Leong Islamic Income Management Fund Report - February 2021

Hong Leong Islamic Income Management Fund Report - February 2021
Shariah, Sukuk, Sales
Shariah, Sukuk, Sales
Organisation Tags (6)
Hong Leong Islamic Bank
RHB Islamic Bank
Tenaga Nasional Berhad
RHB Islamic Bank Berhad Sukuk RM250 Million 4.880% 27-Apr-2027 - Series 2
RHB Islamic Bank Berhad Sukuk RM500 Million 4.320% 21-May-2029 - Series 3
Hong Leong Islamic Income Management Fund
- 1 3-year Fund Volatility 26 /04/2007 to 28/02/2021 2.2 very low HONG LEONG ISLAMIC INCOME MANAGEMENT FUND (HLIIMF) Lipper Analytics 10 Feb 21 Highlight on HLIIMF Fund Objective To provide investors with a low risk investment portfolio offering a stable and regular stream of income and stability in capital while adhering to Shariah requirements. 60 50 48.18 40 % 30 20 45.67 10 80 28/02/21 30/04/20 30/04/19 30/04/18 30/04/17 30/04/15 30/04/14 30/04/13 30/04/12 30/04/11 30/04/16 Maybank 1 Month GIA-i Tier I Rate CALCULATION: Percentage Growth, NAV Per Unit-to-NAV Per Unit basis with gross income (if any) from HLIIMF reinvested, since launch, in MYR terms. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance and unit prices and investment returns may go down, as well as up. Performance Records Percentage Growth HLIIMF Benchmark (%) (%) Year-to-date 1 Month 3 Months 6 Months 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years 100 HLIIMF Source: Lipper For Investment Management ^ For effective date on sales charge and annual management fee, please refer to 3rd Supplementary Master Prospectus dated 31 December 2020. Asset Allocation - % Weighting 30/04/10 0 30/04/09 Islamic Fixed Income/Income 26 April 2007 31 October RM 8,906,424 17,337,762 RM 0.5000 RM 0.5137 RM 1,000 (initial) RM 100 (subsequent) Sales Charge Up to 4% of NAV Per Unit^ Annual Management Fee Up to 1.50% p.a.^ Trustee Fee 0.08% p.a. , subject to a minimum of RM 18,000 p.a. Risks Market risk, Liquidity risk, Fund management risk, Non-compliance risk, Loan financing risk, Inflation/Purchasing power risk, Particular security risk, Credit/Default risk, Interest rate risk, Single issuer risk, Counterparty risk and Shariah status reclassification risk. 30/04/08 Category/Type of Fund Launch Date Financial Year End Fund Size Units in Circulation Initial Offer Price NAV Per Unit Minimum Investment 26/04/07 Fund Information -1.29 -1.40 -1.12 -1.36 0.73 8.84 15.43 33.31 0.16 0.08 0.25 0.50 1.21 7.08 14.76 33.27 Annualised Compounded Return Benchmark HLIIMF (%) (%) 0.73 2.86 2.91 2.91 1.21 2.31 2.79 2.91 60 % Calendar Year Returns 40 20 0 Sep 20 Oct 20 Nov 20 Sukuk Dec 20 Jan 21 Feb 21 Islamic Deposits & Cash Equivalents Sector Allocation (% of NAV) Islamic Deposits & Cash Equivalents 9.08 Sukuk 90.92 Government Sukuk Private Sukuk 48.00 42.92 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 HLIIMF (%) Benchmark (%) HLIIMF Distribution Yield (%) 4.41 2.83 3.22 3.28 2.79 3.27 2.67 2.73 2.90 2.84 1.41 2.63 3.21 3.29 3.94 3.47 2.89 2.78 2.88 2.95 2.04 3.55 3.55 2.48 2.77 2.40 1.87 2.93 2.76 2.80 Source: Lipper For Investment Management, In MYR Terms. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance and unit prices and investment returns may go down, as well as up. Income Distributions / Unit Splits Entitlement Date Unit Split (Units) Income Distribution (Gross) Historical Fund Prices Top Five Shariah-compliant Holdings (% of NAV) 1 2 3 4 5 Government Investment Issue - 2026 TNB Western Energy Berhad - Private Sukuk TNB Northern Energy Berhad - Private Sukuk RHB Islamic Bank Berhad - Private Sukuk Imtiaz Sukuk II Berhad - Private Sukuk 48.00 13.02 12.18 11.83 5.89 Highest NAV Per Unit Lowest NAV Per Unit 24/12/2020 25/01/2021 25/02/2021 0.08 sen 0.08 sen 0.08 sen NAV Per Unit (RM) Date 0.5268 0.4991 25/08/2020 11/06/2008 On an ex-distribution basis, if there is any income distribution and/or unit split since inception. Note:-(1) Based on the Fund’s portfolio returns as at 31 January 2021, the Volatility Factor (VF) for this Fund is 2.2 and is classified as “Very Low” (Source: Lipper). “Very Low” includes funds with VF that are above 0.000 but not more than 3.645 (Source: Lipper). The VF means there is a possibility for the Fund in generating an upside return or downside return around this VF. The Volatility Class (VC) is assigned by Lipper based on quintile ranks of VF for qualified funds. VF is subject to monthly revision and VC will be revised every six months. The Fund’s portfolio may have changed since this date and there is no guarantee that the Fund will continue to have the same VF or VC in the future. Presently, only funds launched in the market for at least 36 months will display the VF and VC. Disclaimer:- This Invest Facts is an advertisement/promotional material. This advertisement/promotional material has not been reviewed by the Securities Commission. Investors are advised to read and understand the contents of the Hong Leong Master Prospectus dated 23 August 2019, First, Second and Third Supplementary Hong Leong Master Prospectus dated 18 November 2019, 27 March 2020 and 31 December 2020 respectively (collectively known as the “Prospectus”) and Product Highlights Sheet (the “PHS”) before investing. The Prospectus has been registered and PHS lodged with the Securities Commission who takes no responsibility for the contents of the Prospectus and PHS. The registration of Prospectus or lodgement of PHS to the Securities Commission does not amount to nor indicate that the Securities Commission has recommended or endorsed the fund. A copy of the Prospectus can be obtained from any of Hong Leong Asset Management offices, agents or our authorised distributors. The PHS is also available and investors have the right to request for it. You shall also consider the fees and charges involved before investing. Prices of units and distributions payable, if any, may go down or up, and past performance of the Fund is not an indication of its future performance. Where a distribution/unit split is declared, investors are advised that following the issue of additional units/distribution, the NAV per unit will be reduced from cum-distribution NAV/pre-unit split NAV to ex-distribution NAV/post-unit split NAV. Where a unit split is declared, the value of your investment in Malaysian Ringgit will remain unchanged after the distribution of the additional units. Where unit trust loan financing is available, investors are advised to read and understand the contents of the unit trust loan financing risk disclosure statement before deciding to borrow to purchase units. Investors shall be aware of the risks for the Fund before investing: Market risk, Liquidity risk, Fund management risk, Non-compliance risk, Loan financing risk, Inflation/Purchasing power risk, Particular security risk, Credit/Default risk, Interest rate risk, Single issuer risk, Counterparty risk and Shariah status reclassification risk. You are also advised to perform the suitability assessment to evaluate your risk tolerance level before making any investment decision. Applications must be made on the Account Opening Form and Investment Application Form referred to and accompanying the Prospectus. The Fund may not be suitable for all and if in doubt, investors shall seek independent advice.
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