AAOIFI Shariah Standards

Murabahah: Appendix C - Brief History of the Preparation of the Standard

In its meeting No. (1) held on 11 Dhul-Hajjah 1419 A.H., corresponding to 27 February 1999 A.D., the Shariah Board decided to give priority to the preparation of a Standard setting out the Shariah rules for Murabahah.

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On Tuesday 13 Dhul-Hajjah 1419 A.H., corresponding to 30 March 1999 A.D., the Fatwa and Arbitration Committee recommended to the Shariah Board the commissioning of a Shariah consultant to prepare a juristic study and an exposure draft of the Shariah Rules for Murabahah.

« Appendix B - Notice of Acceptance by Institution of Customer's Offer to Purchase Asset or Good to be Acquired, and off Selling Item by Institution to Customer Appendix D - The Shariah Basis For The Standard »

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