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Forum will focus on Sukuk for infrastructure development

IM Press Release
By IM Press Release
8 years ago
Forum will focus on Sukuk for infrastructure development

Ard, Islam, Sukuk

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  1. PRESS RELEASE The 41st Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) 15-19 May 2016 Forum will focus on Sukuk for infrastructure development Jakarta, Indonesia, 16 May 2016 – The Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI), a member of the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Group, will hold a forum 17 May 2016 to discuss how to leverage Sukuk potentials for infrastructure development. IRTI is organizing the forum under the auspices of the first Annual Islamic Finance Conference, in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of IsDB. It is one of IRTI’s four side events taking place during the meeting. The theme of the forum is “Sukuk for Infrastructure Financing and Financial Inclusion Strategy”. It is aimed at promoting the use of Islamic financing to fund infrastructure projects and enhance financial inclusion. Experts and policymakers will discuss regulatory frameworks, structuring innovative Sukuk, Sukuk issuance for infrastructure financing, and developing new product structures. Indonesia’s Minister of Finance, Prof. Bambang P.S. Brodjonegoro, will open the forum, and the Vice-Minister of Finance, Prof. Mardiasmo, will deliver the closing the remarks. “The forum will provide better appreciation of the challenges associated with Sukuk issuance, and generate ideas to facilitate and encourage more innovative Sukuk issuance, particularly for infrastructure financing,” said IRTI Director General, Prof. Mohamed Azmi Omar. More details: irti.org ### 1
  2. About the Islamic Development Bank : IsDB is a multilateral development bank with headquarters in Jeddah, KSA. It consists of 57 member countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America. The purpose of the bank is to foster the economic development and social progress in its member countries, and Muslim communities in non-member countries. The Bank has regional offices in Kuala Lampur (Malaysia), Rabat (Morocco), Almaty (Kazakhstan), Dakar (Senegal), and several gateway offices and field representatives in different parts of the world. For more information: isdb.org 2