RAM Ratings Assigns AA3s Rating To Bank Rakyats Proposed Subordinated Sukuk
RAM Ratings Assigns AA3s Rating To Bank Rakyats Proposed Subordinated Sukuk
Mal, Murabahah
Mal, Murabahah
- 5 /19/2016 Latest Announcement - (News ID : 2016051900026) Latest Announcement News ID : 2016051900026 Subject : Mumtaz Rakyat Sukuk Berhad Mumtaz Rakyat Sukuk Berhad Organisation Name: RAM RATING SERVICES BERHAD News Type: RATING ANNOUNCEMENT Reference Site: None Embargo Date: 19/05/2016 Embargo Time: 05:45 PM Expiry Date: 18/06/2016 Priority: Medium Summary: RAM Ratings assigns AA3(s) rating to Bank Rakyat's proposed subordinated sukuk Attachments: No attachment available. Disclaimer: The user, including a user who is also a FAST Participant, expressly agrees that the use of this website which is accessible at https://fast.bnm.gov.my/ is at the user's sole risk. The information contained in this FAST website is compiled by MyClear Sdn. Bhd. (MyClear) and is provided on an "as is" basis without any representations or warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied. While MyClear makes every effort to ensure that information contained in the FAST website are accurate and disseminated in a timely and efficient manner, the user acknowledges that delays, errors, omissions or inaccuracies may occur. MyClear disclaims any liability pertaining to the consequences of any delays, errors, omissions or inaccuracies arising out of or relating to the FAST website or information, including but not limited to, any decision made or action taken by a user in reliance upon such information, or for damages suffered, whether direct, consequential, special, punitive, indirect or otherwise, notwithstanding having been advised of the possibility of such damages. In the event of any dispute, the official records of MyClear shall prevail. MyClear, Bank Negara Malaysia or any of its affiliates, officers, directors, agents or any other party involved in creating, producing or delivering the FAST website, shall not be liable for any direct, consequential, special, punitive, indirect, incidental or other damages arising out of or in any way connected with the use or inability to use the FAST website or information, whether based on contract, tort, liability or otherwise, even if advised on the possibility of any such damages. Content RAM Ratings has assigned an AA3(s)/Stable rating to the Proposed RM5 billion Subordinated Sukuk Murabahah Programme of Mumtaz Rakyat Sukuk Berhad a funding conduit of Bank Kerjasama Rakyat Malaysia Berhad (Bank Rakyat or the Bank, rated AA2/Stable/P1). The issue rating reflects Bank Rakyat's credit profile as it is the obligor of the Proposed Subordinated Sukuk Murabahah. The 1notch difference between Bank Rakyat's AA2 longterm financial institution rating and the AA3 rating of the Proposed Subordinated Sukuk Murabahah reflects the subordination of the instrument to the Bank's deposits and other senior obligations. The Proposed Subordinated Sukuk Murabahah is Basel IIIcompliant and will qualify as Bank Rakyat's tier2 capital. It has a lossabsorption feature linked to a nonviability event of Bank Rakyat and/or Mumtaz Rakyat. Bank Rakyat is a leading cooperative and developmental financial institution (DFI) in Malaysia, with a strong foothold in the provision of personalfinancing (PF) facilities to civil servants. Given the Bank's status as a cooperativecumDFI, we expect it to receive ready support from the Government, if needed. Backed by a sizeable PF portfolio that benefits from repayments via nondiscretionary salary deductions administered by Biro Perkhidmatan Angkasa, Bank Rakyat's asset quality remained sound with a grossimpaired financing ratio of 1.9% as at endDecember 2015. The Bank recorded a creditcost ratio of only 0.1% in fiscal 2015 (fiscal 2014: 0.8%), thanks to better recoveries and lower individual impairment charges. Although still healthy, Bank Rakyat's pretax profit and ROA declined to RM2.0 billion and 2.2%, respectively, in fiscal 2015 (fiscal 2014: RM2.2 billion and 2.5%). Excluding the utilisation of its profitequalisation reserve and other oneoff items, however, the Bank's underlying pretax profit would have improved to RM1.8 billion in fiscal 2015 (fiscal 2014: RM1.6 billion), mainly attributable to sharply lower impairment charges. Underscored by its healthy internal capital generation and the periodic issuance of new shares, the Bank's capitalisation is robust. Its core capital and riskweighted capital adequacy ratios stood at a respective 18.9% and 20.1% as at endDecember 2015. Media contact Lim Yu Cheng, CFA (603) 7628 1188 yucheng@ram.com.my https://fast.bnm.gov.my/fastweb/public/PublicInfoServlet.do?chkBox=2016051900026&mode=DISPLAY&info=NEWS&screenId=PB010400 1/1
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