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Indonesia: Sovereign Sharia Securities or Sukuk Negara Auction Plan on April 2, 2019

IM Press Release
By IM Press Release
5 years ago
Indonesia: Sovereign Sharia Securities or Sukuk Negara Auction Plan on April 2, 2019


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  1. MINISTRY OF FINANCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF BUDGET FINANCING AND RISK MANAGEMENT FRANS SEOA SUILO NG 2 {O FLOOR JALAN DR WAH DIN RAYA NO 1 JAMRTA 10710 TELEPHONE 021 -3sC5052 EXT 220r2235tFAX C21 - 34834635: WEBSITE varalllllll.keriEo[q!.q9.d PRESS RELEASE Sovereign Sharia Securities or Sukuk Negara Auction Plan On April 2, 2019 Jakarta, March 26, 20 ! I - The Government will conduct a Sovereign Shar a Securities (SBSN) or Sukuk Nega.a Auct on on Tuesday, April 2, 20T 9. The SBSN to be auct oned are SPN-S (Sural Perbendaharaan Negara Syariah) and PBS (Project Based Sukuk) series to finance 2019 State Budget Below are lerms and condilions of the SBSN: Sovereign Sharia Securities Series Terms & Conditions SPN.S 0310201S (rew issuarce) Maturity Date Cou pon October 3 Underlying Asset 6 PBS019 PBS02't PBS022 PBSO15 (reopening) (reopening) (reopeninq) (reopening) November Aprl 15, J'.rly 15, 15 2026 2034 500000/. 8.62500% September 15 2023 50000% a ] I ?5rj000/^ I 8 00000% Projects in State Budget 2019 and State Owr ed Assets Auclion Date Aptil2,2419 Seftlemeni April 5, 2019 Date Allocation 15 2021 | [.4ay 2019 At discount NonCompetltive PBS014 (reopeninq) 50% oflhe awarded 300/. of the awarile.l lndicative Tarqet RpB 000,000,000,000.00 Registered Bank: ( 1 ) PT Bank lvland r (Persero), Tbk (2) PT Bank Rakyal lndonesia (Persero), Tbk (3) PT. Bank Negara lndonesia (Persero), Tbk (4) PT Bank Permata. Tbk (5) PT. Bank Panin, Tbk (6) PT Bank HSBC lndonesa (7) PT. Bank OCBC N SP, Tbk (8) Standard Chartered Bank (9) PT. Bank CIIMB Niaga, Tbk (T0) PT. Bank l!4aybank lndonesia, Tbk (1'l) Ctibank N.A (12) PT. Bank Negara lndonesia Syar ah (13) PT. Bank Central Asia, Tbk (14) Deutsche BankAG(15)PT Bank BNP Paribas lndonesia ( 1 6) PT. Bank Syaraah l\.4andiri (1 7) PT. Bank BRlSyariah, Tbk Auclion Pa rtic ipa n ts Securilies Companies: (1) PT. Danareksa Sekuritas (2) PT. l/land r Sekuritas (3) Trimegah Sekuritas lndones a, Tbk (4) PT. Bahana Securities The auction will be held using the auction syslem organized by the Central Bank of lndonesia (Bl) as SBSN Auction Agent. ll s an open auction usng mullipe price method. Basically al padies, ndividuat or nslitutional invesiors, can subscr be their blds But the b ds shaLl be submitted through Registered Auction Participants authorized by Ministry of Finance. The Reglstered Auction Participants, Bank lndones a, and Deposlt lnsurance Corporation can submit their bidswith reference tothe Minisler ofF nance Regu alion number Os/Pi,4K.08/2012 on the lssuanceand the Sellrng of Sovere gn Sharia Securit es in the Domestic Primary l\4arket by Auction l\,4ethod as amended by Minlster of Finance Reaulation number 20/PMK 08/2017 ,&
  2. The auction winner who 's subrnitting the cornpetitive bids will pay according to the proposed yield. The auction winner who's subm tting non competitive bids wil pay accord ng lo the weighted average yield of the awarded compelitive bid$. The Government has the right to se I the SBSN series more or less than the indicative amount. The auction will be opened on Tuesday, April2 20'19 at 10 00 a m. and closed at 12.00 a.m. The resultwil be announced on the same day. Settlement will be held on April5 20l9or2workngdaysaftertheauction date (T+2). The regulation about the auction, includ ng settlement ca culal on are slated in the Finance lvlinister Regulalion number 05/PlVlK.08/2012 on the lssuance and the Selling of Sovereign Sharia Securities in the Domestic Primary Market by Auction lllethod as amended by [,rlinister of Finance Regulation number 20/PMK.08201 7 SPN S will be issued using jarah Sale and Lease Back skucture, based on Fatwa Nal onal Shar a Board - lndonesian Council of Ulama (DSN-MUl) number 72lDSN-[/Ul^/l/2008. PBS series will be issued using ljarah Asset to be Leased slructure, based on Fatlva DSN-lVlUl number 76/DSN-[rU ll/U2010. The unde.lying asset for SPN-S is in the form of State Owned Assets (BMN) which is approved by lhe House of Representative and has mel the requ rements stated in Aitlcle 2 Eection 4 of the l\4inister of Finance Regulation number 56/PlrK 08/2012 on the l\.4anagement of Sovereign Sharia Securites Orginated From The State Owned Assets. The underying asset of PBS series are in the form of projects/activities lsled in 20'19 State Budget which has been approved by the House of Representatives on Law Number 12 Year 2018 about State Budget F sca Year 20 19, and in a form of BMN. The issuer of SBSN is Perusahaan Penerbit SBSN lndonesia which is a egal entity eslablished based on Law Number l9 year 2008 on Sovereign Sharia Securilies and by Governmenl Regulation number 57 year 2008 Furlher lnformetion: l / /r. Directorate of lslam c Financing r/ Directorate General of Buoget rilanc'rg and Rrsk [,4a1agement Ministf of finance Republic of lndoles,a Website: www.dlppr.kemenkeu.go.id Phone: (+6221) 3505052 Ext: 2502, (+6221) 3515296 Fax: (+622'1) 3510728