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DIB Board of Directors meeting on Wednesday 18-April اجتماع مجلس إدارة بنك دبي الإسلامي بتاريخ الأربعاء 18 أبريل

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By IM Insights
6 years ago
DIB Board of Directors meeting on Wednesday 18-April اجتماع مجلس إدارة بنك دبي الإسلامي بتاريخ الأربعاء 18 أبريل

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  1. Dubai Islamic Bank I . " \ umJLmlJI g0.) iiliJ Date: 18/04/2018 r9018/04/18 2am“ Mr. Hassan Abdulrahman Al Serkal Chief Head Operations of Operation — web Officer (.15th on)“ 9M1 Executive Vice President — Q‘s-Ml w! 499 cm I git-1553 WJ— 153953 web ail-3 Owl 80:3 (COO) Division glut 9....» £331... 51831114414101 abujlt (5.; Dubai Financial Market - Dubai, United Arab Emirates Sub.: DIB Board of Directors meeting Wednesday, Dear on 1.9%" an U-‘l E.JL'u. “awn 18/04/2018 0A». swat may“ 154.9 ‘2018 aw U: Sir, With reference to the above be please informed subject matter, that the Board of Directors of Dubai Islamic Bank held meeting 09:00 on AM. ratified Wednesday, 18/04/2018 Please note that the the Consolidated Statements of the a at board Financial for the first quarter of 2018 ended 31/03/2018 with a net profit of AED mm 18 Group 1,211 million among other items. 4-95 Us! 04.“ 014. up eSLeA-i a»? Ema as can cat-iii Raul an“. «in: an on gs autism is; A; “#1 u» 132018/04/18 55511128911”. Lug anal 15,418 wt and mum ”A; 152018/03/31 g 54.331851 2018 gsbl-‘l My web 1,211 we gamut 9. aim Isn’t“: :in4 (tall «m «5251 ~3be Pursuant to the General Assembly special resolution in its dated 21/02/2018 meeting pertaining to increase of the Bank’s issued capital, the Board of Directors in its meeting has resolved that the rights issue price of each new share will be AED 3.11 (the “Issue Price”), including nominal value of AED 1.00 per share. The Issue Price reflects a 45% discount equivalent to AED 2.54 per share to the market close oftrading on price of the share as at 3.91:9 65‘; usual an dull rowan Ml M J-‘m‘jl duh wb Maj one ("Jlmjl )m") (any 3.11 )5 .9350] 38141.00) (2.54) 9.51% uusi and to take all actions this decision. required to execute A34; 6*“ J31 JlAm‘Yl quamnuzwyméuim %45 ylfia Lug; Ju‘m an em raw an 04 W .2018 the GCEO of the Bank to seek all necessary approvals from the competent authorities 2018/02/21 Pmaiécwldshbletfliallbla‘luuba 17/04/2018. The Board of Directors has also authorized bust as: / 04/ y... ”15.... gaunt 17 a»; g djlfll an. lore-«l uses-mi dew obi)“ an)“ uni.“ ”a, 9., new actual mul baggie urns! @511 1.31m 12125281 be; sung; 21,4311 ate“ .Jlfill Yours sincerely m plfi‘lldflédfilm‘g $35533“ ode-b“ “ail-i «‘NM‘!‘ g-H am. www.mbae $1
  2. Dubai Islamic Bank ('9 qwfl-wé“ cm; «in: \ Date: 18/04/2018 2018/04/18 Extract from the minutes of meeting of the d» Board of Directors of Dubai Islamic Bank held on 18/04/2018 The Board of Directors of Dubai Islamic @1311 but at». ems mm s» cm" 2018/04/18 @459 Mi «any! 9.): 43:34“ Bank at its “We! 9 «MW L5.” Ahab! uni.» J} meeting held on 18/04/2018 has resolved to adopt the consolidated financial statements of the Group for the first quarter wt 1111.111 mom 31.43:) of financial year 2018 ended 31 March 2018 with a net profit of AED 1,211 million. 0391‘ 1,211 Us; 31 2018/04/18 3.9139 9.5 gem!) 32018 3911411 ca mu 91.4 13116911 2018 we -gfibh1r‘J-‘ Pursuant to the General Assembly special resolution in its dated 21/02/2018 meeting pertaining to increase of the Bank’s issued capital, the Board of Directors in its meeting has resolved that the rights issue price of each new share will be AED 3.11 (the “Issue Price”), including nominal value of 311.401 MwMi M‘ Jtfi 131.551 Jun and! wb 3:11; ohm. 2018/02/21 GJug 51.141 fiéaéeeeudgdlmy‘wwsaoiée 1.“... wt AED 1.00 per share. The Issue Price reflects a 45% discount equivalent to AED 2.54 per ‘éjijlfii share to the market 95,1“; close of trading on price of the share as at 17/04/2018. The Board of Directors has also authorized the GCEO of the Bank to seek all necessary approvals from the competent authorities and to take all actions decision. required to execute this E e131}! 9131 0.19.. ail, £311! 4.914391 a): 3.11 (51.1.4311 M") (1.00) 19.15} M 2,9in PA): %45 and tags p.911 iiiyd‘ Lei“ o4 ee-u- .2018 / / 04 17 LN 91%! fa as} Us,”w (2-54) 93 dams dust @th #11 am was u'A-‘Jé'i' 2M w.» as, we: Luau gnaw Sign], W1 wan $114+.“ to. 3.5131 0. 9...: .1. 1:34.“: reg->111 13135541 1.14M! 131.5931 a.» 34‘4“.“ ode-4 one-b gay-“1211 9"") £11.: wwwdiu ae w»