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Definition of "Irsad"

Lit: To keep ready. Tech: Setting aside by government the income from bait al-mal for specific expenditures. It is distinct from waqf, which is usually a private property at the time of creating a waqf while ’irsad is in public ownership to begin with. The Hanafites also use this term to denote income of a waqf property that is set aside to settle any debts on the waqf. For example, if a tenant of a waqf property carries out renova-tions or extensions of the property, he is entitled to reimbursement of his actual cost from the waqf income. Till the time his cost is reimbursed, the income of the waqf will be set aside for meeting the claim of the tenant on a priority. This setting aside of the income is known as ’irsad in the Hanafite fiqh.

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