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Islamic Finance and Investment Limited: Quarterly Financial Statement (Un-Audited) 30-September-2018

IM Insights
By IM Insights
5 years ago
Islamic Finance and Investment Limited: Quarterly Financial Statement (Un-Audited) 30-September-2018


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  1. trslamic Iiinaricir aneX Ini ,cstrne nt Litnite(l Balance .SIieet (UnaudiredJ As at Scptember 30, 2018 .Arnount in T'aka l']AIlIICIILrl liS D"*,lri*t 3f017 PIiOPERI'Y AND ASSI]1S Cash 202,930,281 Cash in hand [inciuding foreign culrenciesJ Balance with Bangladesh Banl< & Sonali Bank (lncluding foreign currencies] 232,723,892 offs--l [-3,3r1q9,s8496Lll [-----f229,9i3,2A4 sJro-l r I 1 Balance rvith other Banks and Irinancial Institutions hr Bangladesh 0utside Bar-rgladesh Money at Call on Short l'lotice Investments in Shares and Securities GovernrnerLt 0 tl-r e rs 31-8,22+,218 f------ L loroopool 3ol,2z4 zfi ry5[m 1 11,697,055,780 Investment General investment Bi1ls Purchased and Discout.rted I;ixed Assets including Prcmises, Iiurniture and Iixtures Other Assets Non banking Assets Total Asscts 10,500,465,185 *,-is* 712,256,715 342,473,29+ 32L,261",521 ____J9,299fi3,159_ *__15A32JAfi3_ I,IABII,ITII'S AND CAPITAL Liabilities Borrowings from other Banks, Financial Institutions and Agents Deposits and Othcr Accounts NIuJarabr Terrn Deposits Biils I'ayable Leasc Deposits Beai-er Certificates of Deposits Deposits under Schemes Other Liabilities L30,046,361 205,675,663 72,7+6,679,552 17,"L98,t23,520 12,263,538,696 7A,7 58,516,77 6 53,148,;50 67;ffi,;gg +29,992,546 37z,szl,,;4s 7,562,37 4,268 1.,9\7,137,7 47 1"tr,+39,L00,L87 Total Liabilities L3,327,476!930 Capit ill/Shareholders' Iiqu ity Paid-up Capital Share Premium Account Statutory lLeserve 0ther Reserve Surplus in Profit & Loss Account Total Shareholders' Ilquity Total Liabilities & Shareholders' Iiquity f 1,31y2,838,97L 7,3+2,838,971 730,852 346,169,036 54,9A6,882 2)< n1) i c,) 84,387,53 73A,852 5+,757,137 1.94,861,396 B 829 033 279 ____J5&99J$e59_ .1,918,260,509 _ ,f q{ {r^-h M do tsa39l 9,9.3*
  2. Islamic lriu :iitco :litti iiti'esttnent Limited Off-ilalance Shect Itcms (Unaurlitect) As at Scpterntrcr 30, 201u i)itl{]'l {,Ui,AIlS C ONTI N GEI'IT LIAI]I LIT II]S Accep',ances and Endorsemenis Letters of Guarantee Irrevocable Letlers of Credit Bil1s for Collection 0ther Contingent Liabilities OTHER COMMI'TMEN'TS Documentary credits and short term trade related transaciions Folrvard assets purchased and lorward deposits p.laced Undrawn note issuauce ar-rd revoiving underwriting facilities Undrawn lormal standby facilities, credit lines and otl'rer Commitments Total off-Balance sheet iterns including contingent liabilities (Md. Didarul Azad, VP & Head of FAD &i;i*"m0.'lfti FCA) Deputy lvlaiagrng Director & CFo (t-+ (Anis salbhuddin Ahmad) \, Vice-Chairma n Managlng Director- & CEO (Shibbir IVlahmud) Chairman
  3. i N A1 .v C Ir AN ll I NV I :l'NlEN'l' L lM ITE D il A,\,uIOSi ACeut Nl tU\-AUDlltlJ) IS L,\N4 I C t'Ror S F For the ptriod frour ]anuary 2018 to Seplenbcr 2018 1!nou4! in 11!3 Ior the 3rcl quarter cirded 30 ulv'18-Sept.'18 | I I(1y'17-Sept.'17 Upto 30 Sc 2018 lt, ztttz I Profit on iuvestmenL Bollo*'ings Net Investnleni Income Irrcorle frcnt Investlrenr in securities Less: Profit Paitl on Deposiis, I etc. zr:Lr+zpsf 185,205,295 [ | I Cor:nurission, Exchangc and IJlokerage Other Operatiug Income 1,478.021' I z.l,gts, I2s l 66,932,85\ f-rrlra,rr,o lt-- 66f)5716 l 7,2%.962 t Jo6,o=s I I 6l3,lu I 2,, zco | | 1,075,355 rz r.zso ' I 5 z.ta,3os s,cs r,:s. I I r:.75urll q:oooool I rcrs.ouoll lo.jooroI i zt i:L,sts rr 6)o.btl II I zo ozs,+,+ :: o. uss II I Salaries atrl allorvances Rent, Taxes, Insurauces, Electricity etc. Lcg:1 & Fio(.'ssiott:I Erpttrscs Postage, Stamps, Telcconmunication etc Stationery, Printings, Adveltiselllents elc. ?..),,36+,425 2.,679,286 | | r. 258,881 I I 426,243 ',,732,458 1 I Nfanaging Dilector s Salaly and Aliou'ances Directors' llecs Depreciation and Repair of Fr-rctl Assets Other Expenses Total Operating Expcnses 1.,500,000 288,000 4,581,428 2,805,564 I I 1.45,575,400 127,785,654 24L,576,669 1.67,305,168 45,398,466 38,586,845 i=;i[_F;l F;l ProIit before l'rovision Provision a.gainst Lease, Loans auil Illvestnlents 59,504,317 13,096,650 31,498,573 84,867,420 L,t)62,993 28,A05,794 15,249,356 156,709,249 766,242,-175 3,979,782 1,134,901 51,2)'1,827 53,655,551 f--silffil t---su61. r:l I --r5till--l?qorq'I Total Provision Total I'rofit before 'I'ax Provision for Taxation Culrent Tax Deferrcil'fax l_Jlqf .ri I Net l'ro{it afte r Tax T1<. 12r%,s---f 38,695,?87 Total Operating Incorre Earning per shale of I 28,237,564 a.79 -to{,ts,t,+22 10 each !$u1i;1(Md. Didarul Arad, FCA) VP & Hcad of FAD (5.Q. tlazlur Rashid) il-'l'x'' tnnis sltanuutiin nnmao)[ vicL-chairm:n \ (Mohammad (r e(,z,serll I T1z.,586,624 0.84 ie75 78ci)lL 24,1)26,2'l-2 0.18 (Abu zafore tho. saten) Managing Director & CEo to55 258)i 14,114,455 0.11
  4. ISLAMIC ITINANCE AND INVESTMENT LIMITED Cash Florv Statcmenl (Unaudited) For the period from January 2018 to September 2-018 I+ f Cash Flow frorn Operating A. Arnount ifl 3o-s*-"p4018 Activities 137 llcccipts from Barlli DcPosit Diviclencl receipts & Comnission leceiPt ]l,c rr.n.s (.r. ]f.\'csIrn('l:tl J'ii"l'rLsr) \\l.ltLf ' II Casl-r Payments to Employees Cash Pal,menis to SuPPliels Income Tax Paicl Receipts fron other Operatilg activihes Payments fol ottrer Operallng activities I I as,.to:,azz I | I 1,271,169,0s8 of fixcd asscts 1)a1,111st', for Adl'r.ncc lor impctus Purchascs ol Propcrl', 1)lrrnt c\ litluipme Lits s | I 61L,989,582 r/ )l(llor\ t1 Il-l 1)arcl lcss sharc issnc cx1:ctlsc D, Net lncrease/(Decrease) in Cash & Cash Equivalents (A+ll+C) E. F. Cash ancl cash equivalents at the begiruring of the year Cash ancl cash equivalcnts at the end of the year (D+E) (5'Q' Bazlur Rashid) Conrpany SccretarY b8u.5o6 1,230,000 I t:r'.rt';.: ir)l (1 9,431,385) _[si?t!{ (z';+t"r'l+) (rrr,6ss,434) a---e*6%ual Shrrrc (iapital FCA) I 277,0E6,9+.1 (+qo,qss,+oq) lnfislu I I I -- lleccipls from lorn/(borrowing) & clcbts sccuritics (Md. Dijarul Azad, Vl) & Head of fAD I f__(:J-r-----o:-9til Salc prctllrur tccoullt {45,847,371) 1101,779,692\ Cash florvs frotn Investing Activities l),.r:r.nt [:r p -rcl.:., -.' of , 'urj'ies Share 8,264,324 223,915,474 Nct crtsh fiottt opcr;ttitt3 rctitittes 1)iltclcnd (118,',)25,811) [-G--1jj-1Cir0Jr5)l 5,ltl-tl.tttS | I)cposits rcccilcd froill ClustoLllcrs Othcr l.ir.bilitics Fintncing Activitie (s,24s,368) (5,C.84,383 (4s,661,327) 2,498,236 Increirse/Decrease in Operaring Asscts and Liabiliries Irwcsincnt (1-oarls arlcl r\ch'ances) to Cuslolncrs i((c. il t: fr( .rl Itl''e'Lrlt-'r.t i r : curl:i ()thcr r\ssels I).;ustLs [r.,rrt ,'th. I i,, tl:.r Cash flou's from 26 !,92.621 7',3,746,370 6,fr81,584 -12,361) (80,193,164) Operaling Profit before changes in Operating Assets & Liabilities C. 736,747,942 (610,513,832) 3,330,5s8 4,926,575 Fees lroccc,is from ,' I lf-t(r-sep-zor7-l 1,009,011,803 (758,398,381) Invesitnent Prof it leceiPts Profit Paicl on Deposits B, Taka Moham mad Rukn\r{za man) Director & CFO Deputy M Chai rma n (CC) (Ie4,713,s.1.1) I (270.283.146\ (440,83s,79S) 187,780,435 77s,466,556 4,208,959,851 1,894,525,554 3.768.1.24.053 2,669,992'106 Managing Direc'rot' & CEO
  5. *J" NI rll FL O ro O N q ,s,D F EI () s ol !_l ro a s E1 @ gi rn nl \ .J , @ sN N -/ CI ts. ro O t\ EI )l :*{ s6 6llr N 6 o (,] o s € N 6 6 @ \ L Cr ! a^ : rr UU^i ;i4 NLO f, JLIIN N6 lo Nd :it rti c.l a O s C o :!r 6$, ol a I'N sil 6 4 eg |''1 ti ri ^N z,y9 o O; q; ar !{?.E o ,mH i-.i.E n C ,.= lp o E \: "+ .m c r€ tl< a) O O C O N o O O O O N @ € c.{ o .9 ,9 c ('\ o >Jr0 d 2ErEl 3 5 -o t P'S t^ IE (5 IO o "i u = c I o ia !a c (--r= ---)= F on o a )7 5-r; Ys rn 6 *) \ J --l *Od J ;.8 iido JN> >dO o N 6 U rJ o D "j O *O c.I 6t 6 o c 6 QrS c a1 botr <i6 ol ;N ho vg <c 6"1 E t s'O ;-i H .: ,",EU Na 6U ut- u)d 6 @r N \o O to N O ts- o, N U ube EE-E ur 'il < JA N C to N N (D ol -trtr @rl o' CC N N ln a O o N Pl o c E o c= tr o & U Pi .d d N orr .4 q t. 6 O ! an C] a.l 5 -6 c t tr .i A C o E o o o 'U d I oZ o .--. Cr
  6. ISLAMIC FINANCE & INVESTMENT LIMITED CONDENSED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE THIRD qUARTER ENDED SEPTEMEER 30, 2018 1,00 Reporting Framework and basis of preparation made in accordance with the The financlal statements have been prepared and the cJisclosure have been The securities and requirements of the Financial lnstitutions Act, 1993, The companies Act, 1994, Stock Exchange Dhaka of Exchange Rules 1987, Guidelines from Bangladesh Uank, the listing regulations and chittagong stock Excnange and oiher applicable laws and regulations. following accrual The elements of financial statements have been prepared on historical cost convention [ieporting Financial (BAS), t3angladesh Standards Accounting per BanglaCesh basls of accounting as Standards (BFItS). 2.00 Accounting Policies on material 2.01 Accounting for areas Lease The cornpany has been following the finance lease method, as per BAS L7 "Leases". 2.02 Provision for Leases lnvestment provision for investments have been made as per guidelines of Bangladesh Banks'FlD Cjrcular no' 08 of 2002,No.11of2005,No.03of2006andotherdlrectivesasapplicable: 2.03 Property, Piant and Equipments and Depreciation Equipment". These are recognlzed in compLiance with the BAS -16: "Property, Plant and expected useful lives' from Depreciation is prr:vided uslng st|-aight Line mcthod over the period oftheir for the year of dlsposal' is charged put and depreciation into use are assets the date when the related 2.04 Borrowing Costs Cost"' All borrolving costs are recognised as expense ln accordance with BAS 23 "13orrowlng 2.05 RevenueRecognition Revenue is recognized in accordance Any income which is restricted 2.06 Corporate as with BFRS l-5 "Rcvenue from contracts with customers". per shariah has not bcen recognizcd as revenue. Tax Current Tax the The company has provided current tax expense at the as per Finance Act considering te mporary/pe rmanent d iffere nces. Deferred Tox as per BAS 12 "lncorne Taxes" for the period resuiting deferred tax asset/income. Being on the conservatlve sicle, deferred tax incc.me has not been recognised. Ihe Company calculated deferred tax 3.00 Events After the Balance Sheet Date There was no event after Balance sheet date. 4.00 Date of Authorization for lssue These financial statement have been authorlsed N4eeting dared 25 10 2018. for issue by the Board of Directors in the 241'fh BCt) 5.00 Comparatives Reporting"' Wlrere Comparative information are presented in accordance with IIAS 34 "lnterim Financial to conform adjusted have been necessary comparative figures ancl arccount title in the financial statements perlod to changes in presentatlon in the currcnt 5.00 tarnings Pcr Sharc period Cuc 10 increase Earnings per Share o{ the company has bcen reduced in comparative shares' in lnveslmerrts and lnvestmerlt Goneral agalnst in provrsiort